RDT Right Now #2093

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 06:40:02 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: RDT Right Now #2093
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 07 : Issue #2093

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o 
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o 
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .     
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O                        
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Re: Polarinds for Pele                [ Mark Alexander <alexander750@earthl ]

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:   



Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 01:11:15 -0500
From: Mark Alexander <alexander750@earthlink.net>
To: that redhead with the piano <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Re: Polarinds for Pele

In RDTRN #2092, John Bragazzi <utown@worldnet.att.net> wrote:

> What kind of radio dramas do you listen to?  New ones, or "old time  
> radio"
> ones?

	At present, the only drama per se I have is ZBS's "Ruby 3" series. I  
do, however, have quite a few sample lectures from the Teaching  
Company, covering everything from Shakespeare to black holes, and  
also Feynman's "Six Easy Pieces" (an overview of physics and  
chemistry, circa 1960-61).

> You mean you don't own anything newer than Scarlet's Walk?  Or that
> they're just not on your iPod for some reason?
> At the moment, the only one I'd put on would be the new one.  I  
> still love
> Pele, but sometimes I listen to it too much and have to stop for a  
> while.
> Mostly, in recent years, the best thing to get is the series of six
> "official bootlegs."  Those are great.

	No, I don't own anything newer than SW. I am considering the  
"official bootlegs" though...After hearing all the negative feedback  
concerning Beekeeper, and considering how seldom, pre-iPod, I  
listened to much of anything *newer* than Pele (and the live disc on  
TVAB), I stopped buying her studio albums. I may eventually get  
American Doll Posse.

> Oh, [Polaroids] are ancient.  I remember when those first came out  
> (at least
> when people I knew started to have them).  Mid-1960s, I believe.   
> You got
> a little sponge thing in a tube that you had to rub on the pictures as
> they developed.  It smelled really bad.

	Try late 1940s--Ed Land invented the peel-apart instant picture in  
1947, and Polaroid made roll- and sheet-film "Polaroid Land Cameras"  
from that time up until the late 1990s, along with the SX-70 (which  
Land also invented) and its descendants. They still make the film,  
mostly for commercial users (e.g., ID photos) who haven't yet  
switched to digital.
	I had two such cameras, both rigid plastic-bodied units dating from  
the mid 70s. The first was the Zip (aka Swinger). It was fixed-focus,  
took only square black-and-white film (Type 87) and used AG-1 or  
AG-3B flashbulbs. Exposure would be set by squeezing and twisting the  
shutter button until "YES" appeared in the viewfinder. Later I moved  
up to the Super Shooter Plus (aka EL-66), which took all five types  
of peel-apart film: Type 87, 105 and 107 black-and-white and Type 88  
and 108 color. It used flash cubes, and featured all glass optics,  
automatic exposure, a development timer, and a little metal gadget  
called a Cold Clip, for keeping color pictures warm while they  
	Each film type came in a pack, which contained eight exposures. The  
camera back opened up and the film pack would be placed inside. Once  
loaded, the film was prepared for use by pulling a black tab, which  
removed the light barrier. On cameras like the Super Shooter that  
took both black-and-white and color film, you would also select the  
film speed (ASA 75 for color, 3000 (!) for black-and-white),  
typically via a lever atop the lens.
	Film packs typically cost about US$6-8 or so in those days, which  
made prints about 75 cents to a dollar apiece--about 3-4 times as  
expensive as conventional 35mm, 126 or 110 film and development.  
Batteries were conventional AA cells; these went inside the camera  
body, in a little plastic carrier that snapped into place behind the  
lens. This also meant that, if the batteries went dead in mid-pack,  
you were out of luck.
	After taking a picture, you would pull a little white tab, which  
made a big yellow tab pop out. You then grabbed this yellow tab, and-- 
pulling as smoothly as possible--pull the whole thing out.  
Development started from this time and typically took about a minute,  
after which time you would peel off the finished print and discard  
the yellow tab, known unofficially as a "Polarind," chock full of  
nasty smelly corrosive toxic chemicals. Pulling the yellow tab also  
made the next white tab pop out and reset the shutter.
	Type 105 also contained a peel-off negative; you would remove this  
at the same time as the print.
	The "little sponge thing" came with Types 105 and 107 film, and  
contained what pro photographers call a "fixer," to keep the image  
from fading. Immediately after peeling the print off, you would smear  
this onto it (and, if you were using Type 105, onto the negative as  
well). The funky smell was that of "hypo" (ammonium thiosulfate),  
along with wetting and glazing agents. Types 87, 88 and 108 were self- 
coating; later, Type 107 was made self-coating as well (circa 1980,  
designated Type 107C).

> GIMP.  Under Linux?

	In my case, under Mac OS X (via Apple X11) and Windows 2000. The  
GIMP is available for all three platforms, and it's a free download.
	For Linux (and many other Unices) just go to www.gimp.org for the  
latest version. It's almost always bundled with your favorite distro:  
Fedora/Red Hat, SuSE, Debian, Mandriva...
	For Mac OS X, go to gimp-app.sourceforge.net for a prebuilt, ready- 
to-use binary for OS X 10.3 or later (universal binary for PPC and  
Intel). If you don't have Apple X11 installed, just pop in your OS X  
install disk and reboot; look for it in the "optional components" list.
	And for Windows, go to gimp-win.sourceforge.net for all the  
necessary packages; which ones you'll need depend on what version of  
Windows you're running--it'll work with Windows 98 all the way to  
Vista (and I've tried it with both).
	Hey, it beats paying $600 for Photoshop!
	Or paying $1 a print, for that matter.

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

                   *** Subliminal Day Off digest ***

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ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > August 2007