Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 14/02/95 Part 2

Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 00:46:04 -0500
Subject: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 14/02/95 Part 2
To: "Really-Deep-Thoughts digest recipients"

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                               Singing while my...
                             His formative years...
                               king bootleg covers
                          Forwarded: off topic, but...
                      Subject: S & M in Beantown!!!-update
                                   holy toledo
                 Fairies and the search for the elusive Tori. =)
                                    More Pink
                      Does anyone have?/ethics of bootlegs
                             au revoir les elephants
                                 very last post
                             Tori and Eric's breakup
                                    late, but

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 15:15:29 1995
Date: 14 Feb 95 15:13:03 EST
From: Marcel Rijs <>
Subject: Re: Singing while my...

> came to a decision that she HAS to listen to opera because you
> can't listen to opera in the shower because it sounds like you're
> inside a waterfall and when you crane your neck back to hit that
> BIG note your throat fills with water and you gargle it instead
> and when you take a bath you can't sing because you're just
> saying "ahhh" and paddling bubbles around the tub but when you're
> dying you can wander around in your bathrobe and make grand
> heroic gesture and sing "oh dulce mia" really loud and put
> obnoxious
Okay, I'm lost. But anyway, I wanted to pass on the message that
Tori definitely has some Gregorian influence in her work. My mother
keeps saying so. The way she sings and the melodic turns in her
music reminds her of Gregorian music.
For what it's worth...
Marcel Rijs * "Conan the librarian" * Den Haag * The Netherlands
"It's 03.30 and I'm thinking of you..." - The blue nile,"Regret"
Again... no mail today. It's the 6th consecutive year. I'm lost.

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 15:15:43 1995
Date: 14 Feb 95 15:13:21 EST
From: Marcel Rijs <>
Subject: Re: FAQ

The FAQ says that there are 5 bootlegs of Y Kant Tori Read.
However, I seem to think there is a sixth one. Listen to this:
> 2. YKTR only- a German bootleg of the CD. it is easily
> distinguishable by the spine which is WHITE on BLACK lettering.
> it also carries the incorrect catalog number 81845-1. In
> addition, the artwork suffers from quite a bit of crosshatching
> when it was scanned, the colors just don't look "right" (Tori's
> hair color on the cover is WAAAAAAY off), and it is obvious that
> some scan retouching has been done on the cover where the promo
> sticker used to be. (directly to the right of Tori's face.)
> (Yes, I know this one says "Atlantic Records" all over it. IT IS
> NOT LEGITIMATE!!! The bootlegger just wanted to try extra hard to
> make it seem real, and to make his tracks unfollowable. IMHO,
> whoever it was did a pretty good job..)
My copy of YKTR is not the original, nor this one, nor the gold
disc. It is a CD "Made in Germany", with no company name on the
disc or sleeve. The actual info on the disc is as follows:
- - "Compact disc" symbol & "Y Kant Tori Read" above the hole of the
- - "ADD" and track listing left of the hole;
- - "756781845.2", "GEMA", "c 1988", "All songs written by TORI" on
the right of the hole;
- - "Made in Germany" under the hole.
The artwork consists of a 4-page booklet. The front is a photo from
the "Big picture" or "Cool on your island" sleeve, the original
YKTR front sleeve is on the back (with the same retouching
mentioned above), and a b/w picture of part of the original front
sleeve is included in the two pages in the booklet.
On the back of the CD there's the track listing with white
lettering on black on the right, and another cute photograph of
Tori on the left.
Finally, the spine has the same black & white lettering mentioned
I was stunned by the description above, since it resembles my copy
somuch, yet it is very different. Do I have a rare bootleg?
BTW, all "newbie" fans beware of rip-off dealers: I recently had to
tell a German dealer he was selling a YKTR _bootleg_ for 100
Guilders ($55). He smilingly replied that the original YKTR went
for $150 - $300, implying that he was asking a very reasonable
Bootlegs of YKTR shouldn't cost more than the regular price for a
bootleg! So please keep that in mind.
> (^)     Dutch Tori Amos article, from the magazine "Oor" ["Ear"],
>         nr. 2, 29 January - 11 February 1994. Posted by Marcel
>         Rijs.
> ( All quotes from sources above used w/o permission. Hope they
> don't mind! )
Au contraire... I'm honoured! I finally made it to a FAQ on the
Marcel Rijs * "Conan the librarian" * Den Haag * The Netherlands

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 16:39:03 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 16:38:30 -0500
From: Donald Jay Kulpa <>
Subject: His formative years...

Hi guys--
        Just a few thoughts on V-D (my term for Feb. 14th and this vile, abject
holiday) -- Well, it's been a few weeks now since I went through the
"Stereotypical Tori Experience," namely, cocooning with LE after patching up
what's left of my friendship with that evil, vile creature I like to refer to
as "My ex." Better now, but still ROYALLY pissed... ;)
        So, now that I've been passed over for the human pincussion (don't ask,
but I am offended on a PRIMAL level over these events) I thought I'd try and
recoup and see what this V-D has to offer me...
        Not a whole hell of a lot.
Actually, so much for romance, I have two bloody midterms tomorrow... and no
one to share it with.
        But I still believe in romance.  Let's face it, if somebody gave you a
bowl of sugar (guess which ToriSong, just guess!!!), you'd follow them to the
proverbial ends of the earth just out of consideration.  I know I would.
It's gotta be better than that bloody "Bottle of Rain."
        So, mostly, I treated myself and charged two new CDs on the credit card
that I have only for school stuff.  Never mind that I can hardly swing anything
after tuition, 'cause that's another story.
        So, I love you all, and I hope you have a good V-D, because I'm afraid
of mine. "HI's" to Kevin, Greg, and all of the wonderful people I've talked to
out of these "Funny Pages." You've all been so kind, and I love you especially

I know it's pretty off topic guys ==  but have a happy day.
Check the sig. -- it's sums it up (just kidding, I'm not that bitter.)

JAY =)
- -
"I can feel it in my bones, I'm gonna spend another year alone."  Liz Phair
        *******HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY -- I'M SO HAPPY... =) *******
A thought:  For this happy holiday, why not put out your cigarettes on the
foreheads of people in love, or someone you love -- celebrate a little. =)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 16:58:04 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 15:57:59 -0600 (CST)
From: Elizabeth Anni Mildfelt <>
Subject: Help!
Mime-Version: 1.0

I was wondering if someone with both the Crufify live ep and PtM could 
help me out.  (please oh please)  I NEED a recording of the live versions 
of The Waitress, Winter, Little Earthquakes, Crucify, Precious Things, 
and Mother that appear on those singles.  I can pay for the tape and 
postage.  Email me privately and we'll work something out.  Much thanks 
in advance.


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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 17:54:21 1995
From: (Dan L. Scholnick)
Subject: king bootleg covers
Date: 14 Feb 1995 21:44:18 GMT
Organization: Gateway Proteus (215-535-3190)

   i have a few things to say... but first, i think tori would do a lovely
version of jesus was way cool, by king missile-- but it would be weird for
her to do a spoken thing, *while* playing piano.  It would be a very
interesting twist, and i think she would have fun with it. when king missile
does it live (the full band version is very cool), john does all kinds of fun
variations on it, and tori could come up with some splendid ones, i'm sure :)

   to colin pickett, yes, there has been a discussion on bootlegs here, and
it was the cause of many excessively monstrous digests.  please let's not
dredge that up again?

   is there a discography for the UtP singles remotely as good as the one for
the LE singles?  i am curious about how much they are all worth, and what,
exactly is out there... what i should keep an eye out for you guys, 'cause i
have all of them ;)

   finally, is there anyone who is willing to copy Under the Covers for me? 
i missed out on it the first time, and i reeeaaaaly want it.  please?


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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 19:30:10 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 19:29:42 -0500
From: Donald Jay Kulpa <>
Subject: Forwarded: off topic, but...

Hello, once again--
        Posting this again, a friend of mine is doing this survey and needs
all the responses he can get.  I know it's off topic, but it is serious, 
enjoyable, and surprising.
        If you wouldn't mind doing it please respond to either Erik or myself
and the survey will be forwarded to you.
             **********Lurkers ARE Welcome**********

- -jay

******Generation-X Research Study******
My name is Erik Laursen and I am an undergraduate in interpersonal
communication at Ohio University.  I am currently involved in studying
"Generation-X."  This, being a vague and diverse topic has resulted in my
desiring my own first hand research.  As a result I am distributing a survey
via the Internet.  If you consider yourself to be a part of "Generation-X" or
at least, fall into that classification, and are interested in participating in
the survey, please send me a quick message at:

You will have the survey within 24 hours.  The survey is 241 lines long.
Thank you
- ---------
Erik Laursen


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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 19:30:34 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 19:29:09 -0500
Subject: S & M in Beantown!!!-update

  Hi people. I have a quick update for anyone in the Boston area who had
planned on attending the March 21 Sarah McLachlan concert at the Orpheum: If
you haven't purchased tickets yet, don't bother. See, I went down to the
theatre today to get tix for me and two friends, and had the misfortune of
being informed that the only available seats (for my situation) were last row
balcony. I almost told the semi-nice man at the ticket window to bite me, but I
didn't cause it's not his fault. I don't have the $$ to cough up for crappy
   Now if it had been a TORI concert, I would have given my firstborn to sit
wherever they wanted me to. I love Sarah and all, but I love my Tori to pieces.
   Have a good one and keep racin' turtles!


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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 19:50:13 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 19:25:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: holy toledo
Mime-Version: 1.0

Hello everybody in vaxland.  I just wanted to say to that person who saw Tori
in Toledo that I was there and I don't particularly remember that speech. 
Would've been neat though.  There are not enough hours in the day to hold the
neatness of a Tori Amos show.  I hardly got any responses from hardly anybody
about the hair dying experience.  k@tie thinks that Tori sings opera when she
is dying her hair but I just don't know.  Speculations are fun.  Any body else
want to speculate?  I KNOW, i know.  It's not the deepest thing to hit the
screens but doesn't it pique anybody else's interest?  I'm just lookin' for fun
in all the wrong lists I suppose.   I think maybe Tori listens to songs about
fire when she dyes her hair.  I think maybe I'll go back to bed now.

 As always, Elizabeth (
 "I would enjoy your presence infinitely more if you would agree to treat 
gravity as a law rather than as one of a number of suggested options."
                                      -Delerium quoting her doggy

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 19:54:09 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 19:54:08 -0500
Subject: Fairies and the search for the elusive Tori. =)

Hi again!  
   I hope you are all having a great Valentine's Day.  I just wanted to let
you know that I just heard today that Tori sang back-up on a singer named
Ferron's, Phantom Centre album.  If anyone is interested in getting mail
order information for Ferron e-mail Michael at:   I
hope someone out there finds this useful. 
May the fairies venture into your part of the world.

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 20:04:31 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 95 19:08:23 CST  
From: "Lisa Voigt" <>
Subject: More Pink

                  C O M M E R C I A L   B R E A K

One further addition for all who may be on the eternal quest to locate
More Pink --

If you're anywhere in the Madison, Wisconsin region (I know that there are
at least six or seven of you), there is a copy at Discount Records for
$24.99.  And if it's not there when YOU arrive, I can order it for you.

Thanks all --

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 20:18:10 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 20:00:46 -0500
Subject: Does anyone have?/ethics of bootlegs

Hello, fellow faeries!  I've not been on the list very long this time, but
the time I was on this past fall there was quite a bit of praise circulating
about the October (possibly Nov.?) Tori show in Toronto (which I almost went
to and am now kicking myself).  I was wondering if anyone happens to have a
boot of that show that I could buy/have copied?  If I remember correctly, this
show consisted mostly of b-sides, which I would love to have live!  I've been
dreaming about this concert, you me, please:)
I've just bought the first disc of the Little Rarities, and I am now enjoying
having 70+ minutes of Tori b-sides on CD.  I am a little concerned with the
ethics of buying a CD from which Tori sees no proceeds; however, I was sick to
death of changing CD's to hear all my singles (which were expensive and hard
to find in the first place).  I was wondering what other Tori fans felt about
the bootleg buisness.

"Little green men, do ok,
it's the faeries revenge, they say" 
Love and nymphs, Heather

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 21:04:42 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 20:05:57 -0600 (CST)
From: idyll <>
Subject: au revoir les elephants
Mime-Version: 1.0

trying to benefit from the fount of knowledge that is rdt, i ask ye:  who 
was that i heard covering "landslide" on the radio today?  'twas some 
male group, methinks.  

awaiting the insight,

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 21:17:17 1995
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 20:17:15 -0600
From: andrea <>
Subject: very last post

for a little while. anyway, before i sign off for good, i want to make a
recommendation. "drawing down the moon" by margot adler. it's a great book
on witchcraft and wicca and other pagan things. on the subject of that, i
would like to give my thanks to the whole of this list for introducing me
to such great stuff- nin, sandman, sylvia plath, pj harvey, siberry, sarah,
happy, and so much other neat things i can't think of just now. thanks! now
i'm bye-bye for good,
Capricorn siSter

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 22:34:15 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 22:34:11 -0500 (EST)
From: HUBBARD <>
Subject: YKTR
Mime-Version: 1.0

I have the chance to purchase Y Kant Tori Read for $30, is it really 
worth it?

			***************************		"We know what we are,
				            but know not
					   what we may be."

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 23:30:19 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 23:30:46 -0500 (EST)
From: Sara D Thibault <>
Subject: Tori and Eric's breakup
Mime-Version: 1.0

Amy posted a question worthy of a real answer....I just got my REALLY DEEP 
THOUGHTS fanzine #8 last week saying that Tori and Eric broke up OVER THE 
SUMMER(!!!!) and that plans to have a baby are off.  It is my estimation 
that Tori was never actually pregnant, although I was disappointed to 
hear the news so late in the game.. It says she and Eric are still good 
friends and will be doing future projects together, and that the 
situation has given her something to write about, so here we have a new 
album in the works...I'd also like to know if anyone has any more 
			Sara SheGod in Keene State Hell...

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>From rdt-owner Tue Feb 14 23:36:48 1995
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 20:36:45 -0800 (PST)
Subject: late, but
Mime-Version: 1.0

happy St. Valentine's Day to all of you anyway.

A more complete review of More Pink, which I'm listening to again
(surprisingly): I really like it.
Even more complete review to follow eventually.

I like this here Sugar song. maybe Tori should sing that other Sugar song? You
know. sugar, da da dum dum dum dum de dum, honey honey...

bye bye to andrea; hope you come back.

I've not seen the _All These Years_ book; however, it did show up in a grocery
store I dreamed about, next to a nonexistent Brandon Lee biography, while some
woman sang one of Virginia Mayo's lines from _Up In Arms_ which, while not
politically correct, is a Danny Kaye movie and should thus be seen.

Pardon me for being off-topic. But isn't that better than having to be
hostilely defensive, as in the following?

M. Baer says this:
>Speaking of spontaneity, or lack thereof, is anyone else annoyed by these
>obviously fake "stream-of-consciousness" writings here?
[a bit cut]
>I suppose anyone can write however they want to, but these blatant attempts at
>"art" aren't very genuine, or very successful. Write from your heart.... Tori
>does =)

I'm afraid I may not know what you're talking about. Try as I might, I can't
find any postings that are 'obviously fake.' Or do you mean anything lacking
proper punctuation? I daresay I am helpless to judge what might be genuine and
what might not be. I can't see lack of punctuation as any less genuine than its
presence, which would in itself and by definition be rather forced? Well. I
don't mean to begin an argument on the inherent characteristics of language.
What I do mean is this: I don't see how it is you have the power to tell
whether or not writers are writing from their hearts. Know what? I think this
post of mine is art. So are everybody else's if they want them to be, and
whether they choose to write according to every rule of grammar or not, or in
all lowercase or alternating lowercase and capitals, or in Manx or Esperanto,  
or using Burroughsian cut-up is up to them.

sorry, folks. Fault this to my mind's taking terrible offense at ever seeing
another post like that one after my first post on the subject a week or two

back on subject, though only my personal subject: as I have a fairly low voice,
and also can't sing, I am unfortunately usually unable to partake well in the
singing of Tori ballads. However! there is a part of a Tori song which I can
sing. Not well, as I can't sing well. But nicely enough to wander around,
singing it over and over everywhere I go. For thirty points, can you name the
part of the song? answer in my next post. best to all until then, and a get
well soon wish to Chris Fisher's cd player.
						yours very truly

"Mirrors would do well to reflect before sending back images." -Jean Cocteau
							       _Sang d'un Poete_

--- End of messages ---
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- -Anthony (mailing-list-owner)

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