RDT Right Now #1292

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 13:13:38 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #1292
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 01 : Issue #1292

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  herpes                                [ bonnie@nmt.edu ]
  Unidentified subject!                 [ utown <utown@worldnet.att.net> ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #1290               [ wildkoba <wildkoba@wildkoba.com> ]
  schnippy                              [ "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hot ]
  spooky                                [ "Heather" <orphea@pacbell.net> ]


     Really Silly Observation:

               Well, no wonder #1293 was so tiny ... it would
               help if #1292 had gone out.  Eeks.


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 16:55:28 -0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)
From: bonnie@nmt.edu
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: herpes

This is about the cervical cancer being linked with HPV.  Yeah, I'm not
sure what's right on this issue.  I mean I know that HPV is the virus that
causes genital warts.  I may be confusing genital warts with
herpes.  I think they are the same thing but all the literature I have about
HPV only calls it genital warts so I am not sure.  Wish I had time to research.
It's the last week of school so maybe soon...

Dr. Bill said herpes are annoying but not serious.  (I didn't have time to
read the article yet so maybe there's a context to this statement that I'm
missing.)  I can agree that herpes aren't serious because they aren't
necessarily lethal (I can hypothesize getting an infection due to an open
sore and then developing cancer but it's not a likely cause of death.)
Bob Marley died of an infection from cutting his toe and developed cancer
so it does happen in other body parts.  Anyway, I imagine the worst of the
disease would be how repressed and limited I would feel sexually if I had
herpes.  I mean, anyone you have sex with is at risk for getting the
disease.  I wouldn't feel comfortable unless I found a partner that
already has herpes as well.  Thus, severely limiting my choices.

About Grimm's "The Red Shoes":  What's this story about? I thought it
might about the shoes as they change owners... not sure though.

That's it from me, einnob



Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 21:48:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: utown <utown@worldnet.att.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Unidentified subject!

Beth W. said:

>Wow. Wow. I wish they'd been bold enough to name 'Lolita.' I've never
>read it

That's okay, koba hasn't seen The Princess Bride (in its entirety).
Actually, I much prefer Lolita, but that's just me.

>(I hate to generalize but Russian authors have always, always,
>always bored me to tears).

If you're thinking of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and so on, Nabokov is very
different. For one thing, he's a 20th Century author, not 19th.  Also,
he's often very funny.  And, unlike the others mentioned above, he
wrote his later novels, including Lolita, in English, so you're not at
the mercy of a translator.

His last three books (Pale Fire, Lolita and Ada, which is my favorite)
are excellent, each very different from the others.

The only of the earlier Russian authors I could ever get into was
Turgenev.  For one thing, his books were shorter.  :-)

In answer to your question, Koyaanisqatsi is difficult to describe.  Many
many images, moving and still (though mostly moving) of the U.S., mostly
outdoors, many very striking, some altered (sped up or slowed down), some
of man-made phenomena (cars streaking down highways, day and night, a
huge Twinkie-making machine), but very few people.  All set to a score by
Philip Glass.  Not quite like anything else.

>Yes. I DO enjoy most sex scenes in regular old movies even though I
>know they're faking it because you DO have that context.

My objection to most movie sex scenes is that they don't resemble
actual sex in any way,  It's all soft-focus and slow motion and the
clothing magically seems to go away and the music is very soft and
romantic, and it all looks like an ad for something.

Where's all the sweat and fumbling and pumping and making faces and
sweating and grunting and huffing and puffing and yelling and falling
off the bed? Feh.

arija asked:

>was this article about The StaXXX (the porn flick being made at yale?)

Nope, somewhat earlier.  It was an article about the porn industry in
general, and specifically the adult movie awards that year (I forget
what they're called).

Yay to Sarah for un-lurking ("de-lurking"?).  And I agree that the
point isn't whether women make the same as men who do the same jobs,
it's how often men end up in higher paying jobs than women, and how
the highest-paying jobs tend to be (mostly or entirely) men-only.

And Bonnie points out that Delirium wasn't strictly based on Tori, but
that she was much onfluenced by Tori once they met.  I read a quote by
Neil Gaimen once where he said that they (Tori and Delirium) got so
close that they started to wear each other's clothes.

Bonnie also mentioned "The Wind Done Gone" with regards to my comment
about Naked Lunch (possibly) being the last novel banned in the US.
The Wind Done Gone situation is different, since that's a civil
dispute over intellectual property, not a ban by the government for

Just based on what I heard about the former situation on the radio, it
sounds like the question was whether parody was intended or not.  The
owners of the rights (Margaret Mitchell's heirs, I assume) made a lot
of money from licensing that "sequel" which came out a few years ago,
I'm sure they don't want anybody making a profit off their property
without getting their cut.

The other question, as the New York Times comments today, is that
the copyright period keeps getting extended, far beyond what was
originally intended.  It was originally 14 years, after which things
would move into the public domain.  It's been extended again and
again, and now it's 70 years after the death of the author.

Bethany asked:

>speaking of porn, anyone have any good stories of discovering their
>parents' porn and/or sex toys?

My ex told me about finding a porn novel in her parents' dresser and
asking them about it.  Her parents said that they had it because it
had been written by her father's first wife.

Only problem was, my ex and her sisters had never been told that their
father had been married before, so it was way more of a shock than
just finding out their parents had a porn novel.

Andrea asked:

>so yeah, a little poll, i guess. will you download mp3s of the new
>songs when the become available?

I hadn't really thought about this, but now that you mention it, I
will not download the songs, I will wait until the release date and
play the CD as a whole.

Probably without candles, though.

As B/4,




Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 22:16:51 -0400
From: wildkoba <wildkoba@wildkoba.com>
To: rdt <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #1290

violet's piece about nightmares was RIGHT up my alley- almost more so than
talk about a tongue or penis in the asshole, or mpd, or endowhateveritis,

as those of you who read my dream journal might attest, i have some
FREAK-ASS motherfuckin' dreams. i've died repeatedly, been mugged, stabbed,
shot at, drowned...watched my mother die, watched an entire island of people
convicted of trying to assassinate the king die, had my dad walk in on me
while i was having sex,...

...and i love most every second of those dreams. they're never nightmares to
me because (as violet put it), it's a free movie, or a free mindfuck.
although mine don't always have endings, the bizarre-ness of these
mind-movies i have make it worthwhile. i almost look at it like channel
surfing in japanese, and watching all the movies and gameshows in a new
language, trying to figure out just what the fuck is going on. if you
haven't watched japanese tv, what is wrong with you?

the scariest dream i ever had was my very first one at the age of 5, which
i'll never forget. i had gotten in trouble with my mother that day, and i
was bratty and pissed at her. that night, i dreamt that she was tied to a
chair with dynamite underneath it. i freaked, because obviously, most of us
don't like the idea of our mothers tied up in chairs full of dynamite.
anyway, before i could save her, the dynamite blew up, and i remember
watching her head fly high in the air, and when it landed, i could see tears
streaming down her face.

it's doubly interesting (to me) that violet mentioned nightmares, and that
my first one came to mind. i was watching "the quick and the dead" last
night on tv, and saw the scene where sharon stone (as a baby) is trying to
rescue her father by shooting the noose that's around his neck, and how that
haunted her to the point where she made it her mission to get vengeance on
gene hackman.

so yeah, word em up to nightmares, good dreams, and fucked-up ones. it's
only rock and roll, y'all.

and by the way, if you're so inclined...


> Yeah, the party always breaks up at that point.  I'm not sure why.
> Let me guess ... the dead guy was Koba.  ;)

i just hope someone wasn't trying to stick something up MY ass. imagine if
someone had, and rigor mortis had set in while they were doing so, and...


wild koba

david y. kobayashi - wildkoba@wildkoba.com - http://www.wildkoba.com
wild koba's shack of funk - journals, visuals, et al.

"i bring truth and understanding, i bring wit and wisdom fair- precious
gifts beyond compare." -n. peart



Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 16:43:26 -0000
From: "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: schnippy

Hola, mes amies.

Comment t'allez-vous aujourdui?  Blah blah blah.  French test tomorrow.
Chem test tomorrow.  HUGE ASS Advanced Placement American History test in 2
weeks that I need to study for if I'm going to get college credits for it.
Hmpth.  Sometimes one can know a bit TOO much about a subject.

I'm done.

Mom home.

Must run.


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I never hope to see one;
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Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 10:45:06 -0700
From: "Heather" <orphea@pacbell.net>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: spooky

i'm so slammed at work right now but i just gotta take five and tell you all
about this dream i had a few years ago.

violet wrote a couple digest ago about having a recurring nightmare about
cutting up her dad's body into pieces, and that got me thinking about this
dream.  i got thinking about it a LOT yesterday actually.  then beth writes
in with her dream about assisted suicide and i about freaked.  we must be on
the same wavelength....  (bethany, i can't explain the dead guy in the
bathroom yet, but maybe i'll dream about it soon, so i'll get back to you,

my great grandmother died when i was about 12, and i was the last person to
talk to her...i made her a turkey sandwich then ran into the other room to
resume playing dressup.  she died of a heart attack a few minutes later.  i
think subconcsciously i always felt responsible in some way for her death,
even though that's irrational.

so fast forward to being 20 years old in
college -- i took a nap one afternoon and had this dream about her -- we're
at some family gathering, and she's in the kitchen, with me alone, asking me
to help her commit suicide.  she holds up a piano wire and asks me to
strangle her with it, and even though i don't want to, i know she needs me
to, so i do it.  i take her body, wrapped in a tablecloth to the car and
drive her away, panicking about what to do with the body.  finally i go into
a pizza hut and take her to the bathroom and i start pulling handful-pieces
of her body off and wrapping them in napkins and flushing them down the
toilet.  when i'm done, i call home and my mother is swearing at me and
calling me a murderer, so i keep running on the road.  there's a lot more
stuff that happens after this, but i won't go into it-- it relates to the
fact that the dream was actually foreshadowing a close friend's suicide in
real life, that though i wasn't to blame for, i knew he was suicidal and
didn't do anything).  it's one of the most important dreams i've ever had.

i've talked with violet about this before, but nightmares really upset me.
not just nightmares, but horror movies, anything with too much suspense or
psychological terror, etc.  i just can NOT deal.  it's so so so not fun for
me.  before you think i'm some fruityassed piece of hard candy, let me tell
you that i'm one of the most morbid people i know (really).  i don't think
the inability to deal with a "dark side", but rather something else, i don't
know.  i just really hate being scared.

and while we're on the topic -- i haven't had one in a while, but i used to
have bad spells of night terrors, sometimes up to 8 of them a night.  anyone
who suffers from these knows what i'm talking about... they aren't
nightmares, because a)you're not fully asleep yet --you kinda wake up and
they happen and b) there's no "story" ---
i have auditory hallucinations (and on rare occasions visual hallucinations)
and my heart feels like it's stopped and there's a pressure on me like i
can't move.  you really think you're about to die, even though it happens
fairly regularly and you know logically you're gonna be fine, but still you
feel like you're about to die.  it's the most frightening thing i've ever

on that wonderful note,
back to work,

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

     *** If You Want Breakfast In Bed, Sleep In The Kitchen digest ***

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