RDT Right Now #1562

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 01:26:56 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #1562
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 02 : Issue #1562

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  CULO!                                 [ Emmanuel Caballero <spacedog@prodig ]
  posting for 3.4.02                    [ Simon Booth <sbooth1@satx.rr.com> ]
  shoelaces and eyelashes...            [ burning leaves <jewella_deville@jun ]
  Did you hear about Minnesota's new z  [ Megan DeZee <MDeZee@machalek.com> ]
  me hungry                             [ "Madame Ade" <alexandriasisp@hotmai ]
  ...I really have nothing to say...    [ Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com> ]
  you let your knickers down            [ "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt ]
  love story!!!!                        [ "ms. jessica parsons" <fullblownlif ]
  Pick a side, any side...              [ "Beth Coulter" <betheqt@voicenet.co ]
  sigh                                  [ "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hot ]
  pants                                 [ "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hot ]
  Why can't Iowans play frisbee?        [ Megan DeZee <MDeZee@machalek.com> ]
  Radio Address                         [ "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt ]
  preggo no more.. round two...         [ Erika & Alan <alewis246@comcast.net ]
  none                                  [ "ms. jessica parsons" <fullblownlif ]
  now with scrubbing kibbles!           [ "Mark L. Alexander" <alexander750@e ]
  posting for 3.5.02                    [ Simon Booth <sbooth1@satx.rr.com> ]


     Really Deep Quote:

                 none today


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 23:57:12 -0500
From: Emmanuel Caballero <spacedog@prodigy.net.mx>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: CULO!

I was browinsg through Audiogalaxy and I found the most hilarious thread of
discussion. Have a laugh:

Message Board
03/02/02    laquerjack - tweaker.net (1Ýreply)
02/28/02    AbsurDDd - IT
02/27/02    urifg - es bueno? (4Ýreplies)
02/17/02    prades - Kolonizer (1Ýreply)
02/09/02    TUTU66 - culo!




Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 00:10:00 -0600
From: Simon Booth <sbooth1@satx.rr.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: posting for 3.4.02

re: 1538-1555 part 4

message follows:

ade: sorry to hear about the suicide.  and I concur with you re: kids and

retracting statements in 1544 re: rap music.

arija: winter costellations have great deep sky telescope targets.

jessica: things with us are nominal re: comments in 1545 and 1546.

roxanne: I agree with you about what happened with the skating at the
Olympics.  and figure skating is a real sport.  can't get into other sports
but I've always found the winter sports very interesting to watch.

matt: I agree that's it's a complicated issue regarding free access to
information vs. potential access by people with ulterior motives. and
perhaps I might have been mistaken re: public transit in the UK.

re: birthday greetings 02/13/03: to Julie.

megan dezee: I agree re: born evil vs. made evil.  a lot of it is external,
sometimes though it's mind boggling when someone does something totally
despicable totally out of nowhere with no apparent external cause.

re: lavs commenting on long space flights: traveling in space in a cramped
vehicle  and the inevitable problems fromhaving people in such close
proximity- see "Apollo 13" (and read about the actual flight), and see the
"Enterprise" episode "Shuttlepod 1"

message ends.




Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 04:32:42 -0800
From: burning leaves <jewella_deville@juno.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: shoelaces and eyelashes...

first of all, in response to brad's post in 1561, i would like to say
that i very much appreciate this civil communication.  and in this period
of calm, i would like to ask a question that i hope to GOD won't start an
argument, flame war, or even a debate...  i am just really curious about
this, and maybe it has been asked in the past, but i'm fairly new to the

brad:  why *do* you choose the method of debate you use?  as you send
these extremely civil and useful posts, it's clear that you're
intelligent.  and obviously, you're passionate about your opinions and
don't feel the need to sugar-coat them.  that said, from what i have seen
in the short time i have been receiving this digest, you have, in the
past, seemed to go to the *opposite* extreme of sugar-coating.  throwing
out statements that i'm sure you knew to be - to use your word -
flammable.  why is that?  in your last post, you mentioned "Complex, 50
pages or more in length, containing case law cites etc." that you had
written.  clearly, to write these kinds of things (which i, for one,
would neither have the patience nor the skill to do), one has to have
articulate and concise debate/discussion skills...  i, personally, would
enjoy seeing these skills used, even concerning topics in which we (and
many on this list, apparently) would most likely disagree with (in the
last few months: issues concerning sex and sexuality, differences in
ethical beliefs, liberal vs. conservative, etc.).

to point out --  i'm not trying to be condescending or inflammatory.  i'm
just *really* curious and would like to raise the concept of one's method
of discussion as a *topic* of discussion.




Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 08:59:57 -0600
From: Megan DeZee <MDeZee@machalek.com>
To: "'RDT Right Now'" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Did you hear about Minnesota's new zoo?

They put a fence around Iowa.

I am from Iowa, so I hear them all.

Brad said:
>It's not surprising that a
>flaming liberal would judge without all the facts.

I can't believe you actually wrote this.  I have an easier
time believing someone broke into your computer and used
your e-mail to post this under your name.  Of all the
hypocritical things I have ever heard and read, this tops
them all.  Who judges without all the facts?  I believe you
win the gold for that one.  Was it not you who accused me of
being unfaithful to my husband for having guy friends?  And
you who implied that I was out getting drunk and fucking all
my guy friends.  Please don't spew such shit from your mouth
in our general direction.  I am sorry that you feel it is
necessary to whine about people not liking you after posting
"nice" posts as of late, but that didn't stop you from
flaming people in the past.  People here would post nice all
the time and you would still find some shit to say about
them.  Sorry if everyone here didn't forgive and forget.

I know I haven't posted in a long time, but I read my
e-mails at work and have just been insanely busy.  Yay!  I
am going to Arizona and Vegas in 2 1/2 weeks.  Woo-hoo!  Too
bad we have to drive there from Minnesota.  Yuk!  I am going
with my friend, Rob.  We are going to AZ to visit his
stepdad who almost died from cancer in November.  He is
still there because he is too sick to travel.  They live
here, but have a house there too.  Anyways, then, we are
driving to Vegas.  I have never been there before, so it
should be quite interesting.  I am still taking my son to
Disneyland, but the scheduling didn't work out, so it won't
be until April or May. We won't be driving there, though.

And someone mentioned my son in hockey.  I haven't gotten
him into hockey yet because I want to toughen him up a
little before.  He is kind of a...I don't know how to say it
in a nice way.  Let's just say he cries a lot.  We haven't
been able to go ice skating because it is too warm out and
the ice rinks are just puddles.  Plus, I don't know how to
ice skate, so I have to rely on someone else to take him.
Hopefully we will get out there soon before he outgrows his
skates.  Kid's feet grow so fast!

Anyways, should probably get to work.

Megan DeZee



Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 15:15:21 +0000
From: "Madame Ade" <alexandriasisp@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: me hungry

ahhhhh i'm overloaded with work...

beth said:
>Recently though I was
>talking to a close friend of mine who is an avid swordfighter in many
>different styles and is even working on a book about it, and he corrected
>when I said fencing was a form of swordfighting. He says it really isn't.
>Different forms, different techniques, and entirely different weapons...

well, i say it still is.  there are swords, and we fight with them.  it's a
debatable topic, but i still say fencing is swordfighting.  it's like people
who say that anime isn't cartoons.  sure, it's a different form, but to me,
animated movies/tv shows are still cartoons, whether they're spongebob, tom
and jerry, or trigun (which is a good anime from what i've seen).  as billy
joel said, "it's still rock and roll to me."

brian said:
>Just don't make the mistake of calling Canadians Americans. They usually
>get very upset about that. They start getting really whiny which sounds bad
>in a Canadian accent. ;-)

that's another thing, canadians ARE americans just as much as brazilians,
mexicans, and US citizens.  canada is a part of north america.  but nooooo,
people always feel they have to break away from a label so they can feel
special... fine then...

brad complained about trying to be nice and being insulted in another post.
well, i must say, brad's posts have definitely improved in nature and
inoffensiveness, so therefore we need to give him credit.  it seems that
some prefer to dwell on his past posting style without acknowledging the
improvement.  i think it's kinda silly, don't drag brad into something that
doesn't involve him, and don't insult him in the process.  that's not very

>   *** Don't Dream A Dream ... Live A Dream And Let Reality Sleep digest

story of my life hehe...



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Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 10:23:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: ...I really have nothing to say...

Brian commented (on my mention of one of my father's
many nicknames):

>My brother frequently refers to my father as "Dirk".

>>I hope that's because he acts like a big dick
>>instead of because he's got a big.... well lets not
>>go there. So when did you move from the south? ;-)

Haha, nice.  The nickname definitely had more to do
with my family's love of nicknames.  Two of my
father's other names are "Chung" and "Chavid", because
there was a reporter on TV named David Chung, and my
dad pulled a Beavis and Butthead, commenting that he
should be renamed "Chavid Dung".  (I know, and THIS
man is what's educating America's youth-- but he's
really a model citizen-- he just gets a case of the
sillies when he's at home with his adult children.)
As for why "Dirk" came about, well, I'm really not
sure of the size of my father's package (thank
goodness), but my brother may have seen it.  After
all, he DID take a picture of my dad standing naked in
our neighbors' backyard while he was housesitting,
which he then mailed to them (but his genitals were
not exposed in the picture-- again, this just makes my
father sound like a real weirdo, but when it comes to
teaching and raising children, I really can't think of
too many people who are better).  But it's not like my
dad was hard or anything for the picture, so (wait a
minute, I have to puke-- bleeeaacccchh) that really
doesn't give my brother a good gauge of size.

(I like using parentheses.)

Isn't it strange how penises can go anywhere from only
getting slightly bigger from soft to hard, or they can
practically quadruple in size?  I'm in the process of,
um, collecting data on this one, but I've found a
tremendous amount of variability in the change from
normal to erect.  It's very unreliable to look at a
normal penis and then guess how big (or not) it will

Penises are amazing.

Good thing that I gave up sex for Lent. Just like in
that movie with the HOT guy.  I'm not as extreme as he
is-- just no intercourse allowed. :-)
(And I'm not even Catholic... I don't know what came
over me.)

I realize that I have a tendency to post these
ridiculously long posts with no breaks in them, and I
know that I'd be forced to skim right through them, so
I'm gonna try to limit that.  I really am.


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Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 11:41:50 -0700
From: "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt.edu>
To: Deep Thoughts <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: you let your knickers down

Regarding the human computer chip:  I'm not really for it either but I
do recognize that it could be very useful for Alzheimer's sufferers and
people with several allergies.  People with Alzheimer's often become
missing persons because they wander on a bus and don't remember where
they live.  It's very tragic.  So, for this situation, it would be very
nice to be able to track down gramps and bring him home safe.

Also, as a voluntary way to tell paramedics your medical history in the
hopes of receiving more effective treatment if found unconscious.  Seems
reasonable to me.  It's just a little scary when people start thinking
along the lines of, 'oh this would be a great way to prevent my kid from
ever being lost/kidnapped.'  Then it's being used on a wide-scale that
is involuntary.

ade: If there's at least one other person interested in fencing, I don't
see why you have to stop.  It only takes two right?

So Beth W. corrected me: "Maybe you didn't mean to imply this, but that
wasn't at all what I
said. :) I said that homeschooling is not a practical option for many
parents who work fulltime. But I don't believe kids should be sent to
public schools simply to be babysat."

Sorry, I didn't phrase that very well.  I certainly don't believe that
schools are primarily for babysitting our children - only that they do
function partially in that way because schooltime usually coincides with

I called public schools a necessary evil not because I think schools are
evil!  But because, if you are a struggling parent working fulltime,
even if you don't feel your child is getting the best education at the
public school - you still send them there because where else are they to

Hope that clarifies a little.  From now on, I'll do you a favor and stay
off your side ;)

Roxanne said, "While I acknowledge that math and science courses are
important, courses in music, art, and humanties are equally important."

Agreed.  No problems here.

Then: "A child's personality, sense of judgement, and character are
developed through
these courses.  A child learns about beauty, and human values through
art and
music, not through math and science. At least I never did.""

Just to clarify: I believe you  are saying that a child's
personality/judgement/character is built solely on music, art and
humanities and not math/science.  Is your only evidence the fact that
you 'never did'?

Before we discuss this further, what's your definition of the
sense of judgement
human values

Then, regarding teaching character: "There are many ways to accomplish
education in a classroom than by lecturing."

Understood.  From your first post on teaching character, I think you
stated that you want more time to teach character instead of
math/science.  I took this to mean that, for a specified block of time,
you wanted to be able to teach character instead of another school
subject.  Instead, it seems that you want more time to teach
music/art/humanities instead of math/science because you believe that
math/science don't teach character.  Please correct me if I am
misinterpreting your meaning.
Bonnie J. Wayne
Technical Editor
Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center
801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM  87801



Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 10:36:18 -0800
From: "ms. jessica parsons" <fullblownlife@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: love story!!!!

Beth Coulter!! You mentioned my favorite and the most romantic movie AND one
of the best books of all time! YAY!

there is a very unhappy bumblebee in my window....

oooh and by the way, rats are creepy.....my roommate's family breeds them!
they have about 70....*shudders*

have fun in atlantic city..

18 days until MY spring break in california...woo...the winter rut is
dragging on yet trying to improve. I haven't seen a cloud in ten days. am i
really in oregon??

sounds like a case of the mondays...


"The movement you need is on your shoulders...." -----Hey Jude

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Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 15:33:17 -0500
From: "Beth Coulter" <betheqt@voicenet.com>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Pick a side, any side...

I have been accused of being a flaming liberal.  What slander!  What libel!
I'm not at all flaming, the hormones took care of all the hot flashes.  As
far as being a liberal...WELL!  I'll have you all know that I am more a
socialist than anything else.  I believe the capitalist market system is
responsible for the great evils of this society, and the cause of much
misery.  A socialist nation would be much more to my way of thinking.  In my
imaginary society, each person would do what they do best, and each would be
given the necessities of life.  Not complete equality, because some needs
are greater than others, but the Marxist saying to each as they need would

Let's say we all here are part of my great society.  I would write and draw
and perform and contribute these things to the whole for their benefit.
Koba could be a mediator, or even a lawyer (because crime will always
happen, even in a "perfect" society), Simon could be in charge of creating
videos and television programming, Bethany would create wonderful pottery
works for use in the home,  Dani could teach (unless something else makes
her happier), all the techies could tech, and so on.  In return, each of us
would have food, housing, clothing, and the other basics we all need.  From
each according to ability, to each according to their need.

Before I get hammered by those who disagree and are ready to tell me to ship
out to the old USSR, this is my dream society and what I believe would lead
to happiness.  It does not exist on the face of this earth, nor will it
until our market society collapses from greed.  Sort like Enron.

Oh, and someone said something about my homeschooling thoughts:  There is a
huge difference between divisiveness and diversity.  Diversity has its place
in helping people understand others.  Divisiveness creates prejudices and
conflict without any mutual meeting point.  In religious schooling, the
divisiveness can be seen when (true local story) a Catholic civics class
goes to protest at a women's health center and receives extra credit for it,
and a public school civics class can't even discuss pro-choice issues.  You
all of a sudden have a school rewarding a mindset (Pro-life) that will lead
some students to further harass those who think differently than they do.
This is the way the Crusades started, and can be viewed today in Islamic
countries where schools teach intolerance for diversity.  And that's the
only way to find people willing to kill themselves in order to kill others;
get them young and indoctrinate in school.  And flame me if you want, I
believe that Christian schools are not much better.  They teach their
students to believe in a certain way and tell them it is a sin to even
investigate other thoughts.  So I repeat: religious schooling leads to
divisiveness in society, where public schooling can force diversity through
simply existing, with all in the area attending.

I'm off to AC.  Then it'll take me a week to delete all the spam that will
have arrived in the three days I'm gone, and then I can start to catch up
again.  I'm sure you are all so excited that my absence will be short. ;p

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when Everything's not OK
cause it's the Fairies Revenge they say
And I have always been a Fairy.




Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 20:22:23 +0000
From: "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: sigh

Hola mes amies!

So much to do!  So so much to do!  It's quite unfair.

The only reason I'm posting is because I haven't in a while and I just want
to say "hi".  So hi.

How Now, Brown Cow?

Megan Christine Auffart

I can bring whole cities to ruin
and still have time to get a soft shoe in....

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com



Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 20:39:53 +0000
From: "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: pants

Hola mes amies.

Here's something I've been meaning to send...

Top Ten Ways to Put On Your Pants

1. One leg at a time, just like everybody else
2. Put your ejector pants in reverse
3. Under your underpants, because you live in Opposite Land
4. Over your underpants, because you live in Opposite Land and itís Opposite
5. After you put your shoes on, because you have Down Syndrome
6. Throw pants off ledge, race down and do a handstand
7. With the pockets pulled out, because all the kids in the future wear
their pants inside out
8. In your imagination, while wishing someone hadnít stolen your pants
9. Twice, because youíre a horse
10. With robotic assistance because youíre late for work and also George

How Now, Brown Cow?

Megan Christine Auffart

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.



Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 17:21:48 -0600
From: Megan DeZee <MDeZee@machalek.com>
To: "'RDT Right Now'" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Why can't Iowans play frisbee?

It hurts their teeth.

Ms Parsons said:

>I'm never going to home school my kids, i don't care if I

>give birth to a bleeding, overweight mole;

Glad I just ate lunch.  That put the grossest picture in my
head.  Eew!!

>cheerleading is NOT a sport.

Sorry people, but yes it is.  I was a cheerleader in Junior
high and high school.  It is hard as hell.  You try having
someone stand with all their weight aon your shoulders with
tennis shoes on.  Have you ever had a shoe hickey on your
shoulders and neck?  It hurts like a bitch.  Not to mention
having to throw someone in the air in perfect unison with
another person.  If one person throws a foot a half second
too late, we're talking cheerleaders flying all over the
place and landing head first on the ground.  Cheerleaders
are bad-asses.  How many of you can say that you sprained an
ankle or got some teeth knocked out and continued to dance
and bop around.  I don't care what anyone says, cheerleading
is hard and it is a sport.  So there!  (I think figure
skating is a sport too.)

About the school thing.  I would never home-school my kid.
I think it is good for kids to get out there and be around
other kids.  Kids feel out of place enough as it is,
especially teenagers.  How would you like to be the kid in
the neighborhood that was home-schooled?  Talk about being
"different," that puts that kid in a whole other world as
far as the other kids see.  Kids can be so mean.  If you
don't think your kid is learning enough at school, teach
them at home.  Don't make them sit at the table and do
assignments you came up with.  There are planty of ways to
teach your kids and be fun at the same time.  Take them to
plays, museums, vacations that include historical places.
My son loves to read because we have special outings that
include going to the book store and buying books.  Then, at
night, before bed we dim the light and read books in bed.
Sometimes independently, sometimes I read to him, sometimes
he reads to me.  He reads the books he's memorized or he
makes up his own story to go witht he pictures.  We have
fun.  It's nice to see him interested in reading.  Anyways,
I'm totally off my point.  Just because your kid is in
public school, doesn't mean that has to be the only
education they are getting.

>I went on an interview for
>graduate school at Princeton this weekend.  Where I've
>wanted to go since I was very very young.  And I was
>told that I was accepted.

Yay!! Congratulations!  That is great news.  It's nice to
realize a dream, huh?  You rock on with your bad self.

I am reading this book called "America the Beautiful"  by
Moon Unit Zappa.  It is about a woman named America who is
having a really hard time going through a rough breakup.
Her boyfriend of 2+ years dumped her via fax.  Nice, huh?
Anyways, it is about all the things we think and feel after
a hurtful breakup, but usually don't say.  My favorite thing
about the book are the music references.  For example, after
her breakup, she drives around listening to Tori.  Then, at
the beginning of each chapter there is a line from a song
that has something to do with what that chapter is about.
She has lines from Tori, Nine Inch Nails, and U2.  My three
favorites.  Yay!  There are lines from a lot of other great
artists and one from matchbox 20.  Ugh!  I hate matchbox 20.
Sorry if there are any fans.  Their music is pretty good,
but every single one has been played out to the point that
they sound like nails on a chalkboard to me.  Yuk!  Anyways,
it is a pretty good book.  I recommend it.

Gotta go!

Megan DeZee



Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 16:52:18 -0700
From: "Bonnie J. Wayne" <bonnie@emrtc.nmt.edu>
To: Deep Thoughts <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Radio Address

Bush's radio address focused on education this week.  If anyone is


Bonnie J. Wayne



Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 20:29:11 -0500
From: Erika & Alan <alewis246@comcast.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: preggo no more.. round two...

I waited two digests and haven't seen my post... so if it does make it
twice, my humblest apologies...

>Matt tried to place his accent:
>>north-west leicestershire / south derbyshire and proud of it!

My hubby is from Newhall :-)
he doesn't quite have that accent, he lived in Scotland for the first 4
years of his life so it's a bit odd sounding, but don't tell him I told you
that ;)

>This Thursday we are heading for the FLA panhandle (Fort Walton Beach)
>to eat seafood and relax.  Pandora's restaurant, the Hightide, Marina
>Cafe...Oh boy.  Anyone been there?

It's cold down here in the panhandle... bring a sweater.... *burr*
(I know, wimpy Floridian weather wise)

and now for all the gory details...

So, it's all over.  Now a Mommy.

Thanks to everyone who sent their congrats, it was nice to come home to
everyone's thoughts.

It started Tuesday night (the 19th). I was having minor twinges and some
bleeding, went to hospital, was sent home.  *sigh*  I was so hoping that it
would magically get faster once I was in the hospital.

Had small very irregular contractions all night through the next morning.
Wednesday went to the mall, walked around. Around 2pm contractions started
getting regular though still far apart.

By 5-6pm they were regular and getting stronger.  7pm my parents arrived all
the way from south Florida.  Ate some ice cream, the pain got worse.  By 9
they were getting closer and closer, though they were never perfectly
regular like I thought they were supposed to be.  9:30 went to hospital.  I
was not doing well with the contractions and started to say to Alan that I
couldn't do it, I wanted an epidural.  But he knew how much I was against
having one, so he talked me through it.  Spent way too long in triage.  I
was there almost two hours stuck on the bed waiting for a room.  I couldn't
walk around, couldn't use my birth ball, couldn't drink anything.  Triage
I was also not pleased to find out when the nurse first checked me I was
only 4cm.
Finally, I was taken to a labor and delivery room.  First I went to sit on
the toilet, that seemed like all I wanted to do, was sit on the damn toilet
bowl.  Came out sat on the rocking chair, which was most comfy.  Then the
rude nurse tech came in.  She coped an attitude straightaway, telling me I
"need to get in the bed."  I was not pleased and let her know.  I understand
I need to be hooked up to the monitor, but I know it does not need to be
constant, and damnit I wanted some time to not be lying in the bed.  But, I
caved and sat back in the bed and got hooked up.  By this time also all I
wanted to do was push, it was so hard not to. I was still thinking I wanted
something to help with the pain, because at this point, it had only been
about 2 hours since my last check and so I thought there was still a long
way to go.
Donna, my wonderful midwife, came in, and she let me sit on my ball.  She
checked me and amazingly enough I had gone from 4cm to 8 1/2-9cm, in two
hours.  Well, I got happy and said, alright let's do this.  She broke my
water at 11:45, 12:30 Gareth was born.
Alan was great, he held my leg up and watched as Gareth came down.  The look
of complete and total awe and amazement on his face was wonderful and all
the encouragement I needed.  Gareth crowned and a took a brief glance down
and saw the top of Gareth's hairy head, gave one giant push and out he came,
the whole rest of him. Everyone was impressed.  :)
But unfortunately it seemed Gareth swallowed some meconium and the high risk
teem was called in.  They had to take him away to the NICU, because he was
working way to hard to breath.  He was put on something called a "c-pap" (I
don't know what it is actually called but that's what everyone was saying)
on his nose to help him breath but he kept trying to pull it off, so they
gave him something for him to sleep and put him on IV fluids.  He was like
that all day Thursday, but by that night he was off the oxygen.  Friday was
better, got to hold him finally, and then could start trying to feed him.
His breathing get better and better, he seemed to be eating well, and the
test for infections came back negative.  He had to stay one day extra than a
baby without complications.  Sunday he was home.

So, I did it and how I wanted to, with as little intervention as possible.
And now he's home and doing so well.  I'm managing not to get too sleep
deprived, and the whole breastfeeding thing is going well.

go here http://mywebpages.comcast.net/alewis246/ to see pictures.

Be Well



Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 18:50:26 -0800
From: "ms. jessica parsons" <fullblownlife@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: none

Yes Brad, day of the week panties are still made. I'm Panty Queen so I
should know. see below statement.

It's March. If I saw a leprachaun, I'd so ass-rape him for his pot of gold.

I disagree about the whole America debate, Brian. I think this whole
continent is...hence the NORTH america. I'm just in a big part of it called
the US. It's all America...heee, I know people will disagree about this...

I went shopping today and surprise, surprise, I didn't buy underwear! I
almost did.....but I got fun pjs and two cds instead: outkast and pod...i
forgot to get linkin park. :p

I sent something to canada today and learned that if you send stuff out of
the country, you have to fill out a form saying what's in the package and
the dollar worth of it. so what if you send sex toys to someone? can you
just say "personal items"? it isn't the post office's business to know if
you're sending a dildo. and how do mail order porn stores do this? wow, i've
developed a whole new curiousity...

on friday night at this frat house off campus, this guy fell out of the 2nd
floor after he'd been drinking. he's in critical condition and I really hope
he survives. :/ I'm going to go write an editorial letter about drinking

speaking of....hmm, brad might be the only one interested in this. :x I went
to this Republican conference this weekend on the coast and it was amazing.
the candidates for gov. had a debate, I met a lot of the college republicans
in the state and we went to all these parties, drank a LOT and we had so
much fun! this sounds really fucking shallow but I feel that I know so much
more about politics (especially state politics) than the average person on
campus. but it's true! most people my age don't give a shit less. anyway, I
had a wonderful weekend and this coming weekend I'm going to a Leadership
conference in Portland at this great hotel for only $10. Yay for the gaining
of political knowledge....

gross, have to go do spanish homework...


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Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 21:27:32 -0600
From: "Mark L. Alexander" <alexander750@earthlink.net>
To: "Tori who?" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: now with scrubbing kibbles!

	(Why Science Diet didn't adopt this tagline, I don't know.)
	What's this? Simon actually keeping his posts short? Other
RDTers (including myself, once) actually agreeing with Brad Shultz?
Violet is 84?! (In cat years, maybe.) Oh, and there was a
near-blizzard here, too: 15 cm of "little or no accumulation." In
March. Surprise.
	Before the blizzard, I arranged an expedition to Kansas
City...to see _Amelie_. Well worth the trip, and I got to see a part
of the city that *didn't* look like post-industrial apocalypse; the
result made Fayetteville look even more like the backwater that, in
reality, it is. (The real center up here is shifting towards
Wal-Mart--er, Bentonville.) At this time last year, I had gone up
there to see _Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon_. In a casino, of all
	Did I mention I don't like casinos?
	Did I mention anything about Linux?
	I got Linux to work on this old Mac, with the G3 and
everything. Real Linux, not that crufty old Mach hybrid. But it was
like, well, penguin taming. As in, trying several different kernels
(and even several different versions of the MacOS) to find one which
would even boot. (It's version 2.4.6.pre3 from some dude with an old
Radius clone at ftp.podunk.edu or some such place; I had to rummage
through the lppc-nubus list archives to find it.) As in, wrestling a
recalcitrant X server and then hand-editing the /etc/XF86config file,
being careful to also edit /etc/inittab to disable Xautoconfig. As
in, manually updating the PPP daemon (the one supplied was outdated),
and even then only being able to connect as root via rhnetcfg each
time, instead of using a dialer from a normal user account. As in, my
Turbo Mouse only works fitfully and the Stylus Photo 750 not at all,
although I can tell it's receiving data, at least...the light blinks
when lpd is active, and /dev/ttyS1 is in use...oh, and where the
heck's /dev/cdrw? Gotta rebuild the kernel for that, the Yamaha
module's still only late alpha, this could get hairy...
	...and this is the future, because MacOS 9.1 is the end of
the road for this "unsupported (and unauthorized) configuration,"
since PowerComputing and NewerTech are long gone. So much for open
source: Darwin might be made to work, but OS X, as such, never will.
Because Apple says so.
	To paraphrase Amelie herself, Steve Jobs is no vegetable.
Even artichokes have hearts.
	We work hard so your cats don't have to,



Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 00:11:00 -0600
From: Simon Booth <sbooth1@satx.rr.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: posting for 3.5.02

re:1538-1555 part 5

brian: no problem with the planet Uranus, only the inevitable clash between
space enthusiasts and the more juvenile among us when said planet is
discussed.  I've used the alternate pronunciation of "Yoo-rahn-us" but some
twit will come along and correct me, insisting on either "Yoor-anus" or
"Urin-us".   r

re: dubbed dialog in "Mad Max": anyone know if there's a version with the
original soundtrack (Aussie accents) intact?  First time I saw the movie
something didn't seem right until I found out why (the dubbing to make it
sound "more American").

re: matt's comments about the plane-spotters arrested in Greece.  I'm
reminded of the time I had to remind an aquaintance of mine that it wasn't
funny to speak in a "funny accent" while standing near the stealth fighter
plane at an air show (no joke.  still amazed at the sort of people I've
hung out with!)

I've done a little spacecraft spotting, although all but one of them I've
spotted were of terrestrial origin.   spacecraftspotting must have been
interesting in Australia in the winter of 1979.

looks like lavs is a Stargate SG1 fan.  hard to watch the show without
waiting for Richard Dean Anderson to improvise some device when the group
gets into trouble.

welcome rosefaerie- re: baby bebop- I thought that was the kid Spike and
Fay had (name that anime).

end.  sorry this was so long.


    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

     *** Daddy's In The Back Yard With His Willy Hangin' Out digest ***

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