Xmas from Tori

From: "Greg O'Rear" <OREAR@ise.ufl.edu>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 08:44:44 EST5EDT
Subject: Xmas from Tori

According to the fan club stuff I got yesterday, there will be no Tori Xmas
project.  The story is that she was ill when she was to have recorded it, and
since then she has been too busy with the new album details to deal with it.
But Tom at C-Side assures everyone they are cooking up something "special"
for the next issue to make it up to everyone.  Sounds like a pre-release
strategic vaporware announcement, but there it is.  I also didn't get a
signed photo either, since they ran out (more of those on the way, I am
assured).  I'm apparently member number 700-something, so Tori has been
signing things like crazy.  I hope she doesn't wear out her piano fingers
getting writer's cramp.  I know, I should have joined at the beginning.  I
also didn't join RDT quickly enough, so if anyone has a spare copy of issue
number one they could part with, I'd be interested in buying it.

BTW, for those of you who are long-time fan club members: who is this Dawn
person who signed the Xmas card next to Tori's signature?  (I confess I
haven't had the chance to read any copies of Upside Down yet).
 Greg O'Rear                                        E-mail: orear@ise.ufl.edu
 Industrial and Systems Engineering Department      Phone:  (904) 392-3389
 University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida        FAX:    (904) 392-3537

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > December 1993