Re: Mini ToriFest

From: Brett Wagner <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 23:43:40 -0800
Subject: Re: Mini ToriFest

are there any released dates yet .... please say seattle is on the bill...

On Fri, 28 Jan 1994, ELEFANTE wrote:

> Hi Everybody,
>    Tori will be touring soon and I believe that all her concerts will be
> sold out since it appears that she likes an intimate setting and that usually
> means not a lot of seats. I would like to propose to those RDT'ers who reside
> near a place of venue that will feature her, get together as a group and
> buy a BLOCK of tickets. That way, you can have a mini ToriFest, and you
> can hang around people with like interest. I usually have a bad time getting
> tickets as an individual, but I think that a group of determined people
> can just about do anything.
>    I live here in the SF Bay Area and I would like to know if those RDT'ers
> here in the Bay Area would like to get together when she arrives.
>   Let me know what you think,
>                      Will

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1994