Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 14/05/95

Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 23:55:05 -0400
Subject: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 14/05/95
To: "Really-Deep-Thoughts digest recipients"

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                      Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 13/05/95
                                  Dumb & Dumber
                          Really-Deep-Thoughts dige...
                                   spirit talk
                               Happy Mother's Day!
                      Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 13/05/95 
                    fame is a GOOD thing, our goddess asserts
                             SATY Ltd. and CfG Ltd.
                                rdt down the pan
                                  almost done!

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 00:29:37 1995
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 00:29:24 -0400
Subject: Re: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 13/05/95

Hi everyone! I'm going to be here over the summer. I'm doing some reader's
theatre work, and trying to get my director to use Tori's music in our
product. What does every think? I also think Sarah McLachlan is great. If
Tori, Sarah, Jill Sobule, and Suzanne Vega went on tour together, I'd be in
music heaven. What's everyone else dream tour combo? And what's you're
favorite song, why? Mine is "Happy Phantom." Listening to brings something
special to my life.
"If I died today I'd be the happy phantom" Tori!!!!!

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 01:24:48 1995
Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 22:24:21 -0700
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: (stev0)
Subject: Dumb & Dumber

Geez, it seems like once or twice very list we get one
of these MORONS:

>From rdt-owner Sat May 13 17:26:07 1995
>Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 16:22:50 -0500
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>From: (carlos noel)
>Subject: unsubscribe

>unsubscribe Carlos Noel as I am leaving the country.

To which I say YAY!  This country can do better with
one less illiterate asshole!

The reason I'm writing, though, is to suggest that
Anthony change the "between-message-message" from
the oh-so-subtle
    -------- Next Message --------

to the more forceful

Please send unsubscribe messages to
DO NOT send unsubscribe messages to the list --- they will be ignored

Also, if at every posting, he did a global change of the word "tori"
to the above banner, maybe - just MAYBE - a few folks would GET THE HINT.
Putting it at the top of every part of every posting (and differently
worded at the bottom) just doesn't cut it.

- - Stev0 the Next Message

"Hey, I'm PROUD that my IQ is 37!" - someone posting "unsubscribe"
message to RDT itself, NOT RDT-request

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 01:45:57 1995
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 01:45:56 -0400
Subject: Re: Really-Deep-Thoughts dige...

<<I adore Tori.  I live for Enya.  I weep for Tracy Chapman.  I like sappy

However, I also love Metallica.  (Well, pre-1991 Metallica).  And Slayer.
 And Anthrax.  And yes, MEGADETH.  The two bands I have seen the most in
concert are Metallica and Guns N' Roses.  (Oh, AXL!  I could go on about
Axl...)  I love AC/DC and Iron Maiden and the Scorpions and all those other
70s/80s hard-rock/metal bands.  If you saw me you'd peg me as a "metalhead"
or "headbanger" long before "Toriphile" or "pinkie" came to mind.

I have no problem reconciling these two sides.  In fact, they aren't even
"sides" to me.  It's all just "music I like."  So hey Mr. OnToriAmos, lighten
up on your old band!


beautiful. I'm the same way. Enya and Tori are wonderful, and I love them.
but you'll also find me listening to Metallica, Megadeth, and Pantera.
I used to dig AC/DC and Anthrax, and even some more of that stuff, but it
DOES get old after a certain point.

Its unfortunate that I am perceived as "odd" by beloved tori fans and my
fellow 'metalheads'.


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 02:50:58 1995
Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 23:50:26 -0700
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: seventh@PrimeNet.Com (jason & tina mckendry)
Subject: spirit talk

     PATRICK@AOL wrote:

  "I get really confused with this one.  TOri is very outspoken both in her
music and her interviews about rejecting the religious beliefs that she was
raised with (ie Christian).  She seems to teter on New Age beliefs but I also
think she is VERY skeptical about spirituality and "spiritual" people
specifically.  What do you guys think?"

well now, i really just have to open my spiritual little mouth and say
nopers.  well, you know, since you asked and all, patrick...i don't think
tori's skeptical at all...i think she's got her pretty lil red head made
up, and that's that...i don't see fire girl passing judgement on any of us,
spiritual or not.  i'm itchin to give that lady a tarot reading...gosh, i
bet she's been some of those awesome things she mentions in a former
life...and i'd love to just see her passion spelled out in the
cards...anyway, i am also wondering why spiritual is in quotes a way up
there, beyond my rambling...i guess i'm guilty of the term, but perhaps not
of the quotes...tori's a faerie girl, and last i checked, faeries weren't
considered a reality grounded ideaology...not that i agree, mind
you...anyway, tori, however inconsistent she chooses to be, does not seem
to me skeptical kinda gal...but hey, i was wrong about my earthquake
prediction, so, you know...

just watched kalifornia, and i'm still shivering.  you were right,
robert...emotion, emotion, and yes, more emotion...i felt, uh, skeptically
spiritual...oh gosh, i'm confusing myself.

getting used to the honey

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 05:27:14 1995
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 05:27:13 -0400
Subject: Happy Mother's Day!

i just want to take this opportunity to congratulate all the mothers on this
list for their unbelievably courageous decision to raise little humans, with
or without a partner to help them. you are all beautiful beacons of hope, and
if you are fans of tori as well and believe in the woman spirit she fights
for in her songs, then surely your children are doubly blessed to have you in
their lives.

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 07:33:28 1995
Subject: Re: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 13/05/95 
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 04:32:53 -0700
From: Jason Merrill <>

>>>>> keith  <KOLIVER1@UA1VM.UA.EDU> writes:

> does anyone have any clue what the
> record for the most times the word "tori"
> has appeared in one digest.......

5,236 (stab).  Why, so that you can break the record?

>>>>> GrecianUrn  <> writes:

> I weep for Tracy Chapman.

Hey, yo tambien.  Back in 1988 when her debut album came out, my brother
gave me a cassette copy of it for my birthday.  I loved it, but somehow
managed to lose it.  I do that with casettes.  I recently bought the album
again, this time on CD.  I had forgotten quite how depressing "Fast Car"
is.  Yow.

> However, I also love Metallica.  (Well, pre-1991 Metallica).  And Slayer.
>  And Anthrax.  And yes, MEGADETH.  The two bands I have seen the most in
> concert are Metallica and Guns N' Roses.  (Oh, AXL!  I could go on about
> Axl...)  I love AC/DC and Iron Maiden and the Scorpions and all those other
> 70s/80s hard-rock/metal bands.  If you saw me you'd peg me as a "metalhead"
> or "headbanger" long before "Toriphile" or "pinkie" came to mind.

Personally, I enjoy Metallica.  I haven't really heard enough Slayer or
Anthrax or Megadeth to judge (though I did appreciate Anthrax's _Fuck the
PMRC_).  I like "Sweet Child of Mine", but no other GNR I've heard.  I
think that AC/DC represents everything that's wrong with much of hard rock,
enjoy what little Iron Maiden I've heard, and now think that the Scorpions
are pointless fluff (though I must admit to owning _Love at First Sting_).
My harder tastes tend toward progressive metal (Dream Theater, Queensryche,
Rush, ...).

In a couple of weeks I'm going to see Queensryche and They Might Be Giants
on consecutive days; quite a contrast, eh?

>>>>> dave  <> writes:

> Since Debbie couldn't come up with another riddle, try this one:
> (I won't do this anymore... it is just that this riddle is so impossible...)

> Many years ago an extremely wealthy feudal lord died and left his fortune to
> his only child.  It was known that he had a daughter, although her
> whereabouts was unknown.  Word of the death finally got around and several
> young women came forward claiming to be the heir.  They all fit the
> description of the true heir:  The right name, age, and coloring and general
> appearance.  It was at this point that an old friend of the deceased lord
> suggested a test to determine the rightful heir. They all agreed to the test
> except for one woman.  The ones who agreed were impostors.  The one who
> refused the test was found to be the rightful heir.  What was the test, and
> why would the rightful heir refuse.

Of course it's impossible, there are any number of possible tests.  How
about this one:  The test was distinguishing fresh from frozen peas, and
the rightful heir had sworn a vow never to eat peas.

> One other note, personally I am against Tori doing cover songs of other
> artists, simply because I love her raw creativity; I would prefer something
> new from her rather than a new arrangement by her.

But her covers *are* something new.  Not completely new, but definitely
distinct from their originals.  What, indeed, is the point of covers which
sound exactly like the originals (i.e. Tom Petty's cover of "Feel A Whole
Lot Better")?  Her covers give new and different life to beautiful songs
which otherwise would not have experienced her particular interpretation;
who here would argue that "Smells Like Teen Spirit" would have been better
off without her cover?  Actually, the first time I heard of Tori was as
some odd woman who had done a slow cover of SLTS with just piano...

I love her original work, and I love her covers.  I wouldn't want to do
without either.  I wish there were legal (and readily available) recordings
of more of her covers...

>>>>> Patrick698  <> writes:

> So has anyone ever heard Tori cover Fleetwood Mac's Landslide?

Not live, but I've heard it on UTC #1.

> IF so, what do you think?

I love it.  Beautiful song.  I went out and bought the original after
hearing it.

> Is Tori ever going to tour with a full band?

My guess would be no.  If she abandoned the "Tori and Piano" format, I
would be shocked -- I was surprised enough to see God and CfG on the UtP

> What do you think "Cloud On My TOngue" is about?

Hmm...getting over an ex who now has another love?  Perhaps the title is an
allusion to being unable to say what's on your mind because your head is in
the clouds...

> DO you think Tori gets depressed or has suffered from similar
> mental/emotional problems?

Yes.  I think she has made this more than clear in her various interviews.
After all, wouldn't you have some psychological trauma if you were raped?
I'm awed that she is as together as she is even without that burden to deal

> I get really confused with this one.  TOri is very outspoken both in her
> music and her interviews about rejecting the religious beliefs that she was
> raised with (ie Christian).  She seems to teter on New Age beliefs but I also
> think she is VERY skeptical about spirituality and "spiritual" people
> specifically.  What do you guys think?

I think that she has her own personal belief structure, which I thoroughly
respect.  It seems to me that the center of her belief system is not
dependent on any external force, but rather on fulfillment through the
self.  That's basically where I'm at, so of course I admire her for this...

Tori seems to believe in a universal God-force, if not the Judeo-Christian
conception of same.  She also seems to believe in fairies.  I don't, but
mainly because I don't feel that either are particularly relevant to my
life.  I feel that I'm better off coming up with my own beliefs, rather
than accepting those prescribed by some official religion or other,
regardless of objective truth.  These things happen to be part of her
belief structure, and not mine.

Probably most of all, I respect Tori's resistance to extremism, the quality
which led her to say "Women must understand that simply attacking or hating
all men is just another form of disempowerment."  I have the utmost respect
for anyone who can resist the urge to give in to strong emotions.  As I see
it, extremism of any sort is an easy way out, one which blinds people to
truth.  My guess would be that this is why she seems skeptical about
"spiritual" people -- they tend to be the ones who claim to have all the

When Tori sings "I've found the secret to life", I almost believe her.  She
certainly seems to have more of a handle on it than anyone else I've ever
encountered or seen interviewed.  I first got into her through her music
(and saw her three times on the UtP tour), but now I think I respect her
even more as a human being than as an artist.  Perhaps the two are
inseparable in her case.  Actually, I think they are.

>>>>> LeftyS  <> writes:

> Well, it seems like everyone is leaving for the summer.  I hope RDT doesn't
> get lonely.  I'll be here all summer-will anyone else???

As a member of the American corporate workforce, I expect I will be as

I'm curious as to the demographics of RDT.  I'm 22, and when I was in high
school even Usenet was this mysterious thing which I had only heard vage
rumors about.  I didn't join RDT until after I graduated from college, but
now it seems like a large proportion of the list is composed of high school
students...and many of them much better adjusted than I was at that point
in life, especially Sunshine, of whom I am still in awe (how could you
*not* be proclaimed universally adorable?).


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 13:08:52 1995
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 13:08:50 -0400
Subject: fame is a GOOD thing, our goddess asserts

Is Tori the best interview subject alive on this planet, or what? If there
was any doubt of that, it was erased by that lovely NME interview posted by
some kind soul (twice, but that's OK - bandwidth waste happens). Yee-hah. I'm
still toweling off. Isn't it fun idolizing someone who's so friggin' open and
outrageous and funny and smart? And who likes doing interviews?
I think what it comes down to is this - Tori likes being famous. She loves
being the idol of millions (well, thousands anyway). And that's really
refreshing, when you hear so many celebs whining about the price of fame.
Take PJ Harvey. Now, I adore Polly ALMOST as much as I do Tori, but she's so
deer-in-the-headlights about fame. Reading the interview with her in the new
Alternative Press, you get the feeling that she'd never do another interview
or tour if it was up to her. And that's frustrating as hell.
I'm not criticizing Polly, mind you. She's just really shy, and that's cool.
Not everyone was meant to be like Tori - wading lovingly through adoring
crowds, offering brilliant and pertinent opinions on the issues of the day,
peppering interviews with comments about sucking guys off (yow). But - I
don't know. I guess I just prefer Tori's style to Polly's. (But again, I
still love Polly, and I'm so excited about seeing her in five days! Yay! I
just hope it isn't my last chance to see her.)
After all, if you embrace the big fame monster, feed him some sugar cubes and
tame him, you can use him to make a difference. I love Tori's philosophy -
sex-positive, feminist, humane, loving but tough- as much as her music, and
it's important to have people like her out there countering all the lies and
hate and fear.
Well, I was going to say some stuff about other topics, but I gotta go to
work. Yeah, I work Sundays :(. So, more soon.
Steve the Sweet Fat Man
Quote of the Year, courtesy of our beloved: "If you call me an airy-fairy new
age hippy waif, I will cut your penis off."

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 16:47:29 1995
From: (Kevin Hawkins)
Subject: SATY Ltd. and CfG Ltd.
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 15:47:24 -0500 (CDT)
Mime-Version: 1.0 writes:

> Hi all.
> I need (Yes, that's right. I don't want, I NEED) a copy of Silent All These
> Years Limited Edition and Cornflake Girl Limited Edition.  How would one
> obtain those discs without selling one's body? A copy of Baltimore would be
> nice too, but that's asking the impossible. So, Help me out. thanks
> Bryce

I saw a copy of CfG Ltd Edition in Intergalactic Garage's Tori selections
recently for $65 if you're willing to spend that.  As for SATY Ltd...well,
Baltimore's harder to get, but not by much.

- - 
=) Kevin Hawkins -- Senior in Computer Science, University of Illinois
(= NCSA Operations | e-mail to:
=) Hey, you wanna check out my Tori Amos page, don't ya?! =)
(= <a href="">Tori Amos</a>

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 16:51:49 1995
From: Mr M S Smith <>
Subject: rdt down the pan
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 21:51:22 +0100 (BST)
Mime-Version: 1.0

dearly beloved,
can anyone tell me why it is that when i read rdt last (about two weeks
ago) it was worth spending time reading it, and now when i return (after
a spell concentrating on work only) it is suddenly a load of old
bobbins? no offence meant, but there was Nothing worth reading in the
issue i read from the 13th of may. i remember the time when rdt was a
place for discussion about tori and other stuff and it was actually
Interesting to spend half an hour every day reading through it. now,
yawn. maybe i'm just cynical and down on life at the moment, or maybe i
only read a particularly uninspiring digest, but nevertheless...
feel free to flame me on private email if you want.
yours, matt (northboy) in lancaster, where summer had bloody well hurry
up and get its finger out cos i'm in need of some sunshine.
ps anna, yes i am still around and i wish i had something interesting to
mail you about! but i don't. 

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>From rdt-owner Sun May 14 18:50:12 1995
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 17:50:09 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: (Phantom)
Subject: almost done!

Bonjour.  Ack!!!!!!!!!!   I only have one test left and it's in guess which
foreign language which I really can't wait to be done with.  Anyway, I know
I havn't been posting much lately (mostly because the Cubs are in first
place, Yea!!!), but that should change soon since I'll be able to talk all
summer from my parents house!  My address will be changing as of Tuesday to  Don't worry if you send to the wrong address, cause
I'll still check konitzer@... once in a while.

Love you all.                            - Phantom

P.S.  Everybody make sure to watch Stephen King's The Langoliers!

--- End of messages ---
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- -Anthony (mailing-list-owner)

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > May 1995