just saw God!!!!

From: dreaming@nevada.edu
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 94 03:00:16 -0800
Subject: just saw God!!!!

greetings everyone!  = )

2:15am (west coast time) and MTV just aired "God" in their 
Dreamtime (?) segment!!!!  and I have it on tape!!!   = )

I was able to get it on tape 'cause the voice of Louis L. 
(I think..) mentioned that coming up was a video that "creeped
him out" (I think that was the correct quote) and that it was
the new one by Tori Amos!!!  gave me enough time to dig out 
my video tape.  

anyways, I've it on tape and I think it's great! (of course this is 
MHO!)  I didn't find the rats (they were sooooo cute! -- I've gerbils
and I let them run over me...) or the snakes (I've an iguana) were
creepy.  come to think of it... I'm just partial to those types of 
creatures.  ; )

I liked the use of various types of religions during the video.  I know 
I've heard of the folks that use snakes in their ceremonies but I can't
remember what they are called.  wasn't holy rollers was it?  didn't 
think the women at the begining were nuns (didn't someone say they 
thought they were?)  and the fellow in the track type outfit... he 
was shooting up wasn't he?  it sure looked like it to me.  Tori looked
great!  = )   

that's it!  just needed to let it all out!



ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1994