15/06/95 Part 2 - Really-Deep-Thoughts digest

From: really-deep-thoughts@gradient.cis.upenn.edu
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 00:31:52 -0400
Subject: 15/06/95 Part 2 - Really-Deep-Thoughts digest
To: "Really-Deep-Thoughts digest recipients"@saul.cis.upenn.edu

Please send unsubscribe messages to rdt-request@gradient.cis.upenn.edu
DO NOT send unsubscribe messages to the list --- they will be ignored


                      Here is the new Tori songbook info...
                      confessions of a former she-ra junkie
                                 Living Forever
                              Tori Mention on Cable
                          addressing distressing things
                         bunches of little summer things
                Freedom of Choice continued; Case of You source?
                            HOW TO GET TORI COVERED?
                          ugly people, nasty attitudes
                              hobbes, you asshole.
                      Just Thoughts (quite shallow) on rdt
                              Next batch of coments
                                Scream Video (MJ)
                     Tori video for sale and some NIN stuff
                            (attn: Cara & $+b@i+W^VQ
                         more cents (attn: Cara & Kathy)
                        "she's going hooome....(bye bye)"

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 09:14:54 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 95 09:11:30 EST
From: scohn@hearst.com
Subject: Here is the new Tori songbook info...
content-length: 1155

The Bee-sides mentioned here is the Tori b-sides sheet music that was
mentioned on rdt a few months back.  Intergalactic is very good.  I
have received Tori stuff from them before.  Steve C

POB 3047
Shepherdstown, WV
(304) 876-6818
(304) 876-9414 FAX
Email = igg@loki.intrepid.net
WWW Page//www.intrepid.net/igg/igg.html



KATE BUSH - The Kick Inside Japanese CD (re-issue) Features unique (J) cover!
   long out of print! Now only $22.50 for a v. ltd time!

TORI AMOS - Take to the Sky #7. A ltd # of copies coming in on Monday! $8.99

TORI AMOS - The BEE SIDES - new songbook incorporating all the trx left out
   of the previous two books! 192 pages. Same size and format as
   the previous books. We are taking pre-orders to ship true first
   printings as soon as available (promised in June, but, Tori is a
   perfectionist!) $16.99 now, $19.95 upon release.

Bjork       Ltd Vinyl, CD pack and CASSETTE pack will be in stock MONDAY!



-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 11:08:11 1995
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 10:08:07 -0500
From: andrea <andrean@merle.acns.nwu.edu>
Subject: confessions of a former she-ra junkie
content-length: 2243

yeppers, that's me. she-ra and he-man and rainbow brite and my little
ponies. action figures and crystal castles and all sorts of things hidden
around int he basement. the coolest thing of all are those special my
little ponies that had the moveble fairy wings. yay! allright, come on. at
least i was at a young enough age to trully enjoy them. :) i still remember
nightmares i had about skeletor in the closet. and so no, cartoons are
nothing like they were. although maybe i should watch animaniacs. if only
for jorge's sake..what else? oh. someone on this list mentioned mercedes
lackey a few days ago and i would like to thank himherit. because i read
many of her books many years ago and loved them. so it Reminded me, along
with some coincidental talk on another newsgroup of mine, and i dug out
magic's pawn. it was just the book i needed to cheer me up. some low grade
fantasy with a beautiful leading character boy. and horsies! i love
horsies! (see my little ponies, above) so muchas gracias and hugs. ahh.
copyright infingement. how nastynasty. because i think it would be really
great to have the entire song silent all these years on the back. and tori
wouldn't *mind*, would she??? hrmph. whatever. jorge, you should be the
next mighty mouse. now wouldn't that be fun? tori would make a good cartoon
character. anyone see the new u2 video? (wave to zooberries, even though he
isn't reading this) it has bono and the edge and clayton and all of them
turned into strange animated peoplethings. quite nice. the new bjork is
amazing!!!! run scream yell kick and throw little hissy fits to get it!
heh. yess, i miss you is an internet love song. whoo-hoo! well, not really.
it sums up my life rather nicely. "i miss you but i don't even know who you
are." sobs. tra la..can i stop ranting now? is there anything else...anna,
yes, bells for her is not about back stabbing. it is about love and walls
and distance and sand under his shoes. and the heart wrenching fact that
things are not going to be resolved and i am left here waiting. can't stop
what's coming. yay! so i did manage to make this tori-revelent. allright.
love and green roses,
"and if any of you complain once more
 you'll meet and army of me." --bjork

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 12:42:47 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 12:39:39 -0400 (EDT)
From: Allard Sara Marie <3sa8@qlink.queensu.ca>
Sender: Allard Sara Marie <3sa8@qlink.queensu.ca>
Reply-To: Allard Sara Marie <3sa8@qlink.queensu.ca>
Subject: Living Forever
Mime-Version: 1.0
content-length: 327

   If you want a great book to read, and I mean fantastic with such 
themes as immortality, death, and what it relly means to live NOW, I 
suggest reding "Jitterbug Perfume" by Tom Robbins.
	Very funny, and very wise.

          "Be your own flying saucer. Rescue yourself." -Tom Robbins, 
from Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 12:51:08 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 95 09:52:33 PST
From: "Christine ZIEBARTH" <CEZIEBAR@uci.edu>
Encoding: 1512 Text
Subject: Tori Mention on Cable
content-length: 1482

Hi there kids!  While flipping around on the tv the other night I heard the 
strains of Cornflake Girl and immediately stopped.  The channel was FX (do any 
of you have that) and the program had this weird group of young people talking 
about music, movies, tv and different cultural things.  Well this is what was 
written on the screen:  (I'm paraphrasing of course)
"Did you know...
    Tori Amos was the youngest performer ever accepted into the Peabody 
Conservatory of Music at the age of 6"

So I thought that was cool, of course we all know how unique she is, but others
might not.

Also, just wanted to share with you that I saw a preview of the new movie "How 
to Make an American Quilt" which stars Winona Ryder, Anne Bancroft, Ellyn 
Burstyn, and many others.  Maya Angelou was in it and she was wonderful.  Also 
with cameos were Claire Danes and Jared Leto from MSCL!  Such a good movie, I 
truly recommend it. It probably won't be out for a few months, but keep an eye

That's all for now.  Thanks for listening.  
Oh: My favorite movie:  It's between _A Room with a View_, _Moonstruck_ and 
_Hanna and Her Sisters_.
Favorite Book:  Gone with the Wind, Witching Hour or Like Water for Chocolate
(Well, sorry but I just can't narrow it down to one)

By the way have you Alice Walker fans read "Living By the Word"?  Talk about 
beautiful. She is so amazing. It's a collection of her writings and thoughts. I
highly recommend it.

Bye!  Christine Z

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 12:59:59 1995
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 11:59:57 -0500
From: andrea <andrean@merle.acns.nwu.edu>
Subject: addressing distressing things
content-length: 854

well, not really. but hobbes, i got an entire 14k digest that was only from
you. all the subject headers and quotes, you know, it isn't *that* hard to
edit. not to be nasty, of course. i'm in too good a mood to be nasty. but
i've stopped attempting to read what you have to say because it's to
difficult to sort out what is yours in the entire mess of stuff.

and to my dear advice queen girl (you _do_ know who you are, do you not?)-
thank you ever so much. i have taken your advice and found the purr-fect
book to read so i can just forget Everything and maybe curl up and go to
sleep. so hugs and sweet things your way.

love and red red roses,
"and the Atrocities of school i can forget, the happy phantom haS no right
to bitch. whoo-hoo! the time is getting closer.." tori
"and if you complain once more you'll meet an army of me." --bjork

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 13:15:44 1995
From: Anna Sunshine Ison <asison01@msuacad.morehead-st.edu>
Subject: bunches of little summer things
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 95 13:15:43 EDT
Mailer: Elm [revision:]
content-length: 2362

basically what this means is that, as it's summer, i have time to think about
and write about lots of nice little things. how Nice.

let's see..where to begin. i think if i ever met tori i'd end up talkind about
children's books or telling her stories about my house. i'm not very good at
being a fan quite frankly. it's like when i was in school..the biggest gesture
of respect i could show for a teacher was to treat them casually. i guess it's
because i grew up around a Lot of adults and realized early on that lots of the
stuff that they were talking about was stuff that interested me too. so gener-
ally when i respect a person it's generally because they have stuff to say 
about something that interests me too. once a guy i know went to wait for tori
after like the Third tori concert he'd been to That Week and asked me if i had
anything to say like.. how much she'd influenced me and what she'd gotten me
through. and i thought How Horrible. i mean, i guess it's nice for people to
know that they've affected their fans but i just Couldn't imagine telling 
someone i didn't Know that, especially someone i respected. so i just asked him
to ask her if she knew where i could find some cheap gauzy wings like in _the
piano_. course, now i have them, so what Could i talk about? moomins, rule 
number one is, you can Always talk about moomins.

i've been reading all this crucify (i mean the act, not the song) and thinking.
have any of you guys read _panati's extraordinary endings of practically every-
thing and everybody_? my father saw it in a catalogue once which means that
about three weeks later he was walking around the house saying did you know
that belle starr's last words were "baby, your brother eddy shot me"? did you
know lord byron had an organ of enormous size? guess which. yeah, you guys,
this is My childhood. anyway, panati is really useful, long as (i've been told)
you ignore that he can be a bit of a liar sometimes. he's just the king of
weird facts. my friend rebecca used a book of his which has never been seen
before or since for a speech and That's where she learned that the bedouins
now use velcro to fasten themselves to their camels for camel races. also, my
father recommends the book (i'd abbreviate it but it comes out peepee) much
more highly than the encyclopedia of the strange.


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 13:15:58 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 13:15:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: Angela Reid <celemon@email.unc.edu>
Subject: Freedom of Choice continued; Case of You source?
Mime-Version: 1.0
content-length: 1763

Hobbes said:
> >From: Angela Reid <celemon@email.unc.edu>
> >> From: hobbes@scn.org (Jeff Lilliquist)
<snip Dan's comments>
> >> Then send me a non-digest form!  I have NO CHOICE it's what RDT wants!
> >
> >Doesn't your editor have a "Cut Text" key or a way to delete?  I respond 
> >to RDTs in the same way you seem to--I hit reply and include original 
> >message.  
> Hell no!  and I'm not going to bother either!  It really doesn't make 
> much of a difference. IF I asnwered each one seperately you just have a
> string of six replies in you digest. It make no fucking difference. Go find a
> puppy to kick around. You people are sniveling wimps!

Very strange--your editor removes so much from each digest but allows you 
no control over cutting or deleting text at will.  Huh.  
Incidentally, I never told you to cut down the length of your posts.  I 
just questioned your statement that you "have no choice."  I'd hate for 
you to have to feel like a victim if you don't need to.  So far from 
kicking around puppies, I try to help them out.  But, if your editor is 
that capricious, I suppose you really can't help it.

Hobbes said further:
> Just so you can file'm correctly here's the MORE correct lyrics
> If you want me I'll be in the bar
> on the back of a cartoon coaster
> in the blue TV screen light
> I drove up to Canada  oh  Canada
> with your face sketched on it twice
Those are some pretty odd revisions.  Why would Tori change "I drew a 
map of Canada" to "I drove up to Canada?"  The bit about drawing 
rather fits well with the "I am a lonely painter."  Plus, is it Canada 
the state that has "your face sketched on it twice" rather than Canada 
the drawn map?  Where did you come by these More correct lyrics?  


-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 13:20:31 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 10:24:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carlie Partridge <cpartrid@sparky.lkwash.wednet.edu>
Mime-Version: 1.0
content-length: 220

Could someone please send me the info  on how to get Tori COVERED? Thank 
you all! By the way, I have been offered a chance to buy some 95& limeted 
ed. box set of tori stuff. . . . . . . ..anyone heard of such things?

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 14:11:54 1995
From: "Yuri-G" <CHRISTEA@edu-suu-student.ns.suu.edu>
Organization:  General Student Server
Date:          Thu, 15 Jun 1995 12:11:38 MST7MDT
Subject:       ugly people, nasty attitudes
Priority: normal
content-length: 640

> hobbes@scn.org
> Hey!  Atleast I'm not THAT ugly and don't have to worry about that.

i've never seen you in my life but i don't care if you look like 
Strider; you're uglier than sin because you're attitude sucks.

*only comment i will ever make to hobbes again,as he is not worth 
even reading anymore*
even I don't like you.
not that you care.

"Are you cooing at me? Are you cooing at me?"
                          Bobby Goodfeather

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 14:18:47 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 14:18:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: okladyiluvyoubuhbye <jferna03@fiu.edu>
Subject: cartoons!
Mime-Version: 1.0
content-length: 1382

yes pinky, the world has lost its sense of humor (you should share your 
theory about why there's so much hatred in the world with everybody) and yes 
sunshine, today's cartoons just utterly wreak, except for animaniacs. 
there's never been a cartoon with a better sense of humor and some of 
what i hear i'm amazed is aired at 4 in the afternoon.....

"you are in violation of this state's penal code...."
                                  - some cartoon judge
"hey hey hey....this is a family show! none of that language here!"
                                  - yakko warner

"well i never!!!!"
           - some random lady in a movie theater...
"you should! it's a lot of fun!"
           - scrappy the squirrel.....

it's such an intellegent cartoon. jump on the bandwagon, everyone!!!

jorge (thouroughly amused by yesterday's rdt, and thanks for the extra 
one, hobbes!)

~ "i fall in love every ten minutes"                                 ~
~              - some intellegent soul who sat in the back of one of ~
~                  classes last semester......                       ~
~  Jorge Fernandez 9800 SW 138 Ave. Miami, Fl. 33186   305.388.3553  ~

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 15:24:15 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 14:12:43 -0500
From: wrightv@platte.unk.edu (ANDREW WRIGHT)
Subject: hobbes, you asshole.
content-length: 1240

I'm trying not to be incredibly pissed as I write this.

Okay, Really Deep Thoughts is NOT the proper forum for calling people offensive
names like "fag". Tori's music is all about being an individual, and if that
doesn't teach you something about how you should treat other people, if you
only listen to Tori because she's sexy, then you are listening with your penis
and have nothing worthwhile to contribute to the discussion.

Can you look at a homosexual person, or particularly a repressed closet
homosexual, and say, this person hasn't been through enough abuse, I need to
abuse him some more? Do you honestly think you're making the world a better
place by calling people fags? It's people like you that make us afraid of what
we are. I am homosexual, and it's time it was something I could admit,
something I could be proud of, something I could be happy about. So I don't
want to hear what you think of Trent Reznor, or what you think about people
who like Trent, really, I don't want to hear anything you say anymore.

Okay, two Tori quotes to round off the letter....

"Yes, I know what you think of me, you never shut up"

"My heart is sick of being, I SAID MY HEART IS SICK OF BEING IN CHAINS."



-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 16:01:57 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 95 21:00:23 BST
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jamie Nelson)
Subject: Just Thoughts (quite shallow) on rdt
content-length: 4085

From: jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jamie Nelson)
Subject: Just Thoughts (quite shallow) on rdt

On Saturday, 10th June Toolophile@aol.com wrote:

>Jai mentioned KLF and Utah Saints...
>I'm sure I'm not giving them a fair chance, but both of the songs I heard
>from them did not turn me on.  The KLF one went something like this.
>"KLF!  Uh-huh Uh-huh Uh-huh!" and the Utah Saints one went something like
>this "Utah Saints U U U Utah Saints!"

Thats a surprising acurate quote of the lyrics to the most popular songs by
those two bands. I can understand completely that they don't do much for
you. I haven't heard anything by Tool (*gasp* blasphemy!!!) but I do not
understand how I can like The KLF style of music AND love Tori's style as
well. Its like hardcore gabba rave and classical music, they just are not
similar at all. (But then, I do actually like some gabba and I'm going to
get a classical collection CD soon.) Maybe I'm just a little insane

A few lines later we found:
>Amy (yuri-g) said:
>>patrick, you're rad. :-)
>>just thought you'd like to know.....
>I agree.  But, I'd like to add something:
>Amy, you're rad too :-)
>just thought you'd like to know....

Does this look like the start of a ".. ...you're rad :-)" cascade?? If so:

Everyone on rdt, you're rad :-)
just thought you'd all like to know.. ...

Later the same digest:
Patrick698@aol.com wrote:

>In a message dated 95-06-10 00:50:29 EDT, you write: (JAI-> sorry, don't know
                                                            who 'you' are)
>> No, I don't think so. "All the white horses have gone ahead" to me, sounds
>>more like they're running free, straight towards their destiny.. .
>But they must have "gone ahead" of something, no?  Something or someone is
>left behind.  Is it Tori? Is it her Father?

Yeah, like maybe they're running from an abbatoir?? (FX: evil smirk) :->
Anyone see that Due South show we're Fraiser stop those guys that were
cutting up wild horses to mix with beef for the supermarkets??? Maybe
they've gone ahead to become your next Sunday lunch!! (FX evil diabolical
laughter in background.)

Sorry, thats real sick. Don't know what came over me.. ...

There's been talk about this Leonard Cohen tribute album recently. Does
anyone know what tracks are on it?? And who's covering which song??
I've just got a 'bargin price' copy of "I'm your man" purely because a
friend and myself saw Pump Up The Volume and thought "Everybody knows" was
the bestest ever song ever!!! I'm just hoping someone's done a cool cover
of that one (a Tori version would be REAL peechy) and I think that "First
we'll take Manhattan" should be on there too. Also those off the Natural
Born Killers soundtrack!
Why has the tribute album been done? Did he die and I missed it, or what??

Just read the Fyreflea intro. What did I think of it?? Smegging
Excellent!!! Totally Brutal!!!!! Utterly, Utterly Peechy!!!!!!!!!! Real
Supercalifragilisticexpealidous (sp?)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait till
the next installment.. ...

Sorry this post is nearly a week late, I still doing exams and my net
access time is heavily reduced at the moment.. ...

- - ---

Appologies for any breechies of netequette,.. ...

|                  |  . \ ` ' /    |       "The meastro says its Mozart
|    Jai Nelson    | ._` __^__ '_. |       But it sounds like Bubblegum
| jnel@atlas.co.uk |    [()=()]    |       When you're stuck here waiting
|                  |    /_____\    |       Waiting for the Miracle to come"
|                  |               |       - Leonard Cohen

Quote of the week: (from Bruce Boutell)

>*You can tell a lot about a person from their sig.*
>PS "Barney Rubble what a little Wiener!"
>PPS  did you ever notce that if you have...
>PPPS  enough post post post post scrips....
>PPPPS  it starts to look like half....
>PPPPPS  a christmas tree?... No? Oh.

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 16:02:26 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 95 21:00:51 BST
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jamie Nelson)
Subject: Next batch of coments
content-length: 5003

On Sunday, 11th June, Patrick698@aol.com wrote: (and again I can say who
the 'you' is)

>In a message dated 95-06-10 02:47:17 EDT, you write:
>>I would also like to know any of y'alls interpretations of Cornflake Girl.
>>Don't think I'm dense or anything all of you expert Tori fans out there but,
>>what the heck is she talking about in that song?? My sister and I have many
>>theories, but they all sound pretty dumb!
>It's about women betraying women.  Cornflake girl = white bread, close
>minded, do what you're told.  Raisin girl = multi-grain, open, independant
>thinker.  A good friend becomes a cornflake girl and fucks over the raisin
>girls.  Tori can't handle women fucking over other women "THis is not really

I think he's got he essence of the song exactly right there, but I'm we'd
be enthralled by 'your' "pretty dumb sounding" theories of the song.
(Whoever you are, that is, not Patrick698@aol.com)
((although, if Patrick698@aol.com has any other theories, then I'm sure
we'd all like to hear those aswell.. ...))

On Sunday 11th June, at895@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Kevin F. Holy) wrote:

>Subject: Wait, one more.
>Reply-To: at895@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Kevin F. Holy)
>content-length: 209
>I must say I love The KLF also, they just havent been working lately.

Suppose this should go private, but its not that long.
If The KLF themselves are to be believed they won't be working ever again.
They split in 1992.  But then, if you sub to The KLF list then you'll know
that anyhow. Personally I reckon they'll be back in a few years, under a
different name with some more music thats a few years ahead of its time.

The T-shirt idea is getting really smart now. If it ever stops being
discussed and starts being printed then hopefully someone get some over
here to England. If you're going to put a song's lyrics (like SATY) on the
back say (I believe andrea <andrean@merle.acns.nwu.edu> suggested this
idea) then why not do it in exactly the same format as the LE inlay has it
(sorry think this has already been suggested). That way its a nice box that
would look fine on someone's back. Bolding the RDT line would work, and
maybe, at the end instead of the musician comments and the arrangements
etc, put the list address or something.
Actually, if think there's been enough ideas for two or three T-shirts. No
ones mentioned what graphic goes on the front, though. Do we want the LE
cover? UtP cover? Just Tori's face? or what?
If any certain ideas are found within a week or two, I'll be getting a KLF
shirt printed, and if I can get the graphics by then I could print a bundle
of rdt ones out at the same time for any fellow Brits. (Sorry, not sure
about posting overseas yet, get back to you foreingers about that :-))

On Monday, 12th June, Michael K Curry <mcurry@world.std.com> wrote:

>   If you're a Neil Gaiman fan (and I know many of you are) and/or a Terry
>Pratchett fan I highly recommend the novel they wrote together, _Good
>Omens_.  I just started it yesterday and it's great!

I'll second this if anyone needs another opinion. I read it about four or
five times, and it gets better each time.

I wrote at some point:
>WARNING!!! The above views are purely my opinion. Please don't flame, or if
>you must, then keep it off the list. To:

Where'd that last line come from?? Seems my mailer is screwing up. Oops!

Also I posted a MASSIVE message there going on about this girl I know.
Appologies to boring you all like that. I wasn't feeling too cool that day.
Needed someone to talk to I guess. Also my mailer kacked up the carriage
returns for some reason. Sorry for boring you.. ...


Ps. Hope Kitty (seventh@PrimeNet.Com (jason & tina mckendry)) is feeling
better now. Appologies if I did anything to cause you to go off rdt.

PPs. Anyone else enjoying the small flame-war between Hobbes and Todd? More
of an embers war at the moment, but interesting all the same. Puhleeze
don't goto private e-mail on this one. All we need is Mellissa to break out
the marshmallows and we can all sit round these two toasting them.
(Marshmallows, that is :-))

- - ---

Appologies for any breechies of netequette,.. ...

|                  |  . \ ` ' /    |       "The meastro says its Mozart
|    Jai Nelson    | ._` __^__ '_. |       But it sounds like Bubblegum
| jnel@atlas.co.uk |    [()=()]    |       When you're stuck here waiting
|                  |    /_____\    |       Waiting for the Miracle to come"
|                  |               |       - Leonard Cohen

Quote of the week: (from Bruce Boutell)

>*You can tell a lot about a person from their sig.*
>PS "Barney Rubble what a little Wiener!"
>PPS  did you ever notce that if you have...
>PPPS  enough post post post post scrips....
>PPPPS  it starts to look like half....
>PPPPPS  a christmas tree?... No? Oh.

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 16:06:54 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 95 21:01:52 BST
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jamie Nelson)
Subject: Scream Video (MJ)
content-length: 1428

Just seen the new MJ video.

Lots of really cool morphing, wierd angles and perspective tricks with
Micheal dancing on a wall and Janet on the ceiling.
There's a bit where Janet appears to be taking a leak in a toilet???

All in all VERY wierd. Not sure it was worth $6 Million. Not as good as
Black and White was. And BAD had better choreography, but then in Scream
there is only the two of them. Definately not as good as the Thriller video

Anyone know for certain why it was all in black and white? Was it to play
down how white Micheal must look next to his sister?? :-)

- - ---

Appologies for any breechies of netequette,.. ...

|                  |  . \ ` ' /    |       "The meastro says its Mozart
|    Jai Nelson    | ._` __^__ '_. |       But it sounds like Bubblegum
| jnel@atlas.co.uk |    [()=()]    |       When you're stuck here waiting
|                  |    /_____\    |       Waiting for the Miracle to come"
|                  |               |       - Leonard Cohen

Quote of the week: (from Bruce Boutell)

>*You can tell a lot about a person from their sig.*
>PS "Barney Rubble what a little Wiener!"
>PPS  did you ever notce that if you have...
>PPPS  enough post post post post scrips....
>PPPPS  it starts to look like half....
>PPPPPS  a christmas tree?... No? Oh.

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 16:22:28 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 15:17:54 -0500 (EST)
From: Destroy Power <dbbritts@indyunix.iupui.edu>
Subject: Tori video for sale and some NIN stuff
Mime-Version: 1.0
content-length: 1244

Hello! First off, I have the German broadcast of Tori's Canada show from 
September of 94 for sale. It is broadcast quality and has great audio
and picture. It is 15$ ppd, and if you're interested, email me for
set list, etc. I also have NIN at Woodstock, broadcast quality, as well
as a comp vidoe with the unedited Broken videos as well as others for
15$ each as well. And lastly, I have a copy of the Downward Spiral 
double Lp for sale, Us promo only pressing. EMail me offers. Thanx! 

ps-how much is a vinyl copy of YKTR going for nowadays? Thanx! DAve

Man's tyranny over other living beings cannot be justified or proven sane. 
People starve while cows eat what could be theirs. Factory farms are modern
day concentration camps. The conditions these animals are raised in are
inhumane and extremely cruel. Forget these fairy tale images the media has  
so conveniently led you to believe. They are reared to live and eventually
die in misery-Disrupt Now more than ever, please consider going vegan!!!!
- -----------------------------D CORE RECORDS----------------------------------

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 17:02:00 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 14:01:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: (attn: Cara & $+b@i+W^VQ
Mime-Version: 1.0
content-length: 0

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>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 17:08:56 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 14:08:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: more cents (attn: Cara & Kathy)
Mime-Version: 1.0
content-length: 456


CARA- is your friend who played with Tori and Bill Miller a young pianist
by the name of Colleen Tribby per chance? Hhmmm... just wondering...

KATHY- I'm with you on Tori covering Rush (the band, not the pig- I mean
man)... definitely "Cold Fire" (with a little rearranging, Geddy Lee's voice
keeps interrupting my imagination's TA version), yes on "The Trees," but am
still pondering "Dream Line"  -Just thought I'd vocalize my thoughts.

- -Krista

-------- Next Message --------

>From rdt-owner Thu Jun 15 17:33:45 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 17:33:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: "she's going hooome....(bye bye)"
Mime-Version: 1.0
content-length: 2351

yep, it's off and away to the land of illinois for me, and so while i'm saying
farewell to all you yummiest of people, i'm going to jump on every thread i can
like a silly little grey-tiger cat with the greenest of eyes and so. living
forever might be hundreds and thousands times fun, but most especially if i got
the hob gadling bargain, and it'd be so much easier not to get bored, because
you'd have the option of death every hundred years or so, and so much more
reason to say "well, there are sooo many INTERESTING things in the world!"
instead of "my life stinks." plus i'd get to have a drink with mr. dreamy every
century, and that'd be jolly, because i'd already KNOW who he is! and it'd be
nice not to get old, although i might want to try on wrinkles and white hair
just to see how they fit. my favorite books right right now are _the satanic
verses_ (which was such jolly fun and somebody in it got HORNS!) and _where the
wild things are_ (because max is my hero) and i just took steven king's _the
wastelands_ off my shelf and remembered what a delightful book it is,
especially jake's english essay (choo choo and that is the truth) and playing
"spot the t. s. eliot reference!" is fun, too. and my favorite movies right now
have to be _the nightmare before christmas_ and _time bandits_ (the giant with
the boat on his head...woooo!) and maybe _beetlejuice_ as well. and isn't it
funny that all our growing-up cartoons were so good, but i never never liked
any of the hanna-barbera-flinstones-and-jetsons-and-scooby-doo- stuff that came
from earlier, except bugs when he would magically turn people into suckers. but
oh, loveys, have a wonderful summer, and mow faerie-circles in your backyard
and dance in them for me. and i'll be back again in september, and if you want
you can leave happy messages for me for when i get back, but you don't have to.
						k@ie gadling
			(who's thrilled she got to use the word "lovey!")

 so i shall wander happily                 "And then us'd all climb through a
 ignoring everything i see                 window and we'd be OFF into the 
 and seeing things which aren't there      LONG GRASS and GONE before you could
 and weaving hedgehogs in my hair          say JANUARIUS GAMMADION FONTARABIA
		-Francesca Bongiorno       DAGONET KNIPPERDOLLINGS..."
						-Master Redlaw, hedgepig

--- End of messages ---
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Archives and a discography are available by anonymous ftp from
ftp.uwp.edu, in the directory /pub/music/lists/rdt.

- -Anthony (mailing-list-owner)

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > June 1995