Returned Mail?

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 94 08:42 EST
Subject: Returned Mail?

spam Sez:

>did everyone get my book-of-a-contribution to the bootleg controversy..
>i sent it and received some mail back, but only like two messages...
>i got a thing saying it was not delivered, but some people must have
>gotten it...
>i was expecting more support and hate mail...
>please reply so i know that i'm only a bit looney...
>ciao for now...

I received your mail as did my own private internet account. I ran
into the same thing also. It looks like a node in Switzerland is
bad, but I know my mail is getting sent out because I receive my
own mail on my private account.


ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1994