RDT Right Now #1536

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 04:34:23 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #1536
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 02 : Issue #1536

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  happy birthday!                       [ Simon Booth <sbooth1@satx.rr.com> ]
  Only stupid people are breeding       [ Brian Cooper <ByteMe@smartchat.net. ]
  Bert, Bill & Tom                      [ john bragazzi <utown@worldnet.att.n ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #1534               [ BABADEER1@aol.com ]
  bitches, bitches, bitches             [ "h." <orphea@pacbell.net> ]
  to clarify...                         [ Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com> ]
  boom boom ain't it great to be crazy  [ "Madame Ade" <alexandriasisp@hotmai ]
  have I been trolled?                  [ Megan DeZee <MDeZee@machalek.com> ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #1534               [ BABADEER1@aol.com ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #1533               [ "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefoos ]
  rain, glorious rain                   [ "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au> ]
  misuse of words                       [ wildkoba <wildkoba@wildkoba.com> ]
  Koba and Abbe...                      [ "Kevin Roscoe" <krmalkavian@hotmail ]
  sacre bleu!!!                         [ Emmanuel Caballero <spacedog@prodig ]
  I'm four digests behind! Sorry!!      [ "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt ]
  as if I weren't frustrated enough to  [ Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com> ]
  Y Koba Kant Read                      [ Brad Shultz <springhaze999@home.com ]


     Really Deep Quote:

                 none today


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 03:05:41 -0600
From: Simon Booth <sbooth1@satx.rr.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: happy birthday!

happy birthday  Lindsey   :)





Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 21:33:17 +1100
From: Brian Cooper <ByteMe@smartchat.net.au>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Only stupid people are breeding

Lavs wrote in #1534
>heh, this reminds me of the Tim Brook-Taylor (of Goodies fame) cricket book
>entitled 'Tim Brook-Taylor's Cricket Box'.

And what shape did that come in? One of my all time favourite Goodies
episodes is where the men of the MCC go head to head with Rollerball.

Speaking of Rollerball, I see there's a new movie coming out with that
name. The game looks the same, though the violence seems to be toned down
compared to the original, plus it seems to have a plot. Philistines!

>And no, there isn't an Ashes series this year. That was last year. Did I
>mention I got Steve Waugh's Ashes Diary 2001 and 'Never satisfied' for

Well you were never satisfied for Christmas because I didn't see you then!
thanks to you and Matt for reminding me of the Ashes. They come around so
fast I lose track.

Speaking of Matt...
>Subject: Dumb Britain - A True Story
>public address system: "bing-bong, testing, testing"
>shelf stacker: "testing what?"

I think you'll find dumb people like that worldwide.

>Subject: krikit wars
>oh please, you should try being english for the past fifteen years...

No thanks. ;-p   Though they should give us some stick in the next series.

>so the next contest will be at your place this time next year.  think i'll
>start inventing excuses now...

It does pay to plan ahead. ;-)

So why don't Canada really play cricket or rugby since they used to be a
part of the British Empire? Just about every other nation that was does. I
don't think many outside of the former empire would have got much of the
finer detail of the Wikkit Gate in Douglas Adam's "Life, The Universe and

So long and thanks for all the fish.



Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 06:50:54 -0500 (EST)
From: john bragazzi <utown@worldnet.att.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Bert, Bill & Tom

Beth said:

>I always thought one of the best things about the Internet was
>it allowed people to think about what they wanted to say before
>they just blurted it out.

I agree with the points you made.  I was trained in this way of
thinking when I first got online, by the sysop of a local BBS I used
to call (AMI BBS, now sadly gone).  He actively promoted off-line
reading and replying (when it was still a fairly new idea), he
insisted eveybody post under their own names (unless they had a
pressing reason, which they could talk about with him privately) and
he kept and posted archives of old messages that people could

The technology has changed, but I still try to function according to
the same ideas.  I give myself time to think and consider a message
before I post it.  I always post under my name.  And I try to take
into account that anything I write is going to be saved and maybe
looked at later.

>Maybe we should make a rule for ourselves that we don't say anything
>online that, if we said it in person, would get us punched in the

One of the many very funny parts of "Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back" is
at the end, when they use their new wealth to fly all over the country
beating up everybody who ever said anything bad about them on the

The definition of "troll" that you quote is pretty much what I've
always understood it to be.  They were very much the same on BBSs as
they are on the internet.  Probably some of them are the same people.

Violet said:

> So let's try to figure out how to get through even heated discussions
> <<snip>> without resorting to using the word "troll."

I agree.  And, in fact, my response would be, "if you really think
____ is a troll, then why aren't you ignoring them?"

> The solution is simple: don't take the bait.

Absolutely.  If the ball is outside the strike zone, just let it go
past.  If you swing at it, you make it a strike, even if it's six feet

(apologies to the non-US and non-baseball folks for the local

As B/4,




Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 07:31:30 EST
From: BABADEER1@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #1534

In a message dated 1/30/02 6:46:08 PM EST, rdtrn@torithoughts.org writes:

<< Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 20:21:32 -0500
 From: Brad Shultz <springhaze999@home.com>
 To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
 Subject: Advice To Megan Disease >>
Perhaps the best thing to do in rearing your boy is to set the example.
One thing you might consider doing is not going out at night with
"friends" and getting drunk while leaving him at home.  Just a thought."
Whoa here Brad,not your child not your right to determine her actions,If you
tell me as a parent you never ever took a night away from the kids you must
be a saint. Its far better that someone go out and blow off stress than drink
at home around the children.
Wolves & Love keith



Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 22:29:53 -0800
From: "h." <orphea@pacbell.net>
To: "'RDT Right Now'" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: bitches, bitches, bitches

> bitches, bitches, bitches.
> wild koba

THWAP, legolas arrow, hitting it's mark, signaling my adoration of the wild

> I'm sorry Bethany, I should have noticed the fact there are
> many Beth's
> here.  I stand by my definition of a troll, but you were
> mistakenly labelled
> one, and I retract that.  Again, I'm sorry to you for that.

well i was gonna say something snide about the fact you confused them, but
now i'm gonna say something even snider.  you called bethany a troll before
beth w. ever wrote her post comprised of small words.  and then you called
beth w. a troll.  so now we have two trolls?

and you somehow managed to work an apology into all that?

for the record, i don't agree with you about afhani refugees, and i find
your reasoning offensive.  (wheelbarrows!) that's ok.  i don't have to agree
with it or even like it.  but before you start raving up down and sideways
about trolls, maybe you should think before you type.  i consider both
bethany and beth w. as people least likely to ever "troll" here, yet you've
managed to label them that --- in my opinion, all because you've paid so
little attention to what they were saying that you failed to understand
their arguments and even their names.


it'd be really cool if nobody else got called a troll for a few days.  well
except for brad.  but he loves it so no harm done.




Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 09:49:45 -0800 (PST)
From: Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: to clarify...

Brian questioned:

>>>Well, speaking for myself, Ade, I DO have a
collection >of monkey sex videos.>>>
>So first it's anal, now it's beastiality?>

No, not beastiality... voyeurism.  ;-P


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Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 17:56:20 +0000
From: "Madame Ade" <alexandriasisp@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: boom boom ain't it great to be crazy?

woohoo i got an online journal.  the address is on the bottom :)

beth w. said:
>I also know people who are email packrats. They save _everything_.

yep, i'm guilty of this.  but i don't save rdtrn stuff because it's all
online.  i have mass collections of old emails, IMs, etc.  i'm like this in
real life too, i never throw anything away and have boxes full of papers in
my closet.  well, i like being this way, so humph!

the infamous brad said:
>Subject: Advice To Megan Disease
>Perhaps the best thing to do in rearing your boy is to set the example.
>One thing you might consider doing is not going out at night with
>"friends" and getting drunk while leaving him at home.  Just a thought.

while i do agree with the advice (wow), the subject line was just
unacceptable.  that's mean.  if you're going to offer advice, avoid
insulting.  that's what gets you flamed.

e. said:
>Ade: You HAVE to see a movie called Ginger Snaps. Go, run! get it and
> >watch it!!

ok!  but *pant* i can't *gasp* run... i'll look it up online and if it
sounds interesting, i'll rent it next time i go to a video place.  (looks
online) ummm... this is one of those movies that's supposed to help me
overcome my fears while at the same time traumatizing me even more, huh?  i
like happy movies with slapstick comedy.  but i may see it just for the heck
of it... though i've basically promised myself to avoid almost all horror
movies at any cost (well, sleepy hollow was kinda scary but it didn't
traumatize me and i actually kind of liked it...).

simon said:
>And I've said it here before, but it
>would really be great if just for once I could find info on fitness for
>wheelchair users that *doesn't* require total commitment to hardcore
>Olympic training?

yeah, i've been wondering how people in wheelchairs exercise aside from
working their arms.  i mean, it's a lot harder to be cardiovascularly fit if
you can's move your legs.  the blood has to get pumping other ways.  what
about abdominal muscles?  people wanting to avoid "the gut" would have to
find some way to exercise their torsos without doing crunches and stuff like
that.  complicated.

and since several people on this list have been arguing and then arguing
about arguing, here's what i have to say: stop spitting fire, hug, and
settle your differences.  i know it's not as easy as that, but if you keep
on arguing, you won't get anywhere.  you can even turn it into something
funny.  once at dinner, i think we were all cranky aboust something and my
mom said "let's all be very kind to one another."  my sister, with an "i
want to kill you" expression, said "yeah, dad!"  i started laughing
hysterically and so did my dad, and pretty soon we all laughed about it and
it became a family joke.  so stop the name-calling, hissy fits, and
fighting, and go back to being friends.  you're acting like 5th graders.



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Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 12:44:13 -0600
From: Megan DeZee <MDeZee@machalek.com>
To: "'rdtrn@torithoughts.org'" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: have I been trolled?

I have been trying to figure out whether or not to even
respond to him, Mr Schulz, and I wasn't gonna, but I have
to.  First of all, calling me Megan Disease was pretty
funny, if it was coming from a kindergartener.  Although I
didn't grow up with that last name, I do know that that is
what the kids called my husband in elementary school.  I'm
pretty sure he hasn't been called that since because most
people grow out of that "I'm gonna change your name to
something insulting" phase when they are about 8.  Are you
sure you are really a grown up?  Moving on...

I don't leave my son at home and go out and get drunk.  I
get to go out one night a week when his father has him.
Usually, I don't get drunk, but I did on Saturday and I
don't feel bad about it.  I know that after your last post
you think you are some kind of nurturer with your cats and
all.  Who gives a shit about your typical day?  Really, that
entire post made me want to puke.  Here is this sad, lonely
man, who calls himself a grown up, posting to a list of
people where the majority of the people don't like him and
in between being totally rude and trying to insult as many
people as he can he throws in this cheesy post about how he
is with his cats.  It's probably pretty easy to maintain a
relationship with your cats because all you have to do is
feed them, pet them, and change their box.  They don't judge
you.  How are you with people?   I don't remember you
writing about any interaction with people in your daily
life.  And about having sex right after work, is that with
your cats too?

You don't know me, you don't know my life.  Maybe the reason
you spend so much time judging other people is because it is
easier to criticize other people than to look at your own
life and judge yourself.  Maybe if you spent less time
worrying about other people's lives and more time focusing
on your own, you could work out some of your issues.

I've wasted enough of my time on you.

Megan DeZee

PS- To everyone else, sorry about the negative post, but
when anybody insults my mothering, I get all hopped up.
Anyways, he is an ass.



Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 15:32:02 EST
From: BABADEER1@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #1534

In a message dated 1/30/02 6:46:08 PM EST, rdtrn@torithoughts.org writes:

<< Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 20:21:32 -0500
 From: Brad Shultz <springhaze999@home.com>
 To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
 Subject: Advice To Megan Disease >>
Perhaps the best thing to do in rearing your boy is to set the example.
One thing you might consider doing is not going out at night with
"friends" and getting drunk while leaving him at home.  Just a thought."
Whoa here Brad,not your child not your right to determine her actions,If you
tell me as a parent you never ever took a night away from the kids you must
be a saint. Its far better that someone go out and blow off stress than drink
at home around the children.
Wolves & Love keith



Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 15:45:22 -0600
From: "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefooska@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #1533

I'm glad I didn't scroll through kerri renee's random thoughts...
I must admit the possibility of me doing that is high these days, so I'm
glad I didn't.

Ade said (about trolls... and alternative meanings to being called a troll
or being a troll):

>i thought it was more of a positive thing.  not that my
>purple hair sticks up, my grinning face is wrinkly, or i have a jewel
>implanted in my belly.

you know? I was just thinking that you can actually get all of those
things... though the hair would probably make you look more like a punk, but
the jewel belly-ring is a very cool thing in my opinion... oh, and I would
pass on the grinning wrinkly face (which I WILL have eventually anyway if I
live that long, but too much grinning scares me).

this will sound really stupid but it's the only way to say it without
getting too tangled-up, biggest fear: the world. the world outside of me.
and the worlds inside of me which hide from myself.

guess that's it

i'm at the office and I should get going.

take care, people

cheefooska juan

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Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 08:52:56 +1100
From: "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au>
To: "Strange Little Arty Turners" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: rain, glorious rain

Simon, while I haven't read anything specific about space travel recently,
it seems like the focus is on getting to Mars (maybe just the things I've
watched and read have focused on that, perhaps as an example of what is
holding us back). I guess they know all they want to about the moon and now
they're looking further afield, and to realistically achieve that with as
little drain on the personel as possible they have to speed up the speed of
flight. 3 years in a tiny space-craft for 8 odd crew? That would be the
ultimate cabin fever. Seems nuclear power is the most realistic power
source, but people are a little nervous about that.

Coops typed:
>Sounds like a line from the 12th Man. Of course, there's always the classic

It was actually some toffy Pom commentator (or pommytators as we used to
call them). Of course the difficulty is not losing it (laughing) on air
after the comment. It always seems to be the ones that you wouldn't expect
to say somthing like that, who do. The less cultured ones tend to just let
slip some magic four-letter words.

We could go right into the 'Donald ducks' and stuff too. Actually there is a
thing in one of Steve Waughs books about the batting order for a limited
overs match having Shane Lee, followed by Ian Harvey, followed by Brett Lee,
resulting in B. Lee  being dubbed 'Oswald' (Lee Harvey, geddit?).

Some of the 12th mans stuff was pretty good though. specially the
'pronounciation lesson' Ritchie gave the commentators.

Oh, little annecdote I've been forgetting to mention. Some of you may
actually do this, and it mightn't seem strange to you, but it does look
funny watching on. At a local shopping centre recently having a sip and
nibble at the food court, right across from a display window of a fashion
store. There was a sales assistant in there cleaning everything down,
windows, walls, floor, manequin, the lot. So she's cleaning the windows, and
needs some new paper towel, which is right over the other side of the
display area. What catches my eye is her unusual gait, and it is then I
realise that she has her feet on sheets of paper towel so that she doesn't
get the floor dirty again and she's sliding along on these across the floor.
Watching her dress the manequin was pretty funny too, threading the arms up
the sleaves, pinning the pants under the butt so they'd hang properly (see
that's what I have been doing wrong! No wonder I couldn't resemble the
in-store display. ~mental note~ Must remember to pin under the butt...).

(Lavenda 1, primary adjunct of dominatrix Glenn)

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Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 17:24:57 -0500
From: wildkoba <wildkoba@wildkoba.com>
To: rdt <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: misuse of words

it's gotta be an interesting day when brad- yes, THAT brad- agrees with me.

> There were lots of things I wanted to reply to on the last couple of
> digests.  But I have my little rubber ducky, Koba, do you want to bathe
> with me?.  I agree with you.

thankfully, i'm secure in my sexual identity that being invited to bathe
with brad didn't send me into fits. but man...any more of that "kevin roscoe
crap-laying special", and i might HAVE TO make friends with that little
rubber ducky.

speaking of my favorite jackass:

> I've never been a sneaky fuck.  You can believe whatever you want.  And what

oops...i didn't mean "sneaky fuck." my apologies. i mix up words a lot of
the time- heat of the argument, y'know.

i meant "stupid fuck."

and thank you for letting me believe what i want, because trust me- i do.
and i believe that you are a jackass. i suspected as much even way back
when, but now you've confirmed it beyond a reasonable doubt.

> Don't believe I've ever been less polite then you though.  Maybe one time
> I'll try...but it will be on the list, cause I won't hide it.

i refuse to feign politeness to assholes or idiots. you are both, so that
makes it that much harder for me.

i think the point some here are trying to make is that they'd like to see
this alleged politeness you "maybe one time" might try. or if not your
politeness, at least some intelligence.

for someone who sounds so intelligent, btw, you are the same assclown who:

a) can't tell the difference between beth, bethany and bethey.

true, the names are too similar, but their personalities are like dawn,
noon, and dusk. i know lurkers who haven't posted or read in 7 years who can
tell the difference.

(maybe we can say, "aw..poor baby kevin made some typos in the heat of his
argument- why be so nitpicky?" but we can also say that this just reflects
how careless he is, and how much he just loves to crap out of his mouth. if
i remotely cared about your well-being, kevin, i'd hope that you eat your
vegetables regularly, otherwise your asshole would be DYING to let out some
of the shit coming out of your mouth.)

b) then and than. jeez. to peg this on being canadian is an insult to the
rest of your country.

c) whines about getting attacked or whatever by arija or dani, yet didn't
think twice about doing likewise to bethany under basically the exact same
circumstances. this is either stupidity or hypocrisy- i can't tell which

kev dahling, i'm really glad you don't care about my opinions and that i
"ain't shit" to you. it makes me feel less badly about speaking the truth.

wild koba



Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 18:02:41 -0500
From: "Kevin Roscoe" <krmalkavian@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Koba and Abbe...

I never said you were all trolls, andmy question about Red Rose was for
other people of course.

"pompous asshole who is full of shit"

1. Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity;
2. Full of high-sounding phrases; bombastic
3. Chracterized by pomp or stately display

I assume you're definition is more along the lines of the 1st description...

A) Self-esteem
Pride in oneself; self-respect.

B) Dignity
1. The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect.
2. Inherent nobility and worth: the dignity of honest labor.
3.   a) Poise and self-respect.
     b) Stateliness and formality in manner and appearance.
4. The respect and honor associated with an important position.
5. A high office or rank.
6. dignities The ceremonial symbols and observances attached to high office.
7. Archaic. A dignitary.

I guess the first description best suits the discussion as I am not nobility
or of an important position.

I am proud of who I am and respect who I am, I guess that does make me
pompous, I'll wear that title...are you pompous then Koba?

We don't need a description of this, but I'm pretty sure that each and every
person is an asshole to somebody so this label fits everybody under certain
conditions/situations, if there are people out there that have never been
thought of as an asshole, good for them, I'd like to meet them.  I'm and
asshole to Koba (and most likely others) and he is one to me (and probably
others as well, list or no list).  So here we share another title?.

'Full of shit'
Well, unable to actually find a dictionary response to this I will take this
as meaning something along the lines as all my points are bullshit that I
pull out of the air and place here just to be difficult.

If that is true, then lets take a look at a couple things.  Here is a link
to the Jerusalem Post again (same as from 1523, jerusalempost.com points you
to here):
This is definately something you should read for awhile to get a good idea
of what is going on over there.

At least 10 terrorists were intercepted in Israel in the month of December
on several different occasions.  1 was shot in the street and not given a
chance to set off his explosives.  3 in a car on the way to a public area to
setup explosives were taken out by a helicopter missile fired upon them
right there on the road, no opportunity for them to surrender (because we
know they wouldn't).  We'll stop there to keep the post as short as

Now, if these people weren't killed how many lives would be lost?  How many
injured people would there be?  Let's take a look at last Sunday:


"Three people were seriously wounded, four suffered moderate wounds, and
approximately 150 were lightly wounded from fragments or are suffering from
shock. Some 125 of the victims remain hospitalized, two in serious

...all from 1 terrorist.


'was the second suicide bombing within 48 hours, and the second attack on
Jaffa Road in five days'

Note this to see that this is something that happens alot...

What about this poor guy, have any of you heard about this story?


A) 'An undaunted Sokolow said he would still recommend that Jews visit
Israel "because this is our land," though he suggested staying away from
scenes of frequent terrorist attacks.'

Now remember this, I'm coming to it in a minute...

So, we see with all this that terrorist acts happen _very_ frequently over
in Israel, a place where they have to grow up and be aware of so much just
to survive.  I think that these suicide bombers sometimes want to maim more
people then kill, but thats my thought.  There is no bullshit about the fact
that civilians have worked on honing their skills to stop as many of these
attacks as possible, either dealing withit themselves or contacting
authorities.  We here in North America have had the luxury to not really
have to worry about these types of survival techniques.  Not until Sept 11th
2001, then our reality changed.  North Americans now have to become aware of
such things.  I believe it's very possible that if we didn't become more
aware of this that the one guy who boarded a plane with explosives in his
sneakers wouldn't have been caught and there would be more deaths.  Then
again, maybe the stewardess is always that aware of the environment...

I appreciate where you're coming from by not quoting me as I said, but as
how you saw me speak.  I'm not interested in speaking my feelings here, just
my thoughts on the situation.  There's enough of me under attack, I sure am
not opening my feelings to this list.  But in 1522 I said "the civilians who
don't think that way, they are apart of these civilian losses but I wish
they didn't have to die".  That's enough to say, I'm not going to open up
all how I feel and I hope you can understand why.  But as you see here, I
wouldn't 'not have pity for you' if you were killed.

If the people didn't want to leave their homeland, take a look at A) above.
This is a reasonable solution so they can stay in their homeland, leave the
main cities because they are targets.  They have some form of information
passage over there, remember seeing scenes of people dancing in the streets
on Sept 11th? (just forget what it was they were dancing about) but this
shows that somehow some form of information was passed to the people AND
with very little delay.  The Al Qaeda was given time to turn over Bin Laden,
they didn't, U.S. declared war, I'm pretty sure they at least heard about

As for the disabled:

So they can prevent a meeting from gathering but can't manuever, either out
of main cities that may be targets, or out of Afg. entirely.  Still not
buying it.

Now imagine if that website belonged to your home town.  If we let everyone
walk around as free as before we have no way of preventing North America to
turn into the same as the Jerusalem streets.  North Americans don't have
enough experience to honestly pick out terrorists so the government is
providing ways to help.  This was never about a stamp, this was about ways
to prevent North America from ending up looking like the streets of

Now my question, where am I full of shit Koba?

Kevin 'Roscoe'

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Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 17:14:37 -0500
From: Emmanuel Caballero <spacedog@prodigy.net.mx>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: sacre bleu!!!

Koba was right... this is getting mighty interesting...

Kevin, I rest my case. The simple fact that you have compared the new US
policies with those of Israel is proof enough of your own fanatism. I don't
think there is a more morally corrupt and wholly evil government than the
israeli. Shame, shame on you.




Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 17:04:00 -0700
From: "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt.edu>
To: Deep Thoughts <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: I'm four digests behind!  Sorry!!

Matt observed: "erm, what rights as a consumer exactly?  when you
purchase anything from
anybody you enter into a contract with them...when we buy products
containing intellectual property, the contract we enter into has certain

conditions attached, such as the prohibition of unauthorised copying..."

All I'm trying to say is that I believe I should be able to listen to my
legally purchased music in any order I please, whether it's throwing all
my good music on my computer and playing it all randomly via MP3s or
making mix CDs for my car.  I agree that the artist should receive money
for their work (such as an excellent CD), however, I shouldn't be
limited as to what order I listen to my music!


Chris made some comments about my DID/MPD post.  Thanks for stating your
opinions.  I didn't find your post to be harsh or anything.  I would
love to discuss further but, as I stated in the original post, I am
going to decline in order to avoid what could become a heated flame
war.  Apparently this has happened in the past so, by necessity, I am
gingerly tiptoing around the issue.

For the sake of clarification: my post's intended audience was
interested individuals that do NOT believe they have DID/MPD.  I have no
delusions of being able to somehow reason their problems away.


Roxanne commented my post to Ade-->  "I don't see why you want see a
psychiatrist unless you are having some serious problems."

You might have missed what I said later to Ade.  I made the quoted
comment because I worried that she was trying to self-diagnose herself
with something.  As if having a label would make her feel more secure.

If she's going because she wants someone to talk to -- great!  I have no
objections whatsoever.
I went to a rent-a-friend myself for awhile.  She helped a lot.


Then Roxanne said, "MP3s ARE legal (didn't I already say this in a past
digest?). Putting MP3s
on your own computer for your own use is perfectly legal."

I've heard that many times and used to believe it.  Now I'm not so
sure.  Upon scrutiny, I was simply unable to find legal proof.  It seems
like they are still debating the issue.  If you have evidence, please
steer me to it!  Thanks. *holds breath*


Beth C.: I personally do not believe in MPD.  I am terribly sorry.  I
understand why this would make you feel uncomfortable.  But please do
not misunderstand, it NEVER once crossed my mind that you are a liar.  I
know that, with every fiber of your being, you believe that this is
all-too real.  I have no desire to try to convince you otherwise.

It's like arguing the existence of God.  So, I personally do not believe
in God.  To me, there are simpler explanations than God.  Now, if you
were to believe in God and even that you have talked to God, I would
never never never even consider calling you a liar.

I'm not going to debate this issue with you.  I just don't want any
misunderstandings, okay?

And I agree with you completely, if you are getting better, it really
doesn't matter one bit what you are getting better from.  I like hearing
your stories about it btw.  It's very interesting to me.  Who knows?
Maybe one day, you'll change my mind...*shrugs*

I am so glad that you have been so extremely functional with good grades
and putting on productions etc.  So good that you can bring hope to
others too.

Bonnie J. Wayne
Technical Editor
Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center
801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM  87801



Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 16:23:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: as if I weren't frustrated enough today...

Okay, Bethey, I have quite a few problems with what
you had to say about my post on DID.

You begin your tirade by saying,
<<Linda uses this as the catalyst to her post. *sigh*
No, I didn't read it. I didn't need to.>>

If you did not read what I had to say, then DO NOT
rebut an opinion that you think I hold when I don't.

<<I don't understand you Bonnie, nor you Linda.  Does
that mean I can say You don't exist?  I don't think

Maybe if you actually read my post, you WOULD
understand me.

<<This is me saying I disagree strongly with the
wording that Bonnie and Linda used.  I am not saying
they are wrong or right, just that they need to find a
more temperate way of stating their beliefs without
insulting others.>>

Again, how can you disagree-- strongly, no less-- with
my wording on a post that you didn't read?

Here is my post, if you care to read it:

If you don't want to read the whole thing (I know it
was long), then check out the second and third
paragraph.  I agreed with the parts of the article
stating that DID is not something that is easy to
examine empirically because it, as of right now, is
very vaguely defined.

And I know that my aunt does NOT have DID, at least
not for the reasons that she claims that she does
(parental abuse).  This is why I brought that point
up-- to explain why I am a "questioner" in some
circumstances as to the actual presence of DID in
certain individuals.  She was NOT abused.  She claims
that my grandmother locked her in a closet and beat
her with chains.  If she did that on the few occasions
that my mother was out of the house (they walked to
and from school together [and my mother is younger, so
she was home all the time when her older sis was at
school], and any social activities were done
together-- that's why I said that they were always
home at the same time), then perhaps it happened.  If
you EVER met my grandmother, though, she is the most
timid individual you'll ever meet.  I know, I know,
anyone can be an abuser.  But it's really not the
truth in this case.  I could give more examples of why
it is not the truth, but I don't feel the need to
justify this any further.

As far as the McMartin trial goes, I brought THAT up
to show that it is possible for therapists to lead
people into believing things.  Which it is.  Which is
a big problem that occurs in scientific studies of
DID.  Did I ever say that every person diagnosed with
DID has been misled by a therapist?  NO.  I did not.

MOUTH!  Sheesh.

I really have more to say, but I won't bother, because
you probably haven't read this far anyway.


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Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 20:29:27 -0500
From: Brad Shultz <springhaze999@home.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Y Koba Kant Read

This is being posted while Indiana is killing Purdue in basketball.
(Poor  Keady is such a good coach but has no players this year).  Watch
out for IU though.  The players are actually happy when they play.

Beth C.---Is your daughter actually going to hook up with her first
boyfriend and make more babies?  Shesh.  Please don't let her increase
our taxes.

And Beth C.--The late 60's and early 70's are not as the movie or you
described it and you were too young to live it.  You were not in your
late teens or early 20's in 1969.  You have no clue.  I was drafted in
1969, the same year Bubba said he loathed the military and went off to
England to pretend to be a scholar.  When I was drafted I was married
with a 1 year old.  My military pay was 110 per month.  Look it up.  I
did my duty to my God and my Country.

Tell your daughter to stop fucking around or else you will cut her

I kind of agree with senior Roscoe about several things.  Be safe.  War
is hell and when they hit us we will hit you too.  And, The US bombing
in WW2 killed countless friendlies.  In hindsight, I know the relatives
of the friendlies said---GOD JOB.

babble sucks.


    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

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