From: Xan Tolbert <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1993 13:37:42 -0800 (PST)

I was at my local music store the other day and I happened to notice that
they had several copies of AFTER THE RAIN for sale.  I have only seen one
letter on the mailing list dealing with this bootleg.  Here are just a few
quick thoughs I had about it and a list of the tracks.(I'm not to sure
about this last one because I don't have it with me now.)

The album is an Italian bootleg recorded in DDD.(Completely digital!!!) 
It consists of two seperate shows.  One of the things that disapointed me
was that 3 songs are duplicated on the album.  The album has the following
live tracks:
	1) Crucify
	2) SATY
	3) Thank You
	4) Precious Things
	5) ????? > I don't remember
	6) Me And A Gun
	7) Winter
	8) Smells Like Teen Spirit

	9) Crucify
       10) SATY
       11) ????? > Don't remember
       12) Tear In Your Hand
       13) Thank You
       14) China
       15) ????? > Don't remember

Once again this is a tentative list.  I can't quit remember.  The album is
unbelievable.  I especially like the live version of TEAR IN YOUR HAND! 
If you want a copy send me E-mail and I can check into the store.  They
had about 10 of them, and they were going for $29.99.

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There is no greater depravity than the man without a purpose.
Contradictions can not exist!

	The Aristocracy of Money is over, we have now entered the
	Aristocracy of...


ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > December 1993