
From: kosky@saul.cis.upenn.edu (Anthony Kosky)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 13:21:34 EST
Subject: rdt-shirts

Josh wrote:
>     There have been statements made about who would be in charge for making
>the tshirts...well, let's all get a general design chosen, and I will gladly
>do this thing...I have the ambition, the equipment (to make the design), and
>a fairly local resource to print the shirts...
>	I stated a few "issues" back that I would be glad to do it, so there's
>my self-nomination...

Thanks Josh! That's great. 

I think whoever actually makes the t-shirts should get to decide what
design to use, though the rest of us should keep making suggestions of

While I was failling to get to sleep last night, I spent a while
trying to come up with my ideal rdt t-shirt design. I was still torn
between the Tori-in--Thinker-pose idea and Graham's enhanced
photographs. So here's my suggestion:

A white cotton t-shirt with:
1) On the front a breast pocket sized drawing of Tori in Thinker-pose,
in profile, printed in red TORI-HAIR coloured ink. Perhaps saying
Really-Deep-Thougths around it.
2) On the back one of Graham's photos, in b&w, and saying Really Deep
Thoughts underneath, and then "The Electronic Mailing List" in small
print under that.

Of course, even if people like this idea, it still leaves the problem
of who to get to draw the picture. Unfortunately my artistic abilities
are limited to drawing pictures of bunny-rabbits. But someone out
there must have some talent in that direction??

- -Anthony

p.s. I suspect that it would be cheaper to do the t-shirts in one
place and then ship them overseas, since printing a small number of
t-shirts (a dozen or so), would probably be much more costly than
printing a large batch of 100 or more. Does anyone have first hand
experience of this?

p.p.s. I really like the phrases "Really Deep Thoughts: The Electronic
Mailing List" and "Really Deep Thoughts: The Magazine". It leaves
scope for someone to do "Really Deep Thoughts: The Motion Picture",
and "Really Deep Thoughts: The Graphic Novel" and "Really Deep
Thoughts: The Video Game" and so on.... sorry....

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