RDT Right Now #1457

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 20:51:09 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #1457
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 01 : Issue #1457

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Philly M&G                            [ "Beth Coulter" <betheqt@voicenet.co ]
  I'm a slut!                           [ "Christina Miller" <christina729@ms ]
  proud of my dad                       [ "Bethany Rusen" <hejira@u-town.com> ]
  Unidentified subject!                 [ Tara Hughes <torilovr13@yahoo.com> ]
  your not a street corner girl         [ MorbidMoonkitten@aol.com ]
  talking about something I actually e  [ OMBO@aol.com ]
  one fish, two fish, green fish, purp  [ "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au> ]
  youuuuuuuuuuuuuterus                  [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  comments on the hoo-ha!               [ burning leaves <jewella_deville@jun ]
  ride em, cowboy                       [ "Madame Ade" <alexandriasisp@hotmai ]
  a lot of war stuff and some fun new   [ Matt Smith <M.S.Smith-01@student.lb ]
  tori's contract news                  [ strange little woj <woj@smoe.org> ]


     Really Deep Quote:

                 none today


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 21:27:58 -0400
From: "Beth Coulter" <betheqt@voicenet.com>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Philly M&G

I was wondering if anyone knows of any more m&g pics on the net, other that
Patrick's on the Forum?  Pics of the crowd.  I'm actually looking for random
shots with me in them.  I'm wearing my wild patched jeans (about two dozen
different patches, like butterflies and moon/sun and a flag, among others; I
got the jeans for two bucks at Kmart and spent maybe $15 on the patches) and
a multi-colored vest over a black shirt.  Plus, of course, I have super long
red hair.  *not to mention lots of glitter*

I'm hoping folks caught some shots with me and some of my Toriphiles buddies
that I only see every two years or so (at concerts mostly).  I should have
brought my camera, but I didn't know how far away we would park and I didn't
want to risk having it taken.

So if anyone knows, or sees some shots, let me know, 'K?  Or if you know
someone who took some shots that may be interested in selling some pics like
that, pass the word.  Thanks.

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when Everything's not OK
cause it's the Fairies Revenge they say
And I have always been a Fairy.




Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 21:32:03 -0400
From: "Christina Miller" <christina729@msn.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: I'm a slut!

a) an unmarried person who has sex when not in a
strong monogamous relationship or with more than one
person in, say, a week...
b) a married person who commits adultery
c) someone who has sex more than 2 nights a week

I guess I should inform my boyfriend that we can only have sex 2 nights a
week and so I won't be labeled as a slut anymore, oh and I should probably
find out if our relationship is indeed "strong" to him.

Some people just enjoy sex.  I happen to be one them and was really shocked
to read that.  Anyway, Cleveland concert:

It was excellent!!!  I didn't recognize quite a few songs.  The setlist is
at the Dent if anyone's interested or hasn't seen it yet.  My boyfriend
nearly fell asleep and says that yes, it's confirmed, he really does hate
Tori.  He respects her and her piano, but he said he's never going again!
The opener was Mike Farley (?) from the Mike Farley Band.  He was very good.
  Mike (the sleepy boyfriend) is in love with the Dave Matthews Band.  One
of the songs Farley started playing sounded just like Crash.  Hmm...
It was my second show and my first was the Choirgirl tour with the band.  I
had great seats and was in awe throughout the entire show.  She is
wonderful.  The opener, '97 BC, was a bit weak and totally expected.  It
wasn't nearly as disturbing as the album and by the time the song was over,
I was surprisingly bored with it.  The rest of the show was very powerful.
I'm not a very detailed reviewer, but those of you who have yet to see her
are in a for a treat!!  :)  And TURN OFF YOUR DAMN CELL PHONES!!!  This
happend during the show during Putting the Damage On, and Tori sang, Turning
your phone off or something similar.  It doesn't matter what concert I'm
going to, or movie for that matter, I leave my cell in my truck.  It's rude
and disrespectful.  I mean, how would Tori have felt if the phone had rang
during M&AG?  You could hear a pin drop in there.  I'm done rambling.

Oh yeah, and I'll throw in my 2 cents about the war:  I care, I just don't
think about it day in and day out.  I feel sorry for those involved and
their families, but I'm not letting it run my life.  President's orders.
Act normal.


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Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 01:18:52 -0400
From: "Bethany Rusen" <hejira@u-town.com>
To: "Dipfucks" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: proud of my dad

hey, you want to hear something great?

at work tonight (I work at Borders, btw, and i'd -like- to think our
clientele is a somewhat sophisticated and intelligent bunch, but probably
wishful thinking), some kid, in high school maybe, was wearing a black
hooded sweatshirt that said in large white letters "ABORTION IS HOMICIDE"
and on the back, a number of Bible versus.

It really pissed me off. I mean, he's allowed to feel that way, but
displaying it like that was just distasteful. Like me wearing a "GOD IS
DEAD" shirt. Even if I may feel that way. Good lord....

according to Ade, I am not a slut. :) i am in a "strong monogamous
relationship" and I definitely don't have sex more than twice a week (damn
long distance relationships).

Bethey said:
"I also have been
hired as prop mistress for the Christmas Show, "Gift of the Magi".  Maybe
one day I'll actually be able to act in a show.  Maybe.  One day.  It would
be nice."

is that the play version of "Gift of the Magi" or the musical version? just
curious. I remember seeing a musical version of it when i was younger that
was just gorgeous. it was at the Fulton Opera House in Lancaster (don't know
if you've ever heard of it).

Hey Bethey, have you taken any Women's Studies courses? i think that would
be right in line with your interests. I'm taking Intro to Women's Studies
right now, and I love it so much. in fact, it may be my only A this
semester. :)

so one last thing. I have to tell you about my Dad, and how insanely proud I
am of him. He had been an art teacher for 25 years, and last October (a
little over a year ago) he lost his job, because of some financial mistakes
he made. he was depressed about it for a long time, but a couple months ago
he finally landed a permanent job as the eduction director at SARCC (Sexual
Abuse Resource Counseling Center) for Lebanon County. a couple days ago, he
was "on call" for the first time, and about 1 am in the morning he gets a
call that there's a 15 year old rape victim at the hospital. So he gets up,
goes in and talks with her and her parents about her support options. the
other part of his job is he gives presentations to the community and to
schools about sexual abuse and prevention. he loves what he's doing. i just
think it's so cool that my 47 year old pa is a feminist. :)

Bethany Rusen, renaissance woman (talent and pretension for hire)
hejira, an online journal : http://www.u-town.com/hejira
"Some people move at a speed that allows them to replace loss. Some
just accumulate. Some accumulate and write about it. The past is a good
book. The present is where you really get to fall in love, some write about
that. Anyway, as my sister the evolutionary biologist remarked the other
day, hindsight is 50/50. The other half of the story must be lying around
somewhere near by."   - kate jacobs



Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 22:18:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tara Hughes <torilovr13@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Unidentified subject!

to gyno or not to gyno:

last checkup i had (last year or so), my doctor
suggested (since i was, at the time, 18) i schedule my
first gyno exam, but that it wasn't a *necessary*
thing to have, for i don't smoke, and i'm not sexually
active.  and i will likely wait until i *am* sexually
active (and/or until i feel more comfortable with
myself, since that is a common issue to me, these
days), or something goes wrong (yes, my cramps hurt.
yes, probably more than normal, but, yes, advil and
lots of water and sleep help.


on the instrumental-tori:

there are 4 people i could listen to, instrumentally,
for a looooooooong time.  tori, emily bezar, one girl
that goes to my school (who i will call 's', because i
don't wanna be giving her name out to random people.
but she's incredible), and alicia keys.  s. is
incredible (not even a music major, too).  there was a
piano on the second floor of the huge rotunda at
school.  she sat and played at it for 2 nights last
week, friday and saturday, until they put the piano,
which was there for ring ceremony, away.  and she
completely improvised.  but, anyway, enough gushing.
but these people are incredible.


unrelatedly (almost)...

someone said something awhile ago about the
philly-meet-&-greet, where they let one girl from the
crowd up to see The Great One, Herself...  i was
wondering...  was she asian?  i found out through an
old high school friend, mike, whose other friend, jen,
got to see Tori, in person, at the concert.


yeah, um, anyway...

happy daylight savings.  hooray for not even knowing
about it until hearing it on the news at 11.  and i
hafta work early tomorrow.

i am sewing my halloween costume.  or at least trying
to.  because i really can't sew, and i am pretending.
badly.  *sigh*

off i go to get back to work.  light a candle, relax
my achy, achy feet (work, 3-10), sew.  there are so
many books i currently want to read, now.  and i have
my own 'sections' that are MINEMINEMINE to sort and
shelve, etc.  one of those is self-help.  i think i
may be bipolar.  but i also have new age (everytime, i
think of Tori).  i think i will make-up/write a book
about nostradamus.  don't worry.  i will list each and
every one of you in my credits.  :)

have a stellar day.

.…:*®®* :….it will all find its way in time.…:*®®* :….

read my journal.


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Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 01:26:51 EDT
From: MorbidMoonkitten@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: your not a street corner girl

<< hmm... i guess i'm a slut then, since i have a pretty active sex life
 with my boyfriend of a year and half.  we definitely get it on more than
 2 nights a week.  ;)

 i have to say that i think that definition is pretty silly...  but i'm
 not offended.  it just doesn't seem too... um... thought out.  even
 though i am now in a "strong monogamous relationship", i have been in
 weak ones, but was still exclusive, and didn't consider that
 slut-activity. >>


    if that is the definition of slut I would think that majority or all of
us are are were sluts at one time. Damn two nights a week- I could deal with
that but bring it on! At least every other night- if not every night. Making
love is a beautiful thing- when your in a good relationship why not express
your feelings though action. So, no I dont think your a slut at least your
not in my opinion... when your in a relationship with a person that means you
care for them. If you care for them - to me thats all that matters. Not that
I would myself just sleep with everyone I cared about- for me the feelings
have to be really strong. Its your body- a sacred and private thing- be picky
on who you share it with - you deserve to do that for youself - this isnt
directed everyone in general.
Step out of your cage and onto the stage It's time to start playing your part
Freedom awaits Open the gates Open your mind Freedom's a state- Depeche Mode
~ visit my personal website  <A
HREF="http://hometown.aol.com/morbidmoonkitten/">The Cat's Meow</A>



Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 01:49:04 EDT
From: OMBO@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: talking about something I actually enjoy again

I said:

<< These days, I really feel like I need art - and friends, and my plans for
the future, and

fucking SANE stuff like that - to keep me going. >>

I forgot something else for that list. Sex!

I'd been meaning to say something about the whole "slut" thing, and I'm sure
that any of you who remember my posts in the past about the subject know
where I fall down on that one. That is, 100% pro-slut. This world needs more
sluts. Especially these days.

Jewel said:

<< i read a book once called "the ethical slut."  the author of this book

manages to elude me at the moment, but he/she gave a very interesting

insight into the terms "whore" and "slut." >>

The author is Dossie Easton, an old acquaintance of mine from my days working
in the sex publishing business in San Francisco. She wrote a manifesto from
the viewpoint of many folks up there, and indeed, myself. Namely, a person
with ethics who just happens to follow an "alternative sexual lifestyle" - in
other words, be a big ol' pervert. I never actually read her whole book, but
I pretty much know the arguments there, and I'm all about their basic truth.
Namely, that one need not be monogamous and vanilla to be ethical and loving.

But I have to say that I have one small problem with Dossie's arguments as
Jewel presented them - namely, the use of the word "whore" as a pejorative to
describe those nonmonogamous people who are *not* ethical. The problem there
is that "whore" is also used to describe prostitutes, and some of them are
trying to reclaim the word "whore" as others are trying to reclaim "slut".
Another acquaintance of mine, a swell gal named Jill Nagle, edited a book
called Whores And Other Feminists, which contains writings by
feminist-identified sex workers who object to the sterotypes about
prostitutes put out by opponents of sex work, be they conservative or

So maybe, it would be best just to leave off the sex-related pejoratives
entirely, and describe the bad kind of slut as merely "unethical". The
important thing to note is that ethics have absolutely nothing to do with
sexual tastes. They have to do with how you treat others.


<< I'm a complete slut. >>

Welcome, brother! :-) We need more like you.

Especially these days.

Steve the Sweet Fat Man

"Getting lost is beautiful." - David Lynch



Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 17:02:27 +1100
From: "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au>
To: "Strange Little Arty Turners" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: one fish, two fish, green fish, purple fish

Dani commented on how much she carried a book around for any reading
opportunity that may present itself. Well, I was hopeless with books. If I
started reading one, and it was a good one (unlike 'My Brother Jack', i jsut
could not get into it and hated it, but I was still ahead of the class
reading schedule), I could not put it down and mroe often than not I'd be up
till 3am finishing it off! And I usually walked or rode to school, so no
opportunity there, but I seemed to have palnty of others. Anyway, having to
finish a book because I got so into the story is what prevented me from
reading novels at uni.

Bethany, there are choral versions of Tori songs!!! There's a few uni choirs
ding them, mp3's at Tori's beauty. actually, there's that many of them they
could be a cd of their own.

Simon typed:
>sort of like 'pilot' on farscape.  The one character we've never heard
>given a name, nor have they talked about the name of his species or

I guess the ep where Aeryn starts becoming a 'pilot' is the closest (DNA Mad
Scientist, which always makes me think of the Rd ep 'DNA' which actually
stood for 'Do Not Alter' :) And yeah, it's filmed at Fox Studios. There was
an ep that was largely set on Bondi Beach, which was a little wierd.

But then the other night there was a story on the news about day light
saving (it started this morning) and the problems it cause for business
people on the NSW/QLD border, and they started off by showing this
triangular monoment that was built in the middle of the divided road, and
I'm squeeling 'That's right out side Kelvin and Rachel's (they run a motel)!
The pink building, the pink building, that's it!' heh. I got a tad exicited.
'Picnic at Hanging Rock' results in milder excitement since I lived near
there for three years in my childhood (which reminds me there's a thing
about Ash Wednesday (Mt Macedon went up in flames) on Discovery channel that
I have to watch).

Dadoo, I'm with you on a Tori instrumental album. Much as I love her lyrics,
'Over it' is one of my favourite songs, and an album like that would be
awesome. :)

(Lavenda 1, primary adjunct of dominatrix Glenn)

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Who could ever say you're not simply wonderful
 - 'Merman', Tori Amos

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http://www.envy.nu/tiarna/start.html - Tiarna's Homepage
http://www.envy.nu/drifts/start.html - Drifts Get Deeper



Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 00:05:16 -0700
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: youuuuuuuuuuuuuterus

Bethany wrote:
> wait. i just told 700+ people the condition of my ovaries. um...

*laugh* I figured since we all know the condition of Bethey's ovaries and
the condition of yours, I'd come out and say the condition of mine.

Unknown actually. I went on the pill a few years back because I was having
extremely erratic periods. The Dr. (who I loved, but I don't get to see her
anymore since I changed to Kaiser) said she thought the amount of extra
estrogen coursing through my veins (I almost typed brains), due to all my
body fat, was probably throwing them off. (I almost definitely make too much
estrogen anyway, which is why my breasts got to be so big). My ovaries are
resting quietly now, I guess.

One time I went to this aforementioned cool Dr. and she was doing a gyno
exam and she had just put the speculum in and then said "Let's see if you
brought your cervix with you today!" and I started laughing... ow. bad.

Recently I went out to dinner with about 20 friends. Some folks ordered
escargot and got the little snail-shell-holders that come with them. The
women at the table took one look at those things and cringed, since they're
just like speculums except they clamp instead of spreading.

Now that I think of it, since everyone knows about the condition of my
boobs, I'm not sure I needed to share the condition of my ovaries... hmm.

Anyhow. I just did a really ucky thing and got a mammogram, because they
wanted to check on the position of all the scar tissue I've built up since
my sugery. The nurse was VERY nice, explained the whole thing first and let
me say "when" my breasts were on the verge of being squished so tightly it
was uncomfortable. She would lower it a bit at a time and listen to me say
when it was enough. I got the results back & they say everything looks to be
benign in there, which is good. :) Yay for boobies.

Devin and I have gotten to enjoying this video game called Worms Armageddon
or something like that. In it, you play a bunch of little worms and you're
scattered all over the screen, and you shoot at each other's worms with a
variety of weapons: bombs, air strikes, sheep, uzis, karate kicks, whatever.
(Depends on if an enemy's worm is nearby or far away). You can pick the
setting, and one of the settings is New York. I picked it tonight, and sadly
it's got the WTC towers in it (along with the statue of liberty, empire
state building, a giant hot dog and some other stuff). I say "sadly" because
there's no way to get through the level without blowing holes in everything.
It was pretty creepy. So it's a fun game, but if you're sensitive, stay away
from the "New York" setting.


"Knowing and believing are two different things. Play by the silence. It's
where you will begin, not where you will end." (Travis Meeks)
    music reviews + stories + poetry + photography + collage + Watchers
   selkies + froud-faeries + esoterica + links = http://echoes.devin.com



Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 23:49:26 -0700
From: burning leaves <jewella_deville@juno.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: comments on the hoo-ha!


In a message dated 10/26/2001 4:10:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Megan

>I was only
>19 when that happened and it wasn't anything to do with
>having sex. ð

Actually, yes it does. ðWere you a virgin when you were treated? ðI'll
you weren't. See, pap smears check for abnormal cells that can (but
do not) cause cervical cancer. ðThe abnormal cells are caused by human
papilloma virus (HPV). ðHow do you catch HPV? ðYou guessed it, from sex.
is actually *very* common among college-aged women: ðsomething like 40%
them have it, but it often goes away on its own without treatment. ðThe
danger is when it causes cell abnormalities, which is what happened in
case. ð

even though this message was not written directed at me, i feel offended
by it.  to begin with, you are assuming something about the origional
writer of this message (megan) that you have no way of knowing.  maybe
she was a virgin, maybe she wasn't.  regardless, you have no way of
knowing that HPV (GENITAL WARTS, for those who don't know) is what caused
her problems.  for you to make that claim as equally as offencive as the
claim that megan supposedly made when she said that a gyno appointment is
a good idea if a girl wishes to have kids or start a family some day.

secondly, HPV is not the only cause of cell abnormalities that a pap
smear checks for.   also, a pap smear checks for more than abnormal cell
growth.  a friend of mine, a virgin at the time of her check up, learned
a lot of things about her body that, without knowing them when she DID
decide to become sexually active, could have gone through a lot of
worrying, pain, and problems that could have been CAUSED by sex.

just now, as i was talking to my boyfriend about the discussion on this
topic, he told me about an exgirlfriend of his who, at age 17, when she
was a virgin, went to her first gyno appointment and found out that she
had ovarian cancer.


[Baby Angel] can decide for herself
whether the slight risk of cancer is worth the terror she feels, and if
repeat IF!) she ever wants to think about getting pregnant, she can
then whether having babies is worth putting up with doctors. ð(My answer,
course, would be no, but that's just me.) ð

you claim that the possibility of these things is so minute, yet there
have been numerous people on this list that have written in about the
benefits of early detection, and it seems that everyone at least KNOWS
someone who has also benefitted.

and i have to comment on your statement about "the slight risk of cancer"
being worth "the terror she feels."  the first time i went to the gyno
was after i was sexually active and having problems with allergies that i
could have avoided had i gone BEFORE i started having sex...   and i will
admit it, i was TERRIFIED.  i was sick with anxiety up until the very
moment i went into the doctor's office.  but you know what?  i'm STILL
absolutely TERRIFIED every time i have to go to the dentist!  but i go,
for the sake of preservation of things that are important to me.  (those
important things being my teeth and my nether-reagons!)  the most
important thing is to find a gynocologist that you are comfortable with,
and will talk you through everything.  the nervousness and, well,
embarrassment of the THOUGHT of it, is FAR worse than the actual

to conclude - no one is telling baby angel that she HAS to go.  of course
it's up to her, and no one on this list (i think) would dispute that.
but everyone seems to have fairly good reasons to say what they do.


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Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 21:42:35 +0000
From: "Madame Ade" <alexandriasisp@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: ride em, cowboy

i just got back from being a lab rat.  44 freakin messages since friday.
most were those annoying "mail from your public profile" things.  apparently
many guys grom pakistan think i'm hot.  heh heh... wow...

200 bucks and free food and candy for letting people put stuff on my arm and
taking pictures of it!  and i got real mail too!  my mom sent me pictures of
my cat and family weekend shots.  i have a package slip too, but i have to
wait til tomorrow to get it.  yay!

anywho, on a more somber note, megan d., you poor thing... here's a bag of
condolences: (<3) and a bag full of hugs: ((0)).  as for funeral music, i
think playing something mood-lightening is a good idea.  whenever i have my
funeral, i want them to play "happy phantom."

jennifer said:
>are you going to be scared of doctors all of your life?  what are you
>going to do when you get married, have sex, and want to conceive a

yes, i am.  i had to face doctors during my appendectomy and i was
terrified.  plus, i have such an issue about nudity that i was more
concerned about them seeing me naked than i was about whether i would live
through the surgery.  and if i ever do get married and... do icky stuff...,
then i'll decide what to do.  i'll hire a midwife when i have a baby.  and
i'll see one of those new-agey practitioners, one i'm good friends with and
completely trust.  i dunno... i am so paranoid.

>so you won't go to a gyno, which every woman needs to, but you'll let
>someone test medicine on you?

it was on my arm, they just did cream, no sharp objects came near me, and
the worst they did was have me pee in a cup.  that i can handle.  i can
handle dentists, eye doctors (not that i've seen one in 12 years...), and
school nurses, i just can't handle doctors that have to see certain areas of
my body, especially the forbidden areas.

>how do you define strong?  how will you know when you are in a strong

i don't know... i've never been in a relationship before!  i guess for me it
would be when i wouldn't freak out at the idea of being naked around the
person.  or maybe when the relationship is at the level where the person is
basically my "best friend with benefits."  i'll have to wait and see.

this is why i rarely share my views.  they always end up offending someone
and i neve know what i'm talking about anyway.  one of the main reasons i'm
so quiet (not on the computer) is that i've been yelled at and told to shut
up my entire life just for expressing my views.  and you have to understand
that it's just me.  even if i think a person is a "slut," it doesn't carry
very much weight.  i consider several of my good friends "sluts" and i still
love them.  and my definition of "slut" is a very broad one.  my definition
of a "straight-up ho" is more on terms with what most people consider a
slut.  of course, the girls in my dorm tend to throw that term around and i
tease my roommate and call her one, but she's not.  her current boyfriend is
a virgin and she spends all her time with him but they apparently don't have
sex... but since she spends all her time with him i say stuff like that.
she knows i'm not serious of course, and she teases me for being afraid of
boys and changing in the closet and stuff like that.  i don't know.  time
for me to shut up again before someone retaliates and makes me angry at

let's play simon says:
>Who's mistreated more in ceral commercials- the trix rabbit or the lucky
>charms leprechan?

the trix rabbit... stupid kids... i'm going to buy a warehouse full of trix
someday and give it to the silly rabbit.

i may send another one of these once i get through my email to the next



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Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 23:42:50 +0000 (GMT)
From: Matt Smith <M.S.Smith-01@student.lboro.ac.uk>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: a lot of war stuff and some fun new music

hi everybody

i have no idea what the time is since i sat up to watch game 1 last night and
it didn't finish till 5am our time and then i slept all day and now my
circadian rhythm is missing beats all over the place.  confusing.

steve the sweet fat man responded to my last post about changing opinions on
the attacks.  he said:

> Well, as someone whose opinion has gone from favoring focused military
> action as a potential component of the response to the attacks, to opposing
> what's actually happening at this point, I don't really see what's "slightly
> odd" about changing one's mind. IMO, having the ability to do that is a
> *good* thing.

i couldn't agree more.  i was unhappy with my choice of the word "odd" but for
some reason couldn't find a better word to express what i meant.  i hope that
by responding to your points i can give you all a clearer idea of what i'm on

> Also, while there is an element of truth to how you portray what
> could have changed one's mind about this war, it's not quite as simple as
> that, at least in my case. Let me try to explain my progression.
> Like most people, I was horrified by the events of September 11. (And it
> gives me an extra twinge to put it in those words, being that that's my
> birthday.) I had little doubt that Osama bin Laden and his religious
> fascist cronies had a lot to do with what happened. (And, unlike many who
> oppose the war, I still feel that way.) And yes, I did feel that we
>should go
> in and take them out. I always knew "what war really is", and I know that
> ugly and not to be desired, but I do think that sometimes you have to defend
> yourself in that way. I will allow, though, that my desire for justice
> in the wake of the attacks clouded my general skepticism about how our
> government deals with things like that.

that osama bin laden was involved with the attacks in some way is, i believe,
pretty far beyond doubt.  i haven't seen any more direct evidence of that than
anybody else outside of government / military circles, but like you i
nevertheless remain convinced.  it is natural that efforts should have been
made to bring the perpetrator of such a crime to justice.  o-b-l is known
to be
in afghanistan, but the efforts of the international community to convince the
afghan government to extradite him were consistently refused.  in the light of
that refusal, we decided to attempt to detain o-b-l by force.  hence the
sentiment that "we should go in and take them out" is a perfectly valid one.

however, there is simply no way it was ever going to be that easy.  not
only is
afghanistan pretty damn big (647,500 square kilometres according to the cia
world factbook, or 2 1/2 time the size of the uk) but it's half mountain (and
we're talking *serious* mountains here) and half desert and pretty much
territory.  the russians couldn't take it in the 1980s and the british
take it in the 19th century.  if someone wants to hide in afghanistan, there
are plenty of places for them to dig in.

> That skepticism is back, full force. Not because I'm any less horrified
> by the attacks, or even any less convinced that the people responsible for
> what happened should be erased from the planet. (Not so much for the sake of
> retribution or even justice, but simply, so they can't do it anymore.)
> But rather, because I am increasingly convinced that THAT'S NOT WHAT'S

the only way to locate o-b-l and bring him to justice is by having a
substantial military presence on the ground in afghanistan.  the first
of any military effort is not to sustain casualties on one's own side.  that
meant that any prospect of serious resistance had to be eliminated before
infantry could be employed.  hence the sustained bombing campaign of the last
few weeks.  so you are partly right when you say that "that's not what
happening", but i believe the governments would like us to add the word "YET".

> Noncombatants are dying, and international aid workers tell us that many
> times more will die if we don't cease fire NOW and get some substantial
> aid in there. (Not just the friggin' Happy Meals From The Sky, as one wag
> put it.) And of course, our government is ignoring their pleas. Sometimes, I
> think that all those signs that say "These Colors Don't Run" should be
> changed to read, "These Colors Don't Listen".

now we're really getting to my point, which is: WE KNEW ALL ALONG THAT THIS
GOING TO HAPPEN.  noncombatants die in wars and no amount of "smart"
is ever going to change that.  millions of refugees had already fled from
afghanistan over the last few years and pakistan was already having great
difficulty housing them in its refugee camps before last month.  a large
proportion of the illegal immigrants and asylum seekers making the news in
britain the last year or so come from afghanistan.  millions of people were
starving or on the brink of starvation in afghanistan before the us, uk and
others started this action.  and so i say again: we knew this was going to

and yet when our leaders talked of war, we were behind them.  it was hard not
to be, such a state of shock, outrage, anger were we in in september.  when
they said they could execute justice without civilian casualties, and still
maintain the flow of aid into the country, we believed them; we wanted to
believe them, even though we knew it couldn't be done.  what we're seeing now
is the realisation of that.  you sum it up perfectly when you say:

> Because this country's "brand new kind of war" is, in reality, the same old
> shit.

> So, in my case, it's not so much that I'm realizing that war is bad. I
> always knew that. It's more of an increased realization that our
>government is
> going about all of this the wrong way.

the problem is, i don't see that there is any other way to go about it.
political and diplomatic pressure was exerted on the taliban and they ignored
it.  military action was widely supported in the immediate aftermath of the
attacks and right up until it began.  and let's face it; now it's started,
we're certainly not going to stop until we've done what we set out to do.  or
until we've taken such a hammering that we have to retreat with our tails
between our legs.

how did we get into this sorry mess in the first place?  because our natural
desire for action in the light of what happened, combined with some typical
spin doctoring and propoganda from our leaders, blinded us to the realities of
the situation.  hindsight as we know is 20-20, and we probably should have
taken some other path, but now that we've started along this one, we somehow
have to deal with the consequences.

wow, my head's really hurting now.  i hope that this makes some kind of
i will try no to spend too much time blathering on abouyt this kind of
stuff in
the future because it's not quite as enjoyable as some other stuff.

for example:  yesterday i purchased "rings around the world" by the super
animals.  i don't know how available this is in the u.s., but especially if
like grandaddy, track it down.  it's great.  also, for a totally uplifting,
smile-inducing hour-long musical experience, get hold of "since i left you" by
the avalanches. "that boy needs therapy"!  *grin*

time for me to wave goodbye now.


"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi



Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 21:24:51 -0500
From: strange little woj <woj@smoe.org>
To: torinews@smoe.org, fiercest clams <precious-things@smoe.org>,
Subject: tori's contract news

from <URL:
ry >:


AMOS AMBLING? Tori Amos' "Strange Little Girls" came out just a
few weeks ago, but the distinctive singer-songwriter is close to
leaving Atlantic Records, which released that album and all her
previous work, for a new deal. With her Atlantic contract expiring
with "Girls," she is near an agreement with Epic Records.

"We're getting close, but the [new] contract is not finished," says
Amos' manager, Arthur Spivak. "Nothing is etched in stone." That
would seem to set up a tense situation with Atlantic, which is still
charged with promoting "Strange Little Girls," a strange little album
in which Amos has created a series of characters to reinvent
male-oriented songs from female perspectives.

But Spivak says that everything is going smoothly. "Atlantic is
working this album no differently, and there are still thoughts that
she could return to the label," he says. "The album's doing well.
Atlantic's done a great job of marketing her and there's still a long
way to go with this record."

Amos is touring in support of the album (she'll play the Wiltern
Theatre Nov. 15-17) and tentatively plans to release an album of
original songs sometime next year.


    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

    *** I'm Melting! Melting! Oh, What A World, What A World! digest ***

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