RDT Right Now #1591

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 00:19:55 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #1591
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 02 : Issue #1591

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Really Deep Thoughts - all hail Erot  [ Teunis Peters <winterlion@fsj.net> ]
  semi de-relurking                     [ "claire kilner" <claire@bouncyflea. ]
  Unidentified subject!                 [ "Kevin Roscoe" <krmalkavian@hotmail ]
  tea time                              [ Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com> ]
  darkness be my friend                 [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  dgh sg5f334 t3sd                      [ "Kevin Roscoe" <krmalkavian@hotmail ]
  she's made of hair and bone and litt  [ "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hot ]
  psychosomatic for the people          [ Emmanuel Caballero <spacedog@prodig ]
  cop out this warning.                 [ "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au> ]
  ah, yes ... "the warning"             [ Violet <fluffy@annihilist.com> ]
  sex in books                          [ Roxanne Rieske <rokzane@dimensional ]
  ohhhhh lucygirl                       [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]


     Really Deep Quote:

                 none today


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 06:47:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Teunis Peters <winterlion@fsj.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Really Deep Thoughts - all hail Erotica!

Erotica Rocks!

and Bonnie J. Wayne:
> I'm very happy.  I landed a summer internship at a respiratory research
> institute.  I'll be doing research on emphysema.  Go me.

congrats.  (and yah I'll get it tested one of these days when I can afford
it.  Just 'cause Canada's got a nice health care system doesn't mean
-everyone- can access it. *sigh*)

Actually VERY congrats.  *you win*

and to Beth Coulter:
Good on ya!  A day of laziness is fun occasionally :)
> I had meant to ask during the thread: Did you girls read the "Clan of the
> Cave Bear" series for the sexual descriptions or for the story?  Because you
> are talking about it years after you read it and all I got was that you
> thought it was "hot", and taught you about sex.  I would rather read the
> story to find out about prehistoric life (or someone's idea of it), and sort
> of thought that's what it was about.  I guess this is a discussion question:
> Do you think books are better with graphic sex, or that sex adds something
> to the story?  Do you prefer books with or without sexual descriptions?
> I guess this sort of relates also to the porn thread: I think for the most
> part, females prefer "erotica" (either written or filmed) to hard-core porn.
> Males are turned on by the sex act itself, females are turned on by the
> anticipation of sex.  The hottest porn flick I ever watched was two women
> very slowly explore each other.  My husband was bored with it, but I thought
> it was beautiful and arousing.  He got off on watching intercourse or head
> and I just found it distasteful (no pun intended).  Most women I have talked
> to about this have agreed with me; erotica is much more exciting to chicks.
> *disclaimer: there are always exceptions*

*grin* I'm one of 'em I think....
I read part of the "clan of the cave bear" series originally 'cause it was
sitting there looking readable.  Enjoyed the first and second, got bored
with the third 'cause the story was taking second place to the sex (boring)


...pation :)
	  - Frankenfurter

'struth is I'm a big fan of erotica.  I find porn rather incredibly boring
really...   and not just 'cause I've been in weird situations *g*.  Stuff I
find more 'stimulating' than anything is stuff that emphasizes all kinds of
senses... touch taste smell hearing sight (and pretty much in that order :)

I think the kind of sex that sometimes happens in stories that kind of makes
absolutely perfect sense is okay.  (where two folks have fallen so hard they
sorta have to end up together or it'd be too weird :)  I see stuff like that
happening in real life all da time so stories it makes sense.  But no,
storysex isn't my fav.  Mind you I'm a romantic at heart and that might have
something to do with it.  Raw animal sex, while kind of fun sounding, isn't
my kind of game.   A big cuddlepile of people in a mix of relaxing,
exploring, and generally enjoying eachother's company and sensuality?  Oh
still dunno what to think about that but stuff like that happens (to me :)
from time to time.  No idea how to write about stuff like that though...

I dream to someday have a wonderful caring relationship with the perfect
kind of lady :)  (everyone's got a more or less 'perfect other half' type :)
I haven't been there...  *le really deep sigh*
That's my ultimate dream

*och* but I'm wandering offthread.  I don't find watching things terribly
interesting for the most part - I find -participating- a lot more umm hot?
And stories give that sense of being part of everything :)
... although I still don't understand why people have such -weird- fantasies.
(so I read alt.sex.stories for a while.  *glarg*)

And a simple thing that's, like, totally erotic?  Having one's hair brushed
(or brushing someone else's hair :)

and Brad Shultz on "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo"
Fort St John is always on Mountain Standard time.  It's so weird for me
being somewhere that -has- dailight savings ....  Weird....

and on "lib"... wassat mean btw?
I've kind of got socialist leanings but don't see anything wrong with it.
flip side I'm -not- a fan of leaning on the government.  That's just wrong
all around - and I've seen that in a lot of conservative-types.

One of the biggest problems in British Columbia right now is that the entire
province depends on the government and the government has just washed it's
hands of delivering almost -any- services...  (slight exaguration (sp?), but
not by much)

Jack London?  Allman Brothers?  Heard both names, they don't usually walk
where I do...  so I'd answer if I could though :)

> To all of you who compare the US revolution to the
> Palestinians........name me one child who was killed by a suicide bomber
> during the revolution.

Actually it's a -very- accurate comparison.  The US was being crushed (well
the rich US were) by the British so they pushed for the revolt.  By British
perspectives the US were terrorists - doing sneak attacks in the night and
various other sneaky bits.   Unfortunately not enough was written at the
time to tell the names of the children who were killed by "revolutionary
freedom fighters".  Although I could probably find names of children killed
by the Spanish when they were thrown out of the Netherlands.  And probably
some of my own family were killed by the Russians during their revolution...
My grandfather saved most (hopefully all) of them though - and has been
remembered by most of the rest of the family as a hero for that.  My own
parents never were close to the rest so I know very little.

but I don't know the names of any of the children killed by either israeli
or palestinian soldiers either.
I shan't comment on the "reasons why" bit other than to say that the us
revolution wasn't about freedom -or- democracy.  that it resulted in a fair
amount of both says something of what they made of it.

and jumping topics....
Succubus Barbie writes:
> Hehehe also I wrote a new story.  Thus, I'm going put a clip of it here and
> then place the link to the rest of the story after it.  Read it please.  And
> review?

Stories rock... *reading*
*read*.  WRITE MORE!!! :)

> To read the rest and NOT clog up RDTRN with stupid stories, you can go here:
>   http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=710471 .  If anyone reads it,
> please tell me what you think or leave a review or something.  Thank you!

Incidentally that's a -wonderful- idea :)

and on the "loneliness" thread...
other than I agree with a lot of what's come forth....
I know for certainty I've felt loneliness longer than I've known others did...
but that's because there's been noone I could share a lot with - talk with,
trade ideas with, wander around with, look out into the starry night from
green hills, all that kinds of things.   I'm not so lonely now as I have
been 'cause there's so many people I can share bits of myself with :)

won't add more 'cause Beth Winegarner's comments make more sense than
anything I could come up with :)

>                         *** Purple Nirple digest ***

Ohhhh.... *memories*
still wondering if there's a "Purple Nurple" in Vancouver 'cause requests on
this one radiostation here come from there.  I know there's one in SF though.
And on furrymuck *giggle*

G'day, eh? :)
       - Winterlion



Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:13:43 +0930
From: "claire kilner" <claire@bouncyflea.com>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: semi de-relurking

Well, hello :-)

How long's it been? A year and a half? Wowee. I'm hoping you remember me...
come on, someone, please remember me :-)

My update is as follows: I was in Italy for 10.5 months last year and I was
unsubbed for most of that time since I didn't really have that much access
to the internet. I got back to Australia at the beginning of december and i
think i've been making up for the internet withdrawal ever since (and yay,
broadband is coming to my house next week, oh yes it is).

Italy was... strange. I don't regret going, but at the same time, it wasn't
the experience of a lifetime and most of the time there, i really was
looking forward to coming home. Probably, very responsible for that is the
fact that I didn't get on with the first host family (where I was for 5.5
months), and by the time I left them, I think maybe i was worn out. And me
being shy, it takes energy for me to open up to people and even in the host
families that came after them (because of bad bad organisation or poor
planning or just bad luck, I ended up having six host families in total, two
of which were considered 'temporary') I maybe didn't really get too close to
a lot of the people i stayed with, even when they were very warm and they
deserved more. At the same time, I learnt a *lot* of italian and although I
can't say I'm less introverted now than I was 15 months ago, I think I feel
more secure about interacting with people at least on some level.

So yes... I'm now an arts student (and hopefully law student to-be) at
Adelaide Uni, and my very cool subjects are philosophy, linguistics,
italian, and spanish (spanish, i've taken up just this year, ie 6 weeks ago,
but it's stunning the way I can hear it and understand it just because all
it is, is italian with a funny accent, well almost). Uni is a strange
place... I know almost no one, and the people I've met so far in lecutres
and such, I'd never dream of arranging to see in a non-uni situation. And
you have to combine that with the fact that most people I used to know have
either moved away, or forgotten about me, or at the very least chosen a
different uni to go to. It's kind of an icky situation. I think I'll forget
what having friends is actually like soon. But, ah well. Who needs a social
life when they're getting broadband?

This has been a bit of a navel-gazing post, and I was going to reply to some
stuff, but it's suddenly past 11 which is a very sad bedtime but I've been
averaging something ridiculous like 6 hours sleep a night this week and they
tell me that this lowers your life expectancy (so does sleeping too much,
say they) and we can't have that. Only tomorrow's lectures and a one-hour
spanish test on friday, and i am a free woman for 2 weeks of lovely hols.
Yay :-) :-)

Oh dear oh dear, the time :-(





Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 11:18:18 -0400
From: "Kevin Roscoe" <krmalkavian@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Unidentified subject!

Bonnie J. Wayne:
'One of the most wonderful women (who isn't a terrorist btw) I know is

Good, cause I NEVER said ALL Palestinians were terrorists.

Wonderful story!  :)

Gabriella Kulka:
'So Israeli invasion on Palestinian settlements and carnage is just their
way of DEFENDING themselves?'

It is harsh, but it is a way of defending themselves.  If you have something
inside your borders attacking and killing your people, politely asking them
to leave isn't going to work especially when there are believers that
negotiations are contrary to the beliefs of the IRM.  Brad hit the nail on
the head with...

Brad Shultz:
'the palestianan revolution is for the elimination of israel.'

Hence why Israeli defending themselves is through harsh tactics, it's

'If you need the rules of RDT spelled out, I doubt your willingness to be a
productive member of the list.'

I want to know what I can expect from the list admin in response to personal
attacks, I think that it was a fair question to ask.  It doesn't show
anything about whether I will be a productive member of the list or not.  I
think that is a bad deduction.

'Many high crime areas in the world have just as many laws as the low
crime areas.'

Many high crime areas also have corrupt law enforcement, or under-funded law
enforcement, or both.  The number of laws really don't mean anything.  High
or low crime rate of the area does mean something though, what neighbourhood
would you prefer to start up a business in?  Or raise a family in?

Kevin 'Roscoe'

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Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:37:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: tea time

Winterlion (good to have you back, babe-- your posts
are so cuddly):
How bout a porn-writing contest to write stuff that
would be -fun- to read?>>

Don't tempt me.  Aside from the fact that I haven't
done any creative writing since high school, that's
just a scary place for my mind to be set free to

Bonnie posted:

<<But he's the one- not because he's perfect- but
because we're perfect.>>

Oh GOD that's a beautiful sentiment.  Man.

Bethey asked:
<<I had meant to ask during the thread: Did you girls
read the "Clan of the Cave Bear" series for the sexual
descriptions or for the story?>>

Hehe, no, I'm really not *that* shallow.  The first
book in the series (CotCB) was my favorite, and the
descriptions in that book were not a turn-on
whatsoever.  It was a horrifying account of a rape of
a girl who was about 12 years old.  It made me
nauseous and sick and scared.

With CotCB, I was completely in love with the fact
that the setting was so believablely written, yet no
one alive knows all that much about it.  I was very
anti-scifi/fantasy at that point because I was
convinced that it was for "dorks", so the novelty of
the setting really got to me.  It also made me
ridiculously interested in prehistory (I think I did
mention this-- that book is the reason why I'm an
anthropology minor).

And then, because I'd become so intruiged by the
distant past, I became really interested in the
far-off, unimaginable future, and before I knew it, I
was a scifi dork.  Hehe.

Brad wrote, then asked:
<<We in Indiana did not have to change our clocks.  We
are always on Eastern Standard Time.>>

Are you kidding?  That is so great.  Who knew that
Indiana was leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the
country in its logical thinking?

Hellllooo people, we don't have to abide by the rules
that make things convenient for farming anymore...
Although admittedly, I enjoy the fact that a few days
ago, the sun was setting between 6 and 7 o'clock, and
now it's somewhere between 7 and 8.  Wunderbar!

<*Wonders why nobody commented on my Jack London

Ohh, sorry, I actually intended to write something
about that-- and now I can't find your post in the
archives for some reason, so what I say now may be
somewhat irrelevant.  I've read "White Fang", "Call of
the Wild" and a few short stories, including "To Build
a Fire" (which was excellent, by the way).  So despite
my inability to remember your post exactly, here goes
I haven't read anything by him since I was about,
hmm... I think my last re-reading was around 15 years
old (so almost six years ago).  I first read "White
Fang" when I was pretty young, and I completely loved
it.  Very magical writing... and I don't know if
anyone else finds this, but I've noticed that many
authors end up writing more towards a male-style or a
female-style.  London's writing transcends gender,
age, etc.  It's very rare for my older brother and I
to agree on a piece of literature, but he was the one
who first handed "White Fang" to me to read.  I
watched "Call of the Wild" with him about a month ago
on some lazy Saturday morning.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I love having things
to share with my brother, so *thanks* Jack London.

I haven't read "The Sea-Wolf", which I believe was one
of the novels that you mentioned by him... I'll have
to remember to pick that up one of these days.  *add
to my long to-read list*

I also found it really really interesting that you
used to be a liberal.

Oh yeah, and Ade, you really do have an Alanisy look
to you... I've always thought Alanis has a lovely,
different look, and I think you're really pretty, too.
 :-)  I would definitely have to say that if you don't
have guys hanging all over you, it's probably more of
an attitude thing than anything else.  Which is fine--
I mean, there's nothing wrong with not wanting
attention from guys.  I know lots of girls who avoid
it at all costs.  But, if you are interested, I think
you could get 'em.  Just act super-confident and
they'll believe you.  And then you'll really be
super-confident around them someday, and forget that
you ever had to pretend.  It works out very nicely--
trust me on that one.

*yawn* I worked too late last night.  And tonight I'm
going to see Dave Matthews Band *yay*.  I expect a
good tired-day tomorrow.

And phew, I have to go to the gym, now that I'm done
with my tea.  I met this guy and he lives on the beach
and I wanna be in shape when summer comes around and
tells me to put on a bathing suit in *gasp* public.

Oh, the things we do for love.


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Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:56:30 -0700
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: darkness be my friend

Winterlion wrote:
>     contest to write stuff that would be -fun- to read?

I like this idea! I would be willing to collect the stories if others are
interested. Let me know, folks, and I'll try to get my head together about

> The last time I went to a doctor about alergic reactions (ie: when I was
> hospitalized for collapsing around cigarette smoke) I was told it wasn't an
> allergic reaction.  They didn't test me or anything incidentally.

Um... let me be more specific: see an allergist. MAKE them test you. This is
really the only way to know for sure... whoever saw you previously didn't
know what the hell they were doing.

I'm not gonna say anymore about wicca... just because anything I say tends
to come out sounding bad. :) But I was having this interesting thought
process yesterday morning... I have been much happier these past two years,
since I stopped shunning the word "occult" and stopped resisting my
attraction to darker stuff than one tends to find in wicca. My life took
some radical and unexpected directions, but I am much more comfortable in my
own skin.

Bethey wrote:
> I guess this sort of relates also to the porn thread: I think for the most
> part, females prefer "erotica" (either written or filmed) to hard-core
> porn.

I think this is a highly debateable topic. There are as many different
preferences for "erotica" vs. "porn" as there are men and women on this
planet. I've written a series of graphic male-male sex stories and one of my
best conversations about this topic was with another woman writer (Poppy Z.
Brite, actually). I worried that I had overly romanticized things, but we
both had come to the same conclusion: it's not that men vs. women prefer
different things; it's that different people prefer different things. I
don't think gender generalizations are all that useful in trying to describe
things... I'm not even sure I can tell you what's "erotica" and what's
"porn" anymore. Seems to me "erotica" is anything the person using it likes,
and "porn" is everything else. :)

Almost all visual porn either bores, upsets or amuses me. But I don't get
off on looks alone anyway.

Gaba wrote:
> *slaps forhead* Yeah! rrrrock!  \m/

<big grin>

Chris wrote:
>  If you need the rules of RDT spelled out, I doubt your willingness to be
> a productive member of the list.



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outspoken women unless they are sexy 22-year-olds killing vampires on
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    music reviews + stories + poetry + photography + collage + Watchers
         selkies + esoterica + links = http://echoes.devin.com



Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 15:58:43 -0400
From: "Kevin Roscoe" <krmalkavian@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: dgh sg5f334 t3sd

'And wouldn't you concede then that the israeli occupation forced the
palestinians first to try and defend themselves?'

E, read the history of the land again, the israelites were _given_ 25% of
the land OWNED by the British.  This 'occupation', as you call it, was land
given to them from the British after they acquired it from a country who
lost the land as penalty of losing a war.  This land belonged to the
British, it was no longer Arab land.  This is fact, would you call yourself
thickheaded now?

'How you would try and base your arguments with SUCH A BIASED LINK just
surpasses me'

I did mention in my post that this site should be read for the dates and how
the land was passed around, its the shortest, simplest history of the land
through the times stated with this information being found on other sites
spread around, a consolidated site was useful, ignore the biased crap
because that is NOT why I ent you to the site.  Ignore the biased remarks, I
did mention that I didn't enjoy some of the stuff said on it, the biased
remarks being what I didn't enjoy. As you should be able to tell, I try and
focus on facts and logic, not feelings.  I don't care which of the 2
believes they should have the land more because of their faith or whatever.
I believe that the land was conquered and taken away from a losing party and
then divided between 2 different peoples at a ratio of 25% to 75% (Arabs
getting the 75% which is more then fair).  Then you have the Arabs declare
war on the Israelis the second Israel declares independance.  They attempted
attacks and were thwarted.

I don't care if 'God was watching over His children', that means nothing to
me or affect my point of view on it.  I set that aside.  Try and do the
same, stop thinking I'm so biased, and trying to shove propaganda down your
throat, when I say "Mainly focus on the dates and how land was acquired."
notice I'm trying to make you ignore the biased information on the page.
When I say "I'm not pleased with some of the biased terminology on the page,
like 'The God of Israel was surely watching over His children!' but I just
set that aside" then notice that I am ignoring the biased info and trying to
focus on the facts.

Reread my post a couple times before replying in the future, stop jumping
the gun.  Understand what is being said from the other side of the fence
before pulling your trigger.

Kevin 'Roscoe'

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Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 20:56:47 +0000
From: "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: she's made of hair and bone and little teeth....

Hola mes amies!

Hurrah!  People have read my story!  And reviewed!  And said many good
things about it!!!!

My heart is filled with joy and blood, both of which being very good things.

The Lion of Winter wrote:

>     How bout a porn-writing contest to write stuff that would be -fun- to
>of course could always just post stories that make you feel all weird and
>stuff like Succubus Barbie's stuff that was wild and dark and nasty and umm
>totally rocked to read but made me real happy to not be there at least for
>the horror ones....

Hehe!  Teunis Winterlion!  I love you!  Marry me!  ...The porn writing
contest sounds fun, except for the fact that I can't write sex stories
without sounding like an idiot (I tried *once*!  Once, folks!  And it
sucked, in a serious and unfunny way which made me want to hang my head in
virginal shame)... I should try again.

Yesterday I read this "adult" story....and I swear to god I am telling you
the truth...that was a slash fic for CALVIN AND HOBBES!  CALVIN AND HOBBES!
Having sex!  Together!

The scary thing was that the story was *really* good.  It was frightening
how realistic both characters were.  The key word in the previous sentence
was "frightening", which should be in bold font and underlined.

Um...how do you pronounce your name?  At the moment, I'm thinking
"Tee-Ew-Niss", but I'm almost entirely certain that I'm saying it wrong.
Sigh, it's probably said in a spanish accent and I can't use a spanish
accent for crap since I took french and can conjugate verbs with the best of
em but i can't do the funky tongue thing required to pronounce the double
Rs.  ...Stupid double Rs....

YAY!  Lavs is still preggers!  Maybe she'll have twins!  Or triplets!  Way
to be fertile, woman-on-the-other-side-of-the-planet-upside-down!

Bethey C said:

>I've indulged shamelessly in laziness today.

YES!  That's the way you SHOULD do it!  Laziness is a blessing that
shouldn't be taken for granted, dammit!  Celebrate it while you still can!

Bethey also wrote:

>Do you think books are better with graphic sex, or that sex adds something
>to the story?  Do you prefer books with or without sexual descriptions?

It all depends on what the book is about.  If it's anything other than
run-of-the-mill sex, like a psychological thriller in which sex plays a
major roll in the main characters mind other than, "Gee.  Orgasm.  Fun."
then yeah, the graphic sex definitely adds to the story.

Harlequinn romances, however, suck an enormous amount of fictional ass.
They rarely make sense.  The characters aren't believe.  I want to fucking
*SLAP* most of the women in the books since they let the guys order them
around like they were playing 'master and slave'.  I dislike most romances
unless they have a REALLY good plot line and not just an excuse for two
characters to fall in love while inserting penises.  (<-- Hehe that's a good
quote.  I think I'll use it in future conversations)

So it all depends on the book/story.  Like most things.

Hell, I'd like graphic descriptions of opening a can of tuna if it made
sense in a good story, come to think of it.

Brad wrote:

>For all you historians (or is it herstorians?),

Oh, I do not like it when women change so-called "masculine" words around on
purpose.  Maybe it's just because I wasn't raised in the women's lib era and
that everything seems pretty equal to me now, but when people say "I'm
learning herstory" or "I'm overcome with Hersteria" or "In sex ed today we
learned about this thing called a 'Hywoman'"....Ugh!  Just a pet peeve of

Kevin wrote:

>That is why I put up a warning, if you wanted to protect yourself from
>offended, you should have given heed to the warning and skipped the post.

Sheesh!  People are still arguing with you over this?  Hpmth.  I say that
everyone should just do their best not to be too mean towards one another
and everything should be great.  I've decided that C++ is the devil.  Thanks
for your post.

>                         *** Purple Nirple digest ***

Am I a foolish little girl for not knowing what this means?


#include <iostream.h>

int main ()


cout<<"How Now, Brown Cow?"<<endl;
cout<<"Megan Christine Auffart"<<endl;

return 0;


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Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 16:07:21 -0500
From: Emmanuel Caballero <spacedog@prodigy.net.mx>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: psychosomatic for the people

Bonnie... I guess you study medicine... do you just not believe in
psychosomatism? Because its actually very accepted in psychology, meaning
that suggestion will cause someone to lower their immune system
unconsciously thus being more susceptible to any bacteria or virus, or in
the other hand, provoke symptoms in the body which could be confused with an
actual illness. It does happen, especially to very nervous people.
Hypochondria is a whole psychoshomatic neurosis and psychosis.

Brad- very untasteful remark. A revolution ( as it names states ) cannot
happen in hopes of destroying another state, but to liberate oneself of
oppression, as opposed to conquest. Thus, PALESTINIAN REVOLUTION, NOT

oh, and little Timmy O'Conner was killed by a suicide bomber in 1778. You
can visit his little flowery death bed in South Carolina. God bless his
innocent colonnial soul.

Megan: I dont know if you know the origin of the name Coatlicue, but in
aztec cosmology, she is the moon,and her name means "The one with the skirt
of serpents". She had 100 children, the Stars and one daughter:
Coyolxauhqui, the Young Moon. One day, Coatlicue was weeping outside her
house, and a feather fell from heaven. She decided to keep it in her bossom,
and when she didnt find it later, she discovered she was pregnant.
Huitzilopochtli ( the Sun ), meaning Left Hummingbird, was born, and
Coatlicue raised her brothers against him because she said the birth had
undignified her mother. However, Huitzilopochtli was the strongest God, and
cut off her head, and she stumbled down the hill where they lived, and broke
into pieces at the bottom. Her broken figure, the asztec say, is the image
you see in the moon ( in constrast to a little funny rabbit, i think this
story is much much better ).




Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 09:21:46 +1000
From: "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au>
To: "Strange Little Arty Turners" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: cop out this warning.

winterlion typed:
>doesn't include much...  Thanks I'll hunt down some more :)

Well, I've found the powdered stuff in health food shops. I've also stayed
away from the over-priced brands with the bright colourful boxes/labels and
gone for the cheaper and it's worked fine.

You can also find it in a myriad of drinks (usually cola varieties), gum
(much less affective. Basically gives you a tingly mouth) and even choc
bars. But I'd stick to the pure powder, and mix it with orange juice or
something to cover up the horrid taste :)

Jessica typed:
>many kangaroos I'll probably hate them. haha. I'll probably also get
>sunburned a lot since we're right near the equator.

'... since you're right near the hole in the ozone layer' ;)

One day in Sydney, what to do, what to do... Ride the trains! lol

e. typed:
>Authority) does not change the spots on THIS tiger!" show how silly this
>guy's point is.

heh. Tigers don't have spots (sometimes the obvious has to be said) :)

Coops typed:
>Well considering you're having someone else's child, I think I've been
>getting a pretty bad deal here. You've got a lot of making up to do.

I've suggested sex and head at the same time, what more do you want???

~singing~ I'm a wild and untamed thing...

(Lavenda 1, primary adjunct of dominatrix Glenn)

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 - 'Merman', Tori Amos

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http://www.freewebz.com/drifts/start.html - Drifts Get Deeper



Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 17:45:22 -0700
From: Violet <fluffy@annihilist.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: ah, yes ... "the warning"

Kevin wrote:
>The Burning Leaves:
>'kevin, *I* was offended and insulted by it...'
>That is why I put up a warning, if you wanted to protect yourself from being
>offended, you should have given heed to the warning and skipped the post.

This warning?

  "Not the happiest of comments below, Skip it Succubus :)  "

Nice touch, the little smiley.

<ahem>  Burning Leaves is not Succubus.  I am not Succubus.  None of the
other people on this list is Succubus except for Succubus.  The rest of us
read your post and many of us were offended by it.  Several of us said so
publicly.  And still, rather than doing the honorable thing and apologizing
to the people you offended that you [supposedly] hadn't intended to, you
just keep making excuses.  Do you know what a "cad" is?

That whole warning thing is bullshit.  If you have to preface posts by
telling people not to read them, don't post them.  People are here because
they want to READ the digests.

>Faces of Death has a warning, would you go in and see it?  If you did, would
>you contact the director and tell him you were offended and ask for an

This isn't the Faces of Death mailing list.

Your analogy is a poor one.  Faces of Death isn't a mailing list, it's a
movie.  It doesn't show up as a surprise in peoples' mailboxes.  (If it
did, someone would probably be tracked down and sued.)

If someone goes to see Faces of Death, they know they're going to see Faces
of Death.  If someone goes to see Star Wars and it turns out to be Faces of
Death, there would be a lawsuit.  If there was a warning before the film
that said, "Bob, don't watch this movie, it will offend you," I think Bob
will leave the theatre ... and everyone else will stay and watch.

And be offended.

And get angry.

And complain.

And demand an apology, at the very least.

And I do think people in that situation would get one.  People in this
situation deserve one as well, but they -- we -- all know that's not going
to happen.  Which is not exactly surprising.

Anyone here ever seen the movie "Cool Hand Luke"?  One of the characters'
quotes keeps going through my head:

      What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you
      just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is
      the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it any
      more than you men. -- Strother Martin ("Captain")

Although I keep hearing it as, "What we've got here is a failure to develop
adequate social skills."

Knee deep in hooch-nasty,




Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 08:48:34 -0600
From: Roxanne Rieske <rokzane@dimensional.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: sex in books

Beth Coulter wrote:

"Do you think books are better with graphic sex, or that sex adds something
to the story? ĘDo you prefer books with or without sexual descriptions?"

There are times in my life when all I want to do is read a trashy romance
novel. These reads are no-brainers...you don't need massive brain power to
understand and enjoy them. I read one every couple of months when I feel like
my brain is about to be split in two from information overload. It's a way to
relax I guess.

I don't think including sex in a book necessarily makes it better or adds to
the story. (in the case of a romance novel--you are reading it for the sex,
so if you took it out the book, there wouldn't be anything left to read).

Right now I'm reading the Clan of the Cave Bear books. This is my first time
reading them and I'm reading The Mammoth Hunters right now. The sex in these
books is almost a nice diversion, because there is so much information in
these books. It's almost like reading an archeology text book. I think the
author put the sex in to break up the story so you don't get lost in it.

Does that make sense?

Anyway....I'm bored bored bored. Hubby is gaming tonight, and he won't be
back until close to midnight, so I'm trying to find things to keep me
occupied. There's only so much e-mail one can read.....and I don't feel like
baking bread (that's almost a sacreligious thing for me to say hehe).

"they say you're only half alive till you give extra whitening a try" --jewel

"an angels face is tricky to wear constantly" --purple people

"you don't have to like me for who I am, but we'll see what you're made of
by what you make of me"  --ani



Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 20:10:26 -0700
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: ohhhhh lucygirl

Gaba wrote:
> \m/   *headbanging*   \m/

<wide grin>

I have always wished I could do the real headbanging. I've got the
hair for it, but it always makes my neck ache :(.

> Thankyou so much! Unfortunately I'm not moving my butt anywhere at least
> till the end of May - I have to pass my FINALS! =:-O  oh dear oh dear oh
> dear...

Awww. I've got 2 tickets for the 29th and no one to go
with me! No one likes heavy metal anymore.


"The moon is no door. It is a face in its own right, white
as a knuckle and terribly upset. It drags the sea after it like a dark
crime; it is quiet ith the O-gape of complete despair." (Sylvia Plath)
    music reviews + stories + poetry + photography + collage + Watchers
         selkies + esoterica + links = http://echoes.devin.com

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

                    *** Teach Me How To Love digest ***

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