Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 05/05/95 Part 2

Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 00:32:34 -0400
Subject: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 05/05/95 Part 2
To: "Really-Deep-Thoughts digest recipients"

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                            US coordinator sought!!!
                             Tori Covered outside US
                                   Jill Sobule
                        _Tea With the Waitress_ Promo CD
                                she's coming.....
                         Bright Summer Sunshine Thoughts
                      Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 04/05/95
                                small correction
                                   two things
                                   Tori poster
                                 Wanted to Buy.

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 14:02:32 1995
Date: 05 May 95 13:45:23 EDT
From: Marcel Rijs <>
Subject: US coordinator sought!!!

Well, "Tori Covered" is definately taking off! I've had 10 requests for
a copy from various people all over Europe, and a few from the US, too!
While I am pretty much in control of things in Europe, I think I'll have
a problem when I have to serve all 50 United States as well. I did find a
couple of dubbers stateside, but I don't think it's enough to serve all US
So, what I am looking for is someone capable of coordinating "Tori Covered"
in the US for me. I will supply him with a first generation copy of
"Tori Covered". He will have to contact the dubbers I've found so far, and
recruit some more, probably. Send them a copy of Tori Covered, and keep in
touch with me about how many people are getting the tape.
If someone feels (s)he is up to that job, please e-mail me ASAP, and we'll
get the ball rolling for the people Stateside!
Kind regards,
Marcel Rijs * "Conan the librarian" * Den Haag * The Netherlands

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 14:39:09 1995
Date: 05 May 95 14:37:05 EDT
From: Marcel Rijs <>
Subject: Tori Covered outside US

Hi there,
Same subject, other issue...
Last Monday, I wrote:
> Europeans who want to get a copy of "Tori Covered" should email
> _me_ (on ), and I will tell you what to do.
Since then, I got a mail from someone in Brazil, asking what to do
when living there. It made me think of the people neither living in
Europe nor in the US. Well, I should have thought of this before, so
I am telling it now:
ALL people OUTSIDE the US  should contact ME to get a copy of "Tori
Covered". This includes Australia, Japan, China, South-Africa, the North
Pole, Antarctica and every corner of the world.
Again, for the US I'm searching a COORDINATOR!!!
Marcel Rijs * "Conan the librarian" * Den Haag * The Netherlands

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 14:53:05 1995
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 14:53:05 -0400
Subject: Re: Jill Sobule

It's a great album. Buy it if you can!
"If I died today, I'd be the happy phantom" Tori!!!!

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 15:57:51 1995
From: "Mike Harris" <>
Organization:  Allentown College
Date:          Fri, 5 May 1995 15:58:22 GMT-5
Subject:       RE: _Tea With the Waitress_ Promo CD
Priority: normal


Jason posted this to me, and I figured it'd be of interest to the 
group, so upon his offer I forwarded it to the list.  Hope you all 
enjoy it!


- ----- Forwarded Message Follows -------

From: Jason Watts < >


            Tea With The Waitress

Bob: Tori, your new album, and at this point does it have a title?

Tori: Yes, _Under_the_Pink_

Bob:  Because I had heard it was going to be called _God_With_a_Big_G_.

Tori:  Yeah, well I like the whole big g concept, but I just didn't 
want it...  I mean everything seems to be religious, sometimes, when it 
comes to me and my work.  And this record is like got a few more things 
than just religion in it.  Only a few, but, _Under_the_Pink_.  The way I 
see it, if you ripped our skin off, we're all pink; and this is about what 
goes on under that.

Bob: The first single in America is going to be a song called "God."  People 
still have a stigma about having anything to do with religion.  And the 
lyric in "God" is pretty simple.  It's just "God, sometimes you just don't 
come through."

Tori:  Right. "Do you need a woman to look after you?  God, sometimes you 
just don't come through."  Which I think is... I think he could totally dig 
that.  He, the concept of God, my concept of the creator, isn't male or 
just female. "Just" is the key word here.  It's an energy; it's a 
force that doesn't exclude any kind of gender.  You know, I think it's so 
beyond gender.  But what we've been taught to believe is that God, whether 
in Christian or Judaism or Islamic or many of the others, it's a very male, 
patriarchal system.  And you know, this patriarchal system hasn't done so 
great in the last few thousand years.  I mean I don't know how we can say 
that it's succeeding.  I think that we've gotta kinda look at really 
where we are.  Things aren't getting better. I don't know. I don't see 
why people are uncomfortable just to speak the truth. And if God did want 
to send his (quote unquote) "only son," which is a joke.  What do you mean 
"only son?"  It's like, so he picks a certain race and a certain kind 
of color to be his only son, and yet created all of us.  No, that's not 
gonna' happen.  That's how the story goes, but I don't believe the story.  
I call that god the little g.  Because the god that we've been (quote 
unquote) "worshiping" is not, to me, the supreme creator.  Anybody who 
needs to control and make people feel shamed and, you know, has to... 
This is the whole thing.  It's like, "I send my only begotten son."  Well, 
you know, that concept of sending a son, where we, as women, could, like, 
breastfeed him and give him milk, but he's not gonna' soil his dinky with 
us.  What's that all about?  That really bugged me.  The whole concept that 
Jesus was, you know, not gonna' make it with a babe.  What, that's gonna' 
make him more holy?

Q:  There's a lot more instrumentation on this album that there was on 

Tori: Yes.

Bob: And a lot of dissonance noise and some very strange sounds.

Tori: That's Eric being demented.  He produced this record.  He had 
a Styrofoam... piece of Styrofoam on the bottom keys of an electric piano. 
You know, there were cans of food on the strings.  There's all sorts of 
stuff.  And he would just go, "Tori, check this out.  nrrr."  And it was 
fascinating, because the whole idea was working with a piano, but that's 
all coming from real instruments.

Bob: I have to ask you about Trent Reznor helping you out on this album; 
Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails.  First of all, what did he say to you about 
the Nine Inch Nails reference in "Precious Things" on your last album?

Tori:  We didn't talk about it.

Bob:  Do you think he was aware of it?  Had he ever heard it? 

Tori: Yes.  He is.  He's aware.

Bob:  He is featured on a song called "Past the Mission."

Tori:  Yeah, he's singing."  And this... When I was writing the song, the 
song said, "I think Trent Reznor would be really good to sing on me."  And I 
said, "Yeah, I'm sure you do.  But I don't really know if that's possible." 
And the song said, "It's possible.  So just, like, make it happen."  So I 
met him and I went up to the Sharron Tate house...

Bob:  Which he is renting in Beverly Hills.

Tori:  Yeah.  You have to go through a bit of security to get in.  And 
it's a very spooky house, knowing what it is and then walking...  And you 
look in the helter skelter book and you just see you see the house and 
it's, like, that picture...  He'd be showing me the pictures going, "See 
this door!"  I go, " Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I see the door."  "It's... See... 
This is where..."  They have the control room where Sharron Tate passed 
away.  And it's just weird that when I was a young kid and we'd see the 
pictures in the book, I had no idea I'd ever be standing there.  And 
standing there with Trent, it's kinda' even goofier.  He was, I think, 
wonderful for this piece.

Bob:  People, upon hearing the news that you had done something with Trent 
Reznor, I think, to a large degree were surprised by that.  But really 
anyone who knows you, knows that you are a huge Henry Rollins fan.  I mean 
you covered Nirvana as a bonus track when _Little_Earthquakes_ was out. 
You've described your musical influence, last time I talked to you I think, 
as a bowl of minestrone.  And that's really what it is, isn't it?

Tori:  [giggle]  Yeah, I mean just 'cause you're a piano player, I think 
people just have an idea of what that is.  They've decided they kinda' have 
you figured out.  You know, we've talked about it.  You become like a cheese 
plate at Christmas.  Everything gets laid on top of the piano.  And it's not 
considered anything but really lightweight and background music and it 
doesn't get explored a lot what it can do.  I'm always challenged to try 
and take the piano and work with it in different ways.  Like on this new 
record I worked with a lot of loops.  'Cause I found that fascinating to 
have an acoustic piano working with industrial loops.  But yet the piano 
doesn't change it's personality or it's character.  It still stays an 
acoustic piano.  It's the same girl that can just wear different dresses 
to the party.

Bob:  Want to talk about "Cornflake Girl?"

Tori:  Yeah.  This song... I read _Possessing_the_Secret_of_Joy_, Alice 
Walker.  And the way that the mothers sold the daughters to the butchers 
to have their genitaila removed.  I... people are listening to this 
going, "Oh my God!  Can't she, like, have a twinkie and get over it?" 
Well... but this stuff isn't... it's not negative to me or sad.  It's a 
very safe place to be able to talk about this stuff and also have a 
laugh.  And we have a laugh during the record.  There are moments of... 
maybe it's a sick little laugh, but, you know, it's a laugh nonetheless. 
And it's very freeing.  Again, it's betrayal of women with women.  I 
mean, guys can be pretty brutal.  We all can be to each other.  But women 
towards women is a pretty ugly thing.  And it's done mostly in secret.  So 
"Cornflake" is just the shock of, "She's gone to the other side. This is 
getting kind of gross.  And I go it's sleepy time.  This is not really 
happening.  You bet your life it is."

Bob:  Tell me about this evil waitress that you want to kill.

Tori:  Well, I'm a waitress, too; so we're on equal footing.  So for all 
those waitresses out there, it's about two waitresses who 
hate each other.  And I happen to hate this girl with a passion, and 
have no problems wanting to just throw her up against a wall and rip her 
head off.  It shocked me how violent I got.  It really shocked me. 
Because I'm just lucky that I was in a rubber room, so to speak, that I 
just couldn't hurt anybody or myself.  I'm lucky that I couldn't play it 
out.  Because I think people do things and, of course, live to regret 'em 
for the rest their lives.  And it's not so hard, it's just not so hard to go 
nuclear.  So when I say, "I believe in peace, bitch" that really kinda' 
says it all.  Because I talk about being a peacemaker and so 
anti-violent.  And here I am ready to just rip her head off.  Kinda' 

Bob:  The other extreme, "Baker, Baker" is another song from 
_Under_the_Pink_ that is a beautiful ballad; kind of in the "Silent All 
These Years" vein, would you say?

Tori:  I mean... I think my ballads kinda' come from the same girl.  So, you 
know what I mean?  She shows up and says,  "Ok, I'll kind of give you one." 
And this girl... "Baker, Baker" is something I haven't really explored 
before.  Because it's me letting down a male.  Usually I'm talking about men 
letting me down.  And this is another thing that I had to be honest 
about.  Which is that I've been emotionally unavailable to certain men in 
my life that are very, very loving and very giving.  You know, we talk a lot 
about how women are so giving and men are emotionally unavailable.  Well, 
that's not always true.  "Baker, Baker" kinda' makes me really sad.

Bob:  One thing that seems apparent from the songs on this new album, is 
that your religious beliefs continue to evolve; which is particularly 
evident in the song "Icicle".

Tori:  I was taught a belief system where there wasn't really any room to 
discover my own belief system.  So whether it's in "Icicle" or "God" or 
"Past the Mission"...  where from "Icicle" where the girl masturbates to 
survive that whole sexual, shamed, repressive world which I grew up in.  
So at ten years old, I would think these things and feel really bad that I 
had these feelings.  And when they would put the wafer on my tongue, you 
know how they put the wafer and "this is the body of Christ" blah, blah, 
blah.  And I'm going,  "You know, this doesn't feel really comforting.  I 
mean, my little warm hand on my little warm spot would feel much more 
comforting than this stale wafer."  And "Icicle" is kinda' the tragedy on 
the record, but that girl's really brave.

Bob:  "Bells for Her" sounds like there's a toy piano in the beginning.

Tori:  What that is, is Eric and Phil totally destroyed this upright 
piano, in a wonderful, wonderful way.  They detuned the whole piano and then 
muted the three strings to a note.  So they muted two strings out of 
three on the whole piano.

Bob:  Your vocal is pretty haunting there, though.

Tori:  It's funny.  When I was doing it, it felt like I was being zapped by 
this presence and I didn't know what I was saying from word to word.  And I 
had to sit down and write down what I said to learn it.  But it was, again, 
it's about the disappointment of when when a close friend betrays you or 
you betray them and you don't know why it's falling apart.  But there's that 
sense of loss and you just can't go back.  I tried to figure it out.  I 
tried to figure... I said, "Now wait a minute.  We're two people who can 
have a conversation, yet I can't get the tail of this kite..."  We'd 
look at each other and try and have a conversation and then couldn't 
resolve it.  It just can't be resolved right now.

Bob:  When you go out on the road to support this new album, is it going 
to be just you and the piano again?  Or are you considering using other 
musicians this time?

Tori:  No.  Only after the show.  [giggle]  It's me on stage with a piano.

Bob:  You enjoy the confrontation aspect of what goes on between you and 
your audience.

Tori:  Well I like to stir it up.  I mean, I feel like when I stir in my 
songs... I stir things up so that in my own life it's kind of a little 
road map for myself; it just makes me go.  Well there's a place that I
can work on something, and here's another place that I'm not looking at. 
And it's nice to acknowledge that I've been silent all these years, but 
then what am I gonna' do about it?  I mean, how am I gonna' live the rest 
of my life?  Ok, I was silent, now what?  When I play live, I'm more alive 
than any time 'cause I'm very, very present.  And you know I set my 
parameters before a show each night, I bring different spirits to the 
party to work on different things.  And the audience dictates what I bring 
'cause I tune in to them.  I'm always backstage a couple hours before a 
show or I've been wandering around, and I tune in to what they are.  Where 
at my hotel I tune in to who they are and what they are.  And it might 
sound like "that's not possible," well, it's possible if you believe it's 

Q:  On the last album you dealt with some highly personal subject matter. 
You told me once that that was a result of sort of a day of reckoning 
for you.  You found yourself sitting on the kitchen floor, in Los Angeles I 
think, and I'm quoting you here, Tori.  You said "Who am I?  Why am I 
withering emotionally?  Why am I dead?"  Were these new songs born through 
exercising more demons or are you coming from a different place now?

Tori:  Well I think there are always demons.  You know, if you want a 
Halloween party just call me up.  But this time... this record was in a way 
more exhausting for me.  Because the last one was very liberating 'cause I 
was just beginning to acknowledge things that I had hidden for so many 
years.  That's me allowing that.  It is.  So I was a victim in a situation. 
If I keep allowing that memory to run my life, then who's doing that?  I can 
turn that around.  And I'm turning it around.


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 16:17:36 1995
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 16:17:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: Travelling Without Moving <>
Subject: she's coming.....
Mime-Version: 1.0

dear nini really gonna be here on monday??????

i've got a backload of rdt's to read cause i've been very budy as of 
late. a lot of interesting stuff i've missed out on (Lisa, you finally 
posted!!!! now everybody knows who i've been talking about all this 

let me make this short so y'all can go back to reading actual pertinent 

jorge (she's almost here......)

hi Pinky (and yes, that's lisa.....)

. The Imaginations That People Have Of          .      Jorge Fernandez    .
.     One Another Are The Solid Facts Of        .      9800 SW 138 Ave.   .
.          Human Life.......                    .      Miami, Fl. 33186   .
.                   Charles Cooley              .      (305) 388-3553     .

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 16:22:17 1995
From: "Mike Harris" <>
Organization:  Allentown College
Date:          Fri, 5 May 1995 16:22:58 GMT-5
Subject:       Bright Summer Sunshine Thoughts
Priority: normal

A special thanks to both Danny and Mike for making ToriDubs for me.

Anyone see the photo of Tori at age 15 from the Wacipi Indian 
Festival?  My God, she was beautiful even then ... =) ... I think 
it's at, but I might be wrong, 
you can find the place through the French Tori Amos page "Other URLs" 
link, it's tori12.gif.  I think it's scanned from _All These Years_.

Folks, I'm looking for recommended reading over the summer.  I like 
beautiful imagery in both song and prose ... for example of who I 
think is divine, is Madeleine L'Engle, she's just beautiful ... if 
you have any ideas mail 'em to me <> or if 
you think everyone'd enjoy 'em ... post 'em on RDT ...

Hope I can get _All These Years_ soon, everybody keep your fingers 
crossed that this job I'm hoping for might come through ...

*** Joyelle Choi <> said:

 JC> ... whereas I can justify calling myself an Asian-American ...
While I respect your right to call yourself that, Joyelle, I wish 
that people would stop seperating themselves into ethnic groups.  It 
would be so much better for the national kharma if we all just 
considered ourselves Americans.  For Pete's sake, I'm 6.25% Scottish, 
6.25% English, 6.25% American Cherokee, 6.25% Irish, and 75% 
untraceable American mutt.  Would that make me a Scottish-English-
Irish-Native American?  It just gets to be a bit ridiculous.

*** Mike <> said:

 GU> If he can't, then he's not all-powerful.
 GU> If he can, then he's not all-powerful.
More importantly, why would God *WANT* to make a rock that big? =)  

Seriously, it's a question of limits.  Does God have limits?  If he 
does, can he exceed them?  That's basically what this question asks.

Answers?  Beats me.  Damn it, Jim, I'm an actor, not a theologian!

*** Todd <> said:

 TO> See ya ... I don't see how this threat works ...
Yes ... it's as if we're all going to say, "My God!  I don't want to 
lose <Whatever the Person's Name Was>'s intelligent and witty banter! 
I better ThoughtPolice myself right away!" =) 

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 17:02:20 1995
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 16:59:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Marisa K. Brandt" <>
Subject: Re: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 04/05/95
Mime-Version: 1.0

i've been lurking on rdt for a little over a week now, and i just wanted 
to say how much i love it!  yippee -- people who don't think i'm crazy 
for having 'china' stuck in my head for eons!  i also wanted to recomend 
to whoever it was that said they like m. atwood (go-go english grammar!) 
anything by marge piercy.  my favorite by her right now is 'he, she, and 
it'.  like 'handmaid's tale' by atwood, it's futuristic.  and it's about 
a nice jewish girl, which i dig, 'cause i'm jewish too.  please don't 
flame me for being non-tori (cowers in fear)...

brought to you by 'mkbran' -- a tasty breakfast cereal

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 17:38:31 1995
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 17:38:31 -0400
Subject: small correction

zooberries said that alan lightman has a new book called benito... this is
only half right... it is named Good Benito.... thats really all i have to
say.... i'm just sort of a fan of mr lightman's work.... thats all.....


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 19:20:49 1995
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 19:20:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 04/05/95

Reply to many of you guys...

CARRIE-Thanks for the CfG thoughts. Much. Also to whoever posted about
	the travesties in "Possessing the Secret of Joy" ...
	although it is still making my skin crawl.
SUNSHINE-Want to get married?

To the girl selling the Tori poster--tell me what's on it and I'll tell
you if I want it.

	Soon, or rather about May 19th I will be unsubscribing
and, for the summer, will be attending a council meeting on the
home planet to evaluate this little planet of yours. I will be 
back in the fall. If any of you have anything to submit to the 
council through me, you can send it to
	3163 Cloverdale Rd.
	Montgomery, AL 36106
This mail will be forwarded to me and I will be able to reply between
meetings. I hope to be able to swing the Council in favor of keeping
earth around for awhile, to let it work toward reaching its potential,
but there are many who feel this place has been around too long as it
is. If, in fact, the planet is to be obliterated before the fall, I
will try to get those of you with real potential seats on the last of
the transports bringing the rest of my people home, but in order for
me to do this anyone I wish to save must send me their physical
(mailing) address. Please do pay attention to this announcement; I 
will not be receiving email after the 19th. 

LAURA: How are you? Please write soon. 
					Robert Rinehart

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 19:28:11 1995
Date: Fri, 5 May 95 19:34:57 EST
Subject: two things

Finnerty said:

>And, wait...36 million poor in a country of 250 million.  That's about
>15%.  Not a bad figure, considering the scope of human history and poverty.
>Count on one hand societies which have achieved a lower rate.

Well, i suppose it's all in how you measure it, but Canada, Japan and
practically every country in Europe has a lower rate of poverty.  The
36 million figure for the U.S. is based on a government definition, and
is probably a low estimate of how many "poor" there actually are.

Mike (GrecianUrn) said:

>A while ago I heard someone somewhere pose the following question, which
>makes the idea of an omnipotent God seem pretty silly:

The person who said this is the best philosopher this country has
produced in the last 30 years, George Carlin (i'm forgiving him for his
TV show).  He had another good one:

"It's Easter and you want to recieve Communion, and you're on a ship at
sea, and the Chaplin goes into a coma, and it's the next day.  Too late.
But you wanted to recieve....but then you cross the International Date Line.
Would that then be considered a sin, Father?"

Another good one:

"The cock crowed three times!  "It's in the bible!"

Okay, i'll shut up now.

Mike (another one) Smith (another one still)
washnigton, dc 

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 20:15:03 1995
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 19:15:00 -0500
From: (Joyelle Choi)
Subject: Tori poster

Ok, for those of you who were interested in my Tori poster offer, I have
bad news.  I went to the poster store last week to get a copy for myself
and I got the last one--the display copy.  I'm really sorry.  Maybe it was
because it was only $6.25.  If enough people were interested in purchasing
it, I can ask about it at the poster store.  Again, I'm sorry!  


Words are the voices to my soul
Without them, I would merely


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 22:34:34 1995
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 22:35:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: all the girls hate her <myraln@grove.ufl.EDU>
Subject: goodbye
Mime-Version: 1.0

i have to cancell...

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Fri May 5 23:25:48 1995
Date: 06 May 1995 15:29:19 +1200
Subject: Wanted to Buy.
Mime-Version: 1.0

Hi Folks,

I'm looking for the following (yeah, like I finally get a few spare $ _after_
a certain person has a big sell out...).  Anyway, in no particular order...

	Cornflake Girl (UK) Ltd Ed.
	Winter (UK) Ltd Ed.
	Silent All These Years (UK) Ltd Ed. 
	Crucify (UK) Ltd Ed.
	Tea With a Waitress - promo
	other Tori Promos...

I have no spare copies of anything worth trading so this'll be a cash only 
exchange. I _do_ have the money sitting in the US so there will be minimal
dealys on that front.

Please contact me privately as I see no reason to clutter up the list (more?).



* Andrew Broome***************************************************************
* BROOME@NZDRI.ORG.NZ	*The Devil made me do it,		*   SL 600   *
* Palmerston North	*	but God said it was OK by him...* 	     *
* New Zealand.		*                               	*   GSX400E  *
* Ph (hm) 06 3585996******* Ducati Tori Amos Killies Herptiles****************


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