RDT Right Now #1607

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 04:42:41 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #1607
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 02 : Issue #1607

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  I went looking for trouble... and bo  [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  Tori videos, CDs on fire, hail, guit  [ Cyndi S Crawford <cyndi.crawford@ju ]
  Blah Blah Blah                        [ "Grzegorz Pawlowski" <sup330@msn.co ]
  So I want to kill this printer...     [ "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au> ]
  ketchup                               [ Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com> ]
  lost at sea                           [ Bonnie Wayne <bonnie@nmt.edu> ]
  Well I Shot a Man in Reno...          [ Brad Shultz <springhaze@comcast.net ]
  traf                                  [ Bonnie Wayne <bonnie@nmt.edu> ]


     Really Deep Quote:

                 none today


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 19:50:50 -0700
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: I went looking for trouble... and boy, I found her

To whomever asked about a Tori quotes page, Dani's is long
gone but you can find a whole lot of them in the toriphoria section at
www.yessaid.com. It's pretty cool.

Koba wrote:
> for those of you not familiar, this is one of two live landmark country
> albums he did inside california prisons (the other being at san quentin).
> and yes, the literally captive audience consisted of a couple of thousand
> prisoners (i'd love to know who was johnny's booking agent).

In Marin County, Joan Baez's sister, Mimi Farina, founded an
organization called Bread and Roses which brings live music to
prisons, hospitals, etc. She founded the organization in the mid-1970s
(and died last year of cancer), but in the past 25 years she's organized a
lot of concerts in prisons in California, many of them in San Quentin of
course since it's so nearby.

Her mission was to bring music to people who are otherwise shut-in
-- acknowledging that *everyone*, not just
free and healthy people, needs music. Whether or not she was inspired
by the kind of stuff Johnny Cash was doing, I don't know, but it sounds
like they've put on some wonderfully emotional concerts.

I don't know whether they've done any recordings of these shows, either.

Winterlion wrote:
> Yes I've known cats that were toilet-trained.

Ours is toilet-trained. :) It's still a little weird
when Devin and I are downstairs and suddenly we hear
this urine-hissing noise in the toilet.

> so does Tool's.  Actually Tool's are a -lot- weirder but rocking...

Check out the short films by the Brothers Quay, which are available on DVD
(and probably video) -- Adam Jones, Tool's guitarist who has made some
of the videos, was heavily influenced by their stop-motion work combined
with creepy dioramas.

Cyndi wrote:
> Beth said: "Give me a hot three piece trio any
> day, and a little sax on the side puts me over the top."

That was Bethey (Beth C.)... not me. :)

Lavs wrote:
> Subject: Glenwhilly - A small tartan pouch worn beneath the kilt during the
> thistle-harvest

Ooh... ow... ow ow ow. I can't imagine getting thistles in
*that* area. What did they do during the nettle harvest? :)

Like loving the dead,


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as a knuckle and terribly upset. It drags the sea after it like a dark
crime; it is quiet ith the O-gape of complete despair." (Sylvia Plath)
    music reviews + stories + poetry + photography + collage + Watchers
    livejournal + selkies + esoterica + links = http://echoes.devin.com



Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 23:20:39 -0400
From: Cyndi S Crawford <cyndi.crawford@juno.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Tori videos, CDs on fire, hail, guitars, balls, Michael Jackson,
androids, hockey, rugby, make for scary movies.

okay, in case it got cut off or something.. my subject of my email says:
"Tori videos, CDs on fire, hail, guitars, balls, Michael Jackson,
androids, hockey, rugby, make for scary movies." :) just so ya know..
lol.. anyway, on with my post!

Winterlion said: "now if only I could find new Tori vids online *sigh*"
        Well.. provided that you buy 'em if they're stuff from bought
videotapes--like her complete video collections (keep in mind, I don't
believe in just ripping an artist off.. ESPECIALLY if I've become a fan
of them.. on the other hand.. "previewing" albums by someone you thought
you'd like and then finding out.. well.. that they suck.. that's another
thing and all it costs you is a wasted burned CD.. not $15+.. I have yet
to actually own real, NOT burned copies of Tori's albums.. but that is
because I'm a college student, and I am *B*R*O*K*E*.. and since I'm such
a big fan of her now.. buying her albums is one of my top priorities, so
pleaaaaaaase forgive me!!! *begs for mercy*) when you have the money or
time or if they're off of MTV and they're GONNA come out on a video
collection tape or whatever.. you COULD just use a program like KaZaA to
download Tori's videos.. ya think?

Brian the unofficial sex god of RDTRN.. says: "I was listening to Pretty
Good Year today and thought about how the meaning of the line "Greg he
writes letter and burns his CDs" has changed for the new generation. To
them, it would mean he's pirating software and music, which is nowhere
near as dramatic as setting CDs on fire."
        I explained that to my mom when I played that to her and she was
like "how do YOU know there weren't any CD burners back in '94?" I'm like
"*trust* me mom, it wasn't accessible to the public if there even was
such thing.. She was talking about setting 'em on fire." she was like "if
you say so.." rofl.. my goodness!

And then our lovely sex god said: "What is it with these people who
actually like hail? Do you like having your cars dented and trees
stripped bare? I love a good storm, but I draw the line at hail."
        So do I, dude.. hail is scary, hail is dangerous.. if it's sleet,
then that's okay cuz it's not gonna fuck up anything, but if it's bigger
than a ladybug (best thing I could compare it to) then.. no.. I've read
books on weather.. and there have been hail things as big as a freakin'
watermelon!!! I am *NOT* kidding!

        As for guitars.. well.. I kinda could play "Only God Knows Why"
by Kid Rock on guitar but I haven't done that in so long, that.. well..
dammit.. I forgot.. and I scoured the net for ages looking for tablature
to Liquid Diamonds.. printed up what chords I use as well as the
tablature itself.. haven't even looked at it. Some avid guitarist I am,
huh? gee, I'd like to meet that Caton dude and have him teach me. lol..
maybe I'd get to run into Tori sometime.. *smirk* that'd rock.

Brian said to Megan: "At least he also knows your friends, so he won't
stick out like dog's balls when you're all together."
        Who said dog's balls stick out, anyway? Trust me, it's the LIONS
who have 'em sticking out.. lol.. (refer to the National Geographic.. the
issue involving having found that Afghan girl who was the subject of that
very famous pic FROM NG.. to get what I'm talking about.. lol..)

Brian then inquired: "What I want to know is how can Michael Jackson sing
without even moving a muscle on his face these days? I was completely
mystified as to how he did it when I saw his latest video."
        well, his bottom lip still moves.. lol.. it's all in the tongue,
baby, it's all in the tongue. lol.. hell, I really dunno either.. lol..
and what *I* wanna know is what the hell made his face all so screwy like
that?? it wasn't like that back in 1999! *shakes head* and you know what?
I'm still a fan of the man, but.. I was just lurking on a MJ board
somewhere.. and someone said.. "I saw him the other day on Entertainment
Tonight.. yum, that boy looks good!" and I, having seen that same
episode, was like "...HUH?? no he doesn't! not anymore!" rofl..

Brian informed us with: "The higher the numbers in your
android name, the better jobs you get."
        So.. what kind of job might I get, huh?

Brian asked (in reference to the well-hung kid called "the club"): "But
could he play hockey with it?"
        I don't think he'd play hockey with that.. I think he'd rather go
Caveman-style and beat his girl over the head with it..

Matt says: "Who says rugby's boring?"
        I don't.. I say it's.. well, when I did see some.. it kinda
scared me.. lol..

and then he replied to my asking if he's ever seen "The Good Son"... -->
"Er, no, never heard of it in fact.  *checks imdb.com*  "This is Macaulay
Culkin's best film. He was very creepy as the young boy with a black
heart." Oh God, a scary kid movie, think I'll deploy wiggins-avoidance
tactics and give it a wide berth........."
        I've never seen it myself but my mother told me about it.. she
told me what happened and then how it ended.. so.. I know how it ends
but.. do you want to? and what about the rest of you? hmmmmm?

Sincerely, Cyndi S. Crawford (Keyyooo on ICQ and IRC, Keyyooo1 on AIM)
http://learntothink0.tripod.com/learntothinkagain/ --
http://www.geocities.com/keyyooo/ --
Tori Amos' response when asked to describe herself in five words: "I. Do.
Not. Describe. Myself."



Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 12:32:13 +0200
From: "Grzegorz Pawlowski" <sup330@msn.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Blah Blah Blah

Hello to everybody,
I am new to the list, well not really. Iíve been lurking on and off for
about 5 years. My first contact with this list was in high school. But that
was ages ago. I matriculated and got my Culinary Arts diploma since then.
Anyway I just want to say hi and rant about MSN for a bit.

Last month I went on leave. I run a guesthouse in Durban. (For all those who
donít know where that is its in South Africa). After a week when I got back
I expected my mailbox to be full of rdtís. To my surprise it was empty.
Apparently MSN blocked all my rdtís because it was filtered as junk mail.

The only problem was the RDT WAS ON MY SAFE LIST!!! And NOT on my BLOCK

So this leaves only one explanation. Microsoft is secretly editing and
filtering e-mails sent trough their server.

Or is it just my over active imagination.
Well maybe. I do have a thing for conspiracy theories.

Jumping to another topic, someone said:
>î. If you could make up an "intelligence line", I think animals such as
>deer are a bit behind more evolved animals, like monkeys. In the same way,
>deer are far more intelligent than a lizard (or so the Germans would have
>us believe).î<

I watched a show on the Discovery Channel, they were saying that
intelligence is linked to the ability of a brain to store and remember. The
more physically complex the brain is, the more data it can store/remember.
Also a physically complex brain can process complex thoughts.
Therefore I think that the more physically evolved a brain is the more
processing power it has.
And thatís why I think physical evolution can influence the intelligence of
an animal. And maybe someday lizards could have their own society.  Although
it would take millions of years.
On the same line of thinking if growth of intelligence is based on physical
evolution of the brain. Then negative evolution of the human brain could
lead to the fall of humanity. In a couple million years we could take the
lizards spot on a rock.

Anyway I have no idea if it all makes sense to any body else.
It's way to hot here at the moment, and my brain is a bit fried.



"you change like sugar cane
says my northern lad.
I guess you go too far
when pianos try to be guitars"
northern lad - tori amos

Join the worldís largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.



Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 21:08:28 +1000
From: "Lavenda" <earth@comcen.com.au>
To: "Strange Little Arty Turners" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: So I want to kill this printer...

Yep, it has to be said. Jim Mathers took 'the neighbourhood chair' to the
next level :)

winterlion typed:
>Yes I've known cats that were toilet-trained.

My parents had one that was bath trained. They accidentally locked it in the
house one day, and when they came home found a present in the bath. It
wasn't far off. We also had one that got shut up under a bed (you know the
ones with drawers built into the bottom (very bad feng shui I understand))
the whole day and managed to contain itself until it was let out when we got
home from school and finally figured out where the meowing was coming from.

Cyndi typed:
>too jazzy." she hates jazz.. I, on the other hand, wonder if there's such
>thing as liking too many kinds of music.. what do y'all think?

No. :) I certainly can't profess to have astounding knowledge and
understanding of any form really, but I don't mind bits and pieces from
certain genres (and ones that don't fit genres :Þ )

Coops typed:
>What is it with these people who actually like hail? Do you like having
>your cars dented and trees stripped bare? I love a good storm, but I draw
>the line at hail.

Aw, don't knock the hail (it probably knows where you live). But then, I
don't have a car as such, and the car we do have has a garage. Can't say the
vegetation has suffered too much either, obviously our hail has lacked

But one of my funniest memories is being at the Gabba (cricket ground in
Brisbane) the day it hailed in the test match between Aus and the West
Indies. It was hilarious watching the groundsmen running around with helmets
(supplied by Dean Jones - yay!) trying to put the covers on the pitch.

>I think you've answered your question with your subject. The more I think
>about it, it seems the story of Snow White is about masturbation. Ten
>dwarves would have been a dead giveaway.

OK, now explain the queen/witch and the poison apple? And which lips did the
prince REALLY kiss???

Ade typed:
>but there were only 4 of the toriphile barbie pez dispenser things.  i took

Now there's four words I never expected to see together - "toriphile barbie
pez dispenser"! And that was one detailed, strange dream. :)

Lavs (And black blue blood, Lady of the soft edges)
(Lavenda 1, primary adjunct of dominatrix Glenn)

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Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 11:42:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Linda <lindagyne@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: ketchup

Mmm... long weekend.  I already feel like I'm falling
behind on the digests.  Or maybe that's just the fact
that I have *one more week of college left!* and a
whole bunch of work to do that's bringing out the
procrastinator's guilt.

So, hi!  :-)

First off, as far as Janis being her own separate
person, okay, I'll buy that.  But that's like asking
my mother to join the list if people ever start
disagreeing with me.  Of course she would post to the
effect of, "Linda is ultimately right, and the rest of
you are downright disturbing hypocrites for ever
disagreeing with her".  And, the fact that she claimed
to have not read Kevin's original post because of that
great warning sounds like a load of horseshit to me.
Of course she didn't skip it because of the warning--
not if her friend wrote it.  She undoubtedly read
every word.  Either way, I understand why people,
before knowing anything, would have defended her as a
newbie.  But at this point, it's just *not
interesting*.  :-P

Megan, I'm sorry to hear about your mom.  I really...
I really just don't know what to say.  But you and
your momma both have my prayers.
If you don't believe in praying, that's okay-- it
still works because I do.  It's one of those fancy
loopholes in the system.
I think that what you're doing by letting her know
that you and your son love her is really the best
medicine.  Love helps people keep fighting.

And, definitely! let us know how the date went.  It
sounds like this guy may have just been a little too
ready to jump into things because of the wedding "I
should be committed to someone" mentality.  And I know
that I don't need to tell you this, but there's
nothing wrong with being single, if that works best
for you and your son.
It's always nice to give guys a chance, though.  And
as Coops said, "he won't stick out like dog's balls
when you're all together".

Haha, what a ridiculous phrase.  I am definitely going
to try to remember to use that.

And both Beth and Megan referred to Koba as being
"assholish" in the same digest.  Sweet.  I love
people's word choices here.  :-)

Aaand, I've reached a point in my post where I can
break and say, "Hi Ben!"

Jim Mathers-- I love your new style of animal
behaviorism.  I'm convinced that my mouse is one of
these animal nerds.  She runs and runs on her wheel
all day, acting like a normal mouse, and then the
instant I walk into the room, she starts gnawing on
the bars of the cage incessantly.  It's an incredibly
irritating noise, and she'll only stop when I give her
a piece of food.  It's gotten to the point where
she'll now only quit if I give her something that she
considers tasty, like peanuts or these fruity treat
things.  Standard food just won't cut it-- she'll take
it from me and drop it immediately, as though she
didn't get any food yet and she's still absolutely
She's a chubby little pain in the ass, and she
completely has me trained.

On a totally different subject-- Brad, my brother says
the same thing about the Troy Bilt tillers.  He used
to be on the maintenance staff at my grandmother's
apartment building, and they tried to make him use one
on their lawn.  He said it was impossible to get the
hang of it, and then when he figured it out, it was
certainly not as multifunctional as they made it
appear on tv.  They show that stupid thing mowing the
lawn and cutting down small trees and crap.  The lawn
honestly looked like pure garbage in the areas where
he used it.  They would've been better off getting
some goats and a cow to take care of the landscaping.

*** Moms: Travel Agents For Guilt Trips digest ***

Haha, too too true.

I loved the rules of life, Roxanne-- I sent it to my
roommate with this one highlighted:
13. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.

I also found this quote recently: "Health nuts are
going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital--
dying of nothing." ~Redd Fox

My friend's comeback to that one was, "Better to die
of nothing than to die of something like cancer."
Yeah, well, I was sorry to disappoint her, but anyone
can get cancer.  You can do everything to avoid it,
and it can still hit you.  And happy people are more
likely to recover.

Mmm... yummy Coops wrote:
<<Linda... thank you for your lovely description of
why you like storms. I think it had the same effect on
me that storms have on Beth and Lavs. :-) >>

Oooh, to think that I awakened the resident sex god.
Hehee... I'd better get some good luck coming my way
for doing that.  ;-)

Megan said:
<<We have a casino here that doesn't serve alcohol at
all.  Bunk!  I don't know why they do this since they
would make a shit-load more money if they did.  I
don't know anybody that goes there, but I bet a lot of
people would if they weren't dry.  It is only about 10
minutes form my house on the Indian reservation.
Maybe that has something to do with it, I don't

Hmm... well, my brother has worked on two reservation
casinos in New York (the state)-- one was a Mohawk
reservation, and the one that he's at now is an Oneida
reservation.  Anyway, they could serve alcohol at both
places, although I'm sure the laws probably vary from
state to state.  That's really weird that they
wouldn't serve alcohol, though... maybe there's some
reason why they didn't get a license, like some kind
of criminal activity (my dad's friend used to own
casinos--woohoo Mafia--and he can now never have a
liquor license because there was money laundering
going on at their place).

Or, maybe they just don't want to deal with the
security issues of having drunk people around.

John asked, in regards to repetitive movements
possibly leading to improved mood:
<<I thought (and this is just based on what people
have told me, and a *little* bit of reading, so far)
that it was specifically pleasurable, repetitive
movements.  (pleasurable & repetitive?  hmmm...)
Or is it *any* repetitive movements?  Clearly, further
research is called for.>>

Okay, so I have articles on this, and I can't find a
single one of them.  I am so useless.  Anyway, from
what has been shown in some experiments is that it's
repetitive movements in general.  Next year, I'll be
working in a lab where they have cats walking on
treadmills.  They then measure their levels of
serotonin and dopamine, which are two general brain
chemicals that have been associated with improved mood
states.  So far, they've found that just walking on a
treadmill increases levels of those chemicals.  It
seems to be mostly "mindless" repetition, too-- so if
the cat were out walking around in a natural
environment, using the exact same physical movements
but instead were looking for food, they think that the
good mood chemicals wouldn't increase in the same way.
 That hasn't really been tested much in great detail,
but it seems that it's more along the lines of a
leisurely stroll than a purposeful walk that would be
best for mood.  (The word "leisurely" implies a lot--
but it's more the pace and the lack of purpose that
I'm talking about, not the fact that someone is
walking for pleasure.)

This has also been implicated in why people with
autism engage in repetitive behaviors, like rocking
back and forth.  It's kind of like self-medication for
them.  That behavior isn't specifically pleasureable,
but ultimately, it serves that purpose.

And, DONE!  Yay.  Let's see if I can catch up on my
schoolwork now.  :-)


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Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 19:07:04 -0600
From: Bonnie Wayne <bonnie@nmt.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: lost at sea

I love 'Cast Away' too.  I cried when he lost his volleyball.  It was
THAT good!  *giggle*

I really liked it but for some reason I can't like Helen Hunt.  I don't
know what it is about her.

'As Good As It Gets' is another really wonderful movie despite Helen Hunt.

'Twister' would have been bad with anyone - the flying cow was good
though.  A truly memorable movie moment.
Bonnie J. Wayne        E-Mail: bonnie@nmt.edu
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Department of Biology, Masters Candidate



Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 20:41:03 -0500
From: Brad Shultz <springhaze@comcast.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Well I Shot a Man in Reno...

just to watch him die.  And when I hear that whistle blowin', I hang my
head and cry.

I have not heard that one since 1966?  As I recall the captive audience
cheered after the "die" line.  But maybe my recollection is faulty.
Thanks, Koba for reviving some memories.

How about making a recording of the class playing "Symphony for the New
World" and burning it for all of us to hear?  Dvorak rocks.

What else was I going to say?  Oh yeah---and this will get me hate
mail---perhaps DZ should spend her time rearing her child instead of
looking after romantic interests with people who seem to have problems
controlling their senses.

And e thinks we can poop like animals and still be civilized.  As an
aside, even though the French are losers, they do have good wine, women,
cheese and those water things that clean your butt. I can't find how to
spell it now.  Is it bidau?  bidet?  biday?  Oh well.  Now that is
civilized!  I have never been comfy with paper.  It never does the job.
Especially in public RR's where the paper sucks.  Just a personal gripe,
that's all.  When I win the lottery I will have a bidet.




Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 19:26:12 -0600
From: Bonnie Wayne <bonnie@nmt.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: traf

 From Lavs: "But then going by what [Kevin] has said in
the past (on and off list), that wouldn't worry him.

Guess I'm ugly. Time to move on."

True.  If Kevin can adhere to the idea that Afghanistans need to migrate
in wheelbarrows despite every indication that the idea is *cough* umm..
seriously flawed, he obviously doesn't care what people think!

After talking with him more via email, I'm not entirely convinced that
he's very computer savvy.  Maybe he is compared to the average joe but
not compared to a whole lot of linux loving nerds at New Mexico Tech.

Lavs, I don't see any of your comments as being 'ugly'.  I think of
'ugly' as when a person is purposely hurtful.  In my mind, it doesn't
matter how much the person 'deserves it.'

That doesn't mean I skip about hugging Barney etc.
Bonnie J. Wayne        E-Mail: bonnie@nmt.edu
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Department of Biology, Masters Candidate

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

                      *** Dithers And Cream digest ***

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  `    `\|   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
         `             thanks for visiting this pretty garden

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > April 2002