
From: william van nguyen <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 94 16:58:13 -0500
Subject: broadcast

I don't know about the legal aspects of broadcasting an 
album before It was released but I was actually very hapðù
That Dan did it.  I was in the studio with him at the time
and we had a Tori Amos hour and a half where
we played from the new UTP as well as LE and the 
winter single.  WE also got a lot of
calls from people asking who is the singer and we told
them about the new UTP album and reccommended them
in purchasing it when it comes out Tuesday.  So Althoug
some might agree I was actually happy that we played
the album because we constantly plugged it on the
aire :) and were able to expose people to the music
of Tori Amos.
>From the world of Senseless Nothingness
"Send all comments and hate mail to

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1994