Re: Baylor University

From: "Constant Creativity, Perpetual Exhaustion"<JRYCENGA@POMONA.CLAREMONT.EDU>
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 1994 13:47:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Baylor University

Earlier today, Fiona wrote:

>I'd like to know what others think about Baylor  U. radio's decision
>not to play UtP.

I just joined this list today, so I haven't heard about this particular
decision.  If anyone has information about this, or, better yet, a press
release or statement from the radio station, I would love to have it.  I am
exploring a connection between music and sexuality in feminist theory, and my
guess is that Baylor's decision was based on the _connection_ between Tori's
critiques of organized religion and her open avowal of a pan-sexuality on UtP,
including masturbation.  For a woman artist to not only attack the hypocrisies
of religion, but to control her own sexuality, outside of the boundaries of
sexist (and heterosexist) reproductive imperatives - well, this kind of stuff
is bound to raise some people's ire!

Jennifer Rycenga

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > February 1994