RDT Right Now #1555

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 19:46:19 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #1555
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 02 : Issue #1555

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  my dorm is the embassy to adeville    [ "Madame Ade" <alexandriasisp@hotmai ]
  Inconsequential Gibberish             [ "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt ]
  Danny and replies                     [ "Beth Coulter" <betheqt@voicenet.co ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #1554               [ Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com> ]
  Re: Syd / Pearl                       [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  Affcot - the sort of fart you hope p  [ "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au> ]
  my own private inferno                [ Matt Smith <M.S.Smith-01@student.lb ]
  Home Schooling                        [ Chris <cmeyers@oasis.novia.net> ]
  more catching Up                      [ Rosefaerie <crowswingz@yahoo.com> ]


     Really Deep Quote:

                 none today


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 23:10:48 +0000
From: "Madame Ade" <alexandriasisp@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: my dorm is the embassy to adeville

hoooo the sims hot date is incredibly addicting... those folks at maxis sure
know how to brainwash people and make them sit in front of the computer for
hours and hours...

jessica asked:
>what's everyone's idea of personal hell?

hiking uphill through the halls of franklin regional junior high while being
pursued by televangelists wearing pink.

speaking of televangelists, last night i was eating with my hall in the
lounge and we were talking and i mentioned the word "bible-thumper."
someone misheard me and thought i said "bible-humper" and it was so funny
the word stuck.  boy, people always mishear me and think i say something
sexual.  ah well...



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Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 16:57:41 -0700
From: "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt.edu>
To: Deep Thoughts <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Inconsequential Gibberish

Simon observed, "It isn't just a problem in psychiatry- doctors in other
fields as well
sometimes have a particular course of treatment they're biased towards,
seem to work the diagnosis to fit the pre-selected treatment."

Yeah, when someone has a hammer - everything looks like a nail.

Coop observed, "..hetero anal penetration was all about dominance and
power, that's always how I've thought about shooting a load of white-hot
jizz in someone's face. It's
like, 'take that bitch!'"

On the other hand, I heard that men aren't allowed to come inside a
woman in porns.
Hmm.. but is that really true?

and "..but if the partner knows about the affair, his sperm is more
likely to fertilize."

I know that men have substances in their semen that selectively kill
someone else's sperm.  (Thus increasing the likelihood of his sperm
impregnating her.)  So maybe the knowledge of a competitor somehow gets
these juices flowing even more.  Just a thought.

On Vonnegut: I've read 'Breakfast of Champions' and 'Slaughter House
Five'.  Both were great but I heard Monkeyhouse is super duper great.
The movie 'Breakfast of Champions' is super funny and excellent.  Bonus:
Bruce Willis stars in it.  It's fabulously weird and funny.

About Stephen King retiring: all I heard is that he feels that his new
book is similar to Christine (a vehicle going berserk) and that if he
doesn't quit now, he's going to start recycling all his old material.
He still has several books to publish/release before he's officially

"I think anything that requires supreme athleticism is a sport."

Koba (being a lovable smartass as usual) said, "So we can look forward
to seeing tantric sex in Athens in 2004?  Excellent.."

Good point.  I will now revise my answer:

sport n. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is
governed by a set of rules or customs and is often undertaken

So after reading 3/4 of it, I finally gave up on 'Midnight's Children'.
If anyone read it and totally understood it, please feel free to
personally email me an explanation!  Maybe if I knew more about
Indian/Pakistani history I would get it?

Bonnie J. Wayne
Technical Editor
Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center
801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM  87801



Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 19:25:02 -0500
From: "Beth Coulter" <betheqt@voicenet.com>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Danny and replies

"Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling..."
Violet, I thought of you when I heard.  But it was no surprise.  I think I
knew he was dead a while ago, even while people were denying it.  The
cruelty of it really gets me.  Did we REALLY need a video tape to show us
how it was done?  Do we really need the talking heads discussing what
happens when a throat is cut?  *sigh*  I know, I know... "if it bleeds, it
leads".  It still sucks.  Why couldn't they have grabbed Geraldo instead?
(yes Simon, I know, it should say Gates, or Laura, but they weren't over

Speaking of Simon:
>>bethey- is it true that some multiples know their situation but won't
pursue getting help?  Not to sound harsh but I just can't comprehend that.
Why would someone *not* want help?  The woman you describe (the one you saw
on one of the talk shows) sounds more like someone playing the role of a
provocateur than someone trying to help other multiples.<<

Trudy Chase was the woman.  She wrote a book called "When Rabbit Howls".
She would go to talks by Chris Sizemore (the original Eve of "Three
Faces...") and yell "2,4,6,8, we're not going to integrate!" interrupting
the speech.  Her idea of helping multiples is to let them know there is
nothing wrong with being multiple and integration is a therapist trick to
have a "manageable patient".  Like I said, she is undignified and that is my
main problem with her.  And yes, many multiples are aware there is a
problem, but fear psychology.  Those who are aware of their separate parts
feel that this is a normal way of being and everyone has problems.  I didn't
want help, didn't think I needed therapy.  What I needed was a foolproof way
to kill myself.  Unfortunately, most multiples wait until they are suicidal
before they accept there may be a problem.  Add to that 6 years average of
misdiagnoses and then having to go through getting worse in order to get
better, you may understand why many will never enter therapy.  If I hadn't
been forced into it, I never would have received help.

And Simon continued:
>>the over-diagnosing of psychological problems and the
over-prescribing of antidepressants and other meds IMHO does make very real
problems seem trivial- and while I'm totally in favor of increasing
awareness among the general public of depression and other conditions,
sometimes the advertising of depression meds seems a bit crass.  And the
meds aren't a magic quick-fix cure-all for depression.<<

Yeah, these commercials have gotten to me also.  Especially the PTSD one.
If you are suffering from a past trauma, the first thing you do *shouldn't*
be grabbing pills.  If you can't get any relief in therapy, then try some
short term meds.  But people are so pill happy that they would rather take a
Prozac or Zoloft every day for the rest of their lives than to fix what the
problem is.  I don't care what the pharmacoligists spout.  Depression is not
a chemical disorder.  It is a reaction to life events that causes a chemical
change after time.  It's better to reverse the change than to just medicate
it.  Well, that's what I think, so take it as an opinion.  (like assholes,
everyone has one and everyone's stinks)

Bonnie said a few issues ago:
>>>Cats do seem like they have a bad attitude.  My cat says things like
>"Get me some f*ckin fishy treats!" and "What the f*ck are you looking
>at?"  and "Touch my butt."<<

This earned a snort from me (I never snort unless I'm ROTFLMAO).  Dickens is
a bit more genteel than your cat.  She says things like "Why are you
sleeping on MY pillows?" and "Would you mind NOT bathing in my water
fountain (she's learned to steal and hide the bath plug)" and my all time
favorite, "Touch my butt."  ;)  She also has me well trained for play time.
She got a laser light for xmas and she bugs me to pull it out for her to
chase.  But she wants to chase it in the tub so she can jump up the walls
for it.  So she cries until I pull out the light then she goes to wait in
the tub.  If I don't shine it there, she comes stomping out to bitch me out
in kitty curses.  If I still don't do my duty, then she lies in wait for me
to attack my feet and try to trip me.  I figured out it's much safer to play
*her* way than to try to assert any human rights I may have.  I know who the
true master of the house is.

The Philly Beth(any) (as opposed to the Bucks County Beth(ey)) asked:
>>who was it that mentioned Star Trek? <<
*shyly raises hand*  that would be me.  I was reading the Q Continuum
series.  Now I know where God came from. ;)  I'm doing papers now, but
thinking about going on a King kick by reading "The Stand" again while
waiting for his new book in a month (yes, I preordered it).  And by the way,
I didn't hear about him retiring.  I thought he had 3 more Dark Tower books
to do.  I mean, we are sort of stuck in the wastelands while waiting for
book 5 (Yes, I know, Wastelands was book 3, but Wizard and Glass doesn't
make a good metaphor).  So tell us more about this atrocity whoever it was
that mentioned it.

the Koba of New York remarked on George Harrison:
>>i might be willing to suggest that it was they-via-him that introduced us
the concept of the reverse guitar (where you record a guitar- or anything,
for that matter- and turn the tape head around), but i'm almost positive
that there were others doing it not long before. it was hendrix, of course,
who made the technique very popular, and now i can't hear a reverse-part
without a hendrixy feel to it- whether it's adrian belew or steve vai.<<

Actually (my class comes into use!!!), it was George Martin that played
around with the reverse sound while making Revolver in 65.  John Lennon and
Paul McCartney really liked the effect and all four of them would smoke up
and then go sit with George M. in the studio to see what else they could do
with the heads and using 8 tracks to record various sounds and vocals (prior
to this, most recordings were done either mono or up to 4 tracks max).  Any
Beatles or Dylan questions, just ask.  I still have my text books.

Simon (again) asked:
>>Question: MPD is the result of severe external trauma, but can MPD or
something similar be caused by what one has done to themselves over time?
Real self suppressed, and the false persona takes on a life of its own, so
to speak, is a huge part of the problems I've been fighting my way out of
the past few years.  Not two distinct personalities competing with each
other, but rather more like having to play a role for the world at large,
and due to circumstances, staying in character, totally immersed, living
and breathing that character to such an extreme level that over time, one
forgets who they really are.<<

That is a loaded question.  MPD requires that abuse has taken place in a
child's life before the age of 6.  Multiplicity will not form after that.  I
hear the objections already.  OK, say a woman has been severely raped and
tortured.  She may dissociate or she may go psychotic.  But after the age of
6, the psyche is pretty much set.  If she had been abused as a child, she
may have those skills still and then a personality may split from this
experience.  I don't know about how other people deal with putting on
facades (playing a role), but I know with myself, I thought I simply had
different "faces" I put on for other people.  I didn't feel like the "real"
me was suppressed.  I just felt I had a work face, a husband face, a
daughter face, etc...  All I can say is if you feel like you are forgetting
who you are and that this fake persona has taken over your life, that is
something you need to work out in therapy.  It could be multiplicity or it
could be something else.  I just don't know well enough to answer this.

A huge shout out to my two faves who are finally posting again: The
remarkable Greensleeves and the incomparable Dani of the Ringroses.  I'm so
glad when I see you two post.  I just get a silly little grin on my face and
thought you should know.

Now it's time to read my first draft of my paper, then I get to play with my
new toy: An external CD burner.  Joy Joy!  Hopefully it won't take all
weekend to install it with my simply awful ME Windows.

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when Everything's not OK
cause it's the Fairies Revenge they say
And I have always been a Fairy.




Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 21:28:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #1554

1554 was just a very strange digest, if you ask me...
not that that's good or bad.  I can't even pinpoint
why I thought it was weird, but it just was.

I was so sick and sad when I heard the news about
Daniel Pearl... I am so sorry... I don't know what
else to really say about it.  I am sorry for his wife,
and for his new baby.  I am just sorry that something
like that had to happen.

On an entirely different note, I had series of
interviews at today for about 342890832 hours, and I
have to go back tomorrow at 8:30 am.  Which means that
I'm getting up sometime shortly after 5.  12:30
bedtime for Linda, who almost never goes to sleep
earlier than 2 am.

By the way, I am currently reading "Dream Hunters"
(which I started yesterday night and will probably
finish up tonight before beddy), and re-reading bits
and pieces of The Clan of the Cave Bear, since I
realized that I have it here at school.  Oh, and of
course I have my weekly readings for my cultural
anthropology class.  But I really can't start reading
anything new for fun until I get all this grad school
junk straightened out.

Okay, I really need to get some sleep.


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Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 22:27:52 -0800
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Re: Syd / Pearl

Brian wrote:
> It was a great read and it finally gave me some understanding of the
> Barrett legend. It also made me more curious about his music, even
> though I never liked many of his Floyd songs. I bought the "Crazy
> Diamond" boxed set and guess what? I was mainly disappointed. I've
> always found people either love or hate his music and the lines in his
> fans seems to be drawn along the lines of being artistic compared
> to being logical.  I know I'll get a response out of Beth on this. ;-)

Hey, I don't care if you don't like Syd's music. :) It's just my
argument that without his influence Pink Floyd isn't the band it set out
to be (ESPECIALLY after Roger Waters also left). Syd's
Pink Floyd was whimsical, psychdelic and strange, but almost innocent as
well. It quickly turned into a trip-out band, which is fine too;
although I never understood the need to take drugs since the music already
makes you feel like you're tripping. :) No, my problem is that somewhere
along the way those playing music under the banner of "Pink Floyd" started
playing this lounge-jazz. That's not to say I don't like it. It's just a
different band. :)

Violet wrote:
> His death is a huge, sickening shock.  It was the last thing I thought
> about before going to sleep last night, and the first thing I thought
> about when I woke up this morning.  It makes me sick knowing it's a
> thousand times worse for his sister and the rest of the family.

I didn't realize until I read this post that his death had been
confirmed. I was holding out hope that he was alive, myself. Not just out
of compassion for him and for his family, but for all journalists in the
field whose lives may be in danger.

As a journalist, there is a huge part of me that almost feels
an ethical and professional responsibility to go to those lands and report
on what is happening. I tell myself that I am not old enough, not seasoned
enough for this to be wise, and I think that is true. But part of me feels
that this is a copout.

Many journalists have gone to the middle east, both before and after 9/11.
Terrorists' willingness to use us as bargaining chips and scapegoats
is unshakeable. Even though author Sebastian Junger pointed out that some
of those who were captured and killed (not Daniel Pearl)
were doing irresponsible things, like riding on the fronts of tanks next
to Northern Allies troops through valleys that had not been secured, this
is not an excuse for murder.

So I'm very sorry and unsettled that another journalist has been killed,
especially under those conditions. It makes me angry that more was not
done in the beginning to get him back. But I don't know enough about the
situation to make a judgment I feel comfortable with. I'm just tired
of these games, all based on dogma and politics and shortsightedness and
narrowmindedness and a misguided sense of power.

I'm sorry, it probably sounds like I am grandstanding at a time when
people are grieving. But I'm tired of seeing this happen again and again.
It makes me sad, but it makes me angry too. I don't know what to do.


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self-censoring secret, as something which survives symbolically, which
is available for those who care." (Richard Stanley)
    music reviews + stories + poetry + photography + collage + Watchers
   selkies + froud-faeries + esoterica + links = http://echoes.devin.com



Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 19:06:43 +1100
From: "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au>
To: "Strange Little Arty Turners" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Affcot - the sort of fart you hope people will talk after

Dani typed:
>Nope. Not at all. Aussies all sound the same; as far as I can tell, there
>aren't any regional dialects. Now Kiwi-speak, on the other hand...

A few people I've come across would beg to differ. One being my cousin who
was horrified that I pronounced 'Newcastle' with a long a sound. He said I
had lost touch with my Victorian roots. There was also the taxi driver in
Brisbane who picked that me and my sis were originally from Vic because of
something we said. But like you believe everything taxi drivers say...

Ah, have I told my story on Kiwi-speak? If not, a friend and I in high
school decided that the way Kiwi pronounciation is worked out is
substituting the vowel (as written) with one of the other vowels, selected
by closing your eyes and waving a pencil over them. 'Megabeast' became
'mogebaist' and many a fun maths lesson was had by all...

OOh, and before I forget apparently the 'Mists of avalon' telemovie is out
on vid (and DVD) in Aus, so Beth, it should be in the states too. :)

Coops typed:
>I spotted two new Starfucks in the city during the week. One of them was in
>Borders. You didn't tell me that one Lavs!

~sob~ ok, now I know you don't really read my posts! I did mention not to go
up the escalator outside or you'd find yourself in coffee hell.

>Besides 1000+ km, there's a difference of 20 years. I'll ignore the hour
>for daylight savings. I can pick a Queenslander from a mile off, as they
>talk a whole lot slower than we do, so that probably made Dani easier to
>understand. But if anything their accent is stronger, but if you watch

Ha! Actually, I have a couple of things to mention on this. I used to say it
was 10 years, but then, I was like 10-15 at the time, so of course I
wouldn't really notice things being more dated than that. When we first
moved to QLD I sat twiddling my thumbs in the classroom half the time (for
those 3 months till the end of the year) because it was stuff we had already
covered in Vic. Music seemed to take a couple of weeks/months to get up
there too.

>Steve Irwin, you'll be used to it.

Urgh, they had a Steve Irwin inspired puppet on sesame street this week.
Sacrelidge I tell you. Sesame Street doesn't need to sink that low.

(Lavenda 1, primary adjunct of dominatrix Glenn)

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Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 10:04:11 +0000 (GMT)
From: Matt Smith <M.S.Smith-01@student.lboro.ac.uk>
To: RDTRN <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: my own private inferno

jessica asked:

"what's everyone's idea of personal hell? and not anything violent, just like
75 annoying things happening at once."

this reminds me of the far side cartoon:

"Welcome to heaven, here's your harp"
"Welcome to hell, here's your accordion"

but seriously, as we know, l'enfer, c'est les autres


ps for brian who doesn't like scottish accents on women:  there's a newsreader
on british tv called kirsty young who could make you change your mind, i
guarantee it, mmmmm......

"For a thing like me to kill one of them or one of you is a very, very easy
thing to do, and, as I discovered, absolutely disgusting.  Just as I need
never wonder what it is like to die, so I need never wonder what it is like
to kill, Ziller, because I have done it, and it is a wasteful, graceless,
worthless and hateful thing to have to do."

Iain M. Banks, "Look to Windward"



Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 11:58:45 -0600 (CST)
From: Chris <cmeyers@oasis.novia.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Home Schooling

 I think it was Simon who wrote this:

>> i wish i was homeschooled,
>>but i don't get along very well with my parents.

>bible thumpers homeschool their kids- truly frightening the things some
>people will try to indoctrinate kids with.

 Yes, as you know I am a Christian. I'm not apologizing for it, merely
stating it since it seems to somehow be an issue on this topic.

 I believe public schools are failing our children. No matter how much
money we pump into them, they are usually inferior to your average parent
getting involved in their childrens education and teaching their children
themselves. They know exactly what to teach when and have individualized
attention like most schools only give to troubled students.

 Add to that the fact that my opinions and beliefs are not usually
represented in a school system that WOULD see my children more than I do
and you reduce my influence as a parent to "Will it be Spaghetti-Os or
McDonalds tonight?".

 Oh but I must be talking about Gays or Sex ed since I'm a Christian

 No..My 3rd grade teacher explained how japanese people were coming in and
taking our jobs, using a japanese student as an example.

 My 4th grade teacher told our class that Mexicans had to be stopped
at the border because they were all criminally insane and would ruin our
country if allowed in.

 My 5th grade teacher said if we marked on our arms God would be upset
with us (later implying hellfire and all that).

 My 6th grade teacher would pick students she didn't like and make a mess
and make them clean it up (I was one of the lucky few).

 One of my 7th grade teachers gave the class a few rather interesting
stories on the affair she was having to pass the time.

 One of the other 7th grade teachers was having students over for
"special parties" and liked to touch you ever chance he got.

 We were taught that satanic symbols were in ice cubes on liquor ads. If
you ever smoked and drank at the same time you would die. We were taught
how evil and unresponsive our Government was...which may be true I

 There are stories daily from around the nation of worst case scenarios.

 Meanwhile I home schooled a child who was struggling. He learned 2 grade
levels of information in 6 months. He was exceptionally bright but I think
it still illustrates a point. He wasn't able to con the teacher, and he
wasn't allowed to be distracted. He usually had time to watch an hour of
cartoons before his friends got out of school.

 So forgive me if I lack confidence in our school system and think I might
just take time out from my busy schedule and home school any children I
eventually have. I guess I'm just trying to brainwash them if I do

 Not that there are any Christian teachers in public schools also
spreading their own agenda...that just wouldn't happen.



Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 10:30:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Rosefaerie <crowswingz@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: more catching Up

Simon Wrote
the succubus barbie and fellow "Buffy" fan formerly
known as Megan

I Love Buffy!!

I've seen that happen to a lot of decent TV shows over
the years.  A
and long running series is around so long that the
last episodes are
"last" merely because that's when the network and
producers pulled the
plug, instead of the show ending on a really positive
note, with
"final something" they were leading up to actually
happening.  And
get me started about the  shows based around a group
of high school
students that manage to be still hanging out together
for what would be
years after graduation in the real world *cough
90210*cough Saved by

I Dont think that About Buffy season 4 was Quite bad
But 5 and 6 are good and 3 is Great oneand 2 Actually
Bore me But Some are good.

according to that toritest, I'm "Little Earthquakes"
era tori :)

I was Choirgirl which Works Well!  mySong was
cornflake girl Nawt Im not that Violent!.  and Album I
got Little earthquakes which Worked!

yes she does.  on so many levels.

yeah she has Helped me soo damn much!


We are everyday Angels- Jewel
You know you've gone to far when pianos try to be guitars._Tori Amos
you can pay me for my beauty I think it is only right cause I have been
paying for it all of my life.-~aNi difranco
Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right-Ani
20/grrl/queer/Freakyfaeriegothydreamer.  Loves Writing letters Tori Amos
Ani Difranco and Angelina Jolie, Faeries
yahoo Id: Crowswingz or faerieartist,   Aim:Linycrow,

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    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

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         `             thanks for visiting this pretty garden

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > February 2002