RDT Right Now #1446

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 00:11:56 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #1446
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 01 : Issue #1446

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  and all the papers say                [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  Sandia                                [ "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt ]
  your mom's so fat, when she sat on a  [ Tara Hughes <torilovr13@yahoo.com> ]
  *come play with us, Danny*            [ Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com> ]
  to jessica parsons                    [ "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefoos ]
  worse american                        [ wildkoba <wildkoba@wildkoba.com> ]
  Democracy V. Republic                 [ Brad Shultz <springhaze999@home.com ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #1445               [ clara j stowell <jewella_deville@ju ]
  cigarette covers                      [ Violet <fluffy@annihilist.com> ]
  nonlinear                             [ winterlion <winterlion@fsj.net> ]
  eye i, aye! aye! aye!                 [ "h." <orphea@pacbell.net> ]
  alligance? allegence? alligence?      [ "Bethany Rusen" <hejira@u-town.com> ]


     Really Deep Quote:

                 none today


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 10:31:35 -0700
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: and all the papers say

Simon wrote:
> I get upset about that as well- I know the media isn't trying to be
> insensitive but it irks me when some tragedy is distilled down to stats and
> numbers.

I actually have found the opposite to be true. Since Sept. 12, the New York
Times has been running, daily, a full page of information on people who died
in the attacks. The editor has said that at this rate, he expects it'll take
until next fall to get them all in. When someone asked whether people were
still going to care in a year, he said he figured people would care more
than ever. Although it takes a lot of work to track down the info to write
even a short 200-word bio on someone's life, and most of the folks working
on these items don't get their name on them, he said he's watched his
reporters laughing and crying on the phone working on these things and feels
they're probably getting a lot out of it.

Likewise, Newsweek has been running some interesting stuff. This week they
had a bunch of photos that were taken by a hidden camera at a bus stop in
NYC which has a clear view of where the towers were. The looks on people's
faces are so telling. They ran another photo series by a professional
photographer who was killed when the second tower came down - he was taking
photos right up to the moment it fell, and his cameras were recovered along
with his body. He got some faces, probably all of them people who died along
with him. They also included a piece about a half-dozen students at nearby
Stuyvesant High School, talking about their reactions (they could see the
plane attacks from the windows of their classrooms), including a few who
lost parents in the attacks.

My news intake has more or less been restricted to Newsweek, the SF
Chronicle, NPR, the Marin Independent Journal, and news on yahoo and
cnn.com. Some of those do more than others. But out here, we're not close to
the attacks and it doesn't make as much sense to include bios of everyone
who died the way the NY Times is - but all the local papers included lots
about the Californians who died.

So no, I don't think the media is turning people into statistics.


"Knowing and believing are two different things. Play by the silence. It's
where you will begin, not where you will end." (Travis Meeks)
    music reviews + stories + poetry + photography + collage + Watchers
   selkies + froud-faeries + esoterica + links = http://echoes.devin.com



Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:33:12 -0600
From: "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Sandia

Simon asked, "does Sandia do anything else besides nuclear weapons

Sandia is a HUGE national laboratory that does ALL kinds of things.  My
boyfriend has a job there learning about network security and other
computer stuff.  I am hoping hoping hoping to get a job there as well.
But I'm looking for something, maybe nanotechnology related, or at least
something that advances medical technology.  The lab does so many
things.  Pretty much anything science related, they have.  So, in
conclusion, I'm sure they have nuclear weapons research but that's just
one subset of the many things they do.


Then Simon mentioned the movie, 'Soldier', which I haven't seen.  But it
reminded me of a very wonderful book I read some time ago by Dean R.
Koontz called 'Watchers'.  (There's a movie for this book but, PLEASE,
don't watch it.  It's HORRIBLE and absolutely unrelated to the book!)


> The Taliban
> might not be true friends to the Afghan people, but they are their
> solution to misery.

It sure seems to me that the Taliban is the REASON for the Afghan
people's misery.  Especially the women who are suffocating in their

An example:  A woman and her husband were on bicycles.  She following
him. A part of her ankle became exposed while pedaling.  The Taliban
unceremoniously remedied the situation by shooting the woman in the

Can't have any exposed ankles tempting the pious men now can we?

Bonnie J. Wayne
Technical Editor
Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center
801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM  87801



Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:01:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tara Hughes <torilovr13@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: your mom's so fat, when she sat on a quarter, a booger came out of
washington's nose.

thanks, y'all, for the happy birthday wishes.  next
year, right before i begin my student teaching
(hopefully, that's where it'll fall), i'll be 21.  but
that doesn't mean that i don't know how to hold my
liquor, now...  er, um..

20 is like the second big-nothing year (19's the
first).  whoop-de-fucking-do-dah, i'm not a teenager.
i'm pretty much one of the last of my friends to turn
20 (which i guess will make the big 2-1 a lot more
fun, with lots of others to get piss-ass-drunk with).

anyway, i wanted to pass on a little note to simon,
who i suppose will get a kick out of this.

i began working at waldenbooks (i get a whole 33% off
books, and even 40%, come christmastime) just last
week.  do you *know* how many stupid fucking dr. laura
books there are?  and do you *know* how slow they sell
(or don't sell at all, whatever)?

just thought i'd share.

.…:*®®* :….it will all find its way in time.…:*®®* :….

read my journal.


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Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 15:46:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: *come play with us, Danny*

I LOVE The Shining.  I have a huge crush on Jack
Nicholson (ok, so I'm weird), and he was incredibly
creepy in this movie.  Ooh, and those little girls in
the elevator-- spooky.  It is one of my all-time
favorite movies.

This brings to mind one of those movies that wasn't
the most ingenious movies ever made, but had lots of
exciting parts-- Twister.  Not only do you get to hear
Talula in the beginning, but then they show a clip of
The Shining when they're at the drive-in.... ...
simply the cat's pajamas (ooh, or Moonshine's pajamas
{congratulations on the kitty!}).

Beth posted:

<<I wasn't going to post tonight & I'm very tired but
I just saw this adorable Tori site & wanted to share.


Check out the cartoons, especially the first set by
Paul Elia.>>

Thanks for posting that despite your sleepiness. :)  I
would almost have to say that his drawings really
helped me better understand what Tori's characters are
"about".  He really seemed to capture the essence of
what she was trying to say in his pictures.

And Simon, didn't you know? Of *course* you're one of
the prestigious tribe of the long-post people!  Long
live the long-posters!

I really wish I could post more, but I have tons of
stuff to do (including eat dinner).  Dammit, I have
way too many tests next week, plus papers to do, plus
the f'n GREs, and I'm attempting to apply to grad
school.  Rrarrrr... all will be okay.  I don't really
get stressed, I just get overly busy.


Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.



Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 19:48:29 -0500
From: "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefooska@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: to jessica parsons

I agree with you here: the people in the city of New York have earned being
called heroes, I do see their reaction (as victims of the hugest terrorist
attack that I can think of) as a really noble and brave one.

but I don't know what to make of your reactions.
I mean, do you feel better nurturing all this rage? this thirst for
vengeance? because if you do, then I guess it can't be that bad for you...
it would only be sad to me... and beyond my understanding.

I guess what I'll say know has been said hundreds of times before in
hundreds of similar situations, but I still think it's a good advice:

if you are really so tired of this pro-peace movement, why don't you just
ignore it? stay out of it.

I do think that would be much better for you than getting angry about it
because when you say that terrorists "don't deserve love and compassion!"
what you are doing is showing us that you don't understand it (I'm not
saying this to attack you) all I am saying is: who is talking about giving
love and compassion to the terrorists?
I am certainly not. Justice would of course mean having the people
responsible for this pay a price suitable to what they did, and what they
did is terrible...

>the Taliban deserves all the bombs it gets.

but do you think this bombs are ONLY affecting the Taliban?
hundreds of civilians are already dead, did you know that?

the innocent hurt by this war are as much a tragedy to me if they are
Americans than they are if they are Afghans.

I suppose that's all I should say.

>Maybe you can keep me from ever being happy but you're not gonna stop me
>from having fun...
>                        --ani difranco

if this is fun for you, go on.

I'm going back to the world
I'm trying to look up
it's raining

cheefooska juan

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Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 21:17:14 -0400
From: wildkoba <wildkoba@wildkoba.com>
To: rdt <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: worse american

> likewise, all the displaying of flags and "God Bless America" lately and
> such equally creeps me the fuck out. I still don't understand how people can
> experience a national tragedy and their first response is, "gonna hang up my
> American flag!" I don't know. it just doesn't seem like a natural
> progression to me. it doesn't HELP anything, except to assauge our national
> conciousness and perhaps sell us on the idea that this bombing is the only
> way to preserve our way of life.

so then you must feel equally creeped the fuck out when gays and lesbians
take to the streets after a tragedy and wave rainbow flags or related
symbols and icons (e.g., the death of matthew shepard). you must not
understand, then, how gays can experience a national tragedy and their first
response is, "gonna wave my rainbow flag!" (this of course assumes that all
gay people even actually run out and wave flags. but hey, if it can be
assumed that everyone's been waving american flags as of late....). and i
can't possibly imagine how that HELPS anything except to maybe sell us on
the idea that the killing of an innocent man who happened to be gay will
preserve the gay way of life?!?

it's one thing to not want to pledge allegiance to the flag or say prayers,
but if you're bothered by all the flags and patriotism being displayed, then
you must hide under the bed a lot. with the plurality "symbols of
expression" we're deluged with in times of crisis, you must be constantly
"creeped the fuck out," i bet.


i don't mean to make the following an attack on any specific person here,
but it just fucking amazes me how some people (some on this list) revel in
"america bashing." these whiners bitchbitchbitch about how awful and wrong
we are about seemingly everything, how we're a bunch of hypocritical
terrorists, and (thankfully not here- yet) how we DESERVED WHAT WE GOT.

i'm not here to try and make anybody here sing the praises of the US. i'm
smart enough to know that there are some pretty awful fucking things going
on in this country before and after "certain major events." but goddamnit, i
never understood why some people just appear to be all about the "america
bashing." it's as if every waking opportunity is spent trying to belittle
the merits of this country with a constant flow of bitchbitchbitch and
whinewhinewhine. but: a) i have never met a bitchbitchbitch-er or
whinewhinewhiner able to offer a working solution or alternative to whatever
problem they happened to be whinewhinewhining about. and b) those people
always seem to forget it's that by virtue of living in the US that they're
GIVEN THE RIGHT to bitchbitchbitch and whinewhinewhine as you please. i'm
almost curious to see how some of these people would fare in places like
iran, the sudan, rwanda, or afghanistan.

so sure, whinewhinewhine and bitchbitchbitch to your heart's content. but i
too have my rights, and i try to call it like it is. frankly, if you're THAT
dissatisfied with the policies our government is taking, then either GET
INVOLVED yourself or hop on the next flight to toronto, paris, sydney,
tokyo, havana, moscow, calcutta or fucking mongolia, for all i care. several
people before and after us have made one of the above choices and have
managed to do well for themselves, one way or the other. but man, all this
bitching and whining without action just seems like a fucking waste to me.

wild koba

david y. kobayashi - wildkoba@wildkoba.com - http://www.wildkoba.com
wild koba's shack of funk - journals, visuals, et al.

"i bring truth and understanding, i bring wit and wisdom fair- precious
gifts beyond compare." -n. peart



Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 20:37:34 -0500
From: Brad Shultz <springhaze999@home.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Democracy V. Republic

Hey you Toriphiles-

The U. S. is not a democracy.  It is a Republic.  Big difference.  A
democracy is when you have a  vote on all issues.  Our founding fathers
rejected a democracy.

Madison and Jefferson wrote The Federalist Papers to explain what the
new government was .

Go read it if you please.




Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 21:20:35 -0700
From: clara j stowell <jewella_deville@juno.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #1445

hi.  ...hi?  what a boring way to start my first post.  what i mean is...
 salutations!  er... sure, that works.

aaanyway.  my name is jewel.  i have been subscribed to this list before,
but was forced to unsub due to a complete lack of time and internet

a little about me:  i'm originally from washington.  went to high school
and college, for a year, in minnesota, and as of two weeks ago, am now an
oregon resident.

i absolutely love tori and was motivated to rejoin the list when i got
access to a reliable source of email.  so here i am.  i'm 20 and am about
to start at the state hospital here as a "mental health therapy
technician."  big title for basically a direct-care giver.

i wanted to respond to some of this rant about high school.  i despised
high school.  especially my junior and senior year, when my best friends
and brother graduated and moved away.  for that last two years, i was no
more tortured, harassed, bullied, per se, but i no longer had my posse to
be there for me.  it made things more difficult than i could have
imagined.  i isolated myself in books, spent all of my free time in the
art room with the teacher - who was also a good friend, a confidant and a

i, personally, didn't receive a great deal of direct harassment.  a lot
of girls pointing and giggling, people mumbling things under their breath
so only i could hear... and believe me, that was hurtful enough.  i was
strange, wore a lot of black, was naturally very pale and had severe
social anxiety - as i still do today.   but none of that was as painful
as watching one of my best friends get harassed far more than i did, by
students and teachers alike.  she was always very quiet, fairly boyish
(gorgeous in my opinion, but that only helped so much).  i have very
little respect for the school system as a whole due to what i witnessed
with her.  students would yell things like "dyke", "butch", and other
similar things at her right in front of faculty, and they would do
nothing.  if i were there, i would often respond to these people with
obscene finger gestures or a fairly profane comment, and *I* would be the
one who was chastised, given detention, they even attempted to force me
to APOLOGIZE.  obviously, i did not.

at one point, my friend (her name is julia) was doodling on her notebook
in her science class.  she was drawing jewish stars.  no, she's not
jewish.  just doodling.  her teacher walked by her desk, picked them up,
looked at them, scowled and put them back down.  by the time she got home
from school that day, there was a message from her family's PASTOR on the
phone, saying that this teacher had contacted him and told him that she
was drawing SATANIC symbols on her property.   !?!  julia tried talking
to him about it, confronted him, which resulted in an argument where she
was given detention (OUTSIDE of school hours) and he attempted to kick
her out of the class and fail her.  ...this was obviously some kind of
personal attack, as it's so irrational.  julia tried to go higher up to
get it taken care of, and the best she got was being allowed to stay in
the class.  they did nothing else.  after that, her homework was often
"accidently" lost and she barely passed the class.

**violet wrote**
> Simon wrote (quoting me):
> > "This is an amazing story...
> > A police officer was on the 82nd floor when the building
> underneath him
> > collapsed.  He rode the debris all the way to the ground.  His
> injuries?
> > Broken legs and ankles.
> > But he's ALIVE.  From the *82nd fucking floor*.
> > Truly a miracle."
> >
> >has there been anything more on this?
> Yeah.  Sadly, this turned out to be a hoax.

there are a lot of stories going around like that.  i actually heard a
radio interview with the manager of the site
http://www.truthorfiction.com where he mentioned the above story, as well
as a photograph that was being circulated with a man standing on top of
the first building, with the plane right behind it, about to hit.  this
was also a hoax.  if you're curious about more of these, this is a really
good site.  they stay really up to date.

**bethany wrote**
> I still don't understand how people can experience a national
> tragedy and their first response is, "gonna  hang up my
> American flag!" I don't know. it just doesn't seem like a natural
> progression to me. it doesn't HELP anything, except to assauge > our
national conciousness and perhaps sell us on the idea that this > bombing
is the only way to preserve our way of life.

i completely agree... and in fact, i think the blatant display of blind
patriotism is doing more harm than good...  don't get me wrong, i was
extremely moved by the way the country pulled together, and i do believe
that solidarity is necessary right now...  but, especially living where i
was when all this happened (fargo, ND), i have ran across so many people
who see "god bless america!"  and they think "yeah!  god bless
americans!" and then they turn it into "god bless white people and abuse
the hell of anyone who isn't anglo saxon like me!"   ...it's just giving
off a very wrong idea.  i see the signs that say "be strong" and "united
we stand" and i think, yeah, that's the right idea.  but "god bless
america"? it doesn't make sense to me.  a lot of these people don't even
really know what they're saying... to them, the phrase means "crush
anyone who questions our system.  god bless america, because WE'RE THE
BEST."  i think that's a dangerous thought process right now.

well...  my first post turned into a long one...  on a random note, has
anyone heard of sigor ros?  they're an icelandic band and they're

also... and this is REALLY important to me, and maybe it's not
appropriate for the tori list, but i'm sure someone will tell me if it's
not.  my brother is in a really wonderful, barely known, up-n-commin'
band and, yes, i'm biased, but regardless, they're one of my alltime
favourite bands.  they're folky.  PLEASE check them out.  i think you'll
dig.  http://www.pounktry.com ...  if you check out the mp3's, make sure
to listen to 2NForeign, To Walk Away, Made For Use, or Can't Stand
Easily.  they're my favourites.  make sure to tell me what you think if
you check them out.

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Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 00:07:57 -0700
From: Violet <fluffy@annihilist.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: cigarette covers

My mother sent this to me.  My *MOTHER*.

	Two elderly ladies were outside their nursing home, having a
	smoke, when it started to rain. One of the ladies pulled out
	a condom, cut off the end, put it over her cigarette, and
	continued smoking.

	The lady asked, "What's that?"

	"A condom," the other lady responded. "This way my cigarette
	doesn't get wet."

	"Where did you get it?" the other lady asked.

	"You can get them at any drugstore."

	The next day, the first lady hobbled herself down to the
	local drugstore and announced to the pharmacist that she
	wants a box of condoms. The guy looked at her kind of
	strangely (she is, after all, over 80 years of age), but
	politely asks what brand she prefers.

	"It doesn't matter as long as it fits a Camel."

	The pharmacist fainted.




Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 01:36:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: winterlion <winterlion@fsj.net>
To: "RDT Right Now [yes yes :]" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: nonlinear

I think I've gone completely nonlinear.  Surreal life is...

Got a fun complement today - got told by this nice lady I'm the
-strangest- person she's ever met pretty much.  *g*.  So I talk in funny
voices sometimes, what of it.  Doesn't everyone?  (and mix english, dutch,
german, french, and sometimes japanese with regular conversation :)

Ach terribly surreal day.  I'll be catching up on mail soon.

But just in case I haven't mentioned it, I'm kinda nonlinear at the moment
so not everything written from me will be terribly rational. *deep sigh*

(may be homeless in 2 weeks - more or less.  Big pain finding work)
Oh I'll still have places to -stay-, just no home.  Big diff.  I'm not
going onto the streets again - friends and family won't let me *g*.

G'day, eh? :)
	- Winterlion

PS: Hope all y'all have better luck than me this last while.

May all your dreams be satisfying ones!

What is courage now?  Is it just to go until we're done?
Men may call us heroes when they say we've won but if we should fail, how
then...  What is courage now?
	- Fellowship Going South by Leslie Fish sung by Julia Ecklar

Member in log, log standing of the Mad Poet's Society.
Trying to bring truth from beauty is Winterlion.
find at this <a href="http://geocities.com/winterlion">winterlions' page</a>



Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 01:38:47 -0700
From: "h." <orphea@pacbell.net>
To: cheefooska@hotmail.com, "'RDT Right Now'" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: eye i, aye! aye! aye!

oh juan juan juan...

you break my heart.

i'm sorry you took my comment to emmanuel: "because isn't YOUR nation
blameless in domestic and international affairs?" as an attack on mexico and
it's people.  it couldn't be farther from the truth, really.  i'll explain
in a minute, but first,

i adore you, and you are one of my favorite people on this list.  i think
you are one of the sweetest souls in our world.  and i don't think you're
ignorant, as you say.  and though you are depressed, you are depressed in an
honest perceptive way that anyone who looks out at the world we live in with
their eyes wide open --- anyone like that will be depressed, for a while

so.... i'm really sorry you took my comment the way you did.  not only cuz
the last thing i want you to feel is personally attacked and hurt because
you are mexican, but also because, well, i think YOU actually proved the
point i was trying to make much better than i did.  which is,

i'm heather and i live in the united states.  i am an individual living in a
country, which better for worse, i try to change for better i think, in the
small ways i can.  i am not responsible for terrorist hatred any more than i
am responsible for george w. declaring war on afghanistan.  i didn't bomb
hiroshima.  i didn't ambush a vietnamese village.  i didn't bomb baghdad.
these are the horrific things emmanuel invoked in his "rant" -- and maybe on
a normal day emmanuel is a nice and generous guy -- but the day he wrote
that post he was disgusted with america and americans.  i quoted a few
excerpts in my post last night, but there were more and i don't feel like
posting every bit of evidence in his post....it's just my opinion that he
got lost in generalizations and nationalism and used the second person "you"
in a way that was insulting and offensive, to me anyway.

my ironic tone throughout my post was used to establish two things.  first
of all, to "ask" emmanuel who the hell he meant by "you <americans>" ===
because exactly as you point out, america is made up of individuals, who
feel (pardon the poetics) adrift at sea right now, not tied to the big
steamer chugging away towards war.  a lot of us don't fit cleanly into the
boxes the media has made for us in the wake of the attacks, and we haven't
chosen sides, if we will at all.  and a lot of us feel helpless.  and those
that don't, those of us that have their opinions cast and fired -- well even
those people are just like you and me -- they are individuals, and virtually
none of them had anything to do or say about american foreign policy
recently or in the past.  so beyond being insulting and offensive, emmanuel
really missed the point in addressing "us."  also, because i am just sick
and tired of cool little armchair critics lobbing fistfuls of b.s. left and
right (yeah, "left" and "right" -- i thought i was "left" but now i think i
prefer limbo), i thought i'd expose emmanuel's hypocrisy by showing him the
mistake he makes in being sickened by american citizens because he doesn't
like their government.  he himself is a mexican individual, who just happens
to be a citizen of the mexican government.  what if i were to find fault
with him and his response to world events because his country has done
horrible things in the past?  i would NOT do that, because i know better.
but i don't think he does, and that's why i said what i did, to show him
that mistake by turning it around on him and revealing his own hypocrisy.
it was a rhetorical tool for an argument --- and i meant in no way to
suggest that he didn't have a right to his opinion because his government
has been awful too.  it was meant actually, to prove the very point that you
make in your letter -- that is, we are all individuals.  we are not our

i've been obsessed with this concept ever since september 11th... how easily
a single person can be confused with a big entity or an idea, and how
devastating that is when 6000 individuals are slaughtered because of that.
and then my own helpless stupid letters to over 50 u.s. congress people
urging restraint and deliberation -- now recycle bin fodder.  and i didn't
even elect george w.  actually most people didnt!  what am i DOING here at
all?  and what can *i* do but sit here and just grieve for the people who
died and for the ideal that was shattered in me.  the ONLY thing that i have
is myself...it's the *only* thing keeping me tethered to sanity; "i am an
individual, and don't you dare mistake that."

so anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding.  you are NOT ignorant, i think
you are just undecided.  on the same note that the article by r.u. serious
that scotch linked to:  i was talking with someone recently, who after
stating a position of neutrality and confusion, was called a "chicken" by
some "liberals." (i put liberals in quotation marks, because i think it's
not too liberal to insult someone for taking his time to form an opinion.
that's downright restrictive, not liberal).  i told him that in fact keeping
an open mind and neutral footing was one of the braver things you can do
right now.  (ha, i say that, cuz i'm neutral right now...isn't that nice of
me!)  but really it's far too easy to slip into the hippydippy "love will
save us" or bloodthirsty "bomb them all" traps when so much is at
stake...it's just seems like a simple answer to a complex problem and so is
very attractive to a lot of people.  it's a lot harder to probe the deepest
darkest smelliest depths of yourself (myself, ourselves) to come up with an
original response to this.  and until that happens (which i think will take
a lot longer than a month) then you get to call yourself "undecided."  and
you're welcome anytime to come over to my house for dinner.


p.s. scotch, hope your flights are safe.  maybe after you come back home
intact i'll post about the many shitmypants terror panic attacks i've had
about flying for years.  i have emergency illegal narcotics in my
possession... i've used 'em before, and if i have to step foot on a plane in
the future, i'll use 'em again.  in leiu of those, maybe you can just get
shitfaced on vodka tonics on the plane....



Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 10:25:52 -0400
From: "Bethany Rusen" <hejira@u-town.com>
To: "Dipfucks" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: alligance? allegence? alligence?

simon asked:
"on that note, am I the only one feeling like the build up for SLG was a
little odd?  there was a long build up for ftch but the anticipation of
waiting for it didn't wear off as the release date approached.  this time,
it felt like some of that momentum wasn't there."

well, there was that little thing that happened on September 11th that may
have put a damper on things....

believe me, when the 18th rolled around, SLG was the last thing on my mind.

to add to my last post about the pledge of allegiance, i just heard on the
Today show that the city of NY has made the pledge mandatory in all their
public schools. how....wonderful.

Jessica Parsons ranted:
"I'm also really tired of this pro-peace movement. 5,000 people in this
country were killed so some fucking terrorists could advance their cause
against the US. They go so far as to die for that cause. Why don't people
support defending this country?"

I don't believe that this "America Strikes Back" deal is the right way to go
about retaliating for Sept 11th. But I highly doubt the people who feel the
same way I do are in favor of crawling under a rock and not defending
ourselves. I just don't think this is the way to do it. I don't think my
philosophy towards this whole deal is "pro-peace" but rather "pro-there has
to be other options".

"If the entire population of my
university was killed and I was the only person alive, I wouldn't say "well,
even though I know who did this, I shouldn't hurt them because that would be
me just performing the same horrible act." No! I'd find them and try to
inflict pain on them! I realize that we can never ever get rid of terrorism
but the Taliban deserves all the bombs it gets."

Yes, the Taliban deserves all the bombs it gets. And the impoverished people
of Afghanistan probably deserve them too, right? We have a virtual
information blackout right now in regards to what's really going on over
there, but even if they aren't telling us, there are most likely innocent
people who have been killed and will continue to be killed.

A person I love was working a block away from the Trade Center when the
planes hit, and for a couple hours I wasn't sure if he was okay. I am sad
and hurting so much from all of this that I don't have it in me to want to
hurt anyone who did this to me. To us. I probably never will. I have yet to
get angry about any of this. Maybe that's why I have this reaction.

I want to heal, I want everyone to heal, and most people think that hurting
them back will do that. I think once this "war" is over and the smoke
clears, we will be right back where we started.

Bethany Rusen, renaissance woman (talent and pretension for hire)
hejira, an online journal : http://www.u-town.com/hejira
"Some people move at a speed that allows them to replace loss. Some
just accumulate. Some accumulate and write about it. The past is a good
book. The present is where you really get to fall in love, some write about
that. Anyway, as my sister the evolutionary biologist remarked the other
day, hindsight is 50/50. The other half of the story must be lying around
somewhere near by."   - kate jacobs

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

    *** When The Pin Is Pulled, Mr. Grenade Is Not Our Friend digest ***

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