Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 17/05/95 Part 1

Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 23:55:08 -0400
Subject: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 17/05/95 Part 1
To: "Really-Deep-Thoughts digest recipients"

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                        adam frank im a star!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            NME and the devil-bunnies
                  Winter + handwritten lyrics by TORI for Sale
                            Live in Miami 1992 video
                                   fav quotes
                                  Sundry items
                                    Red hair
                              Non-Tori (pj Harvey)
                    college days....back home....
                             OnToriAmos on TORI AMOS
                              Natural Born Killers
                  _More Pink_ Advice, Goddess Quotes, and More
                             lots of soft drink junk

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 00:48:30 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 00:47:59 -0400
Subject: adam frank im a star!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoevers idea it was to put tori in my so called life as the counsler; i bow
down to you. that is a genius idea! e mail me and we can write a perspective
script, who cares if the show is cancelled!

p.s. adam look! im famous!!!!!!!! myra would be proud

oh, does anyone have that new biography?

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 00:58:07 1995
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 23:58:04 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: (Phantom)

Wow!  My last post from college this year.  But to whoever said that the
crazy college kids were all gone, don't worry, cause this crazy college
kid'll be here all summer!  B-) wrote:
Do you know, I was just thinking (dangerous, ain't it?) ... Tori would
sound absolutely wonderful if she sang "Candle on the Water" from the
Disney film "Pete's Dragon".  It's a beautiful ballad ...

I tend to disagree on this one.  It's a beautiful melody, sure, but there's
really nothing behind it.  Nothing driving it to be interesting.  Anyway,
Tori would really have to mess with it to make it her own (not that I'd
mind ;)

Tori herself said:
"I think I'm Metallica, but
don't tell anybody. I'm a one-woman Metallica. Acoustic, at that."

I'd love to hear her version of "Enter Sandman" :)

"And if I died today I'd be the Happy..."       - Phantom

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 02:23:36 1995
Subject: NME and the devil-bunnies
Date: Tue, 16 May 95 23:33:00 -0500
Organization: World Access BBS
References: <>

>  Is Tori the best interview subject alive on this planet, or what? If there
>  was any doubt of that, it was erased by that lovely NME interview posted by
>  some kind soul (twice, but that's OK - bandwidth waste happens). Yee-hah. I
>  still toweling off. Isn't it fun idolizing someone who's so friggin' open a
>  outrageous and funny and smart? And who likes doing interviews?

Well, glad it wasn't a complete waste of time to type it out :-) I noticed it 
was sent twice too, and I don't know why. Must be the system. Yah, that's it! 
Well, if this one is sent twice, we'll know fer sure the devil-bunnies are at 
it again!

To the person (hopefully) taping UTC2 for me...I'm still interested. Sorry 
about the delay, but I was studying for my OAC (grade 13) English exam. Which 
I bombed. :-(  But at least I have Tori to listen to still :-)

Peace, love and blessings...
[send no encoded files please]

| I once had a dream, and the Goddess spoke to me.  And She spoke from the  |
| mouth of a woman whose voice could move the mountains to weep rivers,     |
| and the valleys to rise in rightous anger.  My heart broke into a         |
| thousand pieces, and I beat my breast for what I was.  Then She took my   |
| hand and led me to a better world. And when I awoke, I found this woman.  |
| And her name was Tori.                                                    |


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 02:28:08 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 2:28:01 -0400 (EDT)

From:	TRUTH::RINEHARTRH   "RAISIN GUY" 17-MAY-1995 02:24:22.34

> > >>
> > >>          And if they didn't tell you, I will.  There are people in this
> > >>world who will hurt you.  Sometimes very consciously, and sometimes
> > >>without realizing.  So wake up.  You've lived in the same dorm with these
> > >>people since September.  That nice boy, Eric wouldn't do anything to hurt
> > >>you.  He has animal posters on his wall, and a little sister he adores.
> > >>Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong.  Why take the chance?  Imagine
> > >>the following scenario...
> > >>        He knocks on the door.  She doesn't really know him well, but her
> > >>friends party with him often.  So, she smiles and settles back onto her
> > >>bed as he walks in.  They chat.  He is drunk and sometimes funny. Without
> > >>thinking, she rubs her shoulders because they're tense and sore from the
> > >>hours spent writing that paper last night.  He notices and offers to give
> > >>her a massage.  " How sweet of him," she thinks as he stammers on about
> > >>his high school.  "He's a little drunk but entertaining. "  Her shoulders
> > >>feel better, so she pulls away. He politely gets up and moves back to the
> > >>desk chair as she leans against her pillows, knees pulled against her
> > >>chest.
> > >>All so innocent. Such normal behavior in a dorm on this small campus. So
> > >>what is it that made him get off the chair? Sit on the edge of her bed?
> > >>Lean over and kiss her? Perhaps she kissed him back. "He was a nice guy,
> > >>so why not?" And it was fine.
> > >>
> > >>               Then she tried to get up.
> > >>
> > >>               Then she tried to get him off.
> > >>
> > >>        Maybe she screamed. Maybe she kicked. And punched and cried.
> > >>Maybe she didn't. But he never got off. And quietly he whispered into her
> > >>ear. Pressure. She stops struggling, and lies still. Head, empty. He
> > >>moves with confidence, control. " There's a crack in my ceiling," she
> > >>thinks. With a groan he rolls off her. Smiles. His eyes say, "There now.
> > >>That wasn't so bad, was it?" Like a doctor after an injection. He leaves.
> > >>She picks up her book, and watches the words as they float in her tears.
> > >>And she is scared. And I was scared as I listened. And a week later, it
> > >>happens again.
> > >>
> > >>        Same guy. Same girl. Just another quiet night in the dorm.
> > >>
> > >>        She never SAID no. But he never asked. Because he didn't care.
> > >>This happens every day and every night, to people you know, by people you
> > >>know. The guy may be sober, the girl may be drunk. But we all learned in
> > >>kindergarten--ask before taking, and don't touch what isn't yours. And
> > >>women --Yes is Yes, and No is NO. Please don't continue the legacy of
> > >>mixed signals.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>       This is a chain letter. Send one to the people you care about, or
> > >>are afraid of. In any school, in any country. Please write the name of
> > >>your school at the bottom, and place an X beside it if someone you know
> > >>has been a victim of assault or rape. And please, don't be afraid to say
> > >>no, it's a start.
> > >>
> > >>X Tufts University WPI X Cornell University X Princeton University X
> > >>University of Delaware X University of Delaware X Rutgers University
> > >>  Bryn Mawr College Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> > >>X Alfred University X Alfred University X Alfred University X Alfred
> > >>University
> > >>  new york university Kenyon College
> > >>X Kenyon College X Kenyon College X Kenyon College X Kenyon College X
> > >>Kenyon College X Kenyon College X Harvey Mudd College X Harvey Mudd
> > >>College X Harvey Mudd College X Harvey Mudd College Harvard University X
> > >>Harvard University x Harvard University X Dartmouth College X dartmouth
> > >>college X Dartmouth College X Dartmouth College
> > >>
> > >>X University of Virginia X Dartmouth College X Dartmouth College X Bates
> > >>College University of Delaware X University of Delaware
> > >>  University of Delaware Vassar College
> > >X Vassar College
> > X Vassar College
> Michigan State University X University of Wisconsin Parkside X Humboldt State
> University X Florida State University x University of Florida
/ X Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC (WAY too many X's...)

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 03:00:53 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 09:00:13 +0200
Subject: Winter + handwritten lyrics by TORI for Sale
Mime-Version: 1.0

I wondered if anyone would be interested in this CD (it's been in the
record shop I usually buy stuff for ages and nobody seems to want it, so...) 
it's Winter, the cover picture is of Tori dressed in a silver raincoat,
lying on a white horse's back. There's a sticker on the cover saying 'includes 
handwritten lyrics by Tori Amos'. I don't remember the songs on it right now 
but I can check if anyone's interested. It sells for 14 Swiss Francs 
(yeah, I live in Switzerland) which would be approx. 12$
It is probably a Europe pressing or edition or if you're 
interested, drop me a line!


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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 03:01:44 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 00:01:41 -0700
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: gheng@PrimeNet.Com (gheng)
Subject: Live in Miami 1992 video

Hi, all!

Does anyone know the track list & quality of this bootleg video?  I saw it
in the store for $19.95 & was intrigued...

btw, Sinead should be on Letterman tonight (Wed.)!

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 04:14:31 1995
Subject: fav quotes
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 04:10:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Jason Edward Hicks" <>

    OK, I was going to do this privately, but I figured everyone might want to
see these.  Anyways... favorite Tori/Sandman quotes for your yearbook?  Simple:

Sandman: actually, I can think of a couple, unfortunatly neither of them come
from Lord Morpheus himself... actually, I think I'll just make it one big long
"Perhaps it will destroy you, and perhaps it won't.  But I doubt it will make
your life any easier.  It's all yours, now, Morpheus.  You're the sole monarch
of a locked and empty hell.  Perhaps I ought to have given you my best wishes.
I could have told you that I hoped it would bring you happiness.  But
somehow...somehow I doubt it will."
- -Lucifer Morningstar, Season of Mist episode 2  (Sandman #23)
or, actually a quote from The Sandman himself, my favorite from him:
"It is as natural to die as it is to be born.  But they fear her.  Dread her.
Feebly they attempt to placate her.  They do not love her."
- -Sandman, The Sound Of Her Wings (Sandman #8)

OK, now for Tori quotes:
"I wanna smash the faces of those beautiful boys, those Christian boys, so you
can make me cum."  Tori Amos - Precious Things.  (unfortunatly your principal
wouldn't like that either).
"And if I died today I'll be the happy phantom".
"I'll wake up in strawberry fields every day and the attrocities of school I
can forgive."  both from Tori Amos - Happy Phantom
"oh god, why am I here?"  Tori Amos - Leather

    OK, out of all the wonderful quotes to pick from from both, I would have to
say those are my most favorties.

- -Jay

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 05:17:54 1995
Subject: Sugar...
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 19:11:19 +1000 (EST)
From: "Sean Pryor" <>
Mime-Version: 1.0


I'm new here, in fact, I'm only a week old in relation to Tori Amos :-), 
so stay with me if I ask something that you've all just covered...

In fact, I hadn't even heard of Tori Amos two weeks ago, until I borrowed 
a friend's Higher Learning Soundtrack, which I really didn't think much 
of, besides a certain breathtaking version of Losing My Religion (and 
being a pretty huge R.E.M. fan, I was surprised to see someone else do 
that song as well as Stipe & Co.) and another song which I'm going to 
have to sit down at my piano and figure out because I love it (or 
Butterfly :-) )

Anyway, I now have (a week later), Under the Pink and More Pink (the 
B-sides), and can't believe how I'd managed to miss out on this stuff for 
so long...  besides being a Sting/Police addict, Miss Amos's disc hasn't 
left my magazine...

I have however, one question.  What do the lyrics to Sugar mean?  I think 
both it and the Waitress are really great uses of computerised ambient 
type percussion, but I can't figure the lyrics to Sugar (having 
downloaded them from the web page).  One theory is that its about 
Cocaine, but that may be so far from candy I'm not sure... :-)

Anyway, G'day and hope to hear more from you soon...


Sean Pryor

Surfing the Net from Oz as:
|  Stewart    "I'm gonna write you a sonnet but I don't know where to start |
|  Copeland,         I'm so used to laughing at the things in my heart      |
| The Police        Last of all I'm sorry 'cos you never asked for this     |
|  //\\//\\      I can see I'm not your type and my shot will always miss"  |

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 07:07:51 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 07:07:50 -0400
Subject: Sundry items

Hi hi hi all my delightful little pinkies ... oops, sorry, thought I was
OnToriAmos for a second there...  : )

I have many things to address, envelopes not being one of them:

1)  Hey OnTori, look what we started with our metal tiff!  Hurrah for heavy
metal!  Hurrah for speed metal!  Slow metal!  Even glam metal!  Long live Cind
erella!  Long live Warrant!  And Skid Row, and Poison, and Slaughter, and
L.A. Guns, and Winger ... no, death to Winger...

2) Y'all remember my delirious post about meeting Tori back in February when
she played on Jay Leno's show?  When I offered to marry her and she hugged
me?  Well, I FINALLY got the film developed, and AACK!  There's the divinely
elfin-looking Miss T smirking for the camera, her shoulder TOUCHING MY CHEST,
and I'VE GOT MY EYES CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!

3) I had lunch today with my dear neighbors Tina/Miss Kitty and her fiance,
as well as Tina's parents, who are visiting from out of state.  (Which state
apparently depends on what time of year it is.)  Anyway, we went to the IHOP
across the street, Tina looking quite resplendent in her Tori shirt (the one
with all the boxes), and the waitress asked her, innocently enough, "Is that
you on your shirt?"  You should have seen the DELIGHT on that woman's face to
be mistaken for TORI ... I personally think she looks not a bit like Tori.
 (But that's not a bad thing, Kitty darling, if you're out there!)  I think
she looks like a cross between Brooke Shields and Juliette Lewis ... meow!

4) I was in line at the drive-through at Taco Bell today, and the bill was
$6.53, and I had EXACTLY 53 cents in change on me!  It made me so happy...


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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 08:01:19 1995
From: "LaVeta R. Pfaff" <>
Subject: heeelp
Date: Wed, 17 May 95 8:01:17 EDT

it seems that i have been unsubscribed. can i please get back
on?  andrea, if you see this lemme know.

lost, confused, and mourning for the loss of my rdt...

- - 
| "For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand..."       |
|	--W.B. Yeats, The Stolen Child					  |
|	or :) 			  |

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 09:31:10 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 09:31:19 -0400 (EDT)
From: Epitome Jukes <epitome@grove.ufl.EDU>
Subject: Red hair
Mime-Version: 1.0

Some people have been wondering why so many Tori fans have dyed red hair. 
I can only speak for myself, and I know my reason is because red is such 
a powerful, dramatic color for hair, and it can be funky and outrageous, 
but not overly outlandish like blue or green. Tori is not the reason that 
I dye it red, but I must admit that she enforces my love for it as a 
wonderful, dramatic and interesting color for hair. What about the rest 
of you?


"You're just an empty cage girl if you kill the bird"   -Tori Amos

"FEMINISM: the radical notion that women are people"    -anonymous

*************************  *************************    

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 09:54:38 1995
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 06:52:37 -0700
From: (Will Elefante)
Subject: Non-Tori (pj Harvey)

     Just to let all of you PJ Harvey fans (and I know there are a lot of 
     you on this list) know, PJ Harvey is featured on the 'Batman Forever' 
     soundtrack. Got this Info on the Batman Forever Web page.

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 10:28:39 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 10:28:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: college days....back home....

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 10:39:32 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 10:36:58 -0400
Subject: OnToriAmos on TORI AMOS

since you guys seem to be playing with this notion of "why rdt-ers love TORI"
at the moment i offer one pinkies perspective... why do i love and adore TORI
AMOS?  let me count the ways... i wish sometimes i could disassociate me from
myself and hear TORI from a non-musicians perspective.  i wonder how
different she would appear to me?  but alas when i listen from the only
vantage point i have, i become inspired and my curiousity is aroused to new
heights. i'll hear a little piano passage and wonder how did she play that?
 then i fetch my guitar and attempt to transpose the elloquence of her
dancing notes which if you're familiar with the differences between guitar
and piano approaches is sometimes like trying to skateboard down a mountain
of sand... maybe that's a big part of my attraction to the goddess
TORRIFICA-that she forces me to look at my instrument and the world in a
different way.  

besides playing and frolicking about in my band Little Earthquakes i am also
in the process of writing a book which will have all kinds of yay neat stuff
in it and i'm thinking of ways to make it new and different and without
giving too much away i can tell you that it will be an interactive book that
will come with a CD-rom which will make the words and poems more 3-D and
alive.  one of the things that i'm planning to include in this yay neat book
is a little stream of conciousness something i wrote for TORI which is best
way i know how to translate to her and to you guys why i adore the great red
i posted a very raw and ugly version of this child some months ago and have
since nurtured it along and brought the essecnce of the images to the surface
so they can all sit nicely on a page of the book and even a someone who
doesn't know TORI would get it.  "why do i love TORI AMOS?" because she makes
me feel enough to write something like this:

                           Tori Stream
    As the blood washes through my fingers the pain subsides
      like the ocean moving away from the ugly side of life
             the dolphins are safe so far from this
         and somehow I know the whales will protect them
  it's so clean for them out there and freedom never lingers...
   still here I sit locked in my dusty room-my knees hurt from
                     begging for forgiveness
and somehow I doubt deaf ears are hardly concerned with words so
                          pure and true
 never will the rain wash away something that the snow can only
                        cover for a while
  but melting is part of dying or is it when you feel the most
Providing me some sense of solace when looking past the ugly ones
          with their motives so transparent and futile
           I see her-shes right over there next to me
             though the distance isnt exactly clear
       the candles all burning brightly outline her shape
  I dont want to speak out loud for my passion might consume me
      but I can whisper if everyone looks the other way...
 as my lips form the shape about to break a promise I never made
         I try to go unnoticed when I call Tori by name
 of course they always hear me but it is a fortunate coincidence
 that their mouths are stuffed full of my Grandma Bandy's fresh
                           egg noodles
             with the gravy dripping onto their laps
     so they surrender that interference is not an option...
  those big ears of hers they heard me too which is all I ever
 and her eyes indicate that its not so foolish to speak someones
  in fact it builds a very nice bridge between 2 souls dont you
                  So she begins to spin around
and I'm laughing because she's so free and freedom is better than
 I wish that God would have made her hair that shade of red as a
                            free gift
               since it suits her fancy so well...
 shes spinning faster now I almost want to look away but I can't
        and just then her hair brushes up against my face
  as the sun reflects on every strand it looks like fire but my
                    face doesnt seem to burn
              it simply passes like a textured wind
  as she spins a little more I begin to cry tears of something
                           beyond joy
 because in her hair I smelled something for the very first time
it's a smell that I want to be able to hold in my hand and put in
                            my pocket
it smells like truth pure and white or maybe it was purple either
                       way I dont mind...
    she has to practice now even though that piano is so big
   I think she might want to crawl inside and take a short nap
I'm glad she forgot her shoes so now I can trace the shape of her
                         beautiful toes
             and kiss them gently... she likes that
       it makes her play those funny happy songs for hours
  which is fine since shes the only one who makes it smell like
                          truth in here
 and she always smells so good which is all the proof I need to
                      know im not dreaming
if you want to find out more about LE (the band) or the yay neat book you can
subscribe to the Little Earthquakes mail group by sending your e-mail address


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 12:15:53 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 19:14:57 +0400 (EET DST)
From: Ozgur Ogret <>
Subject: Comics..
Mime-Version: 1.0

HI All!
I've been missing for a little time ,because of my 2 week holiday.Its 
over now.

I found one of my articles in my school bag today about the affects of 
comics on people ,it was my weekwork about 2 months ago.I want to share 
it with you ,of course I waiting for your comments also...Here it is:


      Almost everybody know something about comics.But most of them dont 
pay attention to them.In fact,they are one of the most important 
influences of our childhood.
     Most of the people meet comics when they are  a little child.While 
reading,they start to learn the right and the wrong.They meet the bad 
guys,good guys and some strange events.In our subconscious,ideas take 
shape.We can say that comics give some hidden messages.The comics 
companiesknow that and they used this a lot.We see the best 
examples through the World War II.During the 1940's the heroes of the 
capitalist world fought with the Nazis and the Japaneses.For example,the 
famous heroes of Marvel Inc. namely Submariner,Human Torch,Captain 
America and many others killed so many enemies; so companies created lots 
of capitalist prophaganda.American citizens infected by 
nationalism.Comics were like an invisible power.Many people never thought 
about this factor,however,in that time comics' ratings were over 
thousends of issues.
  In our age,comics are one of the departments of Graphic Arts and most 
of them got more quality.Artists do really great works.The themes of the 
comics have changed in two ways:One of them is about children;heroes give 
some messages about alcohol,smoking,drugs,child abuse and problems in 
families.Once Superman said"Never say yes to a cigarette!"Spider Man 
claimed"Your body belongs to you.If you dont want it,dont let them to 
touch it"They also got more social.Spider Man even married.The heroes of 
today are more down-to-earth than ever.The other type of comics is for 
adults.These are more violent and more obscene ones.Because of these 
types of comics,lots of authotories started an anti-comics propaganda in 
the previous years.Anyway,comics business is a huge industry.Especially 
in the USA and Japan,comic sales are measured by millions.
       Consequently,we cant say that comics do not affect people.Some 
countries think about this more seriously; USA has a cencorship system 
called "The Comics Code".In my opinion,it is not necessery ,because if a 
comic book affects your behaviours this showsyou can get effected by 
anything.This only shows the weakness of your personality.

Well, Thats all folks.I know its not enough for an article about comics 
but this is just a homework.

Take care...


"Life without me would be even more unbearable"-Lestat

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 12:58:37 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 19:57:58 +0400 (EET DST)
From: Ozgur Ogret <>
Subject: Rape..
Mime-Version: 1.0

Hello me,Its me again,

I want to know more detail about rape of Tori.Please dont understand me 
in a wrong way;I always hear somethings about this,but I really have no 
knowledge about this f'ckin' event.Please mail me...


Take care..

"Life without me would be even more unbearable"-Lestat

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 13:18:05 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 13:18:10 -0400 (EDT)
From: Epitome Jukes <epitome@grove.ufl.EDU>
Subject: Natural Born Killers
Mime-Version: 1.0

Wintermute: You said that you couldn't believe the violence in {Oliver 
Stone's} mind, when you watched Natural Born Killers, when the waitress 
was killed. Cute reference! :) However, not that I'm a big Ollie Stone 
fan, but the violence all came from the mind of the writer, Quentin 
Tarrantino. If you don't know what I mean watch Reservior (sp?) Dogs or 
True Romance and you'll understand, those films were both written 
entirely by him. Tarrantino also uses violence for an effect, not just 
for its own sake- the violence he uses is there to make a point, since 
people are laughing at the violent scenes when they watch his films 
(maybe you don't, but I know when I watched those films the theatre would 
be in hysterics during the most gruesome and violent parts), he makes 
people question, is it just the film that is violent, or is it me that is 
violent because I'm laughing/enjoying this film? Think about it that way 
and you'll see where the scenes make more sense.


"You're just an empty cage girl if you kill the bird"   -Tori Amos

"FEMINISM: the radical notion that women are people"    -anonymous

*************************  *************************    

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>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 13:34:45 1995
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 13:32:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mike Harris <>
Subject: _More Pink_ Advice, Goddess Quotes, and More
Mime-Version: 1.0

Hello, all.

I need some advice.  A local compact disc store is offering a copy of 
_Under the Pink_ along with tracks from her New Zealand and Australian 
tours, along with B-sides, under the name _More Pink_, as a two CD set 
for $38.  Is this a good purchase?

I think my favorite quote, La Donna, by Tori has to be one that was 
posted on here a few days ago:

	"You will find once you choose truth and light, love and
	responsibility, then you are in command and control of your

Another favorite, from 'Tori's Transcript' (a bit too long for you,
though, I'd guess):

	"I encourage you to hone your skills, whatever your creative
	craft is. [...] Um, the craft is something where if you think
	you're talented, then you've got it all wrong.  And if you
	think everything you do doesn't need improvement, hmph (laughs)
	you've got it all wrong too.  And that's okay.  To try and find
	this balance, the happy balance.  Instinct.  They don't teach
	you that in school.  They don't teach you that tone: to create
	and move people to do things that you can never imagine. [...]
	So what I'm asking you all to think about, really, right now
	... whether you are gonna be burglars, or lawyers, or thieves,
	whatever, please be good at it (laughter), but I want you to
	find your own Tone.  Not my tone, because it won't do you any
	good.  And not the person next to you that you think is so
	bitchin', their tone, because it's not your bitchin' tone.  It's
	really, really important that you find that place, because all
	the information in the world will not give you power. [...] It's
	something about a creative force.  Not about a famous person.
	[...] Creative Forces, there are not a lot of them out there.
	There are not a lot of them making music, or making films, or
	making medicine, or anything else.  The most important tool I
	can give you is to spend fifteen minutes alone everyday.  [...]
	Close the door and take that time to be *real* with yourself.
	I mean *really* *real*.  I mean *so* real, that there's no
	censorship.  Think about that."

Steve the Sweet Fat Man, I thought "My So-Called Life" was on MTV for a 
whole other month?  Did ABC cancel it still?  My goodness, I suppose 
if NBC was dumb enough to cancel their most popular hit of the '60s, then 
ABC is dumb enough to repeat the same mistake ...

Well, folks, after a brief three-hour ordeal as a survey dude ("Would you 
like to take a survey?"), it was decided on high that behold, this job 
shall be the first one that Michael shall leaveth, forever and forever, 
Amen.  So any happy thoughts and wishes directed my way 'twould be 
appreciated as I fill out fifteen job applications.  (Phew.)  Summer jobs 
can be fun, but that one would've stunk.  Badly.


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Wed May 17 13:47:04 1995
From: Anna Sunshine Ison <>
Subject: lots of soft drink junk
Date: Wed, 17 May 95 13:46:55 EDT
Mailer: Elm [revision:]

listen darlings, a word to the wise. if you're ever tempted to spill a bowl of
steaming chicken soup on your arm, DOn't Do it, no matter Who says it's cool. 
promise me beloveds, you won't even jump on the bandwagon if tori says you 
should, ok? it hurts (grin)

ok, lessee.. about goth and tori (no So much industrial but nice floated things
like msg and peter murphey and this mortal coil.. well, You know what i mean)
i can see how lots of people can like both.. because in lots of them there's 
the immensely emotional (yow, those words are together Way too much) voice 
quality and .. you know.

second.. my address isn't leaving till November at which time i shall be a 
college girl at queens and will have another Anyway. i tell you, you're nice
to people, they're nice to you.

i tried to temporarily dye my hair red for halloween so i could be delirium on
somedays (i have a hyphen hope and Now i know i dont' Need to change my hair
to be del sometimes How could i be so foolish) and pumpkin queen sally from 
nightmare before christmas on others. but it just didn't Take, i guess because
my hair's kinda dark to begin with. i only just had these red streaks here and
there. i did Not look like the model is what i'm saying. and part of me really
wants to dye it like Blue or Green so i could be a magic mermaid elf-queen. but
i haven't the courage because i'm afraid to ruin my hair.

hey fiona, i Don't mean this in a mean way one bit. but kevin and i thought it
would be AWfully cool if ambitori was bits and pieces of piano playing and then
a voice-over complaining about people who talk about communing with the fairies
instead of tori and lots of nice crumudgeonly stuff about reverse-moderation.
i think it would be Nice.

famous people? well, i know johnny depp's cousin ginger (and one day i said,
Ginger, i think you should tell johnny for his next movie to have a tori song
if she doesn't mind." MAn, i came SO CLose. no, i'm sorry, that's a lie, but
wouldn't it have been Hilarious if i Was responsible. but i Do know ginger.)
and my friend ula's best lithuanian friend is the president of lithuania's 
niece. and i know neil gaiman's personal assitant. (sweet smile.)

and Speaking of our king gryphon (i swear to you all, no spoilers) in sandman
69 (no spoilers i Promise) you know the little poem? the one that ends you can
be me when i'm gone? i've Seen that Before but i can't think where. maybe i 
made it up. anyone know?

						spanisheyed sunshine

--- End of messages ---
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