Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 08/01/94

From: Steve Cook <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 00:48:39 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 08/01/94

I'm not going to take the trouble to do a more descriptive subject line. 
Sorry, folks.

a. I, for one, would certainly consider Buckwheat Zydeco and Nigel 
Kennedy alternative. I was once discussing Pearl Jam and the word 
"alternative" with a friend, and she informed me PJ was only an 
alternative to good music. Ho ho ho.
b. I'm glad someone other than me volunteered to be the votecounter. 
Whew. I realize that was a couple days ago, but I never expressed my 
thanks. Thanks!
c. There must be SOME way we can get people to realize that rdt is NOT 
the place for unsubscribe messages. If people would take the time to read 
the stuff Anthony provides when you join, this whole aggrevation could be 
d. is for a lot of things. (ObligGaimanReference)
e. Does anyone know of extant Tori posters? Or ones coming with UtP? I'm 
trying to cover my walls.
f. Re: the magazine thing--It IS a violation of copyright. If someone 
wished to be anal, they could make life horrid for Anthony & quite 
possibly the U. of Pennsylvania. Plus, as has been stated, if people buy 
mags for Tori-stuff (and especially if they bother to write in about 
it...), maybe the Demons of Sales will notice. On UtP's arrival, I'm 
going to start buying ToriMags while my funds hold out.
g. Boy, I'm longwinded tonight... Does anyone know when the schedule for 
Tori's giant UtP tour will be released?

Steve Cook                              
"I know that mess spelled backwards is ssem and I felt much better armed
 with that knowledge." -- Tori Amos, introduction to _Death: THCOL_

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1994