Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 05/10/94 Part 1

Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 23:55:06 -0400
Subject: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 05/10/94 Part 1
To: "Really-Deep-Thoughts digest recipients"


                             TORI TAKEN TO HOSPITAL
                           Tori Amos in hospital (fwd)
                              Tori Amos in hospital
                                    Tori Ill?
                                 Don Juan, David
                       Will the real YKTR please stand up?
                                 Mother/the pool
               I know there's going to be 50000+ of these posts...
                              Tori Amos UTP poster
                           Tori Bashing & other things
                       Seattle Part Deux (Non-Tori Stuff)
                                   Fake YKTRs
                              Tori in the Hospital

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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 00:01:34 1994
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 23:01:22 CDT

      Tori was taken to the hospital tonight in Madison after about an hour
  long show. The lights came on when we were expecting the encores and 
  somebody announced that she wasn't feeling well and had to cut the show
     About 200 people gathered around the exit and a few minutes later an 
   ambulance showed up.Two paramedics entered the building and about 3 minutes
  later they carried Tori out to the ambulance . Everybody looked quiet shocked
  but they cheered in support while they were taking her away. The ambulance
  left after about 5 minutes. Some people were talking about food poisoning
  but as of now I don't know what is wrong with her.She looked okay during the 
  performance but I could feel she wasn't feeling well towards the end.
  Well, I hope she is allright. I am still quiet shocked . I didn't expect
  to see my favourite artist taken away in a ambulance.

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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 00:29:40 1994
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 00:29:36 +0059 (EDT)
From: Michael K Curry <>
Subject: Tori Amos in hospital (fwd)
Mime-Version: 1.0

- -------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 22:39:14 CST6CDT
From: Sushi Deerskins <>
Subject: Tori Amos in hospital

Sorry about the non-Sarah subject, but I thought a few of you would 
probably be very interested/concerned. I was just at the Tori Amos 
concert in Madison, Wisconsin. Tori left the stage after an hour and 
didn't come back out for an encore. The PA announcer told us that she 
was not feeling well and would not be coming back out. When we left 
the Civic Center there was an ambulance and a fire truck, and after 
about 15 minutes Tori was wheeled out on a gurnee. She wasn't hooked 
up to an IV or oxygen or anything, but she was curled up in a sort of 
fetal position with her hands over her face. It was very strange, 
because she was in a very hyper, excited mood when she came out on 
stage and talked to us the first time, so I don't know what happened. 
Hopefully it's just something she ate. I'll try to keep you updated 
as news comes out. It's hard to write more now- I'm shaking and feel 
very numb and shocked. 


Could someone please post this to rdt and ecto, and any other 
interested groups? I don't have the addresses handy right now.
| Tracy Taylor Glenz                                        |
| Senior in Civil Enginerding                               |    
| University of Wisconsin-Madison                           |
|                                                           | 
| "If I cry me a river of all my confessions, would I drown |
|  in my shallow regret?" --Sarah McLachlan                 |


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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 00:33:50 1994
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 23:33:45 -0500 (CDT)
From: HP Lovecraft <>
Subject: Tori Ill?
Mime-Version: 1.0

Ouch.. Ann.. sounds like you know something WAY ahead of the rest of us.. 

I knew at lawerence she "wasn't feeling well".  I just hope it's not to 
serious.. it is cold/pnemonia (sp?) season, and ya know, that isn't 
good.. especially for a performer.


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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 00:40:18 1994
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 00:40:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: Robert Paterson <>
Subject: Don Juan, David
Mime-Version: 1.0

     I have seen clips of a movie staring Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando
called " Don Juan and the Centerfold" or something like that. I believe
it one an award at the Cann (sp?) film festival, and the movie has a lot
of good "hype" going for it. Brando and Depp are both supossed to be great.
     Anyway, is this the movie that Tori and Michael Stipe are supposed to
be recording a song for? Hmmm... The movie already played Cann. Does this
mean the soundtrack is finished, and that the song already exists?
     Well, it'd be great exposure for Tori. Sometimes these soundtrack
songs go on to be enormous hits (like you didn't already know that).

     Oh yeah... Johnny Depp plays a disturbed young man who believes he
*is* Don Juan, even though the movie is set in present day America. And
Brando plays his shrink. Sounds promising (to me anyway).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     It's way off topic, but I need to post something about David Crosby,
of Crosby, Stills, and Nash. Apparently, David is very ill and in need of
a liver transplant. So I thought some of you would want to know if you
didn't know already.
     David has been a good friend to lots of women in the music business,
and has had a lot to overcome in the last 10 years, so I'm hoping the
Doctors can fix him up. I'm a fan, and would like to see him pull thru
this. I'm sure prayers would be welcome, for those of you who believe
in this sort of thing. ( I don't know how immediate the threat to his
life is; it may be a longer term thing).

Appreciate your letting me go off topic...

Bob Patrson

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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 00:56:36 1994
From: (Matthew Braun)
Subject: Will the real YKTR please stand up?
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 94 23:56:33 CDT (Ben Lang) writes:

>Hello there, today I was looking around in a local used CD shop when I
>spotted the holy grail of collecting. A Y Kant Tori Read CD!!! What I want
>to know is is it the real thing or a boot. (I'm happy either way!!!) 
Good!  Luckily you read my post three days ago asking the same thing,
right?  :-) :-)

Samuel Leiber and M. Gilligan were kind enough to answer my post.
According to them, an official Atlantic YKTR CD will have:
  1) A red circle running around the perimeter of the disc.  (Not ON the
     edge, but near to it.  If you have another Atlantic CD, you know
     what I mean.
  2) The liner notes will say "Thanks to:" (or something similar) and
     have a list of people.  The bootleg is missing this list.

My amazingly authentic-looking CD lacks both of those.  It *does* say
"Made In Germany" on the disc, just to the right of the center hole, and
"G E M A" just to the left of it.

>I read somewhere that the way you can tell is whether or not Atlantic is
>printed on the side (it is).
This is untrue.  Atlantic is printed on the side, and 

Hope you stumbled into a bargain!

					m@ Time marches on, Time stands still ------------+
|   Matt Braun -- Motorola, |    Time on my hands, time to kill               |
|  Urbana, IL Design Centre |  Blood on my hands, and my hands in the till    |
+--Dangerous Projects Team--+--  Down at the "Seven-Eleven"... ----------[WZ]-+

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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 01:13:24 1994
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 22:08:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: The Mermaid <>
Subject: Dreaming...
Mime-Version: 1.0

I've got a copy of this set too.  I like it, although the sound quality
varies.  At points, you can hear people talking during the tracks, clearing
their throats, etc.  A Case of You starts w/some scratching during the
beginning, but it clears up.  Above all, I like the CDs.  She tells an
'Icicle' story and a 'PGY' story.  Also, the track of 'Famous Blue Raincoat'
is the track from the first time she performed this song.  

Another good b**t is 'AfterBurn.'  I really like the sound quality of it.
If anyone wants a track listing, email me privately, and I'll send one 
to ya.


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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 01:32:34 1994
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 22:28:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: The Mermaid <>
Subject: Mother/the pool
Mime-Version: 1.0

I don't know if this thread has gone through RDT yet or not, but what do
people think about 'Mother?'  Just from what I can determine, the song
sounds like it's about marriage.  Particularly the line "he's gonna change
my name."  Just a thought...

As for the Pool, I'm still going to hold to my interpretation of it as
being about masturbation.  The reason?  The line, "one with her hands."  IMHO,
this refers to a single person.  I dunno...I think it's one of those 
mysterious stories Tori has out to make us wonder....


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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 01:43:03 1994
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 00:40:43 -0500 (CDT)
From: John Robinson <>
Subject: I know there's going to be 50000+ of these posts...
Mime-Version: 1.0

..but will someone please enlighten us as to Tori's condition.  I grow 

I know you probably would have anyway, but I felt I had to post this.  
Sorry for the known duplication.


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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 02:06:14 1994
From: Michael S. <>
Subject: Tori Amos UTP poster
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 01:06:06 -0500 (CDT)

Hi! I picked up another UTP poster with Tori sitting in front of the 
picket fence today. I already have it, but there were lots of people who 
wanted it last time I offered one, so if you want it the price is the 
same...$10 + $5 for shipping. First response(or highest bidder if you 
want it really bad) get's it.


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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 02:08:24 1994
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 02:08:22 EDT
From: (Vickie Mapes)
Subject: Re: Tori Bashing & other things

First, I'm really really really worried about Tori, and I hope she's
ok.  I'll be practically holding my breath until we get some word
about what's going on.  There's really nothing to say at this point.

Second, Kim, I'm sorry I went off on your post.  I lost your e-mail
in a mail file crash, but I appreciated it.  You didn't flame me
as I expected, given my post.  I just don't judge the fan club as
harshly as you do, but I do agree with you about one major thing.
It also bothers me to see "we don't read every post" on their 
posts.  A fan club with on-line access *should* read everything
Tori-related, as rdt is (most of the time), and that does give
the impression that they're not interested in what fans have to

Kim, you said that TTTS is represented on the net.  Are they??  If
they are, I wasn't aware of it.  If someone from TTTS is reading 
this, please e-mail me.  I want to give a big thanks for mentioning
Happy (and me) in the latest issue.


"Michelle G. Pirroni" <> writes:

>	This message is reply to the many people who have been 
>complaining about Tori's songs in preformance especially " Me and A Gun".
>First of all for thosse of you who are complaining about MAAG How many 
>of you have ever been raped, someone forcing themselves into your body? 
>and if so how many of you would be brave enough to go and sing about it.  
>Tori explains in her R.A.I.N. pamphlet why she sings and will continue to 
>sing this song every concert.  One out of every four college female 
>students is raped ( National Rape crisis Center ).  So for those of you 
>complaining about that song hopefully the next time you go to you will 
>think for a second longer,

I only complained about how she slurs the lyrics, because it's one
that she should enunciate on.  She did it again (slurred) in Evanston,
and yeah, it bothered me.  Look, it *is* my least favorite song, but
it would be no matter what the lyrics were.  I just don't like it (and
yes, I have been raped) but I also think it's her *most important* song,
and I think it's important that she's singing it in concert.  A person
doesn't have to be insensitive to rape just because they don't care for
the song.

>	Secondly, for complaints about her songs in general, I have no 
>idea where you are coming from.  If you do not like her own personal 
>style do not go to the concert and give the tickets to someone else who 
>well really appreciate her.

I think you're being a little harsh.  People can complain about some
things and still be huge fans.  Of course, depending on what's being
complained about, I can agree with you.  In rec-music-tori-amos,
someone was complaining about Tori talking in concert!  That he just
wants to hear the music, and no talking. <smirk> In his case, I do
think he should just stay home and listen to the CDs.


- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Vickie Mapes               irc ---> #ecto     "My ears are lucky to hear       these glorious songs" HR
"Imagination sets in, then    |_  _ | _    The Happy Rhodes mailing list
  all the voices begin" KB    |__|_ ||_|
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 02:58:55 1994
From: Joel Siegfried <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 23:58:14 -0700
Subject: Seattle Part Deux (Non-Tori Stuff)

                          Seattle Revisited

The return trip to Seattle was certainly different, and yet the same.
Tori wasn't there. And this time, Leslie stood me up instead of someone else.
The good news was that I did not have to shop for an engagement ring 
after Sarah McLachlan's performance. And what a performance it was! Her 
last North American concert in a year-long marathon road trip. For me 
what made it special was that her management comped me with two free tickets.
It was a total sell-out, and the people waiting on line to buy tickets 
just had to be a little envious of that guy in the grey linen suit, 
no-tie Armani shirt and black cowboy boots who just cooly showed up at 
will-call, gave his name and walked away with 6th row center freebies!
As I'm not that familiar with Sarah's music, I can't give an accurate set 
list. She was dressed in a white satin long gown, a black piegnoir was 
over it, unbuttoned, like a jacket or vest. Sarah's hands are just 
beautiful, and she moves them so gracefully and so sensuously as she 
sings. She also played the piano, the guitar, and did a duet with her 
backup singer, Camille, that she said she had never done before on this 
tour, and which caused her to say afterwards, "Oh, shit, I'm shaking."
The regular set ended with firework sparklers, falling in a shower from 
the top of the stage. There were several encores, with the last song 
being Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, and an incredible amount of clowning around,
spraying silly-putty-like colored whipped cream on the bass players, and 
keyboards, exploding stink bombs on the stage, and other practical jokes.
Sarah really seemed to be enjoying herself. The audience was wonderful, 
applauding and screaming madly after each number, but barely breathing 
during a song, a very different audience than the louts at the Opera 
House during Tori's concert just two weeks before.

After the concert, I was invited to come backstage for a little party 
with the Nettwerk people and other invited guests. We were led down a 
staircase, and into a basement recreation-type room with folding chairs 
and benches. Everyone was handed a beer (Henry Weinstock, and an 
assortment of microbrews from the Seattle area; I don't remember if there 
were any Canadian beers); later, a large ice-chest with more beers were 
brought in, and as the evening progressed, I remember having 3 or 4, but
that's just a guess. I started talking with Rodderick and Anisa Romero, 
who are the lead vocalists in a Seattle-based group called Sky Cries 
Mary. Rodderick had tattoos covering his arms which told the Buddist 
"elephant story" about elephants and clouds, and falling from the sky and 
killing a devotee at prayer. At one point I remember singing a Sanskrit 
bhajan about elephants (Gan'ne shar sher a non, sher a non Ganesh-a), but 
I don't know how that possibly could have happened! :) I also talked with 
the Australian vocalists (from Sidney) from the group which opened for 
Sarah, Single Gun Theory. The women were blond, and pretty in a very 
natural way, without pretentions. They seemed fascinated with my business 
cards and told each other that I was from San Diego and could maybe help 
them get a gig. I hoped they hadn't heard my Sanskrit singing. 

Sarah had changed into a green velvet dress, long black stockings that 
came up to her knees, and had holes around the upper edges, and sandals I 
think instead of the boots she had been wearing (I'm not very good about 
remembering shoes for some reason). She had been talking with some 
people at the next table for a long, long time, and seemed really 
settled in. So I went over and introduced myself. I told her how 
wonderful her performance was (I really meant it), and asked if I might 
hug her? She smiled and gave me a wonderfully long hug which I didn't 
want to end. I mentioned that I was going to Cleveland on Friday to hear 
and meet Tori, and asked if she had any messages that she wanted me to relay.
"Just tell her, hi, and that I called her brother today", was the 
message. Later, after a few more beers (well, maybe it was 3 or 4??) I 
asked Sarah if she would sign the program for me, with something funny; I 
told her that I was completely star-struck! She laughed and wrote, "Joel 
- - Peace, Love & Ecstasy to you! Then, she drew a peace sign + a heart = a 
smiling face, and signed it S. McLachlan. To this wonderful message, 
Camille (Sarah's backup singer) added "Joel! Until we meet again! Camille."
I seemed to be fascinated by Camille, I must admit.

Someone came over to Rodderick (Sky Cries Mary, elephant song) and told 
him about a Rave Party with hot-tubs, sex and drugs. He must have noticed 
that my eyes were kind of bulging, so he handed me the slip of paper, 
with an address on 1st Avenue. I just smiled. The party broke up about 1 am,
but after saying good-bye to the guest of honor, I found that I was locked 
in the Moore Theater, and waited for everyone else to leave via the stage 
door. For a moment I stood on the stage facing the empty seats, thinking 
how wonderful it must feel to be performing before a live audience, and 
drawing upon their energies and adulations. I walked out the door just 
behind Sarah, and waited briefly as she went over to some die-hard fans 
and signed stuff for them. Then I waved good-bye as she walked over to her 
tour bus, thinking to myself that this was like a dream, except that I 
really had to take a wicked piss! Sadly, I didn't go to the Rave party, 
but just called it a night.

The following evening found me at the Crocodile Lounge, which is also on 
Second Avenue, a few blocks past the Moore Theater, but while the Moore 
seats 1,500 the Croc accommodates 184. It is the premier Seattle venue for 
local talent and noteworthy traveling attractions. The performer that 
night was Sam Phillips (formerly Leslie Phillips), who along with T. Bone 
Burnett on bass and Mike La Belle on percussions would crank out one 
fantastic 80 minute set, with songs that Sam had written from her new 
album Martinis and Bikinis, and past albums as well. She is really 
beautiful, blond straight short hair, black pullover, long black skirt 
and boots, with a drool, sarcastic demeanor ("Ladies and Gentlemen, please 
welcome Sam Phillips", she said), who loved to banter with the audience, 
put on reading glasses and recite famous quotes that she liked; for 
example, Walter Winchell said, "she had been on more laps than a napkin"; 
Salvadore Dali said, "Don't worry about perfection; you'll never achieve 
it." She invited two members of the audience (a man and a women who 
doesn't know each other, because it is more interesting) to come up on 
the stage and sit at a table behind her! I could have kicked myself for 
not jumping at the opportunity. Of course, no one wanted to do it. Then a 
young man volunteered, and a brave lady joined him a little later. T. 
Bone took their drink orders, which he relayed over the microphone to one 
of the hostesses. I think they must have had the best seats in the house, 
and were not only comped with drinks, but with free CDs, posters and 
T-shirts after the show. I was seated right on the left of the stage, 
next to all the empty instrument cases. Sam's music is filled with 
ironies, simple lyrics about time, treasures, and love. They are 
deceptively simple, repetitive, and just when you know what to expect, 
the rug is pulled out from under you. The percussion beat was very strong 
and complex, using tom-toms, drum set, cymbels and other instruments. I 
quickly became thrilled by the music, the dark cave-like surroundings 
with crocodiles and other strange critters suspending from the ceiling, 
the shapes of people sitting, standing, leaning, in every square inch of 
space. Surprisingly, the room was smoke-free and well ventilated. 
Everyone really seemed to be enjoying themselves. Sam said that she would 
not do any encores, thought the were phony and very theatrical, and 
instead announced when her set would normally end, and continued with 
several more numbers. Then she just ended, left the stage, stood next to 
me in the darkened theater for about a minute, while I and everyone else 
was wildly cheering and clapping, and then walked out of the room and was 
gone. Finally the lights came on. Outside, I looked for Sam, was told she 
was in the V.I.P. lounge, and sat down at a table with the guy who had 
been up on stage. We talked about Sam's music; he gave me a complete 
discography, including her videos and gospel Christian stuff, and 
recommended that I should try to get her new release, Martinis and 
Bikinis and an earlier one called Cruel Inventions. The next day I found 
these at Tower Records. On the way out I bought a T-shirt, sucked in the 
cold night air, and walked back to my hotel, a little sorry that I didn't 
have a chance to tell Sam that I loved her.

What else did I do in Seattle. Saw Kate's new film, "The Line, the 
Cross and the Curve". Shopped. Ate wonderful foods, salad 
Nicoise with grilled salmon, smoked salmon and potato pancakes, eggs 
Florentine, poached on steamed spinich with a Hollandaise sauce and fresh 
fruit at a wonderful hole-in-the-wall cafe called Bocco, where I also 
bought one of their T-shirts. Took the ferry to Bainbridge Island, hiked, 
ate a great Thai noodle lunch, very hotly spiced, with chop sticks, and 
stood on the bow of the ferry to let the 30-knot winds cheer my spirits 
and blow away the cobwebs. Tried to pick up women, on the plane up, on 
the plane back, at art galleries, at the Seattle Art Museum, in restaurants,
in bars. Everywhere I failed completely, proving that Salvadore Dali was 
wrong about never achieving perfection. When it came to having women 
reject me, my score was perfect!

On my last night in town, I went to the Seattle Opera House for a 
performance by the Australian State Ballet of La Fille Mal Gardee. It was 
funny, not classical, but lovely. There were no taxis when the ballet let 
out and the monorail had stopped running. Waiting for a bus, I talked 
with a man from North Carolina about a famous child abuse trial in which 
7 workers at a day-care school were apparently railroaded by a hostile 
small town environment and family feud that got out of hand. He filled me 
in on what was happening. It did not look good for the defendants.

When I got back to my room there was a phone message from a woman named 
Keirsten. She had returned my call. Sadly I thought, "So Dali, you are 
right after all."



- - 
| Joel Siegfried      San Diego, California - USA     Voice (619) 222-9236 |
| Internet addresses: |
| "But I haven't seen Barbados so I must get out of this."   -   Tori Amos |
| "It's easy when you're blessed with money, love and sex." - Heather Nova |

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 04:04:33 1994
Date:         Wed, 05 Oct 94 03:05:30 CDT
From: Michael Braunstein <MBRAUNS1@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Subject:      subscribe


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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 05:26:51 1994
Date:         Wed, 05 Oct 94 10:24:32 EWT
From: Ilka Heber <>
Organization: ESA
Subject:      Fake YKTRs

Hi there,

I just wanted to throw in my two cents about the discussion of how to recog-
nise a counterfeit YKTR: don't trust the Atlantic label! I have a counterfeit
and the cover looks basically *perfect*, as it's been done with a colour
copying machine. The CD I have is a bit of a give-away, as it is golden and
actually says "CD-R" (for recordable) on it, but by now there are plenty of
false silver disks around, too. I think you'd have to be some sort of specia-
list for telling the original release a counterfeit apart!

           Ilka = )

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>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 05:46:07 1994
From: (sangi)
Organization: Anonymous contact service
Date: Wed,  5 Oct 1994 09:21:48 UTC
Subject: MAAGagain,ASAR

I know that this topic has been done here many times, apologies to serious
rdters for continuing this string. If you need to flame me please mail them
or followups, okay?  This will be my only response to the list. Promise.

On Fri Sep 30 19:04:09 1994, (Kelvin W. Tamayo)

>Subject: Getting the record straight on MAAG...
>Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 18:54:40 -0400 (EDT)
>Hi by the way...


>I'm usually a just a lowly lurker, but I had to post this question because
>I was really beginning to feel quite disturbed with not knowing the answer.
>I was browsing the newsgroup, and one thread started
>with some guy stating MAAG was his least favorite Tori song.  Another guy
>responded, echoing his comment and adding that "Tori was never actually
>raped...".  What followed was some guy's LONG diatribe about being falsely

Rapists almost ALWAYS attempt to discredit thier victims testimony in any
way possible. Its somthing to consider when reading flames like that.

>accused of rape.  I want to get the record straight on the background
>behind MAAG.  I've always heard it referred to as "the song about Tori
>Amos' expereince being raped," and I never had any reason to doubt it until
>know.  I seem to recall interviews where Tori has addressed this
>directly; this post just discredited what I have thought for a long time.

Try reading some of the articles available on (Hot Press
2-somthing-94, "TORI94" [?] I feel is one of the most insightful and
sensitively done interviews she has given). I have absolutely no doubt that
she was raped at knifepoint. The "gun" is a metaphor.

BTW, _MaaG_ allowed me to remember my own childhood sexual abuse.
For that reason alone I consider it her BEST song as it allowed me to
remember what had been ever so carefully hidden and denied by my concious mind.

>Can someone help me out here?

There you go.

>Uncle Ramos


If anyone reading this message feels or knows that they have (or somone they
are close to) had experiences of this kind and has access to usenet news, add
alt.sexual.abuse.recovery to your .newsrc file. The ASAR community has
been _extremely_ supportive and helpful for me. They / we may be able to do
the same for you, too.

A series of anonymous mailers and posting services exist for those that wish
to post to ASAR but do not feel safe using thier "real" names and addresses.
Please read the FAQ on or the group (the FAQ is posted on a
biweekly basis) before posting.

- - -
When it came down to dealing with it, I've chosen to have joy in my life.
                                                              - Tori Amos
National Rape/Abuse/Incest Hotline    800 - 656 - HOPE / 800 - 656 - 4673

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
To find out more about the anon service, send mail to
Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized,
and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned.
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-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Wed Oct 5 09:39:49 1994
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 94 08:39 CDT
From: Julie McCarrier <>
Subject: Tori in the Hospital

As I'm sure you all know, Tori performed here in Madison last night.  I would
post the song list, but I left it at home :( .  The first song was A Case Of
You, and the second one was Leather.  At the beginning of Leather she struck a
wrong note and said "OOPS!"  Very funny.  Later she showed us the stuffed
chicken sitting on her piano and said that he had some wire wrapped around his
neck, and sometimes that sort of thing happens on the road.  She also talked
about how females in general go through all sorts of trouble to get really
gread underwear and how most of the time when "you think you're gonna get some"
the guy doesn't even take you home, and no one appreciates it. She said it
doesn't matter if you are 13 or 31, it just doesn't change. She mentioned
Victoria's Secret, and how the women back stage agreed with her. Then she said
that if the IRA decides to leave London and bomb somewhere say, in Okalahoma,
our clothes would all fall off due to the impact, but our underwear might still
be there, and maybe you'd just have a slight scratch on your arm. Then men
would appreciated what women do, and then she said something to the effect of
'but until then, you leave us no choice but to do this' and she grabbed her
crotch, and Icicle began.
Then, after Baker Baker, she walked off stage, and didn't come back. The lights
came on, Led Zepplin was playing, and a man announced "Tori isn't feeling well,
so we'll have to do this another time." There was an ambulance and fire truck
outiside, and you've all heard the stretcher story.
I talked to several of the djs at the local with it radio station, and they
said that the radio's station manager was at the show and he had to leave
around 8pm. When he stepped outside the Civic Center, a limo pulled up and
Michael Stipe got out. Apparently Michael came to see Tori's show, and then
they were going to work on some songs/recordings in Milwaukee (perhaps
tomorrow, she has the 6th off). Then I talked to another dj who said that after
Tori walked off stage, she fainted, and apparently looked much worse than she
actually was. The ambulance brought her to UW Hospital, and she was released
this morning. I am currently sitting in the research lab in which I work, which
happens to be on the 7th floor of the UW Hospital :) I guess they kept her
overnight, and supposedly she is doing much better. This morning a dj said that
food poisoning is being suspected.
Someone called in to the radio station this morning, and said a lady from
Boston had been sitting nearby and said that the songs Tori did were not the
usual, and she seemed to be avoiding high notes. I don't think this is
true--the songs were comparable to those she usually does, and she hit her fair
share of the upper octave. She did put her hand to her chest several times, but
there is no way anyone but Tori would know if it was just a gesture or if it
was a result of how she was feeling.
There has been no word yet whether she will perform in Milwaukee tonight or
not. I am expecting a call from the radio station regarding that sometime
today, as I won tickets for that show. They are waiting to hear from Tori's
Overall the songs Tori played were excellent, and whatever happened to her hit
extremely suddenly.  Hopefully she is doing just fine.  Who knows if she will
play out the rest of her tour--she still has Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and
Australia left. Madison was the 140th show. I bet she's kinda tired, and might
need a break. I am going to scan the local newpaper and see if there is any
info, and my roommate is a nurse in the hospital and is going to see what she
can find out. If I hear anything else, I will post it.
I know there are a lot of concerned people out there, and I just wanted to say
that whatever happens with the rest of the UtP tour, Tori's health is the most
important thing.

--- End of messages ---
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- -Anthony (mailing-list-owner)

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