RDT T-Shirt production

From: Kenneth Budd <kbudd@vnet.net>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 00:22:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: RDT T-Shirt production

I just wanted to volunteer to have the T-Shirts produced...  I've worked
with screen printers before, but I'll do it anyway. :)

I have access to an 800dpi laser printer which will print images on velum 
(sp?) perfect for burning screens from... and I'll even front the cost of 
having the screens made and the shirts produced, as long as I know that 
at least a few people are interested..   I'm self employed at the moment, 
without many obligations, so I have more than enough time on my hands to 
handle it. <grin>

I am not, however, an artist.  I like the idea of using an original 
photo, though... shouldn't be hard to incorperate.. 

Are we planning on using more than one color on the shirt?  That adds a 
good bit of cost (a seperate screen per color, etc..).. I dunno how much 
more expensive it'd be to have TWO colors vs one, I'll check on it tomorrow.

Thoughts, anyone?

Kenneth Budd -/- kbudd@vnet.net

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > December 1993