Trent and animals (fwd)

From: Death <>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 94 3:09:04 EST
Subject: Trent and animals (fwd)

According to Death:
> According to Dan McConnell:
> > 
> > Also, about the animals in the God video, I would bet the snakes are 
> > a parody of those particular religious (I'll refrain from using 
> > fanatics to avoid unnecessary offense) people who like to dance with 
> > extremely poisonous snakes and rely on the protection of god to keep 
> > them from being bitten.  Its like a test of faith.  Unfortunately, 
> > albeit humorously, some of these people do end up getting bitten, and 
> > even dying.  To be blunt, sometimes God doesn't come through for them.
> Hmmm.....I just don't see Tori as thinking that way.  Why would she care
> about some wackos?  When she says God doesn't come through, I think she
> means it in a serious and personal sense.  I doubt she's expecting God to
> come through and save her from playing with poisonous snakes.  
> I thought the snakes (and rats) were symbolic of things religious people like
> to condemn as evil, without cause.

Well, I'm sure we all just saw Alternative Nation, and I am confused. 
Apparently I suck (regarding the above post I made).  According to what Tori  
said the video is about "rituals"?  I don't really get it anymore.  I thought
I understood the song, and it was based on/agreed with everything Tori has
said in interviews up until now.  

But it would seem that the "dancing with snakes" ritual-thing is actually
what goes on in the video.  (BTW, for those who didn't see it, she talked
about religious rituals in India involving letting rats crawl on you, and 
nothing about the snakes-I'm assuming this).  Hmmm.....has anyone figured 
this out?

Also, I've never had anything against Kennedy before, but this time she
REALLY sucked.  What was that crap she kept saying?  Tori would say
something, and Kennedy would get off on a joke it reminds her of, or
an (unrelated) personal experience.  And she hardly REALLY talked with her
at all.  She kept saying "oh, after this we'll talk about x1 and x2 and x3"
etc. etc. but she hardly discussed anything.  Also, Kennedy came off as
stupid or something.  I was kind of disappointed, but of course Tori was 
in it, so it was still awesome. 

- - 
++     "Intelligent fighters always win battles!" 
++     "Thank you for a brilliant time!" 
++     "The stupid deserve no mercy, so I destroyed them all! Hee, hee, hee!"  
++                  Johnny Tullner   (Death)          
++     "What do you mean I ain't kind?  
++                ....Just not your kind!!"
++                     Dave Mustaine, of Megadeth 

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > February 1994