rdt-digest V1 #52

From: owner-rdt-digest@oasis.novia.net
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 23:10:06 -0500
Subject: rdt-digest V1 #52
To: rdt-digest@oasis.novia.net

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rdt-digest                Wednesday, 26 July 1995      Volume 01 : Number 052

Last of the Great White Sandbos
off-Tori but on-rdt things
the evil that men do
first concert
CDNOW! and Tori
First Heinlein; Carolina--North and South; Darwin & Christians
alanis and rdt...
less venom this time
Tori and South Carolina?
old stuff
That 95% thing
Modern vs Alternative
where do i begin?
Ayn Rand, Dorothy Parker, the Muppets.
I've found my voice (and it makes me dizzy)
A very special person has a birthday (NO Tori content)
Alanis, zodiac signs and mermaids
a story for you that isn't really mine
hi y'all :-)
my sign? capricorn, of course
"So the story goes, the fire burns to the black"
Joe Satriani and CD numbers
one more year and some gay bands
umm...  wombat!
Tori Items for Sale
only a few replies
something serious



From: Erasirhed@aol.com
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 02:10:28 -0400
Subject: Last of the Great White Sandbos

Well, I'm tired.  Warning: I get very pissed off in this post and say some
strong things.  But that's later.  
tharri1(fugazi?) writes:

>lately I've seen post about fans of tori and homosexuality associated 
>with it.  My question deals with other groups who have a large gay 
>following, the indigo girls, and melissa etheridge mainly.  Both of these 
>acts are openly gay or bisexual.  Why is it that the majority of people 
>who go to these shows are gay?
  That really is weird how that works.  The only evidence I can offer is
Melissa's vid for "The only one".  Wow, there's a lot of sweaty muscular
women in that video.  You can draw yr own conclusions all...  Oh, and this is
not a judgement or opinion, simply fact (translation:please don't flame).
GrecianUrn wrote:
>instead of the radio- and MTV-friendly "when you fffff her." 
  On a slightly related note, why does MTV cut the word "smell" in the new
Primus vid yet leave in the word "egg-piss"?  That really confuses me, I
don't know whether to be mad or scratch my head.
Pat wrote:
>so is 20%of the music buying public enough to sway the industry?
No.  But it is enough to keep worthwhile artists alive, so I guess I can
almost live w/ it.

>From: Patrick Merz <MERZP@ubaclu.unibas.ch>
>From: Patrick Merz <MERZP@ubaclu.unibas.ch>
>Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 15:13:58 +0200

>an anagram short story by P. Merz, (c) 1995Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 15:13:58
  You, my friend, are a fucking god!  I am in near awe of yr creative talents
and you shall be receiving the first ever Sandbo Salute via yr email.  I
don't know whether you were on hallucinogens or what, but I am impressed.

Cory gave us some suicide tips.  Thank you man.  But I think when I go, I'll
have to take my whole school w/me, as they all deserve it too.  When you hear
the sad tale of a Midwestern High School blowing up because of boiler
trouble, you can all say "I knew him".

Miguel quoted Carrie as saying:
>>You are ELIMINATING HER CHOICE IN THE MATTER, and thus reducing 
>> the woman to a baby container
  I agree.  I think life w/o Choice is not a life at all.  If someone is
going to be fucked over either way, we have to make a decision against
someone, and I'm goin by seniority.  I may be more sympathetic to the
pro-life viewpoint if the earth wasn't heading for a population (and
environmental) crisis at the current rate of growth.  I'm reminded of Kurt
Vonnegut who heard some startling population projection on world population
and his only response was "I suppose they'll all want dignity too".  these
days, everyone will want a car, house, TV, 2 phones, etc. because they are
what everyone has as part of the modern world.  However, this cannot be done
if the population growth keeps goin into the stratosphere.  Personally, I've
found human life to be a pretty overrated commodity(the only reason i don't
kill myself is because it wouldn't make a difference, there are so many
others out there who wouldn't).  5 billion of us, and still nothing gets
done.  That's my reproductive credo,as fragmented as it may seem.  Granted
its somewhat extreme(I got crucified in class for suggesting that China might
have the right idea, but no one could give me a reason why.)

Jai said:
> The New Muppet Show and should be on screen like soonish (like in
>the fall or spring) for all you lucky Americans
Yes, but will it be network or syndicated?

Jason, re:alanis:
>I'm really starting to wonder why there is such a large amount of
>going on on the net
  Its because this woman's publicity is outta control.  I can't turn on mtv
or the radio w/o runnin inta her, and frankly its makin me crazy (some would
say "-er").  Another reason is because she has been mentioned so much.
 Granted, being a Tori list, we will concentrate on similar sounding artists,
but I never saw anything even close to the Alanis deluge for Jill Sobule(and
I thought "i kissed a girl" was a much better song) or Bjork.  And frankly,
we just don't get it.
>Please, people, I don't mind off-subject topics, but a 90% non-Tori 
>digest isn't really what I subscribed to... 
We've gone thru this before; you can only talk about each Tori song, concert,
etc. so many times before you run out of stuff to say.  This kind of thing
happens to all digests in the off-period.  On sugar, we've discussed
Cheesecake recipes; Pavement has done Gobots v. Transformers; you get the
>Why do you like Tori so much?
This is irrelevant to me.  Tori is a trailblazer who has changed music.
 Alanis doesn't seem to be doing anything really new.

Allen said:
> Also, I really doubt that they moved the Twin Peaks in an 
>attempt to kill it.  Believe me, any TV network is not going to 
>move a show to try to LOWER its ratings - it just doesn't happen.
No, but sometimes a show like TP will be moved so another crappy sitcom can
get a comfy, no-risk slot.  Don't get me started...
  And that's a wrap!
- --Dr. Sandbo-Yes, I am
"Burn down the disco...the music that they constantly play-it says nothing to
me about my life.  Hang the DJ!"--the Smiths



From: matthew something <MABRAMS@POMONA.EDU>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 23:46:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: off-Tori but on-rdt things

let's see.

As for Alanis Morissette, say what you will, but she really twirls and whirls 
very well in her video. also she does this funny thing where she sort of takes 
a step and pushes her hand away, and it's just fascinating.

Has anyone noticed that MTV's alternative nation (midnight weekdays and 
saturday but not friday) seems to be showing lots of old Cure and Smiths and 
Morrissey videos? which is a very good thing, because i've watched MTV (behind 
closed doors) for a while, but I never knew much about music, so I didn't know 
exactly what I was watching. so the old-ish alternative music that I like have 
lots of neat videos that I never really saw, or at least never really 
remembered. so I love seeing older videos and cult classics on alternative 
nation and 120 minutes, though they don't show them nearly enough.

first album I owned: october project. long-time rdt readers may remember how 
it should have been More Pink, but the store was sold out. first concert: 
mumble mumble. one of these days I'll go to one, honestly.

today was a really neat musical day: my friend and I were driving, and we 
heard 'cuts you up' by Peter Murphy, and then 'dear prudence' by siouxsie (I 
didn't actually even know that it was a Beatles song until fairly recently), 
and then 'i'll fall with your knife' by peter murphy also, all on the radio in 
the space of an afternoon (different stations), and that's quite rare. but 
92.5, The Flash from San Diego, played the former two, and the latter was on a 
station which played 'fall' and then a depeche mode song and then was entirely 
Mexican for the remainder of the afternoon. odd.

incidentally, i went and heard siouxise's 'all tomorrow's parties,' and kady 
and everyone should try to hear it too if possible.

i've figured out a new goal: to hear New Order's cover of 'sister ray.'

well, this was all a fairly unplanned post; i just realized i could and did 
so. hope all is going well for everyone.
                                                                as per usual

"Mirrors would do well to reflect before sending back images." -Jean Cocteau 
(namesake of the cocteau twins, so i am told, whom tori doesn't sound like, so
i am also told)
                                                         _Sang d'un Poete_



From: shawn k mccartt <skmcca00@mik.uky.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95 08:38:58 -0400
Subject: the evil that men do

oh dear... last night, your esteemed pizza driver boy here had 
a bit of a run in with the law... coming off a green light, i 
cut over a lane, right in front of TWO cops! they both put 
their lights on and pulled me over (like i was too much for 
just one to handle) for reckless driving (and not 
having a seat belt on (i had taken it off at the light to pick 
up the sarah CD that i had just bought that fell into the back 
seat))... after the ticket i just lost it... i had been 
listening to kinda down music all night, on top of a stressful 
day (involving getting up at 4am to spend 6 hours cramming for 
a calculus test that i believe i failed anyway)  i couldn't 
work anymore that night 'cause i just broke down... :(

but as that rambling story tells i finally got some Sarah 
cds... up until now i had just heard what my friends had 
played and a tape i had of her on 120 minutes... since i 
didn't go to the concert last night in cinncy (it'll work out 
one day sunshine :)  ) i went out and got Fumbling towards 
ecstacy... loved it... so last night while i was at work i 
drove by a music store stopped, and bought the Freedom 
sessions and solace... then of course all this good could not 
go unanswered in my life so, voila, i get pulled over :(

sarat sayd:

>actually it was yestereve ( which would have been monday night).  i was 
>rather annoyed that i would not be able to see the chieftens and sarah in 
>cinncinnati ( and even moreso disturbed that iw ould not meet anna 

well, that makes three now :)  i think there was a conspiracy 
to keep rdt-people out of that show... :)

Patrick698 sayd:

>Ok, I'll share a little ditty by writer and poet Dorothy Parker, 
>she of the Algonquin Round Table fame
> (and believe me, without going into it, let's just say that this is advice I
>have heeded personally):
(poem clipped)

has anyone here seen Ms. Parker and the Viscious Circle?  if 
not it comes highly recommened from yours truly :)

lazergirl sayd:

>educational reform act (ok, all kentuckians in school in the past four years,
>groan With me now) have to turn in a gigantic portfolio and also talk about the


- -Shawn K mMcCaArRtT (of many goofy double letters :)

"Tick! Tick! this is your mind speaking...sorry I haven't been around
much lately, I'm easily distracted by shiny objects."
            -The tick's mind



From: "John Laibson" <JOHN@DEAN.MED.UFL.EDU>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 09:08:25 EST5EDT
Subject: first concert

my first concert was Twisted Sister with Dokken and Y&T, something 
like 1982,83,84-ish.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Laibson               JOHN@dean.med.ufl.edu
Student Admissions         (904)392-4569
University of Florida
College of Medicine
PO Box 100216, JHMHC
Gainesville, FL 32601-0216

"Rejoice, rejoice, we have no choice
 But to carry on." - CSN

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



From: smironne@planete.net (mironneau serge)
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 17:06:05 +0200
Subject: CDNOW! and Tori

 I haven't bought anything from CDnow! yet. Here's some info about CDs you
mention :

<Cornflake Girl Ltd. Ed.  WEA  7567 856552 (import)>
This is the UK Cornflake Girl limited edition digipack foldout sleeve (EastWest)
UK reference is A7281CDX
EURO reference is 7567-85688-2 (both references on CD cover)
cornflake girl/A case of you/If 6 was 9/strange fruit

<Cornflake Girl + 3  EW 85695-2  Ger. (import)>
correct reference is 7567-85693-2 (made in Germany, standard Euro issue)
Cornflake girl/Sister janet/piano suite: all the girls hate her/over it

<Past The Mission + 3  EW A7257CD  UK (import)>
This was issued as a "limited edition live EP" 2CD Double DigiPak
disc 1 (fab foldout cover !!!) 4 live songs  ref: A7257CDX
disc 2 past the mission (lp v.)/winter (live)/the waitress (live)/here in
my head (live) ref:A7257CD
note: disc 2 was available separately

<Crucify EP + tracks  #1  AB0317 (boot? not standard serial #)>
serial number not european (uk, german or french)



From: Angela Reid <celemon@email.unc.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 11:12:05 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: First Heinlein; Carolina--North and South; Darwin & Christians

Time Enough for Love, rapidly followed by Stranger.

We North Carolinians generally don't consider South Carolina the same 
thing.  The "Carolina" bit isn't enough to create unity, I don't think; 
so I don't imagine Tori takes the Susan Smith trial any more personally 
than someone from Illinois might.

Shelby asked a few days ago about the Darwin fish and Christian rage--it 
depends on your own little corner of the Bible Belt, of course.  But 
Darwin was a Christian, and many Christians are Darwinians.  
Unfortunately, the kind who arm themselves often aren't.  (Pity poor 
Alfred Russel Wallace.  It must be a painful thing to release a statement 
on evolution and then be upstaged and completely ignored by history.)


This particularly rapid unintelligible patter isn't generally read, and 
if it is it doesn't matter (matter matter).  --apologies to Gilbert & 



From: Toriphile <vnudd@singnet.com.sg>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 23:14:24 +0800 (SST)


Really, I wasn't even writing a flame. But I felt that you ought to know 
that even if you _don't_ know any males who like Tori, that 'wimmin' are 
more likely to like Tori because of some peculiar sensibility. I guess it 
was your reference to Gilligan that threw me, because it seemed to me 
that you were implying some sort of identification by virtue of being 
female that was exclusively female (you know, the 'we know better cos 
we're wimmin' kind of thing). Actually, the nature/nurture thing is all 
very interesting, but I'm more inclined to believe in this case that it's 
more nurture than nature. Fair enuff?

Frank N. Furter:

Okay, so you think there a lot of better and more interesting musicians 
than Trent working in the same tradition. Would you care to name some? 
Personally, I think The Downward Spiral pretty impressive from a musical 
POV. Okay, so Trent is really quite commercial, but I would guess 
that Downward Spiral is less radio friendly than Pretty Hate Machine, and 
I think he's going somewhere musically. Like I said, he doesn't seem to 
be the typical maverick anti-corporate kind of industrial like Throbbing 
Gristle and their like, but if you just ignore the industrial tag, I 
think you'll find the music itself pretty good.

Oh yeah, as for the Madonna comparison, the difference is that Trent does 
it himself! Robert Fripp is Robert Fripp, but Madonna will always be 
Madonna, African drums notwithstanding (utter shit!).

As for preferring Hyperium, I'm sure you know that Hyperium is just the 
European side of Projekt! I agree with Lycia being too much filler, 
but I think Black Tape ... pretty darn good personally. Cleopatra stuff, 
well I don't go for it personally, but I know a friend who does, and boy, 
would she be pissed with you! :-)



From: av488@freenet.carleton.ca (J. Scott Waters)
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 11:30:03 -0400
Subject: alanis and rdt...

Apparently my posting (and reading) rdt is getting to be a new habbit! :)

Well, the whole Alanis thing... I don't know.. I always promised myself
that I would never say anything negative about music that people liked,
mainly because all of the trauma that I had to go through in high school
over tori (basically I was one of the only ones who liked her)

I really can't decide if I like Alanis or not, I do agree that the has a
lot of potential for future albums, since she has already improved so
much over her last 2 albums (remember laura)

But anyway, hey!  Does anyone read the strip 'life in hell'?  There was
a really funny one that had all these different methods to kill
yourself, I'll try and remember some of them.... 

That's all for today!:)

- --
    O    \ O /  _ O          -|     \ /     |_         O _   \ O /    O
   /|\     |     /\   __\O    \O     |    O/    O/__   /\      |     /|\
   / \    / \   | \   /) |    ( \   /O\  / )    | (\   /  |   / \    / \



From: FULLER2_MATT@bentley.edu
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 11:52:32 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: less venom this time

	After last post I see that it's not a good idea to post on an empty 
stomach.  The venom flows too freely.  Oh well, nothing ventured ...

	HEINLEIN:  1st book I read was _Double Star_.  I also read recently 
that one of the movies on Tom Hanks' wish list is _Stranger..._.  I don't 
know about that one ....

	NEW THREADS:  It does seem like it's been a while, so let me see if I 
can think of anything creative (this could be a while).  I know:  Top Ten 
ways Tori and Alanis are alike!  (It's a joke, guys!  Ha ha!!  Don't flame!)
How bout this:  Where should Tori live after she moves from England and why?  
("My house" is not considered a legitimate answer)  I think she should try to 
live in Graceland for a while.  She could cover and update all sorts of Elvis 
tunes for a new audience (the old stuff never did it for me).  Besides, she'd 
look great in one of those while Elvis jumpsuits (and chops?).  

	"You ain't nothin' but a Pinkie,
	 Postin' all the time.
	 You ain't nothin' but a Pinkie,
	 and you ain't no fan of mine."

	I thought of this new Tori related problem:  Tori pushes her piano 
off the top of a building, and it falls at 9.8 m/s .....

Matt Fuller  **  Fuller2_Matt@Bentley.edu



From: BAFoster@aol.com
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 12:26:46 -0400
Subject: Tori and South Carolina?

Laura Franco wrote:

>>I was wondering ... with the latest news about the Susan Smith trial in 
South Carolina ... what do people think about it? What do peole think 
about the death penalty? What does anyone suppose Tori would think about 
this issue (capital punishment) since this is happening in her home 
state? <<

Excuse me if I'm wrong, but I think Tori's home state is *North* Carolina and
not South Carolina....I am in school in SC and I don't think she's from
there. :)  Just being nitpicky...

Faery Barbara



From: "Kim.Dyer" <21329KAD@MSU.EDU>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95 12:29 EDT
Subject: old stuff

> It has come to my attention that in issue # 7 of Really Deep Thoughts
> fanzine, the Caldwells published a flawed version of the Al Stewart
> interview.

This is almost word for word what other friends of Jack have posted
in the past, trying to sell an interview there is little demand for.  Makes
me wonder if he is paying people to post his words verbatim.

> printed copies of his original transcript, not photocopies.  These are copie
> printed on a press, a quality presentation (not cheap.)  When you add up 7
> sheets collated together, $4.00 is not unreasonable.

Printed vs photocopied makes very little difference to the average person
for this sort of thing. They just want to READ it, not archive it.  Copies
run about 6 cents a page,  so 7 pages should be 42 cents.  Add 32 cents
postage. Now we have 74 cents. Add an envelope.  I'm still making a profit
offering copies of the RDT printing for $1 and I've had nobody ask for a
one.   (I even said I'd send the profit to RAINN if I got enough to make
it worth writing a check!)

I *still* have two tapes (legit cut outs, sealed, with liner notes)
of the Al Stewart album Tori sings back up on available.  Tape and
interview together for $3. (I've already got it on tape, CD and LP
myself.) Once again, I'm covering my cost plus just a touch to make
it round numbers. (Between you and me, if her name were not on the
liner notes I'd never pick her voice out.  I'm not offering these at
the price I found 'em to Al's fans ... they are willing to pay full
price and get 'em from his manager.  It's a good album, only a cut out
because the label folded.  I am only offering these to those die hard
Tori fans who MUST have everything she has appeared on.)

It's your money.  Do what you want with it. Personally, I wouldn't want
to support someone making approximately a 300% profit off Al and Tori's
friendship to massage their own ego ... especially if he has to attack
fans of those artists who have done alot of work to promote them to do

- -- Kim



From: "Bailey, Doug S" <dsbailey@po4.pcmail.ingr.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95 11:37:00 CDT
Subject: Comparisons...

I just realized something.  If Tori had bought
breast implants instead of hair dye, and if she
had learned the guitar instead of the piano,
she'd be...JEWEL!!!

Their similarities are amazing, right down to
the 'funny lip shape.'


I channel in sin, so I am rot
EMAIL RULE #1:  Always insert your address into the body of your text.
EMAIL RULE #2:  Do not flame unnecessarily.
EMAIL RULE #3:  Do not quote excessively.
EMAIL RULE #4:  There is no Rule #4.



From: jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jai Nelson)
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95 19:01:52 BST
Subject: That 95% thing

Please, everybody say "congratulations" to Jai for being such a clever boy
and working out why everyone is saying that 95% of music today is naff. I
was sitting here thinking, 'well its not that bad surely? I mean theres
stuff like PWEI, Rednecks, Cappella.. ...' and then I realised the sort of
bands I'd been listing. I assume that 95% of the sort of people of like
Tori are not into the rap/techno/dance/rave styles of music. To me it seems
that at least every song in 3 these days is a dance/techno track. Which is
cool cos I like that music. But it does clash with Tori's style. So most of
you that are into what I term 'normal music' (ie stuff where it isn't just
a coupla guys and a drum machine) wouldn't appreciate 1/3 of the music.
But anyway, I just wanted to say that it seemed recently that some people
were getting really wound up by this 95% comment as people were slagging
off bands that they really liked. But music is a personal thing. Different
people are turned on by different styles. There is no definitive statement
that can say 'this type of music is good, yay, it is the music of the lord
and shall hereby be played every Sabbath (or every day if you live in the
Bible Belt :-)

I'm about to give my UtP cd to a friend who has heard CfG but was wondering
what the rest of her music was like. Now, chances are, he may not like it.
He's a HUGE REM fan so maybe he will. But if he doesn't like it then Tori
will just be another artist that we'll agree we have different views upon.
I won't say "yeah, but 95% of your music collection is crap!" I say that to
my other freind because it really winds him up (but then he has got Elton
John, The Beatles, ELO and Robert Palmer in there :-)

Anyway, I've written far too much there and I'm wondering wether I should
go and delete some of it cos it propably don't make much sense. Anyway I'll
close this message and start a new one


[sig missing, pressumed too long]



From: Beebe <3VQ7VOSNIAKK@vmsa.csd.mu.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 13:08:33 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Modern vs Alternative

Hello again everybody
I have one quick question before I go into my ramblings:
Is there a real distinction between modern rock and alternative rock?????


Sorry I haven't been able to continue our discussion, I've been a little busy
Anyway, I liked your explanation on why you think Pearl Jam's lyrics have
become less meaningful.
Have you considered the possibility that Eddie hates being called the leader or
voice of our generation, so he may put less effort into the lyrics than before?
For Vitalogy, at least 3 songs (Last Exit, Immortality, and Mophandlemama), as
well as the whole Vitalogy concept itself, can be interpreted as being
connected to Cobain's suicide.  Perhaps there's some resentment there because
it forced Eddie take over as the "voice."  ????

I remember Rolling Stone's review of Vitalogy saying that it was 
"Evidence of an artist who does not know where to go or what to do next"

While I wish Eddie would accept and cherish that role as our "voice," I also
realize that doing so would probably result in his demise, as it did for

That's all.
Beebe (Ken V.)



From: "Bailey, Doug S" <dsbailey@po4.pcmail.ingr.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95 13:15:00 CDT
Subject: Comparisons...

I just realized something.  If Tori had bought
breast implants instead of hair dye, and if she
had learned the guitar instead of the piano,
she'd be...JEWEL!!!

Their similarities are amazing, right down to
the 'funny lip shape.'


I channel in sin, so I am rot
EMAIL RULE #1:  Always insert your address into the body of your text.
EMAIL RULE #2:  Do not flame unnecessarily.
EMAIL RULE #3:  Do not quote excessively.
EMAIL RULE #4:  There is no Rule #4.



From: WATCHING THE RAIN <jferna03@fiu.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 14:32:35 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: where do i begin?

god....i have so much to comment on.....

- - Live=Warrant - ok, folks, sit down cause jorge is going to explain to 
you why this makes perfect sense, ok? ok, Warrant and Live are both part 
of the second wave of artists to become popular in their particular genre 
(if one more person brings up Mental Jewelry i'm going to hurt them bad 
because i'm perfectly aware of that album and probably heard it before 
you did anyway :-P ) and in my opinion, neither had anything to really 
seperate them from anyone else, in other words, they both sound(ed) like 
everything else out there. so, when metal suffered it's collapse, only 
the few bands who started it all and head been there before retained 
their platinum status (Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, etc.) while no one really 
had a use for the Warrants of the world. same thing here, the Pearl Jams 
and Soundgardens will remain on top, while Live will be serving burgers 
at a McDonalds near you! the good thing is in five years when Live is on 
some minor label we might actually hear some good music out of them.....
and thanks to Toolophile for speaking up and saying a few things i held 

- - but i do like Better Than Ezra too! i have to pick up their album 
because they've come up with two quality singles so far. another thing 
than i can see that will probably happen with the alternative boom dying 
is that there will be that band or two who deserved superstardom that 
came out a year too late (in other words, the next Saigon Kick or Enuff 

- - astrology - hmmm....i'm a Taurus if anybody hasn't noticed yet! 
anyways, some people say i resemble one and some say i don't. anyways, my 
girlfriend is a Cancer and i say she's a perfect one. do Taurus's and 
Cancer's match up well? anyways, aren't those newspaper horoscopes the 
most vague things you've ever seen? i swear you can relate anything they 
say to anything in your life cause they're so damn vague......

- - Bush=Slaughter is much easier to explain....they're both really bad.....

- - Jamiroquai - resembles a lot of 70's soul with some 90's acid jazz and 
electronics thrown in. the singer's voice is very soulful and they're 
songs and lyrics have a very trippy, spacey vibe and tend to be long. 
very good, but had nothing to do with anyone else on that list, Andrea....

time for me to go before you guys come up with some even worse nicknames 
for me.....;) 

jorge (you rag on anna sunshine and i'll beat you and your momma bad!)



From: "Dr. Frank N. Furter" <tschmid@bgsuvax.bgsu.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 14:30:04 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Ayn Rand, Dorothy Parker, the Muppets.

Ayn Rand, like most philosophers, is quite convincing as long as she
encounters no debate in presenting her argument.  It's worth noting that
though Howard Roark was based on her idea of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wright
never responded to her requests for a meeting until years after  'The
Fountainhead' was published and, unlike Roark, he often designed in
traditional styles.  Rand's writing resolutely ignores the effect of a
person's background on that person's life.  For instance, I have tried and
failed to find an admission by her that her childhood in early Soviet
Russia was the root of her hatred of socialism in any form.  Her belief in
social trends capable of changing or repressing human nature is just
flawed as the Marxist belief in the evolution and potentiation of human
nature through social change.  
Libertarians are ideologues and extremists.  As such, they have a narrow
perspective.  They also, when proselytizing, have the comfort of having no
historical example to back up their utopian visions.  They make perfect
sense as long as you agree with them.
Ayn Rand was wrong about an awful lot of things, perhaps as many as she
was right about.  Still, it's awfully insulting to compare someone to
Peter Keating simply for asking advice on where to move.
Thanks to whoever quoted Dorthy Parker.  I've been wondering who wrote
that poem since I encountered it without attribution more than a year ago.
Frank Oz says there will be a new Muppet Show.  Now I'll have a reason to
watch TV other than the Simpsons.  The only TV show I miss besides the
Muppets is Twin Peaks.  

 - Dr. Frank N. Furter
 - A Scientist



From: Toolophile@aol.com
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 15:00:08 -0400
Subject: I've found my voice (and it makes me dizzy)

Hi guys,

Let me apologize for the beginning.  It might sound grumpy, but I'm sure
it'll get better as time goes on.

NTBoundary said:

>the Caldwells published a flawed version of the Al Stewart

Oh shit.  didn't we just go through this  a couple of days ago?  Okay, survey
time:  #1:  How many people are interested in Al Stewart?  And #2:  How many
people are interested in reading this fucker Jack's interview?  Let me tell
you, if I ever run across an article by this asshole, I'm not going to read
it because he has become a major pain in my ass.

then more rambling that looks almost word for word what that rodriguez guy
wrote a couple of days ago.  Surely, Jack is asking people to do this.

>You should not allow yourself to be swayed by other people's
>opinions.  See for yourself, obtain the original version from 

Wait a minute, I thought we shouldn't be swayed by other people's opinions.
 but you said that your opinion of it is good and we should get the original.
 Surely, Jack has moved on to bigger and better things.  Why does he still
need the money from this stupid interview?

And then the one person who I can never piss off said:

>Yes, Todd is a fucking hot supergenius.

thanks, hon.

>now you will all want him to take you to the Prom. ;) 

ouch.  just cause I'm not good enough for anna.  :)

>and the Mysterious one.  

I thought we agreed on Harry! 

Laura said:

>What do peole think about the death penalty?

I think it sucks.  But that's because I don't believe in killing people at
all.  This may seem to go against what I say about abortion, but remember in
my own life, I would always push Jen not to get an abortion.  However, I
don't think it's in my power to tell Jen (or anyone else) they can't have an

Chris said:

>I think everyone should keep in mind that Glen Ballard 
>produced this album (what a horrible call).

I'm gonna say something I never thought I would say.  The producer on that
album sucks.  Why did I think I'd never say that?  Because I used to think I
would never be able to distinguish the producing from the music.
 Unfortunately, Ithink Glen is going to do all of her albums.  Didn't she
refer to him as her soul brother of inspiration or something?

Faery Barbara:  That's a great deal on Utp/More Pink.  Althoug, I still think
I hold the record for getting it for 16 or 18 bucks, but that's cause I've
got friends in record store places (to mock Garth).  Anyway, in my opinion
it's a great deal because you have all the b-sides on one disc instead of
having to change the discs all the time.  Coincidentally Tori is on the cd
right now.  more pink as a matter of fact.  It was Thurston Moore, but daddio
didn't like Elegy for all the dead rock stars.

patrick said:

>Who's ragging on Sunshine?

this was *months* ago.  I was looking through my old rdts for a quote and ran
across it.  Too weird.  One person compared anna to Dalton of FTE fame.  anna
had a good comeback though.

kahlil asked:

>anybody heard of maggie estep?

Yeah, don't know much about her.  She did some spoken word on mtv and some
spoken word for Imago, the label that Henry built.  not really, but you know.

dan-o said:

>when i say that i know i can never do what sarah does, that 
>doesn't mean "she's So good, i'll Never be as good as She is."

oh, sorry for being confused.

>remember: a l i a s 

hmm... switch it around, add a letter...  You're Alanis!  You've lied to us!

>i will never be able to sing with that kind of voice

we could go back in time to when you were a wee lad and make you a eunuch.

>for a while i couldn't tell toolophile from zooberries, but Now 
>you all seem to have personalities and unique-ity

Hey neither could I!  No seriously, I've had that problem with people on the
list before too.  Of course, it's easy to tell me and zoo apart because he is
the "x"maniacs subject line guy where as I am the stupid subject line guy.





From: Ori Peleg <orip@cs.huji.ac.il>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 22:24:46 +0300 (IDT)
Subject: A very special person has a birthday (NO Tori content)

No, not Tori, but someone at least as important has grown a year older:

micro!!!! (also known as Chen Shapira). You remember her, don't you?

Well, she's a little older now, and will be commited to a nursing home 
soon. So send her happy b-day messages at: chen@mail.snunit.k12.il

I'll probably get my ass kicked for telling this on the list...


- - Save a plant - eat a vegetarian.



From: Ann Preslawski <ann.preslawski@es2.es.emr.ca>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 16:16:39 -0400
Subject: Alanis, zodiac signs and mermaids

Ah, time to myself...

I have not heard Alanis' new CD so I cannot comment on it.  I know, however, how difficult writing songs can be sometimes.  I look forward to hearing it.

My sign is Capricorn and my rising sign is Leo.  The rising sign you have depends on what time you were born at and your zodiac sign depends on the time of year you were born.  Your rising sign is also supposed to influence you.  That's what I read in an astrology book anyway!

When I was 4 or 5, I wanted to grow up to be a mermaid!  Seriously.  I thought it would be great to live by the ocean (more like in the ocean), be in nature all day long, have long flowing hair and magical powers.  I was a "different" kind of child!  A couple of years later, I decided I wanted to become a rock star like Grace Slick (this was in her heyday).  The musician thing never went away although the reality of it is a little different than what I imagined when I was a kid.

It was fun remembering all this...

Bye for now


"Mirror, mirror where's the crystal palace?" - Tori



From: Anna Sunshine Ison <asison01@msuacad.morehead-st.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95 17:14:38 EDT
Subject: a story for you that isn't really mine

ok fair boys and girls, nice garry sent me a story-letter and told things
Exactly the way he wanted to tell them and so i get to forward this on to
you all so you can go awwww and give him great big hugs. which i think he 

> woohoo!
> let me tell you about my ever so sad tori experience. well i know you
> have not experienced our goddess in concert before, but i have 1, 2, and
> 3Times. well for me they are really rollercoaster rides. like the last
> concert, i hear on the radio that there's a tori tour and my little
> hands just sweat like hell and my mind just goes oh my god a tori
> concert, in my town, i'm freaking out at this point and can not think
> straight no matter what i do. i go get those wonderful tickets and go
> like superdooper early to be the first, and when i get there there's not
> even a line. (the line at mickey Ds was longer), anyway, i'm like the
> first to get tickets and like still end up right near the
> back....always. so i tell myself over and over again how lucky i am just
> to get tickets and see her. but it doesn't help. i get to uni later in
> the day and tell my friends i have tori tickets and they are like, Tori
> who ? arrgghhhh
> well i'm in class and i am telling people i don't even know i have tori
> tickets and this one guy goes " i have some too, fourth row " arrggghh.
> " and i got them like half an hour ago " arrgggghhh yes she had a
> secondshow. i got the first show and this guy didn't even have to wake
> up likesuper early and miss classes or anything.arrggghhh she's in my
> country and i'm like watching every news, talke show, current affairs,
> music program 24 hrs a day hoping to catch a glimps of her. my ears are
> also on radio programs, and i'm a regular at the news stands.
> im at the concert and like there's a program to buy and 3 tori tees. so
> there goes the money for food. oh i resisted buying the necklace. even i
> know that was a plot to steel my life savings.
> tori is playing and the light show is so so increadible, i'm dazed and
> spend the rest off the show just thinking, hey this can't be real, that
> can't be tori, she doesn't even look 3D, it must be some kind of new
> Sony movie screen thingy. and when she plays smells like teen spirit i
> finally start to believe. by then it's all over. i come out and it's all
> dark outside. i feel like i was in a time warp.
> i line up back stage hopeing somehow to meet her. she appears 45
> minuteslater, and the closest i get to her is a photo and our hands
> touched theopposite sides of her vans window, i've been blessed.
> everyone leaves and i am still there, emotionally exhausted. there's
> nothing left to do but to see her piano get loaded onto the big truck.
> and it doesn't even get loaded in one piece like everyone thinks, it
> gets like chopped up into little pieces and put into all these boxes.
> how can they do that to the poor thing. an hour ago it was there, centre
> stage, making people with NIN shirts cry.... i get home and wish the
> sandman would make me sleep, but i stay awake all night, just
> thinking......shit i have to go through all that again tomorrow night.



From: watts@cs.clemson.edu
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95 17:42:22 EDT
Subject: hi y'all :-)

hello all :-)

  i know, this is kinda long. but i haven't written in about a year or so, so
i am long overdue =) just thought i would chime in and reply to a few things.
here we go...

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      check it out  =====>   http://www.clemson.edu/~watts/tori.html

i have a tori WWW page. okay, i know there are a million of them. but i have
been keeping interviews and stuff for quite a while now and they are 
accesable through my tori page. they aren't html'ized (becuase there are so
many of them) but i might get around to that sometime. i just thought that
some of you would like to read more about our favorite person.   oh, and
sorry to some people, i tried to leave credits in the articles to the 
people who typed them in, but some don't have credits.

on a related note: i scanned in the interview tori did in that book, 'women,
sex, and rock and roll' (i think that is the name). i could post it to the 
mailing list. or i could send it to people directly. let me know if you want
a copy and i will determine what to do. i think it is roughly 36k, but i
can't remeber at the moment.

oh, there is also a discography there too (i got bored at work one day, okay :-)
right now it only looks good if you have a version of netscape that supports
tables but i will be trying to fix that shortly (under mosaic, it's just a 
big mess).

leave a message/comment if you stop by =)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

cartoons: Voltron and Robotech had to be the best. soap operas for kids, what
could be better :-)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

the most i ever payed for a single song: $47.99    i had to buy the bootleg
'under the pink tour 1994' because it was the only disc i could find that had
a live copy of 'Spacedog' , but hey, i did get all those other nifty songs too.

i saw her in concert last summer in knoxville and she played this song and i
just LOVED it! had to have it. incidentally, that was my first and only concert
so far.

the first tape i bought... young m.c.'s 'stone cold rhmin'   alot has changed
since then =)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

does anyone know what tori is up to now? what is keeping her busy over the
summer? just wonderin'.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alanis Morissette: listen to track 8, 'head over feet'. the best song on the
album IMHO :-) i think to rest of the album is pretty good too. not really
comparable to tori though.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lisa Germano: another great artist IMHO. her first album, 'on the way down
from the moon palace', is still my favorite i think. it has a lot of tracks
where she only plays instruments, no singing. very enjoyable.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

my suggestions for further listening enjoyment: 

  - Suddenly, Tammy!     this group has a female lead singer that also plays
                         the piano :-)  her voice reminds me of someone, but
                         i just can't place it. maybe Sun-60. very good IMHO
                         and i recommend it.

  - Vanessa Mae    i saw the video once and then ran out and bought the album.
                   very good stuff also IMHO. especially if you like the violin.
                   there is no singing on the album though, just violin.

  - Drugstore    another great band with a female lead singer. more rock n' roll
                 than the others i have listed though. it's been in my cd
                 changer since i bought it a month ago. very recommended by me.

                 hmmmm... what the hell. the first person that replies to
                 anything i have written here, i will send them the 'drugstore'
                 CD for free if you want it. how's that :-) no, i am not 
                 kidding. i bought a copy for like $.50 to give to someone and
                 i am feeling generous today :-)

  - others that you have heard of i am sure: Jewel, Milla, Brenda Kahn, Sun-60

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

may i pose a quetion that we can mull over: how important is it that an artist
write his/her own lyrics?

i think that i appreciate an artist more that writes their own lyrics rather
than singing someone elses. it just seems more personal to me.  it has always
been one of those little quirks that i look for when i buy cd's. for example,
on paula abdul's latest cd she only help write about a third of the songs and
that is it. very dissappointing to me.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

i have some tori singles for sale. i would like to sell them all for $50.00.

 -China - France Import - A7531CD 
      contains: China, Sugar, Flying Dutchman, Humpty Dumpty
 -Past The Mission 1 & 2 
      #1 contains: Upside Down (live), PTM (live), Icicle (live), 
           Flying Dutchman (live)
      #2 contains: PTM (lp version), Winter (live), The Waitress (live),
           Here. in my head (live)

 -Pretty Good Year 1 & 2 
      #1 contains: PGY, Home on the Range (Cherokee Edition), Daisy Dead Petals
      #2 contains: PGY, Honey, Black Swan

 -Cornflake Girl - Germany - A7281CD  
      contains: Cornflake Girl, Sister Janet, Piano Suite - All the Girls 
        Hate her - Over It

 -Winter - US Lim. Ed. (not really though :-)  
    contains: Winter, The Pool, Take to the Sky, Sweet Dreams, Upside Down

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

well, until next we meet again...


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jason Watts < watts@cs.clemson.edu >
Department of Computer Science, Clemson University, Clemson SC

check it, i've been wwwebbed -->   http://www.clemson.edu/~watts

  God's Final Message to His Creation:
  "w e  a p o l o g i z e  for the  i n c o n v e n i e n c e"
                               -- T.H.G.T.T.G.:S.L.A.T.F.A.T.F.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 18:05:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: my sign? capricorn, of course

first of all a big hello to some of you new people and some of you 
delurkers.  i wish more people would delurk, it makes life more fun if 
you participate.

hey ann, secretly i sometimes listen to winter late at night and still 
cry as well.  It touches something very primal and deeply buried within 
me, but i know not what.

has anyone every seen any artwork by lian liu ( i think that's what her 
first name is, i'll check later) ?  I saw a piece of hers in the office 
that i work and it's pretty boring, just some flower arrangement.  Boring 
until you really look at it and notice that the pistils ( or stamen) of 
the callalilies are really mermaids.  nifty, eh?

I think that when chris nelson starts his alanis morissete mailing list 
that i will mail something like 10 post a day describing how much i love 
tori.  just kidding.  let me know if you get it started chris.

i want to see a tori cover of johnny cash's ring of fire  

more old shows:  actually only one - tales of the golden monkey.  it was 
a raiders of the lost ark ripoff. i loved this show.

i cannot believe that you people have not heard of the chieftens ( o.k. 
not all of you, just some).  if you want more good traditonal irish 
music, try silly wizard.  speaking of the celtic ray, i have a loreena 
mckennit question.  The company that made more pink was also coming out 
with a similar 2 cd set for mckennitt.  this second cd would have a bunch 
of live tracks.  has anyone seen it or know of a record store that can 
order it?

i have one final question before i disappear - whatever happened to Mayor 
McCheese? no one knows.  Personally, i think that the hamburgler got 
him.  maybe that's what Leather is all about, i'll have to check :)

yeah for new drivers and friends out of comas and people seeing sarah and 
finding the chieftens in the process

praise and wishes




From: Micheal Dillon <dillonm@Trenton.EDU>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 19:00:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: "So the story goes, the fire burns to the black"

> ------------------------------
> From: Erasirhed@aol.com
> Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 00:34:38 -0400
> Subject: Sandbo in the land of RDT
> Miguel reciteth:
> >We tell people, no matter how much someone hurts
> >them, they should open their hearts again, and take a chance on love.
>   Ah yes.  But we can all easily find another human being to cherish.  Given
> that a key tenet of most religions is monotheism, its kinda difficult to find
> another god to worship.

Not that you find another god to worship, you worship your God in a 
different way--I have to admit, the Hindus with their four yogas 
are way ahead of the West on this one.  Oh, and to the posting on life 
being boring, and being dissapointed if ter is an afterlife, to complete 
the subject line, "God only knows if you're ever coming back"--Pro-Pain.  
Okay, oblivion is nothing, and even assuming that life is worth less than 
nothing, the afterlife might be different.  Hevean might be to a Tori 
concert as a Tori concert is to a DMV car inspection line at the end of 
the month.

> >what Trent alludes to, I think, in "Closer." 
>   Hmmm.. My interp was more of a "you're so filthy, you reduce me to nothing,
> you sicken me.  Yet you are the one thing that can make me whole, so I
> continue to leech from you" kind of thing.  Incidentally, this you need not
> be human, it could be an object or an action.
I didn't mean to sound like he was talking about God, I think he's saying 
that this wallowing in the mire brings him closer for a little while at 
least to the joy and more importantly the contentment that is supposed to 
be God--a welcome relief for someone who's "whole existance is flawed" (I 
remember an interview where he said he should be in therapy, but that would 
ruin his carrear), not that Trent had a revalation or something.

> > >------------------------------ > 
> From: "susan chase" <susan_chase@mail.amsinc.com>
> Date: Mon, 24 Jul 95 11:25:15 EST
> Subject: CDNOW! and Tori
>      Hello again,
>         Has anyone out there every ordered from CDNOW! (on line)?  I was 
>      playing around on WWW from a Tori home page and ended up in CDNOW!.  
>      The system is really useful I think.  You don't have to buy but you

If you're wary about ordering from the internet (as I am) this place 
really does exist--I've ordered a lot of stuff from them since the 
beggining of the year. I forget the WWW address, but the telnet address 
is cdnow.com.  There are other places that have Tori, such as telnet 
addresses gemm.com; cdeurope.com; netmarket.com; though I haven't ordered 
anything from these, so I don't know how reliable they are.  Sorry if 
people wanted this information earlier--I didn't know wheter this place 
was well know or not

> From: Erasirhed@aol.com 
> Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 23:48:41 -0400 
> Subject: Sandbo ain't got nuthin 2 say
>  I made a greivous omission, and thank you for pointing it out.  Dear God, do
> you think we can see that "Hold My Hand video *one* more time?  Arrgh...

Hey, I like Hootie!  Well, I like Irish folk music too, so (first
album-Irish Songs of Freedom Vol. I, I think; first concert--The Wolfe
Tones) I do have ecletic tastes.  But whatever you may think of Hootie,
the new video is probably the best video ever made.  I mean, Zo on the
basketball court, Dan Marino on the football field, Sportscenter with the
Swami going "ALL THE WAY;" I could live in that video. 

- -Miguel T.C.O.L.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael C. Dillon      http://www.trenton.edu/~dillonm     dillonm@trenton.edu
"This is my signature; there are many like it, but this one is mine"
				    -Full Metal Jacket (sort of)



From: Epitome Jukes <epitome@grove.ufl.EDU>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 19:59:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Joe Satriani and CD numbers

I have two questions for all of you guys:

(1) Do any of you out there who listen to CD's think of, like or instance 
"Tear in Your Hand" as song number 10 on the CD instead of the name often?

Does anyone want to conjecture any really deep thoughts (by either Tori 
or Jack Handey) on if this has anything to do with our future of 
machines/computers depersonallizing our lives?

(2) Has anyone out there ever heard Joe Satriani's song "I Believe"? 
Don't you LOVE it??

:)  PS- I'm finally moving out of the house with my husband to be free!!!  :)
(sometimes I feel like such a brave feminist)  :)


"FEMINISM: the radical notion that women are people"    -anonymous

"The more people I meet, the more I like my cat"        -anonymous
			    CATS  NOT  KIDS

Check out my web page at http://www.ufnet.ufl.edu/~brandon/carrie.html  

*************************  Epitome@grove.ufl.edu  *************************    



From: feeling gravitys pull <aquezada@moose.uvm.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 20:34:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: one more year and some gay bands

id second matt fullers posted response on gay bands and why they attract 
gay audiences..i ama big fan of both indigo girls and melissa etheridge 
and i have seen igs in concert and most of the crowd was gay...my clue 
was the fact that same sex couples were holding hands and cuddling etc. 
but my show didnt have a straw count either so i couldnt say for 
sure...the fact that these are xcellent musicians accounts for their 
crowd i think, people like the music so they go...there is an aspect of 
'supporting your own' to some degree, my friend paul who is gay has told 
me many times that he ahs supported many artists who he was not 
tremendously fond of just becaus ethye were gay bands...a solidarity 
thing, but of course, this is definitly not the Only reason!...i also 
agree with what matt fuller said about the opening of the original post 
being somehwat offensive, why is it that some people feel the need to 
constantly defend their sexuality..i couldnt care less if you are 
gay/bi/omni/or asexual...and on to other matters...i really never got 
into the 80s pop bands, when they started coming out i turned to pink 
floyd and led zeppelin and rush and discovered up and coming bands like 
u2 and rem...but that bananarama song line mentioned just reminded me of 
this funny story...i used to think that the line said "im your fetus, im 
your fire..." (hey dont laugh, english wasnt my first language)...well, 
recently ona long cross-country car ride with friends we had the radio on 
and sometime at about 4 or 5 am the song came on and i groggily told them 
what i had alwasy thought it said and we got a great laugh out of that 
then they listened close and heard what i had heard all these years, we 
got an even bigger laugh out of that...almost done now, just 2 more 
things: the 'firsts' for nini were u2s the joshua tree show (the last 
general admission show at that stadium) and my first album was some 
record that was sold on tv called childrens favorites which i still have 
and i still sing most of the songs on it ("my grandfather roasted a 
kangaroo and gave me the grizzly end to chew")...my birthday was 
yesterday, i got a cool toaster! it fits bagels! bye all

not bound to follow suit.nini

     these barricades can only hold for so long, her world collapsed on a 
       sunday morning she took the child, held tight, opened the window
         a breath...this song...how long...and knew, knew...belong



From: guy@loc100.tandem.com (hutchison_guy)
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 17:35:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: umm...  wombat!

Chris inquired:
> what is the first Heinlein book you encountered?

Hmm...  I think it was Stranger in a Strange Land, but it might have been
Starship Troopers...  Both of which I thought were excellent, btw.  In some
of his later works he tries too hard to tie everything together and becomes
something of a Horny Old Man.

Also, regarding the single-digest vs. multi-digest issue, I prefer single
digests, as I already get twenty or thirty mail messages a day and my mail
system can handle multi-megabyte mail msgs. just fine, but I see the 
necessity for the Aol & Prodigy folks...  Could the list server be configured
to split it up for some people and leave it whole for others?

On Pulp Fiction:
> 1. What is contained in the briefcase?

I like the diamonds theory.  <grin>  Mr. Pink lives on...

A friend loaned me a couple Sarah McLaughlin CDs the other day...  I threw
it on the CD player and fell asleep to it the other night.  I love falling
asleep to music.  I guess I'll have to go buy the Allanis CD, since I haven't
heard it on the radio and I don't have Empty Vee (or cable for that matter).
But somehow I survive anyways.

  - Guy

  "For me to give a waitress a tip, she's gotta do something really special."
  "Whaddya mean, she takes you out back and gives you a blow job?"
  "I'd definately go over twelve and a half percent for that..."

  - Mr. Pink, Mr. Blue, and the other guy, on tips (Reservoir Dogs)



From: Chris Bray <cbray@comp.uark.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 19:47:38 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Tori Items for Sale

I need to pay some bills, so I'm letting a few things go:

Tori Amos Items for Sale
- ------------------------
"God" promo single - 1 track.  (Make offer)

"You Sleigh Me"  promo compilation   ($20 ppd)
 "Little Drummer Boy" by Tori, plus Christmas songs by Hootie & the Blowfish,
 Mary Karlzen, Billy Pilgrim, Victoria Williams, Melissa Ferrick, Everything
 But the Girl, Jill Sobule, and Juliana Hatfield

"So This Is Christmas"  promo compilation  ($20 ppd)
 "Little Drummer Boy" by Tori, plus Christmas songs by Hootie & the Blowfish,
 Bad Religion, Daniel Johnston, Victoria Williams, Collective Soul, Evan Dando,
 and Juliana Hatfield

"I Like Led Zeppelin and I Love the Stones"  (2 CD Live Import - $40 ppd)
 CD1:  Live in Chicago, 3/3/93:  Crucify/Leather/SATY/Winter/
       Live at Mountain Stage, 7/92:  Crucify/SATY/Happy Phantom/MAAG/Winter/
 CD2:  Live in Albany, NY  11/8/92
   Crucify/SATY/Precious Things/Happy Phantom/Leather/Tear in Your Hand/Whole
   Lotta Love/Thank You/MAAG/Winter/SLTS/China/Angie

Email me at cbray@comp.uark.edu for more information, or to reserve a title.


csb1@engr.uark.edu            |  Chris Bray
cbray@comp.uark.edu           |  University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 
cbray@nyx.cs.du.edu           |  WWW: http://comp.uark.edu/~cbray/
 Tell your sins to me, and I'll do them all over with you. - Teenage Fanclub



From: KRHOOPER@delphi.com
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 23:31:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: only a few replies

Before I continue paddling to the top of my RDT avalanche.

Hooray for Susan Cooper/The Dark is Rising fans!!  And I love Zilpha
Keatley Snyder.  My fave is the Changeling.

Um.  I think carrie was talking about pro lifers in the 7-24 digest.  
Ok.  I was thinking about this last night, and I draw a big thick
line defining women who are pregnant as a result of abuse.  And I do
believe that women whose lives are endangered during and as a result
of their pregnancy should have safe, legal abortion as an option.  But, 
Carrie said that pro lifers are advocating stripping women of control
over their own bodies, depriving them of a choice.  And i would have
to say, hey, didn't they have a choice about having sex?  This may
be terribly conservative, and who cares, but the truth is that if
you are engaging in sexual intercourse, protected with five condoms
and BCPs or no, there is a chance, ALWAYS, that you might become
pregnant.  You have a choice, as a woman or man, to put yourself in that
position.  Chances are if you are protecting yourself, you won't get
pregnant.  That is true.  But abortion should not be a birth control option
for people that have a choice about their actions and the results of
those actions.  No one has succeeded in stripping anyone of this choice.

And please remember -- I am addressing the current situation in America
today, where everyone has access to some kind of protection if they look
for it.  I am keeping the issue limited because generalist arguments
(like bringing the "3rd World" into this) are unproductive.

I miss Tori. 

"It is I, Hamlet the Dane!"



From: "Beverly K. Sheeder" <sheeder@netlab.texsci.edu>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 00:12:39 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: something serious

hello all,

	not much to say today..i'm a few days behind on the rdt's. i was 
skimming through sunday's digest and was rather disturbed by something.

if you ask anyone who knows me well, my serious moments are few and far 
between. i find i enjoy life much more when i simply laugh at it, but i 
do take some topics _very_ seriously. PLEASE don't make light of suicide. 
it hurts me deeply to think that people find so little value in their 
lives that they take it upon themselves to decide when it should end. 
they also don't consider the affects their actions have on the people 
around them. when i was 14 my uncle killed himself (sawed-off shotgun) he 
never knew how much i looked up to him or how much i loved him and he 
never gave me a chance to say good-bye. that's the part that hurts the 
most. no one ever asks permission to kill themself so no one can ever say 
"good-bye. i love you". your pain may end but first consider the pain 
you'll be giving to those you leave behind.

thanks and hugs to all,


End of rdt-digest V1 #52

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