RDT Right Now #1269

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 20:40:43 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #1269
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

     Do not hit reply to unsubscribe.  To unsub, send a message to:
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 01 : Issue #1269

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  guns and drugs                        [ "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@nmt.edu> ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #1267               [ R Collins <raven@the-loft.demon.co. ]
  on cats                               [ winterlion <winterlion@fsj.net> ]
  some things are melting now           [ andrea norstad <silent@northwestern ]
  urg, urm, and all other manner of we  [ Roxanne Rieske <rokzane@dimensional ]
  this 'n' that                         [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  delurking                             [ "Megan Atkinson" <megansara@bigplan ]
  if i can kill one man well why not t  [ andrea norstad <silent@northwestern ]
  the day i quit smoking and swimming   [ andrea norstad <silent@northwestern ]
  20 litre bucket of yoghurt            [ "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au> ]
  irc                                   [ andrea <silent@northwestern.edu> ]
  wow                                   [ "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefoos ]
  softskull                             [ heather <orphea@pacbell.net> ]
  New Tori comments                     [ "Dalsh 327" <dalsh327@hotmail.com> ]
  torpedoes                             [ riley manion <darcy@bluemarble.net> ]


     Really Deep Think Tank:

          What are your thoughts about the U.S./China spy plane

          [When responding, in order to keep discussion on an
          intellectual level, please be careful using general
          terms like "we" or "you."  Bear in mind that U.S.
          citizens did not know this was going on and are just
          as surprised as everyone else.  Some members might
          take it personally if comments like "You Americans..."
          got tossed into the ring.]


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 15:23:52 -0700
From: "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@nmt.edu>
To: Deep Thoughts <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: guns and drugs

"crystal methamphetamine (the most addictive drug on the streets)"
I have to disagree with this.  The most addictive drug is nicotine.
After that, I'd go with heroin.

I think all the school shootings is a very sad and violent fad.  The
media latches on to it and this gives other fucked up kids the idea.  I
don't know.  It's so sick.  But do you guys remember how common drive-by
shootings seemed?  Let's see this was around when Boyz in the Hood came
out and a whole score of other gangsta-wannabe movies came out that
aren't even worth mentioning.  It just seems like drive-bys were the
thing to do if you had violent tendencies.  Now it's school shootings.
I don't know if the media is truly coverering what's out there or if
they are just selectively covering what's popular for people to watch.
Any thoughts? -- bonners



Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 22:39:58 +0100
From: R Collins <raven@the-loft.demon.co.uk>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #1267

*edited for over quoting*

>>Do you think people are born gay, or does their environment or some
>>situation as they grow up make people become gay?

Not genetic I think, genetics doesn't have that much control, thinking
possibly environmental pre-natal ... possibly a slight variation in the
action of the body in response to the SRY gene in sixth week or so of
gestation. (SRY being the gene that triggers male-ness in male foetuses
by triggering flood of hormones that alter body and brain - is theorised
that inconsistencies in response to this cause TS people). Not
biological mistake, natural variation.

Extremely sceptical about any influence in upbringing, have not seen any
common factor, and people have been looking. Would think someone would
have found something by now if there was anything there.

Bonnie J. Wayne asked about human cloning, I personally dislike the
idea, because I think pretty much everything that humans have done to go
against nature or to try to get above it has had bad consequences... and
I do think that theres much more people in the world than needed, I
mean, adopt! there are so many poor orphan kids... but thats just my

I've always wondered what people mean by 'against nature', as if we were
working in harmony with nature most of the time? This network we use to
send/recieve these messages is pretty unnatural in itself, dragging all
that poor silicon/copper/aluminium out of the ground and forcing it into
these unnatural shapes to do our bidding ... Perhaps that's my next
thought inducing question ... if you ever describe something as against
nature, what do you mean by that?


[big snip to avoid the quote-nazi filter]
if all the non-posting people who
are subscribed are even reading, and if they are, are they having fun?
I have no idea and no way to find out, except to ask.  But then I'm
not likely to get an answer, am I?, because, well ... I'm asking the
*lurkers*.  <laughs>

Well, from over in this corner, I'm shy and very incoherent most of the
time, so I usually leave the talking to other people. I always lsiten
though, and it is fun :)

And simone, you need to post more, I'm gonna be in all kinds of trouble
if I run up as big a phonebill as I want to :)

//all your peeps are belong to us//



Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 15:27:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: winterlion <winterlion@fsj.net>
To: "RDT Right Now [yes yes :]" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: on cats

a small bit of quotes from the magazine "Nylon", an utterly plastic
fashion magazine that was lots of fun to read (August 2000 issue...  yah
it was on my shelf, a friend pointed out the article this was in)

How many times have you done the cat position?  "When it comes to knowing
how to relax, cats are the original yoga experts"
	- Patricia Curtis, Writer

Strut your stuff.  "Cats... invented self-esteem; there is not an insecure
bone in their bodies."
	- Erma Bombeck, Humorist

Grand masters of the sidelong glance and heavy lid, cats know how to flirt
and get away with it.  "Cats find malicious amusement in doing what they
are not wanted to do, and that with an affection of innocense that
materially aggravates their deliberate offense."
	- Helen Winslow

"Some people say that cats are sneaky, evil, and cruel.  True, and they
have many other fine qualities as well."
	- Missy Dizick

"Let us be honest; most of us rather like our cats to have a streak of
wickedness.  I should not feel quite easy in the company of any cat that
waled around the house with a saintly expression."
	- Beverly Nichols

Figured some folks might empathise with this... I certainly do :)
G'day, eh? :)
	- Winterlion, decidedly a cat person although dogs like winterlion
	  for some reason (??).  Winterlion's got nothing against dogs
	  though...  prefers cats and wolves :)

What is courage now?  Is it just to go until we're done?
They may call us heroes when they say we've won but if we should fail, how
then...  What is courage now?
	- Julia Ecklar - song of same name

Member in winterlion's pride standing of the Mad Poet's Society.
Trying to bring truth from beauty is Winterlion.
find at this <a href="http://geocities.com/winterlion">winterlions' page</a>



Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 18:24:53 -0500
From: andrea norstad <silent@northwestern.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: some things are melting now

all these posts from people talking about their lives has motivated
me to do the same. wow.

hey greensleeves. yes, i think i still have that letter you sent me
from alaska in an envelope of cool magazine clippings. :)

so tonight i need to work out, if i feel like it (which i should,
considering that i just ate a cheesey bready thing for dinner, with
some other stuff. dining hall food is so tempting. there's always soo
much cheese and bread), do my reading for tomorrow, go see my friend
tony read at a poetry open mic thing and clean my room, which is a

i miss new york. in one of my classes today the prof said something
about an exibit in the guggenheim and how we should all go see it. it
was a joke, really, because i'm in illinois and we're not all about
to take a field trip to manhattan. but a few months ago i would have
been able to. for most of this school year i'd been visiting new york
once every three weeks or so. my boyfriend lived there. he still
does, but he's no longer my boyfriend. we broke up in february
because of the distance, the age/life difference and some other
stuff. it was amicable, although i haven't spoken to him in almost a
month. i need space. i need to get him out of my head. i think i've
been doing a pretty good job at it. i don't feel like i've been as
sad as i should be... although i was pretty damn sad, and i did
majorly fuck up the end of my last quarter academically (which was
about three weeks ago). it showed in those ways, i guess. *sigh* but
i miss the city. and at the same time i hate the city. it's strange.
i was there all summer and i don't even know if i really had fun or
not. i'm too good at burying my emotions.


pleasentries are so weird. this girl who lives in my dorm just came
down to bum a cigarette. she bartered with some bran flakes, which
was pretty cool. but this girl ... there are certain things about her
i can't stand. she changes her personality to match who she's hanging
out with. i was pretty good friends with her at the beginning of the
year, but then she started making friends with that very fake brand
of theater majors... i mean, i like theater majors. but.. some of
them are people i wouldn't trust my pet rock with. and she became
very showy and pretentious, calling everyone "honey" and "baby." i
talk to much shit about her behind her back. and i know that. i need
to stop doing that. we just stood outside having a fabulous
conversation about literature. i've found that i can relate to her
fine when we're talking about books. which is okay, i guess.

which brings me to the next big thing in my life. my classes. i've
had a hard time with them this year. i'm a sophomore and i think the
slump hit hard. it wasn't that i didn't want to do the work. i just
couldn't. i couldn't bring myself to, for some reason. no matter how
interesting it was, or how good i'd do once i actually sat down and
did it... it didn't happen. but a new quarter of classes just started
and so far they are fabulous and i am loving what i'm doing. i'm
trying to immerse myself instead of drown. i'm taking intro to poetry
with a delightful (and beautiful) grad student who i had a dreadful
crush on all last weekend. he's dating someone, and i wasn't Really
interested, but hey. it was funfunfun to get all giddy and giggly.
i'm also in a course on dante's divine comedy (we're not reading the
entire thing, though), one on rennaisance lit including all of
milton's "paradise lost" and poetry by donne and herbert and then
intellectual history of 20th century britain. i'm an english major,
obviously, concentrating in the 20th century, although one wouldn't
know it to look at the courses i'm taking this spring. but whatever.
i love what i do. it makes me happy. ecstatic at times. i hope i can
stay on this upswing.

and that's been my life for the past couple of months. i feel like
i've been through a lot and worked through a lot of hard times. i
can't wait for the weather to warm up. i feel like i'm busy trying to
warm up with it.




Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 00:04:22 -0600
From: Roxanne Rieske <rokzane@dimensional.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: urg, urm, and all other manner of weird ass noises

sombody said:

"David- I can't believe you. Why on earth are you opting to be such a jackass
to Riley? "

I didn't think he was being a jack ass...just the sarcastic, smartass that he
usually is :-) But anyway to the one who wrote that scathing message, ouchy,
ouchy, ouchy.

But, uh, anyway...So I graduated from school last Friday. Ms. Rieske
officially has her degree.
Now I get to work my ass off for the next 5 years paying off student loans.


"Sing Me a happy song,
Cause I am sick and tired
of being sick and tired,
So sing me a happy song."

		--Melissa Ferrick
		    from the album "Massive Blur"



Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 20:48:49 -0700
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: this 'n' that

Juan wrote:
> well, I'm not sure about this, but I believe I read somewhere that Sarah
> Mclachlan was inspired to write her song Angel by the death of Kurt Cobain
> (at least partly)...

Umm... well... it could be argued either way. She has said that the song was
inspired by the death of Jimmy Chamberlin (I think that's the right person)
of the Smashing Pumpkins, and moreover by the article Rolling Stone did
after his death on the increase in heroin use among musicians. So since Kurt
was a user, he was probably included in the article. I don't remember

(Hi Rynn!)

Oops uh someone else said something else to me but I couldn't find it..
Sorry. :(

The next week or two's gonna be kind of - I may not be around much or I may
be around a lot. I'm having elective surgery Friday and will be spending the
following week or so at home recuperating. If I'm well enough, I'll probably
read & post. If not... I'll talk to you all in a coupla weeks. :)


"Why am I too small to carry you? Why does twilight make me cry? Maybe
there's a light that's always on. Maybe we're not only human." -Heather Nova
    music reviews + stories + poetry + photography + collage + Watchers
   selkies + froud-faeries + esoterica + links = http://echoes.devin.com



Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 22:14:24 -0600 (MDT)
From: "Megan Atkinson" <megansara@bigplanet.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: delurking

So, I am being a follower and jumping on the bandwagon of all the delurkers.
I guess I would actually qualify as a "sometimes poster."  I just never post
because I let my digests get so backed up that when I do finally read them and
I want to respond, the subject has already died.  It also doesn't help much
that every time I do post, nobody responds and it feels like nobody even read
it.  Waah!  Waah!  Better call the Waah-mbulance!  Enough pouting.

I do like this list and all the people on it, except for the occasional poop,
which we haven't had for a while.  I try to read all the digests, but
sometimes they get so piled up that I either skim through them or delete them

Can't wait for the new album to come out.  I am very excited!!!  Yay!  I
wonder if there will be another tour this time, with the new baby and all.  I
hope so.  I didn't get tickets to U2 because the Minneapolis show sold out in
twenty minutes.  Damn it!!  But a Tori concert would more than make up for
it.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

Megan (just "Megan")



Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 23:19:25 -0500
From: andrea norstad <silent@northwestern.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: if i can kill one man well why not two

tesserae (good to see you back!) said...

>-- it's about the fact that we aren't listening to our kids. At all.
>We aren't holding them accountable for their own actions. At all. We
>aren't doing something about bullying and disrespect. At all.

yes. we are a society of blame, and we can trace it back to the story
of genesis. adam blamed eve, eve blamed the snake. and of course the
question of free will... well, eve seemed to have plenty of free will
when she did what she did. but that's a whole nother can of worms (or

society needs to stop treating teenagers as if they aren't people.
they become objectified by trite, petty things... actions are blamed
on adolescence, hormones, chemical deficiency. and yes. these things
are present and they are important. but there's this sense of
responsibility that needs to be inherent in everybody in order for us
to truly understand our actions and their repurcussions. if we
constantly blame things on someone or something or some esoteric
social condition, we aren't going to get any closer to finding the
truth and fixing the problems. bullying is taken for granted,
disrespect is blown off as amusing kid stuff. and it's so hard to
teach values, i think, because everyone has a very different take on
them. it gets hard to draw the line between values and religion. i
personally believe that if what you are doing harms no one else,
*including yourself*, then do it. it's the wiccan reede, even though
i don't consider myself to be wiccan. it just makes sense to me.
because it's about finding and realizing the effects of your actions
on yourself and society at large. and no, i don't live by it all the
time. i do things that are self-destructive on purpose, i exhibit
petty cruelty and maliciousness. i'm not perfect. but it's not about
attaining perfection. people need to be loved and they need to be
appreciated and it seems like so little love is given to so many
people. god, i'm getting all emotional and melodramatic here, but i
haven't really thought about it in these terms. most of the kids who
have been involved in high school shootings fit a certain profile:
they were bullied, they were teased and made fun of, they weren't
liked. it's not about better metal detectors and school security.
it's about social security (erm, not in the money when you're older
way) and making sure people have an outlet to feel comfortable being
who they are.

it's such a loaded problem. i want to teach high school, so it's
particularly loaded for me. these shootings aren't stopping and they
probably won't have stopped in five or six or however many years when
i enter that role. i hope i can find a way to help, though. but it
frightens me sometimes.




Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 23:43:06 -0500
From: andrea norstad <silent@northwestern.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: the day i quit smoking and swimming

redstamen (wow. good to see you back, too) said ...

>i also tried quitting smoking -- cold turkey.  the greatest april fools joke
>of all time.  this afternoon i caved completely and revised my plan to
>include four cigarettes a day for the next week.  then next week three a day
>and so on.  we'll see.  it was just pathetic.  all i did today at work was
>fantasize about smoking.  i conjured up every friend i have that smokes and
>remembered all the good times spent sharing smokes.  i imagined that first
>drag off a cigarette lit with a zippo and how you can taste the lighter
>fluid and how cool that is.  i watched a coworker light up back behind the
>building and the orchestra struck up the waltz in my head and everything
>went slo-mo as she pulled her first breath in.  and so on.... then i went
>home and bawled for about half an hour before coming up with my new revised

wow. i know. it's amazing how hard it is to quit smoking. i haven't
succeeded yet. i started when i got to college and i plan to stop
after college. *sigh* yeah. right. i dunno. but it's really insane,
how many friends i've met through sharing and bumming cigarettes. i
don't know when i'd ever see some of them if it weren't for smoke
breaks, or sitting on the steps in from of my dorm in a nice spring
night, talking and watching the people go by. i know smoking is a bad
thing, and i should definatly cut down and try not to smoke all the
time by myself etc etc etc. but shit. between the two of us we could
make a pretty damn compelling tobacco add.

not that i would want to. duh. people who don't smoke shouldn't
start, and i hope i don't get flamed for posting anything about any
of the possible positive repercussions of smoking, etc. i know all
the stats, i know all the "fun alternatives." that's not the point. i
guess this is just a rather somber recognition of the evil ways in
which it hooks you.

so yes. good luck, heather.


i'm going to wait before i send this post, in case there's another i
want to reply to. these 40+k digests are SO exciting. :)

winterlion said:

>braids.  My mother's father's father's father's father's father's father's
>father was a Viking. *g*.  And I look like him according to the family.  The
>memory's been passed down for generations...

hey, same with me. except it's in my father's ancestry. because my
mother's an eastern european jew, i'm short, built to last long cold
winters (*sigh*), but i was born with near-white hair, i have blue
eyes and my last name is norstad. go figure.

*wow* rynn fox. good to see you. :)




Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:30:00 +1000
From: "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au>
To: "To Arty Turner and back" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: 20 litre bucket of yoghurt

Jim typed:
>Imagine the excitement Tori will have coming out on the stage and having
>10,000 people eyes dilate and smoke coming of their ears.  Her female
>ego will be overwhelmed and she will be forever thankful.

She will be thankfull indeed! No more need of a smoke machine!!! Another
highly entertaining post Jim! :)

redstamen typed:
>all somber, like she's gonna cry, and shakes me awake.  "heather, i think
>have mice..." which is horrible news to me cuz i can't "exterminate" pets

Ooh yeah, just been down that road. Though, we went for traps to start with.
Well, we had them and I didn't want them all over the floor when Tiarna is
all over the floor. We caught four before I went shopping and got one of
those plug in things, you know it emits a particular frequency to drive out
your pests. Seems to have worked so far. But bravo to Holly for a great

>fantasize about smoking.  i conjured up every friend i have that smokes and
>remembered all the good times spent sharing smokes.  i imagined that first

Mmm, that's really gonna help you give up!!!

Have to say I totally agree with Greensleaves on the gay thing. I really
don't think it matters, and more to the point SHOULDN'T matter (though I'm
not saying it wouldn't be interesting knowing) how/why a person is gay/bi.

Heck, why can't we have that little utopia where gay/bi/straight, adopted,
infertile, religions, colours etc aren't stigmatised??? Dag namit! :Þ

Greensleaves again:
>a responsible manner.  Imagine a lesbian couple who both provide eggs to a
>fertility clinic, where the techinicians arrange for the two sets of DNA to
>form a fertilized zygote comprised of both parents' genetic information,
>that zygote is then implanted in one of the women.  She carries the baby
>nine months and when she gives birth, both women can look at the baby and
>think of it as "ours."  Can you imagine that profound joy?

Excuse me if my memory of biology isn't exact, but wouldn't this produce
only female offspring? Because the eggs will only have X chromosomes, they'd
need a sperm if they wanted a boy, or merely wanted a surprise. Of course,
this could be donated by a close family member to keep the genetics as close
as possible to the parents. And this is a good case for it, I jsut ahve this
little voice inthe back of my head saying "we may be taking things a little
too far". That and it's so open to abuse, and then you're mucking around
with peoples lives which is treding on very thin ice.

Sorry if I'm not being terribly coherant, but I haven't had the time with
this post I was hoping. Or maybe it's the fumes...

Smeg, we even got Rynn girl out of the woodwork!!!

"I dyed my hair caramel today"


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Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 01:33:10 -0500
From: andrea <silent@northwestern.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: irc

hum. i don't know if this has ever really come up here, but i was
wondering if anyone would be interested in creating an irc channel to
chat in some time. this idea is coming mainly from the fact that i
haven't had a good irc fix in a Long time. a newsgroup i was in used
to have a channel but everyone kind of drifted and faded. i was
thinking something on efnet, #rdt or #rdtrn.

i miss my irc!




Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 01:33:08 -0500
From: "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefooska@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: wow

Mr. James Mathers = unique (as always)

the Mathers Super Mental Hyper-activity Simulator (MSMHS) = genius

Winterlion, thanks for the welcome...
which one of the seven endless siblings do I look like? well, if I died my
hair black grew it quite a bit longer and wore a black cape and were a
little bit whiter (well, and had eyes like stars) I might look like Dream...
I don't really look like none of them
I think looking like Destruction is too cool... same for looking like a

and about the reasons for gayness... you mentioned something that I forgot
and I also find extremely interesting: being attracted to personalities
beyond gender.
I love the idea
but I don't know if I truly believe in it.

I was blown away by greensleeves' replies, real new points of view for me...
Everything you said was terribly interesting... but I think that being born
gay or becoming gay in a biological way could go a bit beyond genetics (this
is an idea based upon nothing... but I just don't want to believe that
genetics are the answer for EVERYTHING)
then you said something that sounds lovely (just like what Winterion said)
but that I don't know how long it will take for it to work:

>that it *doesn't* matter what the cause is.

I agree with your view of a perfect society... but well, I'm still trying to
understand this sick one I live in... with all these weird creatures who
lock up their spirits, drill holes in themselves and live for their

>i don't think it's just a
>two-state system: gay or straight, but a continuum of infinite states.  and
>that your state isn't necessarily static, but can be fluid and change
>your lifetime as your environment, experiences, or understanding changes.

I love your way of saying this. And I agree. Completely. I forgot to talk a
bit more about this when I asked the question, I know I made it sound like:
gay or straight. And I definitely don't think it can be defined by only
those two black or white labels.

I've been horrified by my parents beliefs more than I ever could have
imagined I'd be...
I mean, you never think as a kid (mostly, I'm guessing) that your parents
can be really stupid at times...

And, you made me think SO MUCH with your way of presenting cloning...
though (maybe it's just my age but) I've never EVER wanted to have kids...
I mean my family is just TOO fucked up, I'd have to be crazy to want to keep
that going...
maye one day I'll heal and feel different
but now I don't know.

bonnie, I liked your thoughts too...

well, my mom's here, she wants to use the computer and I can't think
straight when she's around so I'll be calling it a day...

it's been nice writing again

I have my date tomorrow!!!!
she's so sweet
we'll see what weird things I do out of clumsyness...

thanks to everyone who has taken the time to answer to my question
I can't really describe it, but I appreciate it SO much

cheefooska juan
I just bought the new Daft Punk... wow
oh!!! someone metioned sigur ros a while before!!! I've heard it, it's
gorgeous it's too beautiful it almost made me cry... and I'm almost never so
moved by music (tori's just done it a couple times... and bjork did it in
Dancer in the Dark... oh, and aimee mann in magnolia... but that's all)...
I was supposed to be leaving wasn't I?
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Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 23:48:44 -0700
From: heather <orphea@pacbell.net>
To: "'RDT Right Now'" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: softskull

greensleeves mentions softskull press:

> http://www.softskull.com
> GO THERE!!!!  Fortunate Son is great and No More Prisons is
> great and I
> haven't had the chance to read any more of them yet but they
> are fabulous
> and reasonably priced and have all kinds of progressive mad poet kinda
> issues, and i promise you'll love them.  tell 'em i sent ya.  ;)
> now i really have to go find something more productive to do...

i work at an independent book distributor -- that recently signed on
softskull!  it's the most exciting new publisher we've gotten in a long
time -- fortunate son was RECALLED, funny enough, by the former publisher
before it made its way to softskull.  it's a not very flattering bio of
george w. and peeps speculate that the GOP campaigners pulled their weight
to get it off the shelves in bookstores.  and then, softskull picked it up.
i've read the first couple chapters and it's kind of addictive in this
morbid oh my god this is our president way.

but i wanted to tell you greensleeves, and anyone else, that i'm currently
reading a GREAT book, and it's from softskull:  "cool for you" by eileen
myles.  it's a nonfiction "novel" if that makes sense.  and it's about this
girl and her sexual confusion and stupid jobs and identity crises as she
grows up.  it fucking rocks.  one paragraph will be set in 1976 and the next
in 1983 and the next in 1974.... and as you're just settling down into a
lighthearted narrative she goes and breaks your heart with a big brick.  i'm
only halfway through it and i can't (and neither can the she, apparently)
decide if the main character is gay, straight or bi.  myles, before she
wrote a Novel, was classified as a poet... so you've got that amazing
efficiency with words.   it's reallllllly good. it's not on their website
for some reason but here's the amazon link:

out to hunt down no more prisons, that looks good!



Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 15:38:40 -0000
From: "Dalsh 327" <dalsh327@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: New Tori comments

   Well, I'm finally out of delurking mode, it's the announcement of new
Tori that did it! I wonder how things are going to be different now with
having the kid and all... I guess she already has a nanny that's going to be
on the road with her, but I wonder if she's going to cut back on her tour
schedule, which used to be pretty crazy, didn't it?
   Billy Joel recently said in an interview that he was homeless (but FAR
from destitute), and indicated that he hasn't really "retired". Instead, he
does 5 weeks on, 5 weeks off, which seems to be a good idea for a lot of
artists to do. Or if she'll go the Elton John route, do a full band tour in
the major cities, then just tour with the piano in the smaller cities. I
think that way is pretty cool as well, I know there are some people who
prefer her alone with a piano over the band setting, and vice versa.

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Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 13:25:49 -0500 (EST)
From: riley manion <darcy@bluemarble.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: torpedoes

it is so lovely outside, i cannot wait to get off work. luckily i had
three massive rdtrn's to get me through the morning.

> Am excited for the new Tori album, but holding my breath for the new
> Ani...

oh dear lord, have you seen the artwork? it must be better than any ani
album ever.  no more crappy fonts, yay!

> oh, and riley's photography rocks. must go visit page and update links.
> 1024x768 also rocks.

thank you bethany! i tried to make it lovable for those sorry folks using
i feel like i am in second grade when i use such resolutions. everything
always looks better at 1024x768.

> So what kind of bizarre outfits have any of you got that both make ya
> feel good, look good, and make you -really- stand out-of-the ordinary? :)

i don't know if it's out of the ordinary anymore since i wear it everyday,
bu i feel most comfortable in the following: navy blue velvet shirt of
the "peasant" variety, knee length black velvet skirt and my sixteen
eyelet fluevogs. if it's chilly i wear my long black velvet jacket but
it's getting too nice here. oh, and i like wearing my hair in braids the
most, even if it's a bit childish. when i was in kindergarden my mother
woke me up around seven o'clock to braid my hair, but then i would fall
back asleep for two hours and my hair would by mighty messy by the time
i got to school.

> I've seen some gorgeous things from the windows of airplanes.

i don't fly much, but when i do i always try to get flights that will be
in the air at sunrise. it's so beautiful.
actually, i'm going up for a thirty minute flight in a few hours to
attempt some aerial photography. wish me luck!

 violet quoted:
>  Goddamn the torpedoes
>  It's time to run away with the side show
>  Full steam right ahead
>  Don't stop, you can sleep when you're dead
>                       -- "Torpedoes", MDFMK

violet, i love you! never have i loved someone for getting a song stuck in
my head. i'm at work with only the high pitched squeels of tvs and
computers  surrounding my ears. a bit of mdfmk in my head puts on a
smile. :]

> poor riley, i hope you didn't take him seriously... :)

of course not. i know better than that. ;]
good luck quitting. i do not know how difficult it is because i
have never smoked. still, i have an aunt who has smoked for 45 years
and won't quit. she is not getting any better.

[ good luck with the girl juan ]



    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

    *** What About Yelling "Movie" In A Crowded Fire Station? digest ***

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